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AIList Digest Volume 8 Issue 057

AIList Digest Friday, 19 Aug 1988 Volume 8 : Issue 57
Maths Newsgroups; Lenat's AM
Merrion Inc.'s TOP-ONE
Hidden Markov models
expert systems
LISP compiler for the CRAY?
AI in Engineering
Date: 15-AUG-1988 22:48:06 GMT
This request is partly stimulated by Paul Benjamin's category theory
I'd like to know of any newsgroups whose discussions include:
(1) Applications of topology, category theory, chaos theory etc. to AI.
With the exception of logic, and some neural net, vision, and low-level
speech work, I've seen very little written on applying such methods:
a great shame, since there are some powerful tools out there.
(2) Discussions about mathematics generally.
(3) Theory and implementation of programming languages (e.g.
denotational semantics; compilation of object-oriented languages; models
of parallelism).
I suspect there are some Usenet newsgroups covering these.
Unfortunately, I can't access them, because our University's computing
service won't pay the entry-to-Britain gateway charges imposed by the
University of Kent. Perhaps some are available in digested form by
another route? (If not, I suppose I could offer my services as digester,
provided that contributions can be switched out of Usenet and through
the UCL or Earn gateways...)
Also, does anyone know of any work on rational reconstructions of
Lenat's concept discovery program AM, or on a formal theory of what it
does? (i.e. a formalisation of notions like the distance between
concepts, the "worth" of a concept, etc).
Thanks in advance for any information. I'll re-send anything of general
interest back to this newsgroup.
Date: 16 Aug 88 20:21:04 GMT
From: dsacg1! (Mott Given)
Subject: Merrion Inc.'s TOP-ONE
I would like to find the telephone number and address of a company called
Merrion Inc. that sells an expert system building tool called TOP-ONE.
Also, I would like comments about TOP-ONE on the pros & cons of using it to
build an expert system application.
Mott Given @ Defense Logistics Agency ,DSAC-TMP, P.O. Box 1605,
Systems Automation Center, Columbus, OH 43216-5002
UUCP: {cbosgd,gould,cbatt!osu-cis}!dsacg1!mgiven
Phone: 614-238-9431
Date: 17 Aug 88 03:31:16 GMT
From: att!alberta!calgary! (Radford Neal)
Subject: Hidden Markov models
I've been playing around with applying hidden Markov models to
data compression. I've read some stuff by S. E. Levinson on
applications of hidden Markov models to speach recognition, and
tried out the apparently famous Baum-Welch algorithm. I'd be
interested in hearing anything about:
- Applications outside speach recognition.
- Algorithms for finding models with many states (say >200).
- Generalizations to two or more dimensions.
- Ways of reducing models to equivalent models with fewer states.
- Anything else you think is amusing.
Radford Neal
Date: 17 Aug 88 16:49:00 GMT
Subject: expert systems
I'm getting interested in Expert Systems. Could someone reccommend any
good books or articles (recent ones) to read?
Rohit Gupta Internet:
P. O. Box 2828 - Sta A UUCP: uunet!uiucuxc!uxe!gupta
Champaign, IL 61820 Bitnet:
"The University of Illinois is in Champaign-Urbana?!? No wonder I couldn't
find it, I thought you said Shampoo-Banana..."
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 88 16:03:33 CDT
Subject: LISP compiler for the CRAY?
Does anyone know of a LISP compiler for the CRAY machine?
Send responses to me at the above e-mail address, or
by mail to:
Jim Phelps
US Sprint
9350 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, KS 66212
or call at 913-967-2542
Thank You
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 88 15:54:12 EDT
From: <sriram@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: AI in Engineering
I am just trying to get a feel from the AILIST readers whether there
is a need for an International Society for AI in Engineering. This
society would cater to application oriented AI researchers in
engineering. If there is enough interest out there, suggestions for
possible organizational strategies would be welcome, i.e., should it
be affiliated with IEEE, AAAI, independent, etc.
End of AIList Digest