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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 180

AIList Digest Wednesday, 15 Jul 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 180
Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Leff a58C (Part 2 of 2)
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1987 17:39 CST
From: Leff (Southern Methodist University)
Subject: a58C (Part 2 of 2)
%A D. Driankov
%T An Outline of a Fuzzy Sets Approach to Decison making with Interdependent
%J Fuzzy Sets and Systems
%V 21
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 275-288
%K O04 AI13
%A J. J. Buckley
%T The Fuzzy Mathematics of Finance
%J Fuzzy Sets and Systems
%V 21
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 257-274
%K AA06 O04
%A S. K. M. Wong
%A W. Ziarko
%T Comparison of the Probabilistic Approximate Classification and the Fuzzy
Set Model
%J Fuzzy Sets and Systems
%V 21
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 357-362
%K O04
%A W. Karkowkski
%A N. O. Mulholland
%A T. L. Ward
%T A Fuzzy Knowledge Base of an Expert System for Analysis of Manual Lifting
Tasks (Case Studies and Applications Contribution)
%J Fuzzy Sets and Systems
%V 21
%N 3
%D MAR 1987
%P 363
%K AA05 O04
%A S. S. Rao
%T Description and Optimum Design of Fuzzy Mechanical Systems
%J Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design
%V 109
%N 1
%D MAR 1987
%K AA05 O04
%P 126-132
%A Heiko Krumm
%T Logical Verification of Concurrent Programs
%J Angewandte Informatik
%N 4
%D APR 1987
%P 131-140
%K AA08
%A Janice I. Glasgow
%A Glenn H. MacEwen
%T Developing and Proof of a Formal Specification for a Multilevel
Secure System
%J ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
%V 5
%N 2
%D May 1987
%P 151
%K AA08
%A A. Pashtan
%T A Prolog Implementation of an Instruction-level Simulator
%J Software Practice and Experience
%V 17
%N 5
%D MAY 1987
%P 309-318
%K AA08 AA04 T02
%A James L. Flanagan
%T Speech Processing an Evolving Technology
%J MAG130
%P 2-11
%K AI05
%A James G. Josenhans
%A John F. Lynch, Jr.
%A Marian R. Rogers
%A Richard R. Rosinski
%A Wendy P. VanDame
%T Speech Processing Application Standards
%J MAG130
%P 23-33
%K AI05
%A Robert J. Perdue
%A Eugene L. Rissanen
%T Conversant 1 Voice System: Architecture and Applications
%J MAG130
%P 34-47
%K AI05
%X Conversant is a Registered Trademark
%A John G. Ackenhusen
%A Syed S. Ali
%A James G. Josenhans
%A John W. Moffett
%A Reuel R. Robertson
%A Jaime R. Tormos
%T Speech Processing for AT&T Workstations
%J MAG130
%P 60-67
%K AI05
%A John G. Ackenhausen
%A Syed S. Ali
%A David Bishop
%A Louis F. Rosa
%A Reed Thorkildsen
%T Single-Board General-Prupose Speech Recognition System
%J MAG130
%P 48-59
%K AI05
%A Martha Birnbaum
%A Larry A. Cohen
%A Frank X. Welsh
%T A Voice Password System for Access Security
%J MAG130
%P 68-74
%K AI05
%A Bishnu S. Atal
%A Lawrence R. Rabiner
%T Speech Research Directions
%J MAG130
%P 75-88
%K AI05
%A Knut Conradsen
%A Gert Nilsson
%T Data Dependent Filters for Edge Enhancement of Landsat Images
%J Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
%V 38
%N 2
%D MAY 1987
%P 101-121
%K AI06
%A Ken-Ichi Kanatani
%T Structure and Motion from Optical Flow Under Perspective Projection
%J Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
%V 38
%N 2
%D MAY 1987
%P 122-146
%K AI06
%A Azriel Rosenfeld
%T Picture Processing: 1986
%J Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
%V 38
%N 2
%D MAY 1987
%P 147
%K AI06
%A W. Greblicki
%A M. Pawlak
%T Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Bayes Risk Consistency of a Recursive
Kermnel Classification
%J IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
%D MAY 1987
%V 33
%N 3
%P 408-411
%K O04
%A V. Wispfenning
%T The Complexity of the Word Problem for Abelian I-Groups
%J Theoretical Computer Science
%V 48
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 127
%K AI14 AI10
%A A. V. Zhozhikashvili
%A V. L. Stefanyuk
%T The Category Theory in Problems of Knowledge Representation and Learning
%J Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences
%V 24
%N 5
%D SEP-OCT 1986
%P 11-23
%K AI16 AI04
%A Ye. K. Gordiyenko
%T Implementation of Search Functions of the FRL Language Using a Two-Tag
Associative Memory
%J Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences
%V 24
%N 5
%D SEP-OCT 1986
%P 43-58
%K AI03
%A L. I. Feygin
%T Estimation of the Value of the Planning Horizon in the Case of Fuzzy
Durations of the Operations
%J Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences
%V 24
%N 5
%D SEP-OCT 1986
%P 97-101
%K AI09 O04
%A Ronald R. Yager
%T On the Dempster-Shafer Framework and New Combination Rules
%J Information Sciences
%V 41
%N 2
%D MAR 1987
%P 93-138
%K O04
%A J. C. A. Van Der Lubbe
%A D. E. Boekee
%A Y. Boxma
%T Bivariate Certainty and Information Measures
%J Information Sciences
%V 41
%N 2
%D MAR 1987
%P 139-170
%K O04
%A M. A. Zuenkev
%A A. S. Kulguskin
%A A. G. Poletykin
%T Forming Similarity Relations in Analogy-Driven Systems
%J Automation and Remote Control
%V 47
%N 11 Part 2
%D NOV 1986
%P 1543-1551
%K AI16
%A S. Daley
%A f. F. Gill
%T Attitude Control of a Spacecraft Using an Extended Self-Organizing
Fuzzy Logic Control
%J Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C
%V 201
%N 2
%D 1987
%P 97-106
%K AA05 O04
%A G. Jumarie
%T A Concept of Observed Weighted Entropy and its Application to Pattern
%J MAG131
%P 191-194
%K AI06
%A J. H. Kim
%T Distributed Inference for Plausible Classification
%J MAG131
%P 195-202
%K AI06
%A J. Ma
%A X. Lu
%A C. Wu
%T A Motion Constraint Equation Under Space-Varying or Time Varying
%J MAG131
%P 203-206
%K AI06
%A M. Werman
%A A. Y. Wu
%A R. A. Melter
%T Recognition and Characterization of Digitized Curves
%J MAG131
%P 207-214
%K AI06
%A G. Cristobal
%A J. Bescos
%A J. Santamaria
%A J. Montes
%T Wigner Distribution Representation of Digital Images
%J MAG131
%P 215-222
%K AI06
%A S. Peleg
%A D. Keren
%A L. Schweitzer
%T Improving Image Resolution Using Subpixel Motion
%J MAG131
%P 223-226
%K AI06
%A M. C. Yuan
%A J. G. Li
%T A Production System for LSI Chip Anatomizing
%J MAG131
%P 227-232
%K AI06
%A R. D. Grisell
%T Noniterive Correction of Images and Motion Sequences
%J MAG131
%P 223-242
%K AI06
%A P. Fua
%A A. J. Hanson
%T Resegmentation Using Generic Shape: Locating General Cultural Objects
%J MAG131
%P 243
%K AI06
%A A. M. Rustamov
%A N. G. Dzhanibekova
%A V. G. Zakiev
%T Development of the Automated System on the Analysis of Reader Demand in
Regional Integral Automated Library-Bibliography Systems
%J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Seriya II - Informatsionnye
Protsessy I Sistemy
%N 3
%D 1987
%P 11-18
%K AA14
%A I. A. Bolshakov
%T Pure Automatic Seplling Correction Based on the Keyboard Model of
Common Errors
%J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Seriya II - Informatsionnye
Protsessy I Sistemy
%N 3
%D 1987
%P 11-18
%A K. V. K. K. Prasad
%A T. S. Lamba
%T Natural Language Interface Based on Keyword Extraction Using AWK
%J Microprocessors and Microsystems
%V 11
%N 3
%D APR 1987
%K AI02
%P 157-160
%A A. N. Averkin
%A V. B. Tarasov
%T The Fuzzy Modeling Relation and its Application to Artificial Intelligence
%J MAG122
%P 3-24
%K O04
%A A. V. Alexeyev
%A A. N. Borisov
%A V. I. Glushkov
%A O. A. Krumberg
%A G. V. Merkuryeva
%A V. A. Popov
%A N. N. Slyadz
%T A Linguistic Approach to Decision-Making Problems
%J MAG123
%P 25-42
%K AI02 AI13 O04
%A R. A. Aliev
%T Production Control on the Basis of Fuzzy Models
%J MAG123
%P 43-56
%K O04
%A A. F. Blishun
%T Fuzzy Learning Models in Expert Systems
%J MAG123
%P 57-70
%K AI01 AI04 O04
%A V. E. Zhukovin
%A F. V. Burshtein
%A E. S. Korelov
%T A Decisoin Making Model with Vector Fuzzy Preference Relation
%J MAG123
%P 71-80
%A S. G. Svarovski
%T Usage of Linguistic Variable Concept for Human Operator Modelling
%J MAG123
%P 107-114
%K O04 AI02
%A D. A. Pospelov
%T Fuzzy Reasoning in Pseudo-Physical Logics
%J MAG123
%P 115-120
%K O04
%A S. V. Chesnokov
%T The Effect of Semantic Freedom in the Logic of Natural Language
%J MAG123
%P 121-154
%K AI02 O04
%A D. I. Shapiro
%T Human Specifics, Fuzzy Categories and Counteraction in Decision
Making Problems
%J MAG123
%P 155-170
%K AI13 O04
%A I. A. Newman
%A R. P. Stallard
%A M. C. Woodward
%T A Hybrid Multiple Processor Garbage Collection Algorithm
%J The Computer Journal
%V 30
%N 2
%D APR 1987
%P 110-118
%K T01 H03
%A J. L. Dupouey
%T Using Artificial Intelligence Languages for the Calculation of
Inbreeding Coefficients - New Tools for an Old Problem
%J Computers in Biology and Medicine
%V 17
%N 2
%D 1987
%P 71-74
%K AA10
%A Rob Gerth
%A W. P. de Roever
%T Proving Monitors Revisited: a First Step Towards Verifying Object
Oriented Systems
%J Fund. Inform.
%V 9
%D 1986
%N 4
%P 371-399
%K AA08
%A P. T. Cox
%T On Determining the Causes of Nonunifiability
%J J. Logic Programming
%V 4
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 33-58
%K AI14 AI10
%A Peter van Emde Boss
%T A Semantical Model for Integration and Modularization of Rules
%P 78-92
%K AI01 AI16
%A Ken Hirose
%T An Approach to Proof Checker
%P 113-127
%K AA13 AI14 AI11
%A Guy Jumarie
%T New Decision Rules in Statistical Pattern Recognition
%J Kybernetes
%V 16
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 11-18
%K AI06
%A A. V. Kabulov
%A B. I. Zufarov
%T Logical Methods for the Design of Optimal Correctors of Heuristic
%B "Fan"
%C Tashkent
%D 1985
%P 11-17
%K AI16
%A I. V. Kotel'nikov
%T An Algorithm for Constructing a Set of Irredundant Fuzzy Sets
%J Avtomat. i. Telemekh.
%D 1986
%N 9
%P 139-144
%K O04
%A M. A. Nait Abdallah
%T Al-Khowarizmi: A Formal System for Higher Order Logic Programming
%P 545-553
%K AI10
%A Zbigniew W. Ras
%A Maria Zemankova
%T Learning in Knowledge Based Systems, a Possibilistic Approach
%P 630-638
%K AI04 O04
%A D. Snyers
%T Theorem Proving Techniques and P-Functions for Logic Design and
Logic Programming
%J Philips J. Res
%V 41
%D 1986
%N 5
%P 560-505
%K AA04 AI11 AI10
%A Zbigniew M. Wojcik
%T The Rough Sets Utilization for Linguistic Pattern Recognition
%J Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci
%V 34
%D 1986
%N 5-6
%P 285-312
%K AI06 AI02
%A S. K. M. Wong
%T Algorithm for Inductive Learning
%J Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci.
%V 34
%D 1986
%N 5-6
%P 271-276
%K AI04
%A S. K. M. Wong
%A Wojciech Ziarko
%T Remarks on Attribute Selection Criterion in Inductive Learning Based
on Rough Sets
%J Bull. Polish. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci
%V 34
%D 1986
%N 5-6
%P 273-283
%K AI04
%A W. Bibel
%A Ph. Jorrand
%T Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. An Advanced Course.
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%V 232
%I Springer-Verlag
%C Berlin-New York
%D 1986
%K AI16 AT15
%A V. Arvind
%A Somenath Biswas
%T An O($N sup 2$) algorithm for the Satisfiability Problem of a Subset
of Propositional Sentences in CNF that Includes all Horn Sentences
%J Inform. Process. Lett
%V 24
%D 1987
%P 67-69
%K O06 AI10
%A Luis Farinas del Cerro
%A Martti Pentonnen
%T A Note on the Complexity of the Satisfiability of Modal Horn Clauses
%J J. Logic Programming
%V 4
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 1-10
%K AI11 O06
%A Fracoise Fogelman-Soulie
%A Gerard Weisbuch
%T Random Iterations of Threshold Networks and Associative Memory
%J SIAM J. Comput
%V 16
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 203-220
%K AI16 AI08
%A Erik Tiden
%T First-order Unification in Combinations of Equational Theories (Ph. D.
%I Royal Institute of Technology
%C Stockholm
%D 1986
%K AI14 AI11
%A Moshe Y. Vardi
%T Querying Logical Databases
%J J. Comput. System Sci
%V 33
%D 1986
%N 2
%P 142-160
%K AA09 AI10
%A Zbigniew M. Wojcik
%T Contextual Information Research within Sentence with the Aid of the Rough
%J Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci
%V 34
%D 1986
%N 5-6
%P 313-330
%K AI02 O04
%A Friedhelm Hinz
%T Regular Chain Code Picture Languages of Nonlinear Descriptional
%P 414-421
%K AI06
%A Stephen D. Brookes
%T A Fully Abstract Semantics and a Proof System for an ALGOL-like language
with Sharing
%B Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics
%P 59-100
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%I Springer-Verlag
%C Berlin-New York
%D 1986
%K AA08
%A Susanne Graf
%T A Complete Inference System for an Algebra of Regular Acceptance Models
%P 386-395
%K AI10
%A Laszlo Bela Kovacs
%T Automated Protocol Verification
%B Kozl.-MTA Szamitastech. Automat. Kutato Int. Budapest
%N 33
%D 1985
%P 37-45
%A M. J. Beeson
%T Proving Programs and Programming Proofs
%B Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, VII
%S Stud. Log Foundations Math.
%V 114
%I North-Holland
%C Amsterdam-New York
%D 1986
%K AA08 AI16
%A Anne-Marie Deroualt
%A Bernard Merialdo
%T Language Modelling Using a Hidden Markov Chain with Application
to Automatic Transcription of French Stenotypy
%B Semi-Markov Models
%I Plenum
%C New York-London
%D 1986
%K AI02
%A A. J. Baddeley
%T Stochastic Geometry and Image Analysis
%B Mathematics and Computer Science (Amsterdam 1983)
%P 1-18
%S CWI Monographs
%V 1
%I North-Holland
%C Amsterdam-New York
%D 1986
%K AI06
%A A. G. Ivakhenko
%A S. A. Petukhova
%T Objective Computerized Clustering. I. Theoretical Questions
%J Soviet J. Automat. Inform. Sci
%V 19
%D 1986
%N 3
%P 1-9
%K O06
%A Hassan Ait-Kaci
%T LOGIN: A Logic Programming Language with Built-in Inheritance
%J MAG132
%P 185-215
%K AI10
%A Marco Bellia
%A Giorgia Levi
%T The Relation Between Logic and Functional Languages: A Survey
%J MAG132
%P 217-236
%K AT08
%A Karl-Hans Blasius
%T Equality Reasoning with Equality Paths
%P 57-76
%K AI14
%A Wolfram Buttner
%T Unification in the Data Structure Sets
%P 470-488
%K AI14 AA08
%A Ahlenm Ben Cherifs
%A Pierre Lescane
%T An Actual Implementation of a Procedure that Mechanically Proves
Termination of Rewriting Systems Based on Inequalities Between
Polynomial Interpretations
%P 42-51
%K AI14 AI11
%A P. Ciancarini
%A P. Degano
%T An Approach to Proving Properties of Nonterminating Logic Programs
%P 223-243
%K AI14 AA08 O02
%A Hubert Comon
%T Sufficient Completeness, Term Rewriting Systems and "Anti-Unification"
%P 128-140
%K AI14 AI11
%A P. Tox Cox
%A T. Pietrzykowski
%T Causes for Events: Their Computation and Applications
%K AI11 temporal reasoning
%A A. J. J. Dick
%A R. J. Cunningham
%T Using Narrowing to Do Isolation in Symbolic Equation Solving
%P 272-280
%K AI14
%A Roland Dietrich
%T Relating Resolution and Algebraic Completion for Horn Logic
%P 62-78
%K AI14 AI10 AI11
%A B. Fronhofer
%T On Refinements of the Connection Method
%P 391-401
%A Isabelle Gnaedig
%A Pierre Lescanne
%T Proving Termination of Associative Commutative Rewriting Systems by
%P 52-61
%K AI14 AI11
%A Richard Gobel
%T Completion of Globally Finite Term Rewriting Systems for Inductive
%P 101-110
%K AI11 AI14
%A I. R. Goodman
%T Some Asymptotic Results for the Combination of Evidence Problem
%J Math. Modelling
%V 8
%D 1987
%P 216-221
%K O04 O06
%A Alexander Herold
%T Combination of Unification Algorithms
%P 450-469
%K AI11 AI14
%A Douglas Howe
%T Implementing Number Theory: an Experiment with Nuprl.
%P 404-415
%K AA13 AI11 AI14
%A Tadashi Kanamori
%A Hiroshi Fujita
%T Formulation of Induction Formulas in Verification of Prolog Programs
%P 281-299
%K AI14 AI11 O02
%A Deepak Kapur
%A Paliath Narendran
%A Hantao Zhang
%T Proof by Induction Using Test Sets
%P 99-117
%K AI14 AI11
%A Deepak Kapur
%A Paliath Narendran
%T NP-Completeness of the Set Unification and Matching Problems
%P 489-495
%K O06 AI11
%A Thomas Kaufl
%T Program Verifier "Tatzelwurm": Reasoning About Systems of Linear
%P 300-305
%K AA13 AA08 AI11
%A Younghwan Lim
%T The Heuristics and Experimental Results of a New Hyperparamodulation: HL-
%P 240-253
%K AI11
%A Rasiah Loganantharaj
%A Robert A. Mueller
%T Parallel Theorem Proving with Connection Graphs
%P 337-352
%K AI11 H03
%A Zohar Manar
%A Richard Waldinger
%T How to Clear a Block: Plan Formulation in Situational Logic
%P 622-640
%K AI07 AI09 AI11
%A Ursula Maritn
%A Tobias Nipkow
%T Unification in Boolean Rings
%P 506-513
%K AI14 AI11
%A Jalel Mzali
%T Matching with Distributivity
%P 496-502
%K O06 AI11
%A Sanjal Narain
%T A Technique for Doing Lazy Evaluation in Logic
%J MAG132
%P 259-276
%K AI10
%A Hung T. Nguyen
%T On Modeling of Expert Knowledge and Admissibility of Uncertainty Measures
%J Math. Modelling
%V 8
%D 1987
%P 222-226
%K O04 AI01
%A Hans-Jurgen Ohlbach
%T Theory Unification in Abstract Clause Graphs
%P 77-100
%K AI14 AI11
%A F. Oppacher
%A E. Suen
%T Controlling Deduction with Proof Condensation and Heuristics
%P 384-393
%K AI11 AI14
%A Lawrence C. Paulson
%T Natural Deduction as Higher-Order Resolution
%J MAG131
%P 237-258
%K AI10 AI11
%A David A. Plaisted
%T Abstraction Using Generalization Functions
%P 365-376
%K AI11
%A D. Rydeheard
%T A Categorical Unification Algorithm
%K AI14 AI11
%A Manfred Schmidt-Schauss
%T Unification in Many-Sorted Equational Theories
%P 538-552
%K AI14 AI11
%A Manfred Schmidt-Schauss
%T Unification in a Many Sorted Calculus with Declarations
%P 118-132
%K AI14 AI11
%A Hans-Albert Schneider
%T An Improvement of Deduction Plans: Refutation Plans
%P 377-383
%K AI11
%A O. Stepankova
%A P. Stepanek
%T And/or Schemes and Logic Programs
%P 765-776
%K AI10 AI03
%A Mandayam Thathachar
%A P. S. Sastry
%T Learning Optimal Discriminant Functions Through a Cooperative Game of
%J IEEE Trans. Systems Man Cybernet.
%V 17
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 73-85
%K AI12 AI04
%A Erik Tiden
%T Unification in Combinations of Collapse-Free Theories with Disjoint
Sets of Function Symbols
%P 431-449
%K AI11 AI14
%A F. Winkler
%A B. Buchberger
%T A Criterion for Eliminating Unnecessary Reductions in the Knuth-Bendix
%P 849-869
%K AI14 AI11
%A L. Wos
%A W. McCune
%T Negative Paramodulation
%P 229-239
%K AI14 AI11
%A Martin Abadi
%A Zohar Manna
%T Modal Theorem Proving
%P 172-189
%K AI11
%A Peter B. Andrews
%T Connections and Higher-Order Logic
%P 1-4
%K AI11 AI10
%A Leo Bachmair
%A Nachum Dershowitz
%T Commutation, Transformation, and Termination
%P 5-20
%K AI11 AI14
%A Julian Besag
%T On the Statistical Analysis of Dirty Pictures
%J J. Royal Statistical Society Series B
%V 48
%D 1986
%N 3
%P 259-302
%K AI06
%A R. Book
%T On the Unification Hierarchy
%P 111-117
%K AI14 AI11
%A Frank Malloy Brown
%T A Commonsense Theory of Nonmonotonic Reasoning
%P 209-228
%K AI15
%A Hans-Jurgen Burckert
%T Some Relationships Between Unification, Restricted Unification, and
%P 514-524
%K AI11 AI14 O06
%A Cynthia Dwork
%A Paris Kanellakis
%A Larry Stockmeyer
%T Parallel Algorithms for Term Matching
%P 416-430
%K AI11 O06 H03 AI14
%A Norbert Eisenger
%T What You Always Wanted to Know About Clause Graph Resolution
%P 316-336
%K AI11
%A M. Falaschi
%A Giorgia Levi
%A C. Palamidesi
%T The Formal Semantics of Processes and Streams in Logic Programming
%P 363-378
%K AI10 O02
%A Jieh Hsiang
%A Michael Fusinowitch
%T A New Method for Establishing Refutational Completeness in Theorem
%P 141-152
%K AI14 AI11
%A Gerhard Jaeger
%T Some Contributions to the Logical Analysis of Circumscription
%P 154-171
%K AI15 AI11
%A Kurt Konolige
%T Resolution and Quantified Epistemic Logics
%P 199-208
%K AI10 AI11 AI14
%A Xu Hua Liu
%T Generalized Resolution Using Paramodulation
%J Kexue Tongbao (English Edition)
%V 31
%D 1986
%N 21
%P 1441-1444
%K AI11 AI14
%A Neil V. Murray
%T Theory Links in Semantic Graphs
%P 353-364
%K AI16
%A David A. Plaisted
%T A Simple Nontermination Test for the Knuth-Bendix Algorithm
%P 69-88
%K AI11 AI14
%A Patrick Saint-Dizler
%T An Approach to Natural-Language Semantics in Logic Programming
%J MAG135
%P 329-356
%K AI02 AI10
%A P. H. Schmitt
%T Computational Aspects of Three-Valued Logic
%P 190-198
%K AI11 O04
%A Yoshohito Toyama
%T How to Prove Equivalence of Term Rewriting Systems without Induction
%P 118-127
%K AI11 AI14
%A Jonathan Traugott
%T Nested Resolution
%P 394-402
%K AI11
%A Kyastutis Urba
%T Redundancy of Features in a Classification Problem
%J Statist. Problemy Upravleniya No. 72
%D 1986
%P 56-63
%K O04
%X Russian with English and Lithuanian Summaries
%A Christoph Walther
%T A Classification of Many-Sorted Unification Problems
%P 525-537
%K AI11 AI14
%A Tie Cheng Wang
%T ECR: An Equality Conditional Resolution Proof Procedure
%P 254-271
%K AI11
%A Yuan Yuan Wang
%T A Generalized Paramodulation-Resolution Method
%J Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban
%V 22
%D 1986
%N 2
%P 205-210
%K AI11
%X Chinese with English Summary
%A Richard Cole
%A Chee K. Yap
%T Shape From Probing
%J J. Algorithms
%V 8
%D 1987
%N 1
%P 19-38
%K AI06 AI07
%A Peter Hall
%A D. M. Titterington
%T On Some Smoothing Techniques Used in Image Restoration
%J J. Roy. Satist. Soc. Ser. B.
%V 48
%D 1986
%N 3
%P 330-343
%K AI06
%A R. Schott
%T Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Textures
%J Math. Modelling
%V 8
%D 1987
%P 167-169
%K AI06
%A Miguel Filgueiras
%T Cooperating Rewrite Processes for Natural-Language Analysis
%J MAG135
%P 299-328
%K AI11 AI02
%A Horst Reichel
%T Behavioral Program Specification
%P 390-411
%K AA08
%A Eugenio Moggi
%T Categories of Partial Morphisms and the $lambda sub p$ - Calculus
(extended abstract)
%P 242-251
%K AA08
%A P. Hajek
%T Some Conservativeness Results for Nonstandard Dynamic Logic
%P 443-449
%K AI10
%A Thomas M. Fischer
%T On the Average Complexity of Searching for Partial Match Queries in
Multidimensional Search Trees
%P 379-390
%K O06
%A Werner Alexi
%T Extraction and Verification of Programs through the Analysis of
Formal Proofs
%P 135-152
%K AA08
%A P. Borowik
%A W. Korczynski
%A T. Kudla
%T An Axiomatic Characterisation of an Algebra of Processes
%P 141-150
%K AA08
End of AIList Digest