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AIList Digest Volume 7 Issue 048

AIList Digest Thursday, 30 Jun 1988 Volume 7 : Issue 48
Today's Topics:
gardening systems
the Michalski-Stepp Conceptual Clustering Algorithm
Response to: gardening systems
Math discussion list?
Date: 27 Jun 88 14:51:40 GMT
Subject: gardening systems
I would like to know whether anyone knows about a computer program that
could help me with my gardening. I'm interested in all kinds of computer
programs either for indoor or outdoor running on any personal computer.
Does anyone have experience in using a computer to plan her/his gardening and
diagnose deseases of the plants? I know there are many knowledge based systems
for many different domains. Does anyone know a similar application for
I appreciate any response and discussion on this question. Thanks, Parvis.
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 88 11:20:43 CDT
From: smu!leff@uunet.UU.NET (Laurence Leff)
Subject: /tmp/naulin
Mr. Nanlin has implemented the Michalski-Stepp Conceptual Clustering
Algorithm in Common Lisp on a TI-Explorer. It has been tested out on the
following examples in the literature:
The microcomputer exmaple, Figure 8 [1]
The figure example, Figure 6 [2`
He needs answers to the following two questions:
Does anyone have any more extensive test data for it.
Does anyone know how to generate artificial test data of arbitrary size
for this algorithm.
[1] Michalski, Ryszard S. and Stepp, Robert E., Automated Construction
of Classifications: Conceptual Clustering Versus Numerical Taxonomy
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume PAMI 5,
No. 4, July 1983
[2] Michalski, R. S. and Stepp, R., Revealing Conceptual Structure in Data by
Inductive Inference, Machine Intelligence, #10, Editors, J. E. Hayes, Donald
Laurence Leff: Coordinator, Computer Science and Engineering Departmental
Computer Facilities Management Team, Complete Address: 75275-0122, 214-692-2859
Moderator comp.doc.techreports/TRLIST, Symbolic Math List
convex!smu!leff leff%smu.uucp@uunet E1AR0002 at SMUVM1 (BITNET)
Date: 28 Jun 88 09:13:38 GMT
From: otter! (Ian Dickinson)
Subject: Re: gardening systems
> / / parvis@pyr.gatech.EDU (FULLNAME) / 3:51 pm Jun 27, 1988 /
> I know there are many knowledge based systems
> for many different domains. Does anyone know a similar application for
> gardening?
I don't know about gardening, but there was a project over here about three
years ago in the domain of crop disease diagnosis, which might give you some
useful pointers. It was a collaboration between ICI (Imperial Chemical
Industries, who make grungy chemicals for killing bugs) and a small (then,
at least) software house called, I think, ISI. ISI produced a fairly
standard es-shell for the project called _Savoir_. [If you think this is a
long prelude, you're right - I can't remember the name of the project :-( ]
There was a paper on it at one of the _Expert Systems '8n_ conferences held
by the BCS (where member( n, [5, 6, 7] ))
Apologies for the fallible memory...
> I appreciate any response and discussion on this question. Thanks, Parvis.
You are welcome - sorry it's a rather broad-band response.
|Ian Dickinson net: All opinions expressed |
|Hewlett Packard Labs are my own, and not |
|Bristol, England ijd@hplb.uucp necessarily those of |
|0272-799910 ..!mcvax!ukc!hplb!ijd my employer. |
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 88 21:41:51 EDT
From: Thanasis Kehagias <ST401843%BROWNVM.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Math discussion list?
a while ago, people mentioned the existence of discussion lists on math and
science. can you point me to the email adresses of the above?
Thanks, Thanasis
End of AIList Digest