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AIList Digest Volume 8 Issue 081

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest            Monday, 12 Sep 1988       Volume 8 : Issue 81 


Call for papers: SCAI'89
IEEE CVPR 1989 Call for Papers
Interacting with Computers - Call for papers
Intelligent CAD: Call for Papers
Congress on Cybernetics and Systems


Date: 30 Aug 88 10:07:04 GMT
From: mcvax!enea!tut! (Kari Syst{)
Subject: Call for papers: SCAI'89

June 13-15, 1989
Tampere, Finland

1st Announcement and Call for Papers

The Conference is organized by the Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish
artificial Intelligence Societies and Tampere University of Technology.
On behalf of these, the Organization Committee has the pleasure to cordially
invite everyone interested in AI and related topics to participate in SCAI'89.


The program of the Conference will contain invited and contributed papers in
plenary and parallel sessions, workshops and an exhibition.


Contributed papers in the following fields of AI are welcome:

1. Logic and AI theory
2. Knowledge representation and inference methods
3. Knowledge based systems
4. Natural Language and speech
5. AI-tools and environments

Prospective authors of papers are invited to return the attached form together
with an extended abstract of their proposed paper. Abstracts of the papers
should be submitted to the SCAI'89 Secretariat, and are due by October 31,


The abstracts should be informative rather than descriptive and the text
should not exceed three pages.


Acceptance of papers will be notified to the authors by December 31, 1988,
together with full requirements and typing instructions for the manuscripts.
Final manuscripts will have to be submitted for publication not later than
March 31, 1989.


The written papers will be published in the SCAI'89 Proceedings which will
be distributed to the participants at registration.


It has been planned that a workshop titled "Medical Expert Systems" will be
arranged in connection with the Conference. Proposals for other workshop
topics are kindly requested to be sent the SCAI'89 Secretariat before October
31, 1988.


An exhibition of AI-tools and literature will be held during the Conference.
All enquires should be directed to the SCAI'89 Secreteriat.


All correspondence should be directed to:


Tampere University of Technology
Ms Raili Siekkinen
P.O.BOX 527
SF-33101 Tampere

Phone Int +358 31 162441
Telex 22313
Telefax +358 31 162907


Abstracts of papers submitted: October 31, 1988
Acceptance of papers notified: December 31, 1988
2nd Announcement available: January 31, 1989
Manuscripts of papers submitted: March 31, 1989
Registration with reduced fee: March 31, 1989
Hotel reservation: March 31, 1989

Please fill the following questionnaire in and send it to
SCAI'89 Secreteriat before October 31, 1988. You may send it
either by electronic or ordinary mail.


(please fill in)

I wish to receive the 2nd announcement
(If more than one copy, quantity indicated) ( )

I plan to participate in SCAI'89 ( )

I plan to present a paper at the Conference ( )
(title and abstract enclosed)

My paper concerns the topic:

1. Logic and AI theory ( )
2. Knowledge representation and inference methods ( )
3. Knowledge based systems ( )
4. Natural Language and speech ( )
5. AI-tools and environments ( )

I will attend the workshop on Medical Expert Systems ( )

I like to propose a workshop
" "
to be arranged as a part of the Conference (Detailed
proposal enclosed)

My organization is interested in taking part in the
exhibition, please contact me ( )








electronic mail
Kari Systa (ks@tut.UUCP, ..!mcvax!tut!ks, ks@fintut.bitnet)
Tampere Univ. Technology/Computer Systems Laboratory Phone
Po. Box. 527, SF-33101 Tampere work: +358 31 162585
Finland home: +358 31 177412


Date: 31 Aug 88 23:02:18 GMT
From: mailrus!uflorida!haven!uvaarpa!virginia!uvacs!
(Worthy N. Martin)
Subject: IEEE CVPR 1989 Call for Papers


IEEE Computer Society Conference

Sheraton Grand Hotel
San Diego, California
June 4-8, 1989.

General Chair

Professor Rama Chellappa
Department of EE-Systems
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-0272

Program Co-Chairs

Professor Worthy Martin Professor John Kender
Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science
Thornton Hall Columbia University
University of Virginia New York, New York 10027
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

Program Committee

Charles Brown John Jarvis Gerard Medioni
Larry Davis Avi Kak Theo Pavlidis
Arthur Hansen Rangaswamy Kashyap Alex Pentland
Robert Haralick Joseph Kearney Roger Tsai
Ellen Hildreth Daryl Lawton John Tsotsos
Anil Jain Martin Levine John Webb
Ramesh Jain David Lowe

Submission of Papers

Four copies of complete drafts, not exceeding 25 double
spaced typed pages should be sent to Worthy Martin at the
address given above by November 16, 1988 (THIS IS A HARD
DEADLINE). All reviewers and authors will be anonymous for
the review process. The cover page will be removed for the
review process. The cover page must contain the title,
authors' names, primary author's address and telephone
number, and index terms containing at least one of the below
topics. The second page of the draft should contain the
title and an abstract of about 250 words. Authors will be
notified of notified of acceptance by February 1, 1989 and
final camera-ready papers, typed on special forms, will be
required by March 8, 1989. Submission of Video Tapes As a
new feature there will be one or two sessions where the
authors can present their work using video tapes only. For
information regarding the submission of video tapes for
review purposes, please contact John Kender at the address

Conference Topics Include:

-- Image Processing
-- Pattern Recognition
-- 3-D Representation and Recognition
-- Motion
-- Stereo
-- Visual Navigation
-- Shape from _____ (Shading, Contour, ...)
-- Vision Systems and Architectures
-- Applications of Computer Vision
-- AI in Computer Vision
-- Robust Statistical Methods in Computer Vision


November 16, 1988 -- Papers submitted
February 1, 1989 -- Authors informed
March 8, 1989 -- Camera-ready manuscripts to IEEE
June 4-8, 1989 -- Conference


Date: Thu, 1 Sep 88 17:32:37 BST
Subject: Interacting with Computers - Call for papers

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS will provide a new international forum for
communication about HCI issues betwen academia and industry.
It will allow information to be disseminated in a form
accessible to all HCI practitioners, not just to academic researchers.
This new journal is produced in conjunction with the BCS
Human-Computer Interaction Specialist Group. Its aim is to stimulate ideas
and provoke widespread discussion with a forward-looking perspective.
A dialogue will be built up between theorists, researchers and human
factors engineers in academia, industry and commerce thus fostering
interdisciplinary dependencies.

The journal will initially appear three times a year. The first issue
of INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS will be published in March 1989.

Each issue will contain a large number of fully refereed papers
presented in a form and style suitable for the widest possible
audience. All long papers will carry an executive summary for those who would
ot read the paper in full. Papers may be of any length but content will be
substantial. Short applications-directed papers from industrial contributors
are actively encouraged.

Every paper will be refereed not only by appropriate peers but also by experts
outside the area of specialisation. It is intended to support a continuing
commentary on published papers by referees and journal readers.


o Systems and dialogue design
o Evaluation techniques
o User interface design, tools and methods
o Empirical evaluations
o User features and user modelling
o new research paradigms
o Design theory, process and methodology
o State-of-the-art reviews
o Organisational and social issues
o Intelligent systems
o Training and education applications
o Emerging technologies


The editorial board of INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS wish to publish papers in all
areas of HCI. To ensure the desired breadth of coverage it has created three
Special Editorial Boards (SEBs) in:

o Computer science
o Human sciences
o Applications

A wide range of paper types are encouraged. The overriding concern is that
papers should contribute to advancing the field of HCI. All papers should be of
a high standard and should be concerned with wider applications in addition to
intellectual rigour. Papers should take an interdisciplinary approach to HCI
and should address the journal's anticipated diverse readership.

Some initial paper types are:

o State of the art reviews on any aspect of HCI
o Reports on theoretical research, highlighting practice and context
o Brief papers covering technical work-in-progress
o Experience with industrially-based applications
o Discussion of evaluation issues and findings


o HCI professionals
o Computer and social scientists
o Industry practitioners
o Systems, software and interface designers
o Human factors engineers


We invite papers addressing problems and issues in HCI in such a way that the
contents are accessible to readers from all contributing disciplines.
Theoretically-orientated papers should attempt to demonstrate the relevance of
theory to practice and applications-orientated papers are strongly encouraged.

The language of the journal is English but the publishers are
experienced in assisting authors whose first language is not English.
Authors are encouraged to adopt a clear and accessible style. All
papers will be fully and appropriately refereed with respect to content and
paper type.

Authors should submit six copies of their manuscript, typed on one side
only and in double-line spacing to the address below. An explanatory
document, "Guidance for Authors", is also available from this address:

General Editorial and Management Board,
Butterworth Scientific,
P O Box 63,
Westbury House,
Bury Street,
Surrey GU2 5BH,
United Kingdom.


Date: 8 Sep 88 15:11:44 GMT
From: mcvax! (Paul Veerkamp)
Subject: Intelligent CAD: Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Third Eurographics Workshop on
"Practical Experience and Evaluation"

April 3-7, 1989
Hotel Opduin, Texel, The Netherlands

This is the third workshop in a series of three Eurographics Workshops
on Intelligent CAD Systems which have the following topics

1. 1987: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects
2. 1988: Implementational Issues

Applying knowledge engineering to CAD has during the last decade become a
major area of research, known as Intelligent CAD. The scope of this workshop
includes (but is not limited to):

- Experiments with intelligent CAD systems.
- The role of intelligent CAD systems in industrial design.
- Acquisition and maintenance of design expertise.
- Software engineering for implementations of intelligent CAD systems.
- User interfaces for intelligent CAD systems.
- Knowledge representation languages for design.
- Integration of application software (finite elements, qualitative
physics, etc.) to intelligent CAD systems.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
EurographicSeminar Books series. The record of the first workshop has already
been published by Springer-Verlag and the volume covering the second workshop
should be out before December, 1988.

- Nov. 1, 1988 Deadline for extended abstracts.
- Jan. 15, 1989 Notification of acceptance.
- March 15, 1989 Submission of full papers.
- April 3-7, 1989 Workshop.
- May 15, 1989 Deadline for final manuscripts.
- Dec. 1, 1989 Springer-Verlag third volume in book shops.

We are planning to accept 20 papers and we shall limit the total
number of participants to 50. Please submit 3 copies of a single-spaced
extended abstract of at LEAST 1000 and at MOST 3000 words (not counting
figures and references) on A4 sheets before November 1, 1988 to the
workshop secretary:

Ms. Marja Hegt, ICAD WS #3
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel. +31-20-592-4058, Fax +31-20-592-4199, E-mail

Submission by electronic mail is encouraged as long as the author sends
the additional material (e.g. figures) in time. The abstract should
include: title of the contribution, author's name, adress (phone, fax,
e-mail information is very useful), main text and figures, and
references. If you are interested only in participating (but not in
presenting a paper), then you are still required to submit an abstract
which should take the form of a position paper explaining how you regard
the issues of intelligent CAD. We are not planning to admit applicants
who have not submitted an extended abstract (or as explained, a position

1100 Dutch Guilders. This price includes accommodation, food, and
a special excursion. The workshop starts on April 3rd (Monday) with dinner
and ends on April 7th (Friday) after lunch. The fee for an accompanying
non-participating person is 750.

This conference is organised by the Centre for Mathematics and Computer
Science (CWI). The co-chairmen are:
- P.J.W. ten Hagen (CWI, The Netherlands), and
- P.J. Veerkamp (CWI, The Netherlands).

A. Agogino (Univ. of California - Berkeley, USA),
V. Akman (Bilkent Univ., Turkey),
F. Arbab (Univ. of Southern California, USA),
P. Bernus (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary),
A. Bijl (Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland),
J. Encarnacao (TH Darmstadt, West Germany),
T. Kjellberg (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden),
G. Kramer (Schlumberger Palo Alto Research Center, USA),
M. Mac an Airchinnigh (Univ. of Dublin, Ireland),
K. MacCallum (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK),
S. Murthy (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA),
G. Joubert (Philips Eindhoven Research Center, The Netherlands),
D. Sriram (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA),
W. Strasser (Univ. of Tuebingen, West Germany),
T. Takala (Technical Univ. of Helsinki, Finland),
F. Tolman (TNO, The Netherlands),
T. Tomiyama (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan), and
J. Treur (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).


Date: 9 Sep 88 20:12:00 GMT
From: spnhc@cunyvm.bitnet
Subject: Congress on Cybernetics and Systems


8 T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N G R E S S


to be held
June 11-15, 1990
Hunter College
City University of New York
New York, U.S.A.

This triennial conference is supported by many international
groups concerned with management, the sciences, computers, and
technology systems.

The 1990 Congress is the eighth in a series, previous events
having been held in London (1969), Oxford (1972), Bucharest (1975),
Amsterdam (1978), Mexico City (1981), Paris (1984) and London (1987).

The Congress will provide a forum for the presentation
and discussion of current research. Several specialized sections
will focus on computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive
science, psychocybernetics and sociocybernetics. Suggestions for
other relevant topics are welcome.

Participants who wish to organize a symposium or a section,
are requested to submit a proposal ( sponsor, subject, potencial
participants, very short abstracts ) as soon as possible, but not
later than September 1989. All submissions and correspondence
regarding this conference should be addressd to:

Prof. Constantin V. Negoita
Congress Chairman
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College
City University of New York
695 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021 U.S.A.


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