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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 230

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest            Thursday, 8 Oct 1987     Volume 5 : Issue 230 

Today's Topics:
Queries - Structural Design and Fabrication &
500K Interconnections Per Second,
Literature - Annual Review of Computer Science,
Databases - Speech Databases,
Representation - Time,
Bibliography - Temporal Representation and Reasoning


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 87 01:39 EDT
Subject: Project - Structural Design and Fabrication

From: "Keith J. Werkman (KJW1 @ LEHIGH) ATLSS Project B1" <KJW1@LEHIGH>

I would like to be added to your mailing list. I am interested in
Expert Systems related to the Engineering field....Civil Engineering
to be exact. My PhD research area is in the Design and Fabrication of
Steel Structures. The project, sponsored by NSF, is part of Lehigh
University's Engineering Research Center called ATLSS for Advanced
Technology in Large Structural Systems. My assigned project is called
the Designer/Fabricator Interface or interpreter (DFI). We are
looking into developing a system to help structural steel designers
better understand the steel fabricator's points of view and, at the
same time, allow the fabricator better understand how/why the designer
has ordered the specific fabrication in his drawings.

Thus, the system needs to present points of view. Current approach
includes a frame based system in Quintus Prolog on a Sun 3/160C. The
system includes such things as graphics (sunGKS) for input and display
of shop drawings in an effort to better describe events as preceived
by various parties involved.

Hopefully, the result will be a system that will help the mom-and-pop
design and fabrication firms throughout our country, hence (and this
is the NSF main point) make the US construction industry more
competative in the US marketplace. Thus, an interesting topic area
with some real potential goals.

If you know of any net messages/listing/notices/wispers of ES areas
any AI/ES related to CE, structural design, fabrication, welding,
erection, connection design, I would be most interested. Since I am
the only CS grad student currently involved with network SIGS in the
ATLSS center, I feel that any info I can get on current ES in CE might
be useful to others research projects such as connection design ,
material research, business related topics to ES in CE, etc...

Keith J Werkman
Lehigh University
CSEE Department
Packard Laboratory, #19
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Nets: ihnp4!c11ux!lehi3b15!scarecrow!keithw


Date: 5 Oct 87 06:17:13 GMT
From: munnari!mulga.oz!jayen@uunet.UU.NET (Jayen Vaghani)
Subject: 500K interconnections - what does that mean?

In the Spang Robinson report, there was mention of neural chips handling 500K
interconnections per second? What does this actually mean? How do these chips
actually work (basically)?

Thanks, Jayen.


Date: 4 Oct 87 23:47:54 GMT
From: Walter Maner<psuvax1!pitt!bgsuvax!maner@RUTGERS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Annual Review of Computer Science

> The book "Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence"
> by M. R. Genesereth, N. J. Nilsson contains the following reference,
> Levesque, H., "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",
> Annual Review of Computer Science, 1986
> Can anyone give me information about the above journal? I cannot find it
> anywhere.

This is not a journal but a book published each year by Annual Reviews, Inc.,
4139 El Camino Way, Post Office Box 10139, Palo Alto, CA 94303. The ISBN #
of the volume you want is 0-8243-3201-6. The same nonprofit company
publishes annual reviews of twenty-six other sciences. The 1986 review
of computer science was their first volume in this new series. Your article
begins on page 255.

CSNet : | CS Dept 419/372-2337
UUCP : {cbatt,cbosgd}!osu-cis!bgsuvax!maner | BGSU
Generic : | Bowling Green, OH 43403
Opinion : If you are married, you deserve a MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend!


Date: Mon, 05 Oct 87 10:28:58 -0400
From: "Steven J. Nowlan" <>
Subject: Speech Databases

A while back I posted a request for information on publically available
speech databases. A number of people sent me requests for this information
so I am posting a summary.

The best source of these databases in North America is the National
Bureau of Standards (NBS). The person to speak to is David Pallett
whose phone number is (301) 975-2935. However he is extremely busy.

The NBS maintains copies of several speech databases for isolated word
or connected digit recognition. They make copies of these databases
available on various media so that interested parties can copy the
database for their own uses. However, the waiting lists for most of
these databases are very long!

Here is a brief summary of what is available:

1. TI Isolated Word Database - digits, 10 control words, alpha-set
Multi-speaker, isolated word

2. VERBEX Database - eleven digits, multi-speaker, isolated word

3. FAA Database - 68 word vocab., multi-speaker, isolated word, phone lines

4. TI Connected Digits Database - variable length digit strings, multi-speaker

Access to the above is obtained by contacting David Pallett.

5. AFTI/F-16 - 70 word vocab., multi-speaker, high-noise
Contact: Dr. Thomas J. Moore, Biological Acoustics Branch
Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Lab, Wright-Patterson
AFB, OH 45433.

6. MIT ICE CREAM database - connected sentences (1000 different sentences)
multi-speaker. Contact: David Pallett (Available end 87)

7. DARPA "Spelling Bee" Database - sentences of form "word spelling", 600
word vocab., multi-speaker, Contact: David Pallett (Avail 87?)

There are also a couple of DARPA databases available to the DARPA contractor
community, which are not yet public access, but may be in the near future.

Thanks to everyone who provided me with information, and I hope others
may find the above information useful.

Steve Nowlan
EAN,X.400: nowlan@ai.toronto.cdn
UUCP: {uunet,watmath}!!nowlan


Date: Mon, 5 Oct 87 12:08:38 EDT
From: rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU (William J. Rapaport)
Subject: representation of time

Another representation of time, inspired by Allen's work, but differing
in significant ways, is in:

Michael J. Almeida, "Reasoning about the Temporal Structure of
Tech. Report 87-10 (Buffalo: SUNY Buffalo Dept. of
Computeer Science, 1987).

Copies may be had by contacting:

William J. Rapaport
Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computer Science, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260

(716) 636-3193, 3180

uucp: ..!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!rapaport
csnet: rapaport@buffalo.csnet
[if that fails, try:
or: ]
bitnet: rapaport@sunybcs.bitnet


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 87 17:03:00 PDT
From: rshu@ADS.ARPA (Richard Shu)
Subject: Bibliography on Temporal Representation and Reasoning


I've been reading up on temporal representation and reasoning
recently and have compiled the following bibliography. Please
distribute it to ailist if appropriate.

Richard Shu

author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals, TR 86",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "A general model of action and time, TR 97",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

key "allen81c",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "An Interval-Based Representation of Temporal Knowledge",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th IJCAI",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1981"}

key "allen83a",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals",
journal "Communications of the ACM",
volume "26(11)",
pages "832-843",
year "1983"}

key "allen83b",
author "ALLEN, J.F. & KOOMEN, J.A.",
title "Planning using a temporal world model",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
year "1983"}

key "allen84",
author "ALLEN, J.F.",
title "Towards a general theory of action and time",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "23(2)",
pages "123-154",
year "1984"}

author "ALLEN, J.F. and HAYES, P.J.",
title "A Commonsense Theory of Time: The Longer Paper",
institution "University of Rochester, Department of Computer Science",
year "1985"}

key "allen85b",
author "ALLEN, J.F. and HAYES, P.J.",
title "A Commonsense Theory of Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
year "1985"}

key "bruce72",
author "BRUCE, B.",
title "A Model for Temporal References and
its Application in a Question Answering Program"
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "4",
pages "1-25",
year "1972"}

author "Cheeseman, P.",
title "A Representation of Time for Planning, Technical Note 278",
institution "SRI Artificial Intelligence Center",
year "1983"}

key "cheeseman84",
author "Cheeseman, P.",
title "A Representation of Time for Automatic Planning",
booktitle "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics",
organization "IEEE",
year "1984"}

key "chun86",
author "Chun Hon Wai",
title "A Representation for Temporal Sequence and Duration
in Massively Parallel Networks: Exploiting Link Interactions"
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Time Map Maintenance",
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1983"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Planning and Temporal Reasoning Under Uncertainty",
booktitle "Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Principles of
Knowledge-Based Systems"
organization "IEEE",
month "December",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Managing Time Maps",
booktitle "Proceedings of CSCSI 84.
Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence"
organization "CSCSI",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "A TNMS User's Manual",
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1984"}

author "DEAN, T.L.",
title"Temporal imagery: an approach to reasoning about time for planning
and problem solving"
institution "Yale University Computer Science Department",
year "1985"}

key "dean85",
author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Temporal Reasoning Involving Counterfactuals and Disjunctions",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1060-1062",
month "August",
year "1985"}

key "dean86",
author "DEAN, T.L.",
title "Intractability and time dependent planning",
booktitle "Proceedings of the Workshop on Planning and Reasoning About Action",
organization "AAAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "fagan80",
author "FAGAN, J.J.",
title "Representing Time-Dependent Relations in a Medical Setting",
type "Ph.D. thesis",
institution "Stanford University",
year "1980"}

author "HANKS, S. and MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "Temporal Reasoning and Default Logics",
institution "Yale University Department of Computer Science",
year "1985"}

key "hendrix73",
author "HENDRIX, G.G",
title "Modeling Simultaneous Actions and Continuous Processes",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "4",
pages "145-180",
year "1973"}

key "hirschman81",
author "HIRSCHMAN, L.",
title "Representing implicit and explicit time relations in narrative",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th IJCAI",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "289-295",
month "August",
year "1981"}

key "kahn77",
author "KAHN, K. and GORRY, G.A.",
title "Mechanizing Temporal Knowledge",
journal "Artificial Intelligence",
volume "9",
pages "87-108",
year "1977"}

key "kandrashina83",
author "Kandrashina, E.Y.",
title "Representation of Temporal Knowledge",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "343-345",
year "1983"}

key "ladkin85",
author "LADKIN, P.B.",
title "Comments on the Representation of Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of the 1985
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop"
year "1985"}

key "ladkin86a",
author "LADKIN, P.",
title "Primitives and Units for Time Specification",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "ladkin86b",
author "LADKIN, P.",
title "Time Representation: A Taxonomy of Interval Relations",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

key "leban86",
author "LEBAN, B., MCDONALD, D and FORSTER, D.",
title "A Representation for Collections of Temporal Intervals",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}

key "long83b",
author "LONG, W. and RUSS, T.",
title "A Control Structure for Time Dependent Reasoning",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
pages "230-232",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1983"}

key "malik83",
author "MALIK, J. and Binford T.O.",
title "Reasoning in Time and Space",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "343-345",
year "1983"}

key "masui83b",
author "MASUI, S., MCDERMOTT, J. and SOBEL, A.",
title "Decision-Making in Time-Critical Situations",
booktitle "Proceedings of 8th IJCAI 1983",
pages "233-235",
organization "IJCAI",
month "August",
year "1983"}

key "miller85",
author "Miller, D., Firby, J. and Dean, T.",
title "Deadlines, Travel Time and Robot Problem Solving",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1052-1054",
year "1985"}

key "mourelatos78",
author "MOURELATOS, A.P.D.",
title "Events, processes and states",
journal "Linguistics and Philosophy",
volume "2",
pages "415-434",
year "1978"}

author "MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Processes and Plans",
institution "Yale University Department of Computer Science",
year "1981"}

key "mcdermott82",
author "MCDERMOTT, D.",
title "A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Processes and Plans",
journal "Cognitive Science",
volume "6",
pages "101-155",
year "1982"}

key "Moore80",
author "Moore, R.",
title "Reasoning about knowledge and action (Technical Report 191)",
institution "SRI AI Center",
year "1980"}

key "rescher",
author "RESCHER, N.",
title "Temporal Logic",
publisher "Springer-Verlag",
address "New York",
year "1971" )

key "rit86",
author "Rit, J.",
title "Propagating temporal constraints for scheduling",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
pages "383-388",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "SHOHAM, Y.",
title "Reasoning About Change:
Time and Causation from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligens"
type "Ph.D. thesis",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "Shoham, Y.",
title "Reified Temporal Logics: Semantical and Ontological Considerations",
booktitle "Proceedings of 7th ECAI, Brighton, U.K.",
organization "ECAI",
month "July",
year "1986"}

key "shoham86",
author "Shoham, Y.",
title "Chronological Ignorance:
Time, Nonmonotonicity, Necessity and Causal Theories"
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
pages "389-393",
year "1986"}

key "Smith83",
author "Smith, S.F.",
title "Exploiting Temporal Knowledge to Organize Constraints,
Technical Report CMJU-RI-TR-83-12"
institution "CMU Robotics Institute",
year "1983"}

key "Vere81",
author "Vere, S.A.",
title "Planning in Time: Windows and Durations for Activities and Goals",
institution "California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory",
year "1981"}

key "Vere84",
author "Vere, S.A.",
title "Temporal Scope of Assertions and Window Cutoff",
institution "California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory",
year "1984"}

key "vere85",
author "Vere, S.",
title "Temporal Scope of Assertions and Window Cutoff",
booktitle "Proceedings of 9th IJCAI 1985",
organization "IJCAI",
pages "1055-1059",
year "1985"}

key "vilain82",
author "VILAIN, M.",
title "A System for Reasoning About Time",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-82, Pittsburgh, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1982"}

key "vilain86",
author "VILAIN, M. and KAUTZ, H.",
title "Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning",
booktitle "Proceedings of AAAI-86, Philadelphia, Pa.",
organization "AAAI",
month "August",
year "1986"}


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