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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 238
AIList Digest Monday, 27 Oct 1986 Volume 4 : Issue 238
Today's Topics:
Seminars - Toward Meta-Level Problem Solving (CMU) &
Diagnosing Multiple Faults (SU) &
Using Scheme for Discrete Simulation (SMU) &
Ramification and Qualification in the Blocks World (SU) &
Knowledge Programming using Functional Representations (SRI),
Conference - AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI, 1987
Date: 22 October 1986 1027-EDT
From: Elaine Atkinson@A.CS.CMU.EDU
Subject: Seminar - Toward Meta-Level Problem Solving (CMU)
SPEAKER: Prof. Kurt VanLehn, Psychology Dept., CMU
TITLE: "Towards meta-level problem solving"
DATE: Thursday, October 23
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE: Adamson Wing, Baker Hall
ABSTRACT: This talk presents preliminary evidence for a new model
of procedure following. Following a mentally held procedure is
a common activity. It takes about 12 procedures to fill an order
at McDonalds. Perhaps 50,000 procedures are followed daily in
running an aircraft carrier. Despite its ubiquity and economic
importance, little is known about procedure following. The folk
model is that people have an interpreter, similar to the
interpreters of Lisp, OPS5 or ACT*. The most common interpreters
in cognitive science are hierarchical, in that they employ a
goal stack or a goal tree as part of their temporary state. A
new model of procedure following will be sketched based on the
idea that procedure following is meta-level problem solving.
The problem is to get a procedure to execute. The operators
do things like set goals, pop them, etc. The state descriptions
are things like "goal1 is more recent than goal2." Different
problem spaces correspond to different interpreters: the goal
stack, goal tree and goal agenda are three different meta-level
problem spaces. We present data based on protocols from 25
subjects executing procedures that show that (1) different
subjects have different interpreters (stack and agenda are the
most common) and (2) some subjects change interpretation
strategy in the midst of execution. Although these data
do not unequivocally refute the folk model of procedure following,
they receive a simpler, more elegant interpretation under the
meta-level problem solving model.
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 86 15:32:19 pdt
From: Premla Nangia <pam@su-whitney.ARPA>
Subject: Seminar - Diagnosing Multiple Faults (SU)
Speaker: Johan de Kleer
Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Palo Alto
Title: Diagnosing Multiple Faults
Time: 4.15 p.m.
Place: Cedar Hall Conference Room
Diagnostic tasks require determining the differences between a
model of an artifact and the artifact itself. The differences between
the manifested behavior of the artifact and the predicted behavior of
the model guide the search for the differences between the artifact and
its model. The diagnostic procedure presented in this paper is
model-based, inferring the behavior of the composite device from
knowledge of the structure and function of the individual components
comprising the device. The system (GDE --- General Diagnostic Engine)
has been implemented and tested on examples in the domain of
troubleshooting digital circuits.
This research makes several novel contributions: First, the system
diagnoses failures due to multiple faults. Second, failure candidates
are represented and manipulated in terms of minimal sets of violated
assumptions, resulting in an efficient diagnostic procedure. Third, the
diagnostic procedure is incremental, exploiting the iterative nature of
diagnosis. Fourth, a clear separation is drawn between diagnosis and
behavior prediction, resulting in a domain (and inference procedure)
independent diagnostic procedure. Fifth, GDE combines model-based
prediction with sequential diagnosis to propose measurements to localize
the faults. The usually required conditional probabilities are computed
from the structure of the device and models of its components. This
capability results from a novel way of incorporating probabilities and
information theory with the context mechanism provided by
Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance.
Date: WED, 10 oct 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: Seminar - Using Scheme for Discrete Simulation (SMU)
Using Scheme for Discrete Simulation
Edward E. Ferguson, Texas Instruments,
Location 315 Sic, Time 2PM
Scheme is a lexically-scoped dialect of LISP that gives the programmer
access to continuations, a fundamental capability upon which general
control structures can be built. This presentation will show how continuations
can be used to extend Scheme to have the basic features of a discrete
simulation language. Topics that will be covered include discrete
simulation techniques, addition of simulation capability to a general-purpose
language, why Scheme is a good base language for simulation, and the
complete Scheme text for a simulation control package.
Date: 24 Oct 86 1704 PDT
From: Vladimir Lifschitz <VAL@SAIL.STANFORD.EDU>
Subject: Seminar - Ramification and Qualification in the Blocks World
Matt Ginsberg
David Smith
Thursday, October 30, 4pm
MJH 252
In this talk, we discuss the need to infer properties of actions
from general domain information. Specifically, we discuss the
need to deduce the indirect consequences of actions (the
ramification problem), and the need to determine inferentially
under what circumstances a particular action will be blocked
because its successful execution would involve the violation of
a domain constraint (the qualification problem).
We present a formal description of action that addresses these
problems by considering a single model of the domain, and updating
it to reflect the successful execution of actions. The bulk of the
talk will involve the investigation of simple blocks world problems
that existing formalisms have difficulty dealing with, including
the Hanks-McDermott problem, and two new problems that we describe
as "the dumbbell and the pulley".
Date: Fri 24 Oct 86 08:31:01-PDT
From: Margaret Olender <OLENDER@SRI-WARBUCKS.ARPA>
Subject: Seminar - Knowledge Programming using Functional
Representations (SRI)
Tore Risch
10:00 AM, WEDNESDAY, October 29
SRI International, Building E, Room EJ228
SYNTEL is a novel knowledge representation language that provides
traditional features of expert system shells within a pure functional
programming paradigm. However, it differs sharply from existing
functional languages in many ways, ranging from its ability to deal
with uncertainty to its evaluation procedures. A very flexible
user-interface facility, tightly integrated with the SYNTEL
interpreter, gives the knowledge engineer full control over both form
and content of the end-user system. SYNTEL executes in both LISP
machine and IBM mainframe/workstation environments, and has been used
to develop large knowledge bases dealing with the assessment of
financial risks. This talk will present an overview of its
architecture, as well as describe the real-world problems that
motivated its development.
VISITORS: Please arrive 5 minutes early so that you can be escorted up
from the E-building receptionist's desk. Thanks!
P.S. Note change in day and time....
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 86 23:23:40 pdt
From: levitt@ads.ARPA (Tod Levitt)
Subject: AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI, 1987
Third Workshop on: "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence"
Seattle, Washington, July 10-12, 1987 (preceeding AAAI conf.)
Sponsored by: AAAI
This is the third annual AAAI workshop on Uncertainty in AI. The
first two workshops have been successful and productive, involving many
of the top researchers in the field. The 1985 workshop proceedings have
just appeared as a book, "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence", in
the North-Holland Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition series.
The general subject is automated or interactive reasoning under
This year's emphasis is on the representation and control of
uncertain knowledge. One effective way to make points, display
tradeoffs and clarify issues in representation and control is through
demonstration in applications, so these are especially encouraged,
although papers on theory are also welcome. The workshop provides an
opportunity for those interested in uncertainty in AI to present their
ideas and participate in discussions with leading researchers in the
field. Panel discussions will provide a lively cross-section of views.
Papers are invited on the following topics:
* Applications--including both results and implementation
difficulties; experimental comparison of alternatives
* Knowledge-based and procedural representations of uncertain information
* Uncertainty in model-based reasoning and automated planning
* Learning under uncertainty; theories of uncertain induction
* Heursitics and control in evidentially based systems
* Non-deterministic human-machine interaction
* Uncertain inference procedures
* Other uncertainty in AI issues.
Papers will be carefully reviewed. Space is limited, so
prospective attendees are urged to submit a paper with the intention of
active participation in the workshop. Preference will be given to papers
that have demonstrated their approach in real applications; however,
underlying certainty calculi and reasoning methodologies should be
supported by strong theoretical underpinnings in order to best encourage
discussion on a scientific basis. To allow more time for discussion,
most accepted papers will be included for publication and poster
sessions, but not for presentation.
Four copies of a paper or extended abstract should be sent to
the program chairman by February 10, 1987. Acceptances will be sent by
April 20, 1987. Final (camera ready) papers must be received by May 22,
1987. Proceedings will be available at the workshop.
General Chair: Program Chair: Arrangements Chair:
Peter Cheeseman Tod Levitt Joe Mead
NASA-Ames Research Center Advanced Decision Systems KSC Inc.
Mail Stop 244-7 201 San Antonio Circle 228 Liberty Plaza
Moffett Field, CA 94035 Suite 286 Rome, NY 13440
(415)-694-6526 Mountain View, CA 94040 (315)-336-0500 (415)-941-3912
Program Committee:
P. Bonissone, P. Cheeseman, J. Lemmer, T. Levitt, J. Pearl, R. Yager, L. Zadeh
End of AIList Digest