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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 189

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AIList Digest            Monday, 27 Jul 1987      Volume 5 : Issue 189 

Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Leff File a55AB


Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1987 10:37 CST
From: Leff (Southern Methodist University)
Subject: Bibliography - Leff File a55AB

%A Rudolph E. Seviora
%T Knowledge-Based Program Debugging Systems
%J IEEE Software
%V 4
%N 3
%D May 1987
%P 20-32
%K AA08
%X Divides debugging, whether done by human or by computer into three
a) those that look at the code and compare to specifications
b) those that look at the output
c) those that look at the internal trace
In the latter category, there exists only one system, MTA which is
a PROLOG based system to view internal traces from communication
based software which is often done using finite-state machines.
Falosy is an example of a system that tries to debug by comparing
the output and then reasoning to the program. Proust, Laura, and Pudsy
are example of systems that look at the code and compare it to the

%T New Products
%J ComputerWorld
%D APR 13, 1987
%V 21
%N 15
%P 44
%K H01 AT02 AI06
%X AST's new read right software associated with it's page scanner
will handle mixed fonts, variable character sizes and spacing and
reduced and enlarged photocopies.

%T Breaking the Lisp Language Barrier with COBOL
%J Mini-Micro Systems
%D May 1987
%P 27
%V 20
%N 5
%K AA06 AT02
%X Cullinet has announced a series of expert system programs based on
COBOL, OrderEXL, SalesEXL, VoiceEXL and DMS applications expert.

%A John Goach
%T Coming: A System for Real Time Dialog
%J Electronics
%D APR 30, 1987
%P 38-39
%K AI05
%V 60
%N 9
%X Spicos, handles 1000 word vocabulary, in continuous speech. The system
gives spoken answers and also uses the context of the word to help identify it.

%A Henry Eric Firdman
%T Which Comes First -- Development Or Specs
%J ComputerWorld
%D APR 13, 1987
%V 21
%N 15
%P 69-73
%K O02 AI01 rapid prototyping AA08
%X Discusses whether a prototype model of development is appropriate
for expert systems as well as software projects in general and what actions
are appropriate and not appropriate under such a model of development.

%A Jean S. Bozman
%T MDBS Develops Guru for VAX
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%D May 25, 1987
%N 21
%K H01 T03 AI09 AT02
%X GURU, which currently runs on PC's, will be ported to
both VMS and Ultrix with costs of $17,000 to $60,000

%A Charles Babcock
%T Quick and Dirty Fixes May Work Best
%J ComputerWorld
%V 21
%D May 25, 1987
%N 21
%P 25
%K AA08
%X A study has shown that advanced development techniques leads to more
costly maintenance, not less. "Programmers who perform impromptu fixes
without checking documentation may be just as effective as those who
follow more structured approaches." They also found that a greater
percentage of the requests made by users were implemented in systems
where the user under the system.

%A Rosemary Hamilton
%T DG Courts LISP Machine
%J ComputerWorld
%D APR 13, 1987
%V 21
%N 15
%P 93+
%K H02 AT16 Lisp Machine Inc. LMI Data Bankruptcy General
%X Data General made an offer to buy Lisp Machine, which is subject
to approval of an LMI creditor's committee. Lisp Machine has filed
under Chapter 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy Law

%A Paul Wallich
%T Putting Speech Recognizers to Work
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D APR 1987
%P 55-57
%K AI05 H01
%V 24
%N 4
%X List of current products available.
SSB-1000, Speaker dependent isolated word, 144 words, 95% accuracy, $250
VoDialer, Speaker Dependent isolated word, 48 words, 95% accuracy, $349
(for allowing cellular telephone users to dial numbers)
Dragon Systems Voice Scribe, Speaker-dependent, isolated word, 1000 words, $1195
IBM, Speaker-dependent isolated word, 64 words, 95-98% accuracy, $1195
Intel, Speaker Dependent Isolated Word, 200 words
Interstate Voice Products, Speaker-dependent, connected speech, 400 words,
98% accuracy, $395
Interstate Voice Products, Speaker-dependent continuous speech, 100 words,
99% accuracy, $4000
Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Speaker-dependent, isolated word, 1000 words,
NEC, SAR 10, Speaker-dependent, isolated word, 250words , 98% accuracy, $599
NEC, SR10, Speaker-Dependent, isolated words, 128 words, 98% accuracy, $600
NEC, DP-200, Speaker-Dependent, connected speech, 150 words, $7500
Speech Systems, speaker-dependent, connected speech, 20000 words, 90% accuracy,
TI, speaker-dependent, isolated word, 1000 words, $995.00
Voice Connection, speaker-dependnet, isolated-word, 400 words, 98% accuracy,
Voice Control Systems, Speaker-independent, isolated word, 40 words, 98.5%
accuracy, $1000.00
Votan, Speaker-independent isolated-word, 13 words, 98% accuracy, $1350
Votan, speaker-dependnet, continuous speech, 640 words, 94 percent, $1200.00

%A H. Sardar Amin Saleh
%T Artificial Intelligence and Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 781-789
%K AA05 AI01 T02

%A Shuichi Fukuda
%T Development of an Expert System for the Design Support of an Oil Storage
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 791-796
%K AA05 AI01 GA01
%X This system copes with such as issues, corrosions, local regulations
and interfaces with numerical software to assist in the design of oil
storage tanks.

%A John F. Brotchie
%A Ron Sharpe
%A Bertil Marksjo
%A Michael Georgeff
%T Introducing Intelligence and Knowledge Into CAD
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 797-810
%K AA05 optimization quadratic programming
%X discusses applications of AI to quadratic programming with nonconvex

%A U. Flemming
%A R. Coyne
%A T. Glavin
%A M. Rychener
%T A Generative Expert System for the Design of Building Layouts
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 811-821
%K AA05 kitchen bathroom generate and test AI09 DENDRAL
%X This system designs kitchen and bathrooms using an approach based
upon DENDRAL with a generator generating possible layouts and a
tester evaluating them against the constraints.

%A S. F. Jozwiak
%T Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Structural Optimization
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 823-834
%K AA05 AI04
%X AI techniques are used to reduce the computer time in determining
the optimal positions of the nodes in a
three dimensional truss. This type of optimization is done by setting up
a constraint corresponding to each member of the truss insuring that
that member does not bear unacceptable stresses. This work compares
known truss structures against the one being optimized to determine
which elements are likely to have stresses lower than adjacent
stresses so they don't need to have their stresses computed.
Same content as a paper appearing in \fIComputers
in Structures\fR by the same author.

%A T. J. Ross
%A F. S. Wong
%T Structural Damage Assessment Using AI Techniques
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 835-846
%K AI01 AA05 AA18
%X This system helps assess the possible damage to buried concrete
boxes from nearby nuclear explosions

%A Peter W. Mullarkey
%T A Geotechnical KBS Using Fuzzy Logic
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 843-860
%K AA05 AI01 O04
%X This system helps interpret the results of cone penetrometer tests in
determining the soil conditions where some structure will have its foundation.

%A Kenneth R. Maser
%T Automated Interpretation of Sensor Data for Evaluating In-Situ Conditions
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 861-888
%K AA05 radar signal interpretation AI06 AI01
%X The system helps model bridge deck deterioration using ground penetrometer
studies. The expert system deals with considerations from radar signal
analysis, radar/concrete physics, and bridge engineering.

%A Yoon-Pin Foo
%A Hideaki Kobayashi
%T A Framework for Managing VLSI CAD Data
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 889-898
%K AA05 AA09 AA16
%X compares a frame based system using is-a type inheritance with
INGRES database approach showing that operations are performed
about sixty percent faster in their frame based system.

%A Nikhil Balram
%A William P. Birmingham
%A Sean Brady
%A Robert Tremain
%A Daniel P. Siewiorek
%T The MICON System for Single Board Computer Design
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 899-910
%K AA04 AI01
%X This system constructions microcomputer boards. It deals with
the problems of interfacing IO chips from one family such as a
Z80 SIO chip to some other microprocessor. The system also handles
analog type constraints such as bus propagation, etc.

%A Jeffrey L. Dawson
%T Excirsize - An Expert System for VLSI Transistor Sizing
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 911-916
%K AA04 AI01
%X Describes how to size transistors for NMOS fabrication where
the goal is to achieve some propagation constraint at minimum
power consumption.

%A Ravi Malhotra
%A Ken Chao
%A Osama Mowafi
%T A Knowledge-Based System for Network Communication Design
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 917-924
%K AA08
%X discusses applications to designing the backbone part of a network
consisting of high speed communication paths and the access part consisting
of low speed lines connecting to various cities.

%A Stuart C. Shapiro
%A Sargur N. Srihari
%A Ming-Ruey Taie
%A James Geller
%T VMES: A Network-Based Versatile Maintenance System
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 925-936
%K AA21
%X Shows how in a structure based diagnostic expert system, to save
memory for common parts. I. E., if there are several op-amps in
the circuit, one doesn't want to store the capacitors, etc. for each
op-amp in the memory that comprise the op-amps. Techniques are developed
to phase in the detailed description of a part when needed to save computer
time. The article also discussed the graphic interface to the VMES
and shows how the system chooses what to display and how to arrange
these items on the screen.

%A Tao Li
%T Heuristic Search in Digital System Diagnosis
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 937-946
%K AI03 AA04
%X shows a variation of the A* algorithm for use in detecting
faults in sequential circuits. The article also shows how to handle
circuits that are not "resettable," there is no signal that is
guaranteed to force the system into a known state.
Various theoretical results regarding such fault detections are also

%A William P. C. Ho
%T A Plan Patching Approach to Switchbox Routing
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 947-958
%K AA04 AI09
%X When a conventional routing system reports failure, i. e. all the
rules that it has available have been tried, this system will come in
and try and patch the almost completed solution into a successful
routing of the switchbox.

%A Bryant W. York
%T KBTA: An Expert Aid for Chip Test
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 959-970

%A Jozsef Vancza
%T CODEX: A Coding Expert for Programmable Logic Controllers
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 971-984
%K AA05
%X This system takes a generic description of the control task
to be performed and translates it into the language for a specific
make and model of programmable controller.

%A Ernesto Guerrieri
%A Vinod Grover
%T Octtree Solid Modeling with Prolog
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 985-1002
%K T02 AA05
%X Shows how the OCTTREE data structure for representing objects can be
entered as Prolog acts and unions, interference checking and
neighbor finding are performed upon them.

%A G. Goldbogen
%A D. Ferrucci
%T Extending the Octree Model to Include Knowledge for Manufacturing
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1003-1012
%K T01 T02 AA26
%X Describes feature extraction algorithms on octtrees for
features such as hole boundaries.

%A C. B. Bouleeswaran
%A H. G. Fischer
%T A Knowledge Based Environment for Process Planning
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1013-1028
%K AA26 AI01
%X describes a system that generates process plans for rotational parts
such as screws. The system supports integrated design of the part
to be machined and the manufacturing process to use on it.

%A Joao P. Martins
%A Stuart C. Shapiro
%T Hypothetical Reasoning
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1029-1042
%K AI16
%X Discusses a generic purpose tool to allow users to raise hypotheses,
reason from them, discard various hypotheses and perform the appropriate
truth maintenance. The system uses contexts to avoid backtracking.

%A Robert Milne
%T Fault Diagnosis Using Structure and Function
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1043-1054
%K AA19 AI01
%X A troubleshooting paradigm called the "Theory of Responsibilities"
is introduced and applied to testing circuits. It works from "second
principles" in assigning responsability for various parts of the output
waveform to various components of the circuit.

%A D. Sharma
%A B. Chandrasekaran
%A D. Miller
%T Dynamic Procedure Synthesis, Execution, and Failure Recovery
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1055-1072
%K AA05 nuclear power plant AI01 AI09
%X Describes a system for planning failure recovery, synthesis,
monitoring for nuclear power plants. A comparison of the "event-oriented"
and "function oriented" approaches to nuclear power plant management
is provided. The nuclear industry is shifting to the latter in reaction
to the TMI difficulties. The implications of this for expert system
applications and an example from reactor scram concerns are also
provided. Various plan templates and blackboards are used in processing.
The final expert system consists of system specialists, specialists in
various kind of undesirable events and specialists in various kind of goals
such as reducing radioactivity.

%A B. Demo
%A M. Tilli
%T Expert System Functionalities for Database Design Tools
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1073-1082
%K AI01 AA09
%X Discusses the CARS system, an expert system for the design of databases.

%A Geoffrey D. Gosling
%A Anna M. Okseniuk
%T SLICE - A System for Simulation Through a Set of Cooperating Experts
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1083-1096
%K This paper describes simulation tools to investigate the application
of expert systems to aircraft control environments.

%A T. J. Grant
%T Maintenance Engineering Management Applications of Artificial Intelligence
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1097-1122
%K AA21 AI01 AA05
%X This is a survey of potential applications of artificial intelligence
to managing the maintenance of aircraft. An interesting comment is
that twenty percent of all faults are novel (noone ever saw them before).
These faults required twice as many repair hours to fix as the average
fault. For any given diagnostician, the number of faults that he never
saw before approaches sixty percent. It is interesting to note that
63 percent of the Royal Air Force's manpower is employed doing maintenance.

%A Benoit Faller
%T Expert Systems in Meteorology
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1123-1127
%K AA16 AI01
%X presents expert systems for forecasting airport fog-in conditions,
storm forecasting and avalanche risks. Fogs are predicted in the afternoon
for the following morning.

%A Karl-Erik Arzen
%T Expert Systems for Process Control
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1127-1138
%K AA05 AI01
%X Uses of expert systems with various control systems concepts such
as the Ziegler-Nichols auto-tuner, smart PID controller and the Nichols

%A Atsumi Imamiya
%A Akoio Kondoh
%A Akiyoshi Miyatake
%T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to the Modeling of the User-Computer
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1139-1151
%K AA08 AA15 AI01
%X describes a system to automate the production of help systems
for software.

%A John R. Hogley
%A Alan R. Korncoff
%T Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: A Revolutionary Change
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1155-1160
%K AA05 AI01
%X This is a general article devoid of technical content.

%A Kai-li Kan
%T Expert Systems in Telecommunications Network Planning and Design
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1161-1165
%K AI01 AA08
%X discusses the implications of expert system in design networks.
The gentleman belongs to the "Strategic Technology Assessment" department
of Pacific Bell.

%A Ye-Sho Chen
%T Expert System for On-Line Quality Control
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1165-1174
%K AI01 AA05 AA21 automotive O04 Pareto
%X Discusses a diagnostic system for automobile brakes.
The system uses Pareto optimality to assist in uncertainty calculus.

%A K. M. Chalfan
%T An Expert Executive Which Integrates Heterogenous Computational Programs
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1175-1174
%K AI01 AA05 aerospace preliminary design
%X Discusses a proposed system to automate weight, aerodynamics,
propulsion and performance codes in the preliminary design of airplanes.

%A A. Kissil
%A A. Kamel
%T An Expert System Finite Element Modeler
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1179-1186
%K AI01 AA05
%X Discusses an expert system for use in generating meshes for
finite elements. Includes a discussion of heuristics that will generate
a mesh with a desired accuracy. This is done by comparing a parametric
distortion of a region whose stresses are known with the unknown region.

%A Paul F. Monaghan
%A James G. Doheny
%T Knowledge Representation in the Conceptual Design Process for Building
Energy Systems
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1187-1192
%X discusses using expert systems and hierarchies in the design of
HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)

%A Prem Kumar Kalra
%T Development of Expert System for Fault Diagnosis in HVDC Systems Using
Spectral Approach
%B Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Problems
%E D. Sriram
%E R. Adey
%V 2
%I Computational Mechanics Publications
%C Woburn, Massachussetts
%D 1986
%P 1193-1198
%K AA21 AA05 AI01
%X discusses using Fast Fourier Transform, Fast Walsh Transform
and expert systems to help diagnose
high voltage DC and analog systems


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