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AIList Digest Volume 5 Issue 016

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AIList Digest            Monday, 26 Jan 1987       Volume 5 : Issue 16 

Today's Topics:
Reviews - Spang Robinson Report Volume 3, No. 1, January 1987 &
Canadian Artificial Intelligence,
Conferences - AI at Upcoming Conferences


Date: WED, 10 oct 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: Summary of Spang Robinson Report Volume 3, No. 1, January

The first Article: The AI Winter?

This is a discussion of whether the "AI industry" has "losts its momentum" or
is it a changing market. There is also a discussion of the possibilities of
AI being done in conventional programming languages.


Investors Viewpoint

Interview with Montgomery Venture on the possibilities of venture capital
for AI companies.


New Products

Borland has introduced a Prolog toolbox to go with its Prolog. It includes
features to assist in the user interface, to import data from various
other microcomputer programs such as 1-2-3, parser generators, serial

Japan Watch

The Japanese Manufacturing industry is now using 500 AI work stations.
These included 153 Symbolics 3600 series, 15 Lambda series, 50 Fujitsu
Facom Systems, 300 Xerox 1121's and seven TI Explorers.

The Japanese AI Market is 3.125 million dollars.

The Japanese hosted the Sixth Medical Information Study Conference.
Japanese Hospitals are using SURGIST-AI from Fujitsu and EXCORE from NEC.

Nihon Electronics technology Institute of Tokyo has a two year
course for "knowledge engineering."

NEC will be releasing a new AI system called Co-operative HIgh
performance Inference machine (CHI).


Japanese Construction Applications

Fudo Construction is developing a design support system for the entire
phase of building construction. Tokyo construction has
developed the Land Development Provisions Consultation Expert System.
Mitsui is planning to develop several AI systems. Asahi Glass is developing
a production planning system for plate glas sprocessing. Nihon cement
will develop a cement manufacturing expert system.

One third of the nation's largest insurance companies are using or are
in the process of gearing up to use expert systems. However only
two per cent have actually put expert systems into use.

Lucid has completed a 4.5 million dollar second round of financing.
Reviews of Applying Expert Systems in Business by Dimitris Chorafas,
Expert Systems TEchniques Tools and Applications by Philip Klahr and
Donald A. Waterman, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems by
V. Daniel Hunt, Advances in Cognitive Science 1 edited by N. E.
Sharkey and Explanation Patterns; Understanding Mechanically and
creatively by Roger C. Shank.


Date: WED, 10 oct 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: summary of Canadian ARtificial Intelligence

January 1987 Canadian Artificial Intelligence No. 10

Letter about progress on Japanese Fifth Generation.

The DELTA database machine, which earlier was described
as being non-functional and abandoned, was in fact fast
but had ease of use problems. A new version is under development.
The operating sytem/programming environment for the Personal Sequential
Interface by Mitsubishi is 160,000 lines and took 80 man years to develop.
19 Japanese companies have formed the Artificial Intelligence Joint
Research Society to train researchers and undertake joint development efforts.


Review of AI research at Queen's University.

They have developed a language for called Nial and a tool kit. They
are working on database models and interfaces, fuzzy logic, inference
engines, natural language parsing, window packages, rule systems,
built in editing, and educational environments.


A review discussion the issue of "What is AI" with a list
of those efforts that could be considered artificial intelligence.
Reports on the Seventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-86)
and the International Workshop on User Modelling.

Some of the expert systems demonstrated at ECAI-86 include
- a system to monitor the operation of a steam condensor at a thermal power
- a system to process alarms in the vacuum distillation tower of a refinery

Some of the papers covered
- a system to keep a consulting session with an expert system on target
- a review of machine translation research. Pre and post-editing
translation editing aids are quite successful. Three of the more
advanced systems are METAL (University of Texas), MU (Kyoto University)
and Eurotra (European Community). The latter is supposed to
cover nine Europ[ean languages.
- The UCLA system has an intelligent tutor for UNIX. After several
minutes of processing on an Apollo the system was able to have the
following dialogue:
User: I tried to remove a file with the "rm" command. The file was
not removed, and the error message was "permisssion denied" I
checked and I own the file
Acqua: To remove a file, you need to be able to write into the directory
containing it. To remove a file, you do not need to own it.
- Paul Jacobs developed a new natural language generator called KING.
- Professor Prini predicted that Europe's stable growth rate is a good
opportunity for Artificial INtelligence, particularly in dealing with
a software production capacity shortage that is due soon.
- Harold Kahn demonstrated computer generated pictures. His later works
demonstrated quite a bit of realism including one of the Statue of
liberty complete with Rococo festivity of the 18th century
- Clive Sinclair preicted that intelligent androids would be widely used
by the year 2010.

Reviews of "Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development
system" by R. L. Constable This text is aimed at mathematics and
computer science undergraduates.
Also Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering"
by Charles Rich and Richard C. Waters.


Date: WED, 10 oct 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: AI at upcoming conferences

1987 Society for Computer Simulation Multiconference 1987

Modeling and Simulation on Microcomputers

Individual Face Classification by Computer Vision
Robert A. Campbell, Scott Cannon, Greg Jones, Neil Morgan, Utah State Universi

AI and Simulation

Preliminary Screening of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives Using Personal Consul
tant Plus
Giles G. Patry, Bruce Gall, McMaster University
The impact of embedding AI tools in a control system simulator
Norman R. Nielson SRI International
An Expert System for the Controller
James A. Sena, L. Murphy Smith,Texas A&M University
Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Simulation
Pauline A. Langen, Carrier Corporation
The Expert System Applicability Question
Louis R. Gieszi
An Intelligent Interface for Continuous System Simulation
Wanda M. ustin The Aerospace Corporation Behrokh Khoshnevis University of Sout
Logic Progrmming and Discrete Event Simulation
Robert G. Sargent, Ashvin, Radiya, Syracuse University
Expet Systems for Interactive Simulation of Computer System Dynamics
Axel Lehmann, University of Karlsruhe
An Automated Simulation Modeling System Based on AI Techniques
Behrokh Khoshnevis, An-Pin Chen, University of Southern California
Design of a Flexible Extendible Modeling Environment
Robert J. Pooley University of Edinburgh

Prolog for Simulation

Expert System Shellw ith System Simulation Capabilities
Ivan Futo, Computer Research Institute
Languages for Distributed Simulation
Brian Unger, Xining Li, University of Calgary
Process Oriented Simulation in Prolog
Jeans Vaucher, University of Montreal
Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Simulation
Pauline A. Langen, Carrier Corporation

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems and robotics

A Data Modeling Approach to Improve System's Intelligence in Automated Manufactu
Lee-Eng Shirley Lin, Yun-Baw Lin, Tamkang University
KARMA - A Knowledge-Based Robot Manipulation Graphics Simulation
Richard H. Kirschbrown, Consultant
Development of questions-answers simulator for real-time scheduling and control
flexible manufacturing system using Prolog
Lee-Eng Shirley Lin, Tamkang Unviersity, Chang Yung Lui, National Sun Yat-Sen
Simulation of uncertainty and product structure in MRP
Louis Brennan, Surendra Mohan Gupta, Northeastern University


The University of ARizona Fourth Symposium on Modeling and Simulation Methodolo
January 19-23 1987

AI and Simulation I, R. V. Reddy
AI and Simulation II, B. P. Zeigler
(Object Oreinted/AI Programming, Combining Discrete Event and Symbolic Models,
Hierarchical, Modular Modelling/Multiprocessor Simulation)
AI and Simulation III, T. I. Oren
cognizant Simulation Systems, AI and Quality Assurance Methodology
AI and Simulation IV
Environments for AI and Simulation, Interfacing Lisp Machines and Simulation E
Special Sessions on Model-basedDiagnosis and Expert Systems Training, Inductive
Goal Directed, Variable-Structure Models, AI and Simulation in Education


Compcon 87 Cathedral Hill Hotel, San Francisco, February 23-27

Tutorial Number 3 on AI Machines: INstructor David Elliot Shaw of the
Columbia University Non-Von Project
Tutorial Number 7: Managing Knowledge Systems Development: Instructor
Avron Barr

10:30-12:00 February 24
Use of an Advanced Expert Systems Tool for Fault Free Analysis in Nuclear
Power Plants - B. Frogner Expert-Easy Systems
Expert System Tool with Fact/Model Representation Environment on PSI
H. Kubono: ICOT
Towards an Expert System for Logic Circuits Synthesis A. DiStefano
Universita Di Catania

1:30-3:00 February 24
Expert Systems Development Environments - Issues and Future Directions
(Titles and Authors TOBA)

3:30 - 5:00 Tuesday
The Xenologic X1
A Coprocessor for AI, LISP, Prolog and Databases T. Dobry
Integration of the Xenologic X1 AI Coprocessor With General Purpose
Computers R. Ribler
System Level Performance Using AI Coprocessors A. Despain
(all authors with Xenologic, Inc.)

Intelligent Systems for Management Decision Support, Joseph Fiksel Chair
of Panel

8:30-10:00 Wednesday February 25

Changing the Nature of CAD/CAM with AI C. Kempf: FMC Corp.
Knowledge-based Engineering for PRoduction Planning and Control
I. Johnson Garegie Group (sic)
Digital's Knowledge Network - F. Lynch: DEC.

1:30 - 3:00 February 25
A Neural Based Knowledge Processor - J. Vovodsky Neuro Logic Inc.
Connectionists, Symbol Processsing in Neural Based Architectures
D. Touretzky, Carnegie-Mellon Univ.
Drawbacks with Neural Based Architectures - D. Partridge New Mexico State
Timing Dependencies in Sentence Comprehension - H. Gigly, University of
New Hampshire

3:30 - 5:00 Wednesday February 25
Plentary Talk - "Trends in Knowledge Processing: From Expert Systems to
INtelligent Systems Engineering" Dr. Frederick Hayes-Roth

8:30 - 10:00 Thursday February 26
Intelligent Assistance Without Artificial Intelligence - G. Caiser

3:30 - 5:00 Thursday February 26
Lisp Machine Architecture Issues - R. Lim NASA Ames Research Center
High Level Language LISP Processor - S. Krueger: TI
Kyoto Common LISP - F. Giunchiglia IBUKI Inc.

Optical Neural Networks D. Psaltis: California Institute of Technology

Attendee's Open Mike - Mim Warren
(Ten Minutes to present proposals, ideas, etc.)


Third International Conference on Data Engineering February 2-6, 1987
Pacifica Hotel, Los Angeles, California

February 4, 1987
2 - 3:30 Panel on Symbolic Procesing
H. Barsamian, UC Irvine, A. Cardenas, UCLA, D. Kibler, UC Irvine,
B. Wah, University of Illinois, T. Welch, International Software Systems

4:00 -6:00 February 4, 1987

M. Stonebraker, E. Hanson, C. HOng
The Design of hte Postgres Rules Systems
M. Kifer, E. L. Lozinskii
Implementing Logic Programs as a Database System
M. Lenzernini
Covering and Disjointness Constraints in Type Networks

11:12:30 February 5, 1987
P. Crews
tbt Expert: A Case Study in Integrating Expert System Technology with
Computer Assisted Instruction


ACM SIGCSE, February 19-20 1987, St. Louis Missouri

9:54 Friday February 20

A Course on "Expert Systems" for Electrical Engineering Students


Principles of Database Systems March 22-25, 1987 San Diego, California

Monday March 23, 1986 9:00 - 10:35 AM

Logic Programming with Sets G. M. Kuper, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language LDL1 C. Beeri (Hebrew
University,) S. Naqvi (MCC), R. Ramakrishnan (University of Texas at
Austin and MCC), O. Shmueli, and S. Tsur (MCC)

Monday March 23, 1986, 10:35 AM - 11:00 AM

Logical Design of Relational Database Schemes
L. Y. Yuan University of Southern Louisiana
Z. M. Oxsoyoglu, Case Wetern Reserve University

Monday March 23, 1986 3:45 PM - 5:25 PM

A Knowledge-Theoretic Analysis of Atomic Comittment Protocols
V. Hadzilacos, University of Toronto

Tuesday March 24, 1986, 9:00 AM - 10:35 AM

Perspectives in Deductive Databases
J. MInker, University of Maryland
Maintenance of Stratified Databases Viewed as a Belief Revision System
K. Apt (Ecole NOrmal Suprerieure and Universite Paris 7)
J. M. Pugin (BULL Reserch Center)

Tuesday March 24, 1986, 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM

Bounds on the PRopagation of Selection into Logic Programs
C. Beeri (Hebrew University)
P. Kanellakis (Brown University)
F. Bancilhon (IRIA and MCC)
R. Ramakrishnnan(University of Texas at Austi.n and MCC)
Decidability and Expressiveness Aspects of Logic Queries
O. Shmueli (Technion and MCC)

Wednesday March 25, 1986 11:00 - 12:15

Worst Case Complexity Analysis of Methods for Logic Query Implementation
A. Marchetti-Spaccamella, A. Pelaggi (Universita "La Sapenza" di ROma) and
D. Sacca (CRAI, Italy)

Wednesday March 25 , 1986 2:00 PM - 4:35 PM

Safety of recursive Horn Clauses with Infinite Relations
R. Ramkrishanan (University of Texas at Austin and MCC)
F. Bancilhon (INRIA and MCC))
A. Silberschatz (University of Texas at Austi.n)
Optimizing Datalog Programs
Y. Sagiv (Hebrew University)


End of AIList Digest

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