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AIList Digest Volume 8 Issue 026

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AIList Digest
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AIList Digest            Tuesday, 26 Jul 1988      Volume 8 : Issue 26 

Today's Topics:


Knowledge Acquisition Workshop Proceedings
Connectionism Conference
late volunteers for AAAI-88???
Chomsky awarded Kyoto Prize in basic sciences
Prolog Source Library


Date: 21 Jul 88 16:08:27 GMT
From: bcsaic! (John Boose)
Subject: Knowledge Acquisition Workshop Proceedings


We have received numerous requests for proceedings information from
recent knowledge acquisition workshops; publication availability is
noted below.

John Boose, Brian Gaines, Co-Chairs

Knowledge Acquisition Workshop Publications
July 1988

Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Banff, Canada, November 1986
Preprints distributed to attendees only.
Revized and updated papers published in the International Journal of
Studies, January, February, April, August and September 1987 special issues
Papers plus editorial material and index collected in two books:
Gaines, B.R. & Boose, J.H. (Eds) Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based
Systems. London: Academic Press, 1988 (due for release Fall 1988).
Boose, J.H. & Gaines, B.R. (Eds) Knowledge Acquisition Tools for Expert
London: Academic Press, 1988 (due for release Fall 1988).

European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, EKAW87, Reading, UK, September 1987
Proceedings available as:
Proceedings of the First European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems.
Send sterling money order or draft for 39.00 payable to
University of Reading to:
Prof. T.R.Addis, Department of Computer Science, University of Reading,
Whiteknights, PO Box 220, Reading RG6 2AX, UK.

Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Banff, Canada, October 1987
Preprints distributed to attendees only.
Revized and updated papers being published in the International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 1988 regular issues (in press).
Papers plus editorial material and index will be collected in book form,
together with other knowledge acquisition papers from IJMMS in 1989.

European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, EKAW88, Bonn, West Germany, June 1988
Proceedings available as:
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems (EKAW88).
Send order to (the GMD will invoice you for DM68.00 plus postage):
Marc Linster, Institut fr Angewandte Informationstechnik der Gesellschaft fr
Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH, Schloss Birlingoven,
Postfach 1240, D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, West Germany.

Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Banff, Canada, November 1988
Preprints available (400-500 pages, early November 1988) as:
Proceedings of the 3rd Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems
Send money order, draft, or check drawn on US or Canadian bank for US$65.00 or
CDN$85.00 to:
SRDG Publications, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4.
Revised and updated papers being published in the International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 1989 regular issues.
Papers plus editorial material and index will be collected in book form,
together with other knowledge acquisition papers from IJMMS in 1990.

We are planning to hold the 3rd European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop
in Paris in July, 1989, and the 4th AAAI-sponsored Knowledge Acquisition
Workshop in Banff, Canada, in the fall of 1989. Watch the net and AI
Magazine for details.
John Boose, Boeing Artificial Intelligence Center
arpa: uucp: uw-beaver!uw-june!bcsaic!john


Date: 22 Jul 88 16:34 +0200
From: Rolf Pfeifer <>
Subject: Connectionism Conference


SGAICO Conference


Program and Call for Presentation of Ongoing Work


University of Zurich, Switzerland
10-13 October 1988

Tutorials: 10 October 1988
Technical Program: 11 - 12 October 1988
Workshops and
session 13 October 1988

Organization: - University of Zurich, Dept. of Computer Science
- SGAICO (Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and
Cognitive Science)
- Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI)

About the conference

Connectionism has gained much attention in recent years as a paradigm for
building models of intelligent systems in which intresting behavioral
properties emerge from complex interactions of a large number of simple
"neuron-like" elements. Such work is highly relevant to fields such as
cognitive science, artificial intelligence, neurobiology, and computer
science and to all disciplines where complex dynamical processes and
principles of self-organization are studied. Connectionism models seem to be
suited for solving many problems which have proved difficult in the past
using traditional AI techniques. But to what extent do they really provide
solutions? One major theme of the conference is to evaluate the import of
connectionist models for the various disciplines. Another one is to see
in what ways connectionism, being a young discipline in its present form,
can benefit from the influx of concepts and research results from other
disciplines. The conference includes tutorials, workshops, a technical program
and panel discussions with some of the leading researchers in the field.

The goal of the tutorials is to introduce connectionism to people who are
relatively new to the field. They will enable participants to follow the
technical program and the panel discussions.

Technical Program:
There are many points of view to the study of intelligent systems. The
conference will focus on the views from connectionism, artificial
intelligence and cognitive science, neuroscience, and complex dynamics.
Along another dimension there are several significant issues in the study
of intelligent systems, some of which are "Knowledge representation and
memory", "Perception, sequential processing, and action", "Learning", and
"Problem solving and reasoning". Researchers from connectionism, cognitive
science, artificial intelligence, etc. will take issue with the ways
connectionism is approaching these various problem areas. This idea is
reflected in the structure of the program.

Panel Discussions:
There will be panel discussions with experts in the field on specialized
topics which are of particular interest to the application of connectionism.

Workshops and Presentations of Ongoing Work:
The last day of the conference is devoted to workshops with the purpose of
identifying the major problems that currently exist within connectionism,
to define future research agendas and collaborations, to provide a
platform for the interdisciplinary exchange of information and experience,
and to find a framework for practical applications. The workshop day will
also feature presentation of ongoing work (see "Call for presentation of
ongoing work").

* *
* *
* Presentations are invited on all areas of connectionist research. The focus *
* is on current research issues, i.e. "work in progress" is of highest *
* interest even if major problems remain to be resolved. Work of RESEARCH *
* GROUPS OR LABORATORIES is particularly welcome. Presentations can be in the *
* form of poster, or demonstration of prototypes. The goal is to encourage *
* cooperation and the exchange of ideas between different research groups. *
* Please submit an extended abstract (1-2 pages). *
* *
* Deadline for submissions: September 2, 1988 *
* Notification of acceptance: September 20, 1988 *
* *
* Contact: Zoltan Schreter, Computer Science Department, University of *
* Zurich, Switzerland, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland *
* Phone: (41) 1 257 43 07/11 *
* Fax: (41) 1 257 40 04 *
* or send mail to *
* *
* *


MONDAY, October 10, 1988

08.30 Tutorial 1: Introduction to neural nets.
F. Fogelman
- Adaptive systems: Perceptrons (Rosenblatt) and Adalines
(Widrow & Hoff)
- Associative memories: linear model (Kohonen),
Hopfield networks, Brain state in a
box model (BSB; Anderson)
- Link to other disciplines

09.30 Coffee

10.00 Tutorial 2: Self-organizing Topological maps.
T. Kohonen
- Theory
- Application: Speech-recognizing systems
- Tuning of maps for optimal recognition accuracy
(learning vector quantization)

11:30 Tutorial 3: Multi-layer neural networks.
Y. Le Cun
- Elementary learning mechanisms (LMS and Perceptron) and
their limitations
- Easy and hard learning
- Learning in multi-layer networks: The back-propagation
algorithm (and its variations)
- Multi-layer networks:
- as associative memories
- for pattern recognition (a case study)
- Network design techniques; simulators and software tools

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Tutorial 4: Parallel Distributed Processing of symbolic structure.
P. Smolensky
Can Connectionism deal with the kind of complex highly
structured information characteristic of most AI domains?
This tutorial presents recent research suggesting that
the answer is yes.

15.30 Coffee

16.00 Tutorial 5: Connectionist modeling and simulation in neuroscience and
R. Granger
Biological networks are composed of neurons with a range of
biophysical and physiological properties that give rise to
complex learning and performance rules embedded in
anatomical architectures with complex connectivity.
Given this complexity it is of interest to identify which
of the characteristics of brain networks are central and
which are less salient with respect to behavioral function.
"Bottom-up" biological modeling attempts to identify the
crucial learning and performance rules and their
appropriate level of abstraction.

17.30 End of tutorial sessions

Technical Program

TUESDAY, October 11, 1988


09:00 Connectionism: Is it a new paradigm? M. Boden

09:45 Discussion

10:00 Coffee

1. Knowledge Representation & Memory. Chair: F. Fogelman

The perspective of:

10:30 - Connectionism. P. Smolensky Dealing with structure in

11:15 - AI/ N.N.
Cognitive Science

12:00 - Neuroscience/ C. v. der Malsburg
Connectionism A neural architecture for
the representation of
structured objects

12:45 Lunch

2. Perception, Sequential Processing & Action. Chair: T. Kohonen

The perspective of:

14:30 - Connectionism M. Kuperstein Adaptive sensory-motor
coordination using neural

15:15 - Connectionism/ M. Imbert Neuroscience and Connectionism:
Neuroscience The case of orientation

16:00 Coffee

16:30 - AI/ J. Bridle Connectionist approaches to
Connectionism artificial perception:
A speech pattern processing

17:15 - Neuroscience G. Reeke Synthetic neural modeling:
A new approach to Brain Theory

18:00 Intermission/snack

18.30 - 20.00 panel discussion/workshop on

Expert Systems and Connectionism. Chair: S. Ahuja

D. Bounds D. Reilly
Y. Le Cun R. Serra


WEDNESDAY, October 12, 1988

3. Learning. Chair: R. Serra

The perspective of:

9:00 - Connectionism Y. Le Cun Generalization and network
design strategies

9:45 - AI Y. Kodratoff Science of explanations versus
science of numbers

10:30 Coffee

11:00 - Complex Dynamics/
Genetic Algorithms
H. Muehlenbein Genetic algorithms and
parallel computers

11:45 - Neuroscience G. Lynch Behavioral effects of learning
rules for long-term

12:30 Lunch

4. Problem Solving & Reasoning. Chair: R. Pfeifer

The perspective of:

14:00 - AI/ B. Huberman Dynamical perspectives on
Complex Dynamics problem solving and reasoning

14:45 - Complex Dynamics
L. Steels The Complex Dynamics of common

15:30 Coffee

16:00 - Connectionism J. Hendler Problem solving and reasoning:
A Connectionist perspective

16:45 - AI P. Rosenbloom A cognitive-levels perspective
on the role of Connectionism
in symbolic goal-oriented

17:30 Intermission/snack

18:00 - 19:30 panel discussion/workshop on

Implementation Issues & Industrial Applications. Chair: P. Treleaven

B. Angeniol G. Lynch
G. Dreyfus C. Wellekens


Workshops and presentation of ongoing work

THURSDAY, October 13, 1988

9:00-16:00 Workshops in partially parallel sessions. There will be a separate
poster/demonstration session for the presentation of ongoing work. The
detailed program will be based on the submitted work and will be available at
the beginning of the conference.

The workshops:

1. Knowledge Representation & Memory
Chair: F. Fogelman

2. Perception, Sequential Processing & Action
Chair: F. Gardin

3. Learning
Chair: R. Serra

4. Problem Solving & Reasoning
Chair: R. Pfeifer

5. Evolutionary Modelling
Chair: L. Steels

6. Neuro-Informatics in Switzerland: Theoretical and technical neurosciences
Chair: K. Hepp

7. European Initiatives
Chair: N.N.

8. Other

16:10 Summing up: R. Pfeifer

16:30 End of the conference


Program as of June 29, 1988, subject to minor changes



Computer Science Department, University of Zurich
Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (SGAICO)
Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI)

University of Zurich-Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Gabi Vogl
Phone: (41) 1 257 43 21
Fax: (41) 1 257 40 04

Rolf Pfeifer
Zoltan Schreter
Computer Science Department, University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich
Phone: (41) 1 257 43 23 / 43 07
Fax: (41) 1 257 40 04

Sanjeev B. Ahuja, Rentenanstalt (Swiss Life)
General Guisan-Quai 40, CH-8022 Zurich
Phone: (41) 1 206 40 61 / 33 11

Thomas Bernold, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, CH-8803 Ruschlikon
Phone: (41) 1 461 37 16
Fax: (41) 1 461 37 39

Participation fees
Conference 11-13 October 1988:
Regular SFr. 350.--
SI/SVI-members SFr. 250.--
Full time students SFr. 100.--

Tutorials 10 October 1988:
Regular SFr. 200.--
SI/SVI-members SFr. 120.--
Full time students SFr. 50.--

For graduate students / assistants a limited number of reduced
fees are available.

Documentation and refreshments are included.
Please remit the fee only upon receipt of invoice by the
Computer Science Department.

The language of the conference is English.

If a registration is cancelled, there will be a cancellation charge of
SFr. 50.-- after 1st October 1988, unless you name a replacement.

Hotel booking
Hotel booking will be handled separately.
Please indicate on your registration form
whether you would like information on hotel

Proceedings of the conference will be published in book form.
They will become available in early 1989.


Date: 25 Jul 88 16:55:29 GMT
Subject: late volunteers for AAAI-88???

Some people are still asking is it possible to be a volunteer at
AAAI-88 even though the deadline has passed?

We are now accepting names on a waiting list. We cannot confirm
before the conference.

If you would like to volunteer but have not been accepted
please send us your information (as per the instructions
below). Then be at the volunteer orientation on Saturday
August 20 at 10am in rm c-6 of the st Paul civic center.
If there are any open positions, they will be given out on a
first come first serve basis.

Thank you for your interest in AAAI-88

-Richard Feifer


ANNOUNCEMENT: Last Call: Student Volunteers Needed for AAAI-88

DEADLINE: July 1, 1988

AAAI-88 will be held August 20-26, 1988 in beautiful St. Paul,
Minnesota. Student volunteers are needed to help with local
arrangements and staffing of the conference. To be eligible for
a Volunteer position, an individual must be an undergraduate or
graduate student in any field at any college or university.

This is an excellent opportunity for students to participate
in the conference. Volunteers receive FREE registration at
AAAI-88, conference proceedings, "STAFF" T-shirt, and are
invited to the volunteer party. More importantly, by
participating as a volunteer, you become more involved and
meet students and researchers with similar interests.

Volunteer responsibilities are varied, including conference
preparation, registration, staffing of sessions and tutorials and
organizational tasks. Each volunteer will be assigned
twelve (12) hours.

If you are interested in participating in AAAI-88 as a
Student Volunteer, apply by sending the following information:

Electronic Mail Address (for mailing from arpa site)
USMail Address
Telephone Number(s)
Dates Available
Student Affiliation
Advisor's Name




Valerie Aylett
3531-K Boelter Hall
Computer Science Dept.
Los Angeles, California 90024-1596

Thanks, and I hope you join us this year!

Richard Feifer
Student Volunteer Coordinator
AAAI-88 Staff

Richard G. Feifer
145 Moore Hall -- Los Angeles -- Ca 90024


Date: 25 Jul 88 19:05:48 GMT
From: mind! (Bob Freidin)
Subject: Chomsky awarded Kyoto Prize in basic sciences

On June 24th the Inamori Foundation of Japan announced the recipients of
this year's Kyoto Prizes.

Basic Sciences: Noam Chomsky (for contributions to Linguistics)

Advanced Technology: John McCarthy (for pioneering in Artificial

Creative Arts and Moral Sciences: Paul Thieme (for contributions
to the history of Indian philosophy)

Each recipient will receive a prize of 45 million yen (approx. $350,000).
This is the fourth year these prizes, characterized as Japan's version of
the Nobel, have been awarded. Kyoto Prize Laureates in the first two areas

Basic Sciences Advanced Technology

1985: Claude E. Shannon Rudolf Emil Kalman
1986: George E. Hutchinson Nicole M. Le Douarin
1987: Jan H. Oort Morris Cohen


Robert Freidin
Program in Linguistics
Princeton University


Date: 25-JUL-1988 22:22:16 GMT
Subject: Prolog Source Library

From: Jocelyn Paine,
St. Peter's College,
New Inn Hall Street,
Oxford OX1 2DL.
(mail address only; please don't phone).

Janet Address: POPX @ OX.VAX


About 6 months ago, I announced the Prolog Source Library of public
domain software. Anyone can send or contribute. I haven't had as many
entries as I'd hoped (gentle hint: several subscribers said they'd send
things, and haven't yet); and there must be new readers who don't know
of it. So this is a reminder.

I shall follow with details of how the library works, and end with a
summary of the catalogue so far. If you want to contribute entries, or
to request them, please read on...


How to send contributions.

Please send source for the library, to user POPX at Janet address
OX.VAX (the Vax-Cluster at Oxford University Computing Service). If a
file occupies more than about 1 megabyte, please send a short message
about it first, but don't send the large file itself until I reply
with a message requesting it. This will avoid the problems we
sometimes have where large files are rejected because there isn't
enough space for them.

I accept source on the understanding that it will be distributed to
anyone who asks for it. I intend that the contents of the library be
treated in the same way as (for example) proofs published in the
mathematical literature, and algorithms published in computer science
textbooks - as publicly available ideas which anyone can experiment
with, criticise, and improve.

I will try to put an entry into the library within one working week of
its arrival.

Catalogue of entries.

I will keep a catalogue of contributions available to anyone who asks
for it.

The catalogue will contain for each entry: the name and geographical
address of the entry's contributor (to prevent contributors receiving
unwanted electronic mail, I won't include their electronic mail
addresses unless I'm asked to do so); a description of the entry's
purpose; and an approximate size in kilobytes (to help those whose
mail systems can't receive large files easily).

I will also include my evaluations of its ease of use, of its
portability and standardness (by the standards of Edinburgh Prolog);
and my evaluation of any documentation included.

Quality of entries.

Any contribution may be useful to someone out there, so I'll start by
accepting anything. I'm not just looking for elegant code, or logical
respectability. However, it would be nice if entries were to be
adequately documented, to come with examples of their use, and to run
under Edinburgh Prolog as described in "Programming in Prolog" by
Clocksin and Mellish. If you can therefore, I'd like you to follow the
suggestions below.

The main predicate or predicates in each entry should be specified
so that someone who knows nothing about how they work can call them.
This means specifying: the type and mode of each argument, including
details of what must be instantiated on call, and what will have
become instantiated on return; under what conditions the predicate
fails, and whether it's resatisfiable; any side-effects, including
transput and clauses asserted or retracted; whether any initial
conditions are required, including assertions, operator
declarations, and ancilliary predicates. In some cases, other
information, like the syntax of a language compiled by the
predicate, may be useful.

A set of example calls would be useful, showing the inputs given,
and the outputs expected. Use your discretion: if you contribute an
expert system shell for example, I'd like a sample rulebase, and a
description of how to call the shell from Prolog, and some
indication of what questions I can ask the shell, but I don't
require that the shell's dialogue be reproduced down to every last
carriage return and indentation.

For programmers who want to look inside an entry, adequate comments
should be given in the source code, together perhaps with a more
general description of how the entry works, including any relevant

In the documentation, references to the literature should be given,
if this is helpful.

Entries should be runnable using only the predicates and operators
described in "Programming in Prolog" (if they are not, I may not be
able to test them!). I don't object to add-on modules being included
which are only runnable under certain implementations - for example,
an add-on with which a planner can display its thoughts in windows
on a high-resolution terminal - but they will be less generally

As mentioned earlier, I will evaluate entries for documentation and
standardness, putting my results into the catalogue. If I can, I
will also test them, and record how easy I found them to use, by
following the instructions given.

I emphasise that I will accept all entries; the comments above suggest
how to improve the quality of entries, if you have the time.

Requesting entries.

I can't afford to copy lots of discs, tapes, papers, etc, so I can
only deal with requests to send files along the network. Also, I can't
afford to send along networks that I have to pay to use from Janet.

You may request the catalogue, or a particular entry in it. I will
also try to satisfy requests like "please send all the natural
language parsers which you have" - whether I can cope with these will
depend on the size of the library.

I will try to answer each request within seven working days. If you
get no reply within fourteen working days, then please send a message
by paper mail to my address. Give full details of where your
electronic mail messge was sent from, the time, etc. If a message
fails to arrive, this may help the Computing Service staff discover

Although I know Lisp, I haven't used it enough to do much with it,
though I'm willing just to receive and pass on Lisp code, and to try
running it under VAX Lisp or Poplog version 13 Lisp.

I will also accept Pop-11 code. Depending on what happens to the Poplog
Users' Group library (policy is being decided now), I'll either add the
code to a Pop-11 section of my library, or pass it on to PUG.


Contributed by Salleh Mustaffa, University of Manchester
Copyright (c) 1987 by David Lau-Kee, Univ. of York.

Simple Prolog turtle package, for VT100 or similar.

Contributed by R.A.O'Keefe
Authors: Alan Mycroft & R.A.O'Keefe

(This program was sent to the Prolog Digest on the 14th of November,

Defines a way to specify a type for each predicate, and a type-checked
"consult" which checks goals against the type of the predicate called.

Jocelyn Paine

Defines a predicate, 'grexpand', for expanding Definite Clause Grammar
Rules into Prolog clauses. These are the standard form of DCG rules, for
which a translator is built-in to many Prologs.

The translator is essentially the same as that published in "Programming
in Prolog", by Clocksin and Mellish.

Contributed by Philip Dart, Melbourne University

Doubly-linked list-handling package sent to the Prolog Digest on 14th of
November by Philip Dart, Melbourne University. Creates cyclic structures
along whicch you can move in either direction.

Jocelyn Paine

Allows one to separate text files which have been concatenated into a
larger file. Mainly useful to separate files belonging to the Prolog
Library which have been packed in this way.

Author: Ben Staveley-Taylor

This program - called POEM by its author - comes from a Poplog Users'
Group tape, received in early 1987.

POEM makes available some of the features found in languages like
Simula-67. Classes may be defined, objects (instantiations of classes)
created and operated on as high- level entities.

Contributed by Bert Shure, SUN Microsystems
Written by John Cugini, National Bureau of Standards

Various utility predicates, some commonly used, some not.

Predicates include: member; append; maplist; other list-handling
predicates; predicates for handling sets represented as lists;
type-testing predicates; sorting and merging; readline; a predicate for
getting the printable representation of a term; rational number
predicates; meta-logical predicates for dealing with true disjunction
and negation.

Jocelyn Paine

Reads a file or files of Prolog goals, where each goal is accompanied by
a specification saying whether it should succeed, fail, cause an error,
or pass some tests on its bound variables.

For each goal/specification pair, the program calls the goal, and
compares its effect with the specification. If they differ, then a
warning message is displayed. Useful for automatically testing
predicates against their expected outputs.

Jocelyn Paine
Shelved on the 21st of December 1987

Predicates for manipulating sets of integers, represented as lists of
disjoint intervals. This is a compact way of representing large sets,
provided that they contain few gaps between intervals.

Jocelyn Paine
Shelved on the 21st of December 1987

There are two sets of predicates, one for VT100s and one for VT52s.

They: move to X,Y; clear a line or page; set inverse or normal video.

Contributed by J.G. Forero, Reading University

The predicates' functions are: test for list-ness; test for sublist;
find element at known position, or position of known element; remove
duplicates; flatten a list; add element after known element; find that
part of a list following a given element.

Contributed by Steve Jones, Reading University

A small expert system for forestry management.

Contributed by Paul O'Brien and Masoud Yazdani, Exeter University

LINGER is a language-independent system to analyse natural language
sentences and report and correct grammatical errors encountered. An
important objective is that the system should be easily configured for a
particular natural language by an expert in that language but not in
computer science.

Only a French grammar is available.

Contributed by the AI Applications Institute, Edinburgh University

The DEC-10 Prolog Library was an extraordinary and catholic collection of
Prolog routines, largely written by research workers and students in Professor
Alan Bundy's Mathematical Reasoning Group at the Department of Artificial
Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh. In summer 1987 we sifted through
the enormous amount of material in this library, grouping similar material
together and converting some of the more used programs into Edinburgh Prolog.

These programs are all examples of Prolog programming to deal with objects and
problems of many kinds. (Some of these examples are very good examples, others
are not so; some are well commented, some have separate documentation, some
have none.) You may be able to load tools for low-level operations into your
code ready-made, or you may gain insight into how to write good Prolog (as we
did) through just browsing amongst the source code here.


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