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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 033

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest             Monday, 9 Feb 1987       Volume 5 : Issue 33 

Today's Topics:
Queries - Terminfo Entry for Symbolics 3640 &
W.D. Clinger & Representation Languages &
E. Hausen-Tropper & MICE Expert System Shell,
Availability of Wilensky's UC & Public-Domain Expert System &
ExperLogo & Expert Shell for VAX and PCs &
Coordinator Systems & Connectionism,
Bibliographies - Connectionism/Neural Nets


Date: 3 Feb 87 21:43:30 GMT
From: cadre!pitt!darth!beaver! (Frank Berry)
Subject: Terminfo entry for Symbolics 3640

I am serching a terminfo (SysV) entry that will work for
the Release 6.1 or earlier Symbolics terminal, remote-terminal.

The docs prescribe an 'ann arbor ambassador' of unspecified type,
but my use of several 'aaa' term types yield some ugliness.

Alternatively, does anyone have modified sources for remote-terminal.lisp
that deal with the terminal attributes normally encountered in say,
a 'vi' session?

Please, no flames about regressing to 'vi';I have to be able to connect
to several SysV machines via serial links.

Franklyn Berry
{allegra, bellcore, cadre, idis, psuvax1}!pitt!darth!beaver!frankb

Stingray:"Some day I'm going to call and ask you for a favor..."


Date: 3 Feb 87 18:53:00 GMT
From: uiucdcsm!
Subject: Actor Semantics

I apologize in advance if this appears in the wrong place...I need to
communicate with W.D. Clinger re: his work "Foundations of Actor Semantics"
(AI-TR-633, MIT AI Lab, May, 1981) and so would appreciate knowing how to
obtain a copy of it or how to reach the author. Thanks very much,

scott mccaughrin (mccaugh@uiucmsl)


Date: 5 Feb 87 03:37:30 GMT
From: (Dan Berleant)
Subject: representation languages: richness and flexibility

Hmm. I just attended a lecture in which frame based representation
schemes were touted on the basis of the fact that representation
languages should be rich and flexible.

Well, it sounds good, it even sounds simple, but I'm sure not sure what
it means! In the context of representation languages, what is
'rich', and what is 'flexible'?

Dan Berleant
UUCP: {gatech,ucbvax,ihnp4,seismo,kpno,ctvax}!ut-sally!berleant


Date: Fri, 6 Feb 87 11:07:21 EST
From: munnari!trlamct.oz!andrew@seismo.CSS.GOV (Andrew Jennings)
Subject: trying to locate paper/author

If anyone has knowledge of who/where the author of :

E.Hausen-Tropper "An application of learning algorithms to telecommunication
, presented at 6th International Workshop on Expert Systems and
their Application, Avignon France 1986

is located, I'd be grateful.

UUCP: ...!{seismo, mcvax, ucb-vision, ukc}!munnari!trlamct.trl!andrew
Andrew Jennings Telecom Australia Research Labs
"Its not enough to know a few bright sparks ..... you have to burn."


Date: 5 Feb 87 18:59:36 GMT
From: decvax!mcnc!duke!ravi@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ravi Subrahmanyan)
Subject: MICE expert system shell

Has anyone ordered the "MICE" expert system tool advertized in the
Winter "AI Magazine"? At $20 it seems to be too good to be true. (even
if the software isn't any good the blank disks would almost be worth it).

I am considering sending them my $20, but thought I'd see if anyone else
had first.


Michael Lee Gleicher (-: If it looks like I'm wandering
Duke University (-: around like I'm lost . . .
Now appearing at : duke!ravi (-:
Or P.O.B. 5899 D.S., Durham, NC 27706 (-: It's because I am!


Date: 6 Feb 87 04:28:28 GMT
From: nosc!humu!uhmanoa!uhccux! (The Perplexed
Subject: availability of Wilensky's UC?

Does anyone know if Wilensky's UC (UNIX Consultant) program is available
anywhere? I'd like to install it on a VAX 8650 with a large population of
new UNIX users.

Please let me know if you know anything about the availability of UC...todd

Wilensky, R. (1982). Talking to UNIX in English: An overview of UC.
Proceedings of the Second Annual National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence. Pittsburgh.
Wilensky, R. (1983). Planning and understanding: A computational
approach to human reasoning. New York: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii Computing Center
UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA: uhccux!todd@nosc.ARPA


Date: 6 Feb 87 18:12:36 GMT
From: cmcl2!localhost!aecom!aecom2!lyakhovs@seismo.CSS.GOV
Subject: expert sysyem

I am looking into reserch of expert systems.

I was wondering if any body have writen a shell or an expert system itself
utilizing blackbord and many other good things.

If you wouldn't mind shring your sourses with me or the rest of the net
please post it or direct me to where i might find one.

P.S. Thankx in advence for your input.


Date: 8 Feb 87 23:41:59 GMT
From: princeton!puvax2! (Una
Subject: ExperLogo

I have found ExperLogo for the Macintosh a very unsatisfactory product. There
are several problems with it:

The current version was written for 128 and 512K macs, and I have had various
adventures getting it to run on a mac+.
1) To work on a mac+, certain files must be together in a certain folder,
says the company.
2) The program works with System 3.1 and Finder 5.0, but not with any more
recent versions. These versions are obsolete and there are very few
around. They were in any case very buggy.
3) The company told me when I called on 2 occasions 2 different things:
a) "Finder 5.3? When did that come out?" (answer: almost a year ago)
b) "There is a bug in Finder 5.3, which Apple will have to fix. Have
you tried calling Apple?"

4) I have not, after many hours of work, managed to print to a laserwriter;
the program offers very little interfacing support for other applications,
and the documentation is incredibly deficient.

I would not recommend this application to anyone. I have found MS Logo to
be quite nice and flexible, however. Can anyone recommend another LOGO
for the macintosh? Has anyone found a way to print graphics windows on
a laserwriter? Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Date: Thu, 5 Feb 87 17:24:30 PST
From: Stergios Marinopoul <>
Reply-to: rocky! (Stergios Marinopoul)
Subject: Re: expert shell for vax & pc's

In article <8702031307.aa03835@IBD.BRL.ARPA> fshaw@BRL.ARPA ("Fred J.
, IBD) writes:
> In response to your request for an expert system shell that runs
>on both unix and pc's. TIMM and TIMM-PC (General Research Corp 703-893-5900,
>Mclean Va.) will run on vax and pc respectively. I have used TIMM a little
>and am not impressed with it's capablities. I currently use Insight 2+ on
>a pc.
> Fred

You can obtain an expert system shell that runs on most computers in use today.
It is called CLIPS ( C Language Integrated Production Systems), is available
from COSMIC, and is developed/supported by the AI section, MPAD divsion,
NASA Johnson Space Center. The cost through COSMIC is ~$200.00 including

The last time I was around there it was running on Vaxens, IBM, (big&littles)
HP9000, AS9000, CYBER, Amiga, and the Atari. It was written with the purpose
of being portable, and extendable by the user.

So, check it out. If you need some help obtaining it let me know,
and I'll see what I can do.

Stergios Marinopoulos

% UUCP: { lll-crg, seismo, sun } !rocky!stergios %
% ARPA: %
% USnail: Crothers Memorial #690, Stanford, CA. 94305 %
% Pa Bell: (415) 326-9051 %


Date: Sun, 8 Feb 87 08:38:22 est
From: davidwk@tecnet-clemson
Subject: References -- Coordinator systems

In their book "Understanding Computers and Cognition", Winograd and Flores
discuss coordinator systems, which are programs that employ ideas from Searle's
speech acts and system theory to facilitate "conversations" between computer
users. Is there anything in the literature about these creatures? I would
greatly appreciate any pointers.
Thanks in advance.

David Kelley


Date: 2 Feb 87 14:01:20 GMT
From: mcvax!enea! (Peter Svenson)
Subject: Connectionism

I wonder if anyone could give me some -> Up to date <- pointers to current
literature on the field of connectionism/neural networks. The only things
I seem to be able to dig up of our Technical libraries (in Sweden) is stuff
about moths and leeches and other equally wierd things.

Where's the computer-related stuff??? Please give some hints complete with
which company that sells them, ISBN, etc..

Thank you very, very much.

/Peter (turbo) Svenson pesv@enea (UUCP) enea! (ARPA)

"Zen can make you help other people, or, failing that, at least get them off
your back."

[This really belongs on the neuron%ti-csl.csnet@csnet-relay list,
but I'll go ahead and include the replies that came in on -- KIL]


Date: 5 Feb 87 20:52:13 GMT
From: (Jonathan A. Chandross)
Subject: Connectionism/Neural Net references

>Peter (turbo) Svenson pesv@enea (UUCP) enea! (ARPA)
>I wonder if anyone could give me some -> Up to date <- pointers to current
>literature on the field of connectionism/neural networks. The only things
>I seem to be able to dig up of our Technical libraries (in Sweden) is stuff
>about moths and leeches and other equally wierd things.

Enclosed is a small sampling of what is available. Hope it helps. The
format is bib, but refer should work.

(Some of the references became a little scrambled courtesy of uncompact.
Sorry if bib/refer complain).

Jonathan A. Chandross

%A Dell, Gary S.
%T A Spreading-Activation Theory of Retrieval in Sentence Production
%J Psychological Review
%V 93
%N 3
%D 1983
%P 283-321

%A Fahlman, Scott E.
%T Representing Implicit Knowledge
%B Parallel Models of Associative Memory
%E E Geoffrey E. Hinton
%E James A. Anderson
%D 1981
%I Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
%C Hillsdale, New Jersey

%A Fanty, Mark
%T Context-Free Parsing in Connectionist Networks
%R Tech Report TR174
%I Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester
%D Nov. 1985

%A Feldman, Jerome A.
%T A Connectionist Model of Visual Memory
%B Parallel Models of Associative Memory
%E Geoffrey E. Hinton
%E James A. Anderson
%D 1981
%I Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
%C Hillsdale, New Jersey

%A Feldman, Jerome A.
%A Dana H. Ballard
%T Connectionist Models and Their Properties
%J Cognitive Science
%V 6
%P 205-254
%D 1982

%A Feldman, Jerome A.
%T Dynamic Connections in Neural Networks
%J Biological Cybernetics
%I Springer-Verlag
%V 46
%D 1982
%P 27-39

%A Fodor, Jerry A.
%T Information and Association
%O This paper is a critique of connectionism. Author is with department
of Philosophy, MIT, Cambridge Massachussetts.

%A Hopfield, John J.
%T Neural Networks and physical systems with emergent collective
computational abilities
%J Proceedings National Acadamy of Science
%V 79
%P 2554-2558
%D Apr. 1982

%A Hopfield, John J.
%A David W. Tank
%T Simple "Neural" Optimization Networks: An A/D Converter, Signal Decision
Circuit, and a Linear Programming Circuit
%J IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
%V CAS-33
%N 5
%P 533-541
%D May 1986

%A Hopfield, John J.
%A David W. Tank
%T Collective Computation with Continuous Variables
%J Disordered Systems and Biological Organization
%I Springer-Verlag
%O In press, 1986

%A Hopfield, John J.
%A David W. Tank
%T "Neural" Computation of Decisions in Optimization Problems
%J Biological Cybernetics
%I Springer-Verlag
%V 52
%D 1985
%P 141-152

%A Kosslyn, Stephen M.
%A Gary Hatfield
%T Representation without Symbol Systems
%J Social Research
%V 51
%N 4
%D 1984
%P 1019-1044
%O Winter 1984

%A Matthews, Robert J.
%T Problems with Representationalism
%J Social Research
%V 51
%N 4
%D 1984
O Winter 1984
%P 1065-1097

%A McClelland, James L.
%A Jerome Feldman
%A Beth Adelson
%A Gordon Bower
%A Drew McDermott
%T Connectionist Models and Cognitive Science: Goals, Directions and
%D Jan. 1987
%O National Science Foundation Grant Proposal

%A McClelland, James L.
%A David E. Rumelhart
%A The PDP Research Group
%T Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures
of Cognition
%I MIT Press
%C Cambridge, Massachusetts
%D 1986
%O Two Volume Set

%A Plaut, David C.
%J Visual Recognition of Simple Objects by a Connection Network
%R Tech Report TR143
%I Computer Science Department, University of Rochester
%D Aug. 1984

%A Pylyshyn, Zenon W.
%T Computation and Cognition: Toward a Foundation for Cognitive Science
%I MIT Press
%D 1984
%C Cambridge, Massachusetts

%A Reiss, Richard F.
%T An Abstract Machine Based on Classical Association Psychology
%B Proceedings 1962 Joint Computer Conference
%D 1962
%V 21

%A Shastri, Lokendra
%A Jerome A. Feldman
%T Semantic Networks and Neural Nets
%R Tech Report TR131
%I Computer Science Department, University of Rochester
%D June 1984

%A Schwartz, Robert
%T "The" Problems of Representation
%J Social Research
%V 51
%N 4
%D 1984
%P 1047-1064
%O Winter 1984

%A Touretzky, David S.
%A Geoffrey E. Hinton
%T Symbols Among the Neurons: Details of a Connectionist Inference
%D Aug. 1985


Date: 6 Feb 87 22:29:37 GMT
From: ihnp4!chinet!nucsrl!coray@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Elizabeth Coray)
Subject: Re: Connectionism

Re: Connectionist References

Ackley, D.H., Hinton, G.E., and Sejnowski, T.J. " A learning algorithm for
Boltzmann Machines"
, COGNITIVE SCIENCE 9, pp. 147-149, 1985.

Ballard, D.H., Hinton, G.E., and Sejnowski, T.J. "Parallel visual computation",
NATURE (London) 306, pp.21-26, 1983

Ballard, D.H., "Cortical connections and parallel processing: structure
and function"
, BEHAV. BRAIN SCI., 1985.

Barto, A.G. "Learning by statistical cooperation of self-interested neuron-
like computing elements"
, HUMAN NEUROBIOLOGY 4, pp. 229-256, 1985.

Feldman, J.A. and Ballard, D.H., "Connectionist models and their properties",
COGNITIVE SCIENCE 6, pp. 205-254, 1982.

Hinton, G.E. "Learning in Massively Parallel Nets", an invited talk at the
AAAI 1986 confence in Philadelphia. (The talk is not published in the
proceedings but may be available from the author--don't quote me).

Hinton, G.E. and Sejnowski, T.J. "Optimal perceptual inference" in
AND PATTERN RECOGNITION, pp. 448-453, 1983.

Hopfield, J.J. and Tank, D.W., " 'Neural' computation of decisions in
optimization problems"
, BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS 52, pp. 141-152, 1985.

Kienker, P.K, Sejnowski, T.J., Hinton, G.E., Schumacher, L.E., "Separating
figure From ground with a parallel network"
, PERCEPTION 15, pp. 197-216.

Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, S., and Vecchi, M., "Optimization by Simulated
, SCIENCE 220, pp. 672-680, 1983.

Rumelhart, D.E., MccClelland, J.L. and the PDP research group, PARALLEL
MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 1986.

Saund, Eric "Abstraction and Representation of Continuous Variables
in Connectionist Networks"

Sejnowski, T.J., Kienker, P.K., and Hinton, G.E., "Learning symmetry groups
with hidden units: Beyond the perceptron"
, PHYSICA D 22, 1986.

These references offer a starting point.


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