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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 220

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest            Friday, 17 Oct 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 220 

Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Leff Bibliography Continuation #1


Date: WED, 20 apr 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: Bibliography (continued)

%A V. F. Shangin
%T Industrial Robots for Miniature Parts
%I Mashinostroenie
%C Moscow
%D 1985
%K AT15 AI07 AA26

%A E. P. Popov
%A E. I. Yurevich
%T Robotics Engineering
%I Mashinostroenie
%C Leningrad
%D 1984
%K AT15 AI07 AA26

%A L. S. Yampolskii
%T Industrial Robotics
%I Tekhnika
%C Kiev
%D 1984
%K AT15 AI07 AA26

%A Thaddeus J. Kowalski
%T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Design
%I Kluwer Academic Publishers
%C Norwell, MA
%D 1985
%K AA04 AT15
%X 238 pages $34.95 ISBN 0-89838-169-X

%A Rostam Joobbani
%T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Routing
%I Kluwer Academic Publishers
%C Norwell, MA
%D 1985
%K AA04 AT15
%X 192 pages ISBN 0-89838-205-x $34.50

%A Narinder Pal Singh
%T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Test Generation
%I Kluwer Academic Publishers
%C Norwell, MA
%K AA04 AT15
%X forthcoming, price and availability to be announced

%A Anita Tailor
%A Alan Cross
%A David Hogg
%A David Mason
%T Knowledge Based interpretation of Remotely Sensed
%J MAG62
%P 67-83
%K AI01 AI06

%A Tom Henderson
%A Ashok Samal
%T Multiconstraint Shape Analysis
%J MAG62
%P 84-96
%K AI01 AI06

%A Robert Schalkoff
%T Automated Reasoning About Image Motion Using
A Rule-based Deduction System
%J MAG62
%P 97-107
%K AI01 AI06

%A B. C. Vemun
%A A. Mitiche
%A J. K. Aggarwal
%T Curvature-based Representation of Objects from Range
%J MAG62
%P 107-115
%K AI01 AI06

%A J. A. D. W. Anderson
%A K. D. Baker
%A G. D. Sullivan
%T 'Model': A POPLOG Package to Support Model-based
%J MAG62
%P 115
%K AI01 AI06 T02

%A J. G. Llaurado
%T Adapting Robotics More and More to Biology
%J MAG63
%P 3-8
%K AI07 AA10

%A S. R. Ray
%A W. D. Lee
%A C. D. Morgan
%A W. Airth-Kindree
%T Computer Sleep Stage Scoring - An Expert System
%J MAG63
%P 43-61
%K AI01 AA10 AA11

%A I. D. Craig
%T The Ariadne-1 Blackboard System
%J MAG64
%P 235-240
%K AI01

%A G. Papakonstantinou
%A J. Kontos
%T Knowledge Representation with Attribute Grammars
%J MAG64
%P 241-246
%K AI16

%A M. H. Williams
%A G. Chen
%T Translating Pascal for Execution on a Prolog-based System
%J MAG64
%P 246-252
%K AI16

%A G. W. Smith
%A J. B. H. du Boulay
%T The Generation of Cryptic Crossword Clues
%J MAG64
%P 282
%K AA17

%A Y. Ishida
%A N. Adachi
%A H. Tokumaru
%T An Analysis of Self-Diagnosis Model by Conditional Fault Set
%J International Journal of Computer and Information
%V 14
%N 5
%D OCT 1985
%P 243-260

%A B. R. Gaines
%A M. L. G. Shaws
%T Foundations of Dialog Engineering: The Development of
Human-Computer INteraction. Part II
%J MAG65
%P 101-124
%K AI02 AA15

%A P. Shoval
%T Comparison of Decision Support Strategies in Expert Consultation
%J MAG65
%P 125-140
%K AI01 AI13

%A S. Gottwald
%A W. Pedrycz
%T On the Suitability of Fuzzy Models: An Evaluation Through
Fuzzy Integrals
%J MAG65
%P 141-152
%K O04

%A A. L. Kamouri
%A J. Kamouri
%A K. H. Smith
%T Training by Exploration: Facilitating the Transfer of
Procedural Knowledge Through Analogical Reasoning
%J MAG65
%P 171
%K AI04 AI16

%A C. Vallet
%A J. Chastang
%A J. D. Huet
%T Partial Self-Reference in Models of Natural Systems and
Spatiotemporal Reference Insufficiency of Physicians (French)
%J Cybernetica
%V 29
%N 2
%D 1986
%P 145-160
%K AA01 AI08

%A Y. F. Wang
%A J. K. Aggarwal
%T Surface Reconstruction and Representation of 3-D Scenes
%J MAG66
%P 197-208
%K AI06

%A A. C. Bovik
%A t. S. Huang
%A D. C. Munson, Jr.
%T Nonparametric tests for Edge Detection in Noise
%J MAG66
%P 209-220
%K AI06

%A J. Katajainen
%A O. Nevalainen
%T Computing Relative Neighborhood Graphs in the Plane
%J MAG66
%P 221-228
%K AI06

%A X. Li
%A R. C. Dubes
%T Tree Classifier Design with a Permuation Statistic
%J MAG66
%P 229-236
%K AI06

%A M. Yamashita
%A T. Ibaraki
%T Distances Defined by Neighborhood Sequences
%J MAG66
%P 237
%K AI06

%A Robert Michaelsen
%A Donald Michie
%T Prudent Expert Systems Applications can Provide a
Competititve Weopon
%J Data Management
%V 24
%N 7
%D JUL 1986
%P 30-35
%K AI01 AA06

%A J. W. Park
%T An Efficient Memory System for Image Processing
%J IEEE Transactions on Computers
%V 35
%N 37
%D JUL 1986
%P 669
%K AI06

%A Minoru Abe
%A Makoto Kaneko
%A Kazuo Tanie
%T Study on Hexapod Walking Machine using an Approximate
Straight-line Mechanism
%J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
%V 40
%N 3
%D MAY 1986
%P 111-124
%K AI07 GA01

%A Tatsuo Arai
%A Eiji Nakano
%A Tomoaki Yano
%A Ryoichi Hashimoto
%T Hybrid Control System for a Manipulator and its Application
%J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
%V 40
%N 3
%D MAY 1986
%P 133
%K AI07 GA01

%A H. Heiss
%T Fundamentals About the Transformation of Coordinates for Robots (German)
%J MAG67
%P 65-72
%K AI07
%X German

%A P. Rojek
%A J. Olomski
%T Fast Coordinate Transformation and Processing of Command Signals for
Continuous Path Robot Control
%J MAG67
%P 73-82
%K AI07
%X (German)

%A T. Tsumura
%T Recent Developments of Automated Guided Vehicles in Japan
%J MAG67
%P 91-98
%K GA01 AI07
%X (german)

%A G. W. Kohler
%T Mechanical Master-Slave Manipulators
%J MAG67
%P 99-104
%K AI07
%X (german)

%A G. Pritschow
%A K. H. Hurst
%T Design of Industrial Robots with Modular Components
%J MAG67
%P 105-110
%K AI07
%X (german)

%A T. Friedmann
%T Robots in the Automotive Industry
%J MAG67
%P 111-119
%K AI07 AA26
%X (german)

%A R. Backmann
%T Optoelectronic Sensors Sensoroptics - Some Basic
Considerations for the Selection of Optical Sensor
Components for Textile Identification
%J MAG67
%P 120
%K AI06
%X (german)

%A N. Sugamura
%A S. Furui
%T Speaker-Dependent Large Vocabulary Word Recognition Using the
SPLIT Method
%J MAG68
%P 327-334
%K AI05 GA01

%A K. Aikawa
%A K. Shikano
%T Spoken Word Recognition Using Spectrum and Power
%J MAG68
%P 343-348
%K AI05 GA01

%A M. Sugiyama
%A K. Shikano
%T Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Vowel Templates Based on
Minimum Quantization Distortion
%J MAG68
%P 357-362
%K AI05 GA01

%A E. Berti
%T Forms of Rationality and the Future of Human Intelligence in
the New Technological Age
%J L'Elettrotcnica
%V 73
%N 4
%D APR 1986
%K AI08 O05
%X (in itialian)

%A R. Muller
%A G. Horner
%T Chemosensors with Pattern Recognition
%J MAG69
%P 95-100
%K AI06

%A H. Fritz
%A P. Wurll
%T Tactile Force-torque Sensor for Performing Control Tasks in
%J MAG69
%P 120-125
%K AI07

%A K. C. O'Kane
%T An Expert Systems Facility for Mumps
%J MAG70
%P 205-214
%K AA01 AI01 T03
%X [Mumps is an integrated language/database system often used
in the medical records field. I heard Dr O'Kane speak on this
work and he believed that such a system would allow expert systems
to share clinical data with existing MIS systems in hospitals and
make their introduction more practicable. - LEFF]

%A H. Mansour
%A M. E. Molitch
%T A New Strategy for Clinical Decision Making: Censors and
Neuroendocrinological Diseases
%J MAG70
%P 215-222
%K AA01 AI01

%A Harold Stone
%A Paolo Sipala
%T Average Complexity of Depth-first Search with Backtracking and
%J IBM J. Res. and Dev.
%V 30
%N 3
%D MAY 1986
%P 242-258
%K AI03

%T Artificial Intelligence - Wise Guys Wire Ships
%J Marine Engineering Log
%V 91
%N 6
%D JUN 1986
%P 119-122
%K AA18 AA05

%A Robert Cartwright
%T A Practical Formal Semantic Definition and Verification
System for TYPED LISP
%D 1975
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 T01 AA08
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4420-7

%A Cordell Green
%T The Application of Theorem Proving to Question-Answering Systems
%D 1969
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AI11 AA08
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4415-0 $18.00

%A James Richard Meehan
%T The Metanovel: Writing Stories by Computer
%D 1976
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AI02
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4409-6 $18.00

%A Robert C. Moore
%T Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural Deduction
%D 1975
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AI09 planner
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4403-7 $13.00

%A Susan Speer Owicki
%T Axiomatic Proof Techiques for Parallel Programs
%D 1975
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AA08 AI11
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4413-4 $20.00

%A Norihisa Suzuki
%T Automatic Verification of Programs with Complex Data Structures
%D 1976
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AA08 AI11
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4425-8 $19.00

%A Robert Wilensky
%T Understanding Goal-Based Stories
%D 1978
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AI02 PAM
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4410-X $31.00

%A William A. Woods
%T Semantics For a Question-Answering System
%D 1967
%I Garland Publishing
%C New York, New York
%K AT15 AI02
%X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4405-3 $28.00

%A Stephen J. Andriole
%T Applications in Artificial Intelligence
%I Petrocelli Books
%C Princeton, NJ
%K AT15 AI07 AI02 AI01 AA18
%X $49.95

%A T. Gergely
%T Cuttable Formulas for Logic Programming
%P 299-310
%K AI10

%A Maria Virginia Aponte
%A Jose Alberte Fernandez
%A Philippe Roussel
%T Editing First Order Proofs; Programmed Rules vs. Derived Rules
%P 92-98
%K AI01 AI10 AI11

%A Hellfried Bottger
%T Automatic Theorem Proving with Configurations
%J Elektron. Informationsverarb. Kybernet.
%V 21
%D 1985
%N 10-11
%P 523-546

%A G. Cedervall
%T Robots for Definite Routine Analysis
%J Kemisk Tidskrift
%V 98
%N 4
%D APR 1986
%P 73-75
%K AI07
%X in Swedish

%A Brian Harvey
%T Computer Science Logo Style
Volume 2: Projects, Styles and Techniques
%I MIT Press
%C Cambridge, Mass
%D 1986
%K AT15

%A Daniel N. Osherson
%A Michael Stob
%A Scott Weinstein
%T Systems that Learn: An Introduction to Learning Theory
for Cognitive and Computer Scientists
%C Cambridge, Mass
%D 1986
%K AT15 AI04 AI08

%A K. H. Narjes
%T Perspectives for European Cooperation
%J MAG71
%P 13
%K GA03

%A M. Carpentier
%T Community Strategy in Information Technology and Telecommunications
%J MAG71
%P 19
%K AA08

%A M. Aigarain
%T The Technological Perspective
%J MAG71
%P 23
%K AI16

%A R. W. Wilmot
%T The Market Perspective
%J MAG71
%P 27
%K AT04

%A W. Dekker
%T Issues Basic to the Development of a European Information Technology
%J MAG71
%P 33
%K GA03

%A M. Gagao
%T Cooperative R&D of Information Technologies Between the Government and
Private Sector in Japan
%J MAG71
%P 39
%K GA01

%A P. F. Smidt
%T U. S. Industrial Cooperation in R&D
%J MAG71
%P 45
%K GA03

%A J. M. Cadiou
%T ESPRIT in Action
%J MAG71
%P 51
%K GA03

%A F. F. Kuo
%T A Return Visit to ICOT
%J MAG71
%P 61
%K GA01

%T Network Support of Supercomputers: Conference Report.
%J MAG71
%P 65
%K H04

%A W. J. Rapaport
%T Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and the Chinese-Room Argument
%J Abacus
%V 3
%N 4
%D Summer 1986
%K AI16

%A D. I. Shapiro
%T A Model for Decision Making under Fuzzy Conditions
%J MAG72
%P 481
%K O04 AI13 AI08

%A G. Agre
%T An Implementation of the Expert System DIGS for Diagnostics
%J MAG72
%P 495
%K AA21 AI01

%A J. Hromkovic
%T On One-Way Two-Headed Deterministic Finite State Automata
%J MAG72
%P 503
%K AI16

%A E. Braunsteinerova
%T Operating Alphabet Complexity of Homogenous Trellis Automata and Symmetric
%J MAG72
%P 527

%A I. Plander
%T Projects of the New Generation Computer Systems and Informatics
%J MAG72
%P 551

%A Julian Hewett
%A Ron Sasson
%T Expert Systems 1986, volume 1 --USA and Canada
%I Ovum Limited
%C London
%K AT15 AI01 GA02 GA04

%A Philip Klahr
%A Donald A. Waterman
%T Expert Systems, Techniques, Tools and Applications
%I Addison-Wesley
%K AT15 Rand AI01

%A Michael Brady
%A Jean Ponce
%A Alan Yuille
%A Haruo Asada
%T Describing Surfaces
%J MAG73
%P 1-28
%K AI06

%A Irving Biederman
%T Human Image Image Understanding: Recent Research and a Theory
%J MAG73
%P 29-73
%K AI06 AI08 AT08 AI16

%A Steven W. Zucker
%T Early Orientation Selection: Tangent Fields and the Dimensionality of Support
%J MAG73
%P 74-103
%K AI06

%A Martin D. Levine
%A Ahmed M. Nazif
%T Rule-Based Image Segmentation: A Dynamic Control Strategy Approach
%J MAG73
%P 104-126
%K AI01 AI06

%A M. J. Magee
%A J. K. Aggarwal
%T Using Multisensory Images to Dervie the Structure of Three-Dimensional Object
s -
A Review
%J MAG74
%P 145-157
%K AI06 AT08

%A Edgar A. Cohen
%T Generalized Sloped Facet Models Useful in Multispectral Image Analysis
%J MAG74
%P 171-190
%K AI06

%A A. Lashas
%A R. Shurna
%A A. Verikas
%A A. Dosinas
%T Optical Character Recognition Based on Analog Preprocessing and Automatic Fea
%J MAG74
%P 191-207
%K AI06

%A John E. Wampler
%T Enhancing Real-Time Perception of Quantum Limited Images from a Doubly
Intensified SIT Camera System
%J MAG74
%P 208-220
%K AI06

%A T. Y. Kong
%A A. W. Roscoe
%T A Theory of Binary Digital Pictures
%J MAG74
%P 221-243
%K AI06

%A Ron Gershon
%T Aspects of Perception and Computation in Color Vision
%J MAG74
%P 244
%K AI06

%A I. G. Biba
%T The adaptation of an Action-Planning System to Accomodate Problem Classes
%J Cybernetics
%V 21
%N 2
%D MAR-APR 1985
%P 242-253
%K AI09

%A Jaroslav Opatrny
%T Parallel Programming Constructs for Divide-and-Conquer, and
Branch and Bound Paradigms
%J MAG75
%P 403-416
%K AI03

%A H. I. El-Zorkany
%T Robot Programming
%J MAG75
%P 430-446
%K AI07

%A David Butler
%T Experience Using Artificial Intelligence
%J Data Processing
%V 27
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 64
%K AI16

%A J. P. Keating
%A R. L. Mason
%T Some Practical Aspects of Covariance Estimation
%J MAG76
%P 295-294
%K AI06

%A M. Krivanek
%T An Application of Limited Branching in Clustering
%J MAG76
%P 299-302
%K O06

%A W. Pedrycz
%T Classification in a Fuzzy Environment
%J MAG76
%P 303-308
%K O04

%A T. Kohonen
%T Median Strings
%J MAG76
%P 309-314
%K O06

%A W. G. Korpatsch
%T A Pyramid that Grows by Powers of Two
%J MAG76
%P 315-322
%K AI06 H03

%A C. Ronse
%T A Simple Proof of Rosenfeld's Characterization of Digital Straight Line Segme
%J MAG76
%P 323-326
%K AI06

%A I. K. Sethi
%T A Genral Scheme for Discontinuity Detection
%J MAG76
%P 327-334
%K AI06

%A O. Skliar
%A M. H. Loew
%T A New Method for Chracterization of Shape
%J MAG76
%K AI06

%A F. C. A. Groen
%A A. C. Sanderson
%A J. F. Schlag
%T Symbol Recognition in Electrical Diagrams Using Probabilistic Graph Matching
%J MAG76
%K AI06 O06 AA04

%A Z. Pinjo
%A D. Cyganski
%A J. A. Orr
%T Determination of 3-D Object Orientation From Projections
%J MAG76
%K AI06

%A A. Bookstein
%A K. K. Ng
%T A Parametric Fuzzy Set Prediction Model
%J MAG77
%P 131-142
%K O04

%A W. L. Chen
%A R. J. Guo
%A L. S. Shang
%A T. Ji
%T Fuzzy Match and Floating Threshold Strategy for Expert System in Traditional
Chinese Medicine
%J MAG77
%P 143-152
%K O04 AI01 AA01

%A D. G. Schwartz
%T The Case for an Interval-based Representation of Linguistic Truth
%J MAG77
%P 153-166
%K O04 AI02

%A L. O. Holl
%A A. Kandel
%T Studies in Possibilistic Recognition
%J MAG77
%P 153-166
%K O04 AI06

%A M. Togai
%T A Fuzzy Inverse Relation Based on Godelian Logic and its Applications
%J MAG77
%P 211
%K O04

%A B. F. Buxton
%A H. Buxton
%A D. W. Murray
%A N. S. Williams
%T Machine Perception of Visual Motion
%J GEC Journal of Research
%V 3
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 145-161
%K AI06

%A M. S. Wilson
%T An Evaluation of Manoeuvre Detector Algorithms
%J GEC JOurnal of Research
%V 3
%N 3
%D 1985
%P 181-190
%K AI06 AA18

%A J. M. Schurick
%A B. H. Williges
%A J. F. Maynard
%T User Feedback Requirements with Automatic Speech Recognition
%J Ergonomics
%V 28
%N 11
%D NOV 1985
%K AI05 O01

%A R. Beg
%T Image-Processing System Serves a Variety of Buses
%J Computer Design
%V 24
%N 16
%D NOV 15, 1985
%P 99
%K AI06 AT02

%A J. Zlatuska
%T Normal Forms in the Typed Lambda-Calculus with Tuple Types
%J MAG78
%P 366=381
%K T01

%A Osamu Furukawa
%A Syohei Ishizu
%T An Expert System for Adaptive Quality Control
%J International Journal of General Systems
%P 183-200
%V 11
%N 3
%D 1985
%K AA05 AI01

%A P. Carnevali
%A L. Coletti
%A S. Patarnello
%T Image Processing by Simulated Annealing
%J IBM Journal of Research and Development
%V 29
%N 6
%P 569-579
%D NOV 1985
%K AI06 AI03

%A Michael Cross
%T Down on th Automatic Farm
%J New Scientist
%V 108
%N 1483
%D NOV 21 1985
%P 56
%K AI07 AA23

%A S. Abramsky
%A R. sykes
%T Secd-m- a Virtual Machine for Applicative Programming
%P 81-98

%A C. L. Hankin
%A P.E. Osmon
%A M. J. Shute
%T COBWEB- A Combinator Reduction Architecture
%P 99-112

%A P. Wadler
%T How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes - A Method for Exception
Handling, Backtracking, and Pattern Matching in Lazy Functional Languages
%P 113-128
%K AI03 AI10

%A J. Hughes
%T Lazy Memo-Functions
%P 129-146

%A T. Johnsson
%T Lambda-Lifting -0 Transforming Programs to Recursive Equations
%P 190-203

%A S. K. Debray
%T Optimizing Almost-Tail-Recursive Prolog Programs
%P 204-219
%K T02

%A D. Patel
%A M. Schlag
%A M. Ercegovac
%T vFP - an Environment for the Multi-Level specification, Analysis and
Synthesis of Hardware Algorithms
%P 238-255
%K AA08 AA04

%A J. Hughes
%T A Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm
%P 256-272
%K T01 H03

%A D. R. Brownbridge
%T Cyclic Reference Counting for Combinator Machines
%P 273-288
%K T01 H03

%A D. S. Wise
%T Design for a Multiprocessing Heap with On-Board Reference Couting
%P 289-304
%K T01 H03

%A P. Dybjer
%T Program Verification in a Logical Theory of Constructions
%P 334-349
%K AA08

%A L. Augustsson
%T Compiling Pattern Matching
%P 368-381
%K O06

%A Mark Jerrum
%T Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures for a Uniform Distribution
(extended abstract)
%P 290-299
%K O06

%A D. Kapur
%A P. Narendran
%A G. Sivakumar
%T A Path Reordering for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting Systems
%P 173-187
%K AI14

%A Deepak Kapur
%A Mandayam Srivas
%T A Rewrite Rule Based Approach for Synthesizing Abstract Data Types
%P 188-207
%K AA14 AA08

%A Valentinas Kriauciukas
%T A Tree-matching Algorithm
%J Mat. Logika Primenen No. 1
%D 1981
%P 21-32
%K O06
%X Russian. English and Lithuanian Summaries

%A Aida Pliuskeviciene
%T Specification of cut-type Rules in Programming Logics with Recursion
%J Mat. Logika Primenen No. 1
%D 1981
%P 33-60
%K AI10

%A C. Choppy
%T A LISP Compiler for FP Language and its Proof via Algebraic Semantics
%P 403-415
%K T01 AA08

%A Michael J. Corinthios
%T 3D Cellular Arrays for Parallel/Cascade Image/Signal Processing
%B Spectral Techniques and Fault Detection
%P 217-298
%S Notes Rep. Comput. Sci. Appl. Math
%V 11
%I Academic Press
%C Orlando, Fla
%D 1985
%K AI06 H03

%A D. O. Avetisyan
%T The Probabilistic Approach to Construction of Intelligent Systems
%J Mat. Voprosy Kibernet. Vychisl. Tekhn NO. 13
%D 1984
%P 5-21
%V 13
%K AI16
%X (Russian with Armenian Summary)

%A Robert S. Boyer
%A J. Strother Moore
%T A Mechanical Proof of the Unsolvability of the Halting Problem
%V 31
%D 1984
%N 3
%P 441-458
%K AI11

%A N. A. Chuzhanova
%T Grammatical Method of Synthesis of Programs
%J Vychisl. Sistemy No. 102
%D 1984
%P 32-42
%N 102
%K AA08
%X russian

%A S. M. Efimova
%T Pi-Graphs for Knowledge Representation
%I Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vychisl. Tsentr, Moscow
%D 1985
%K AI16
%X Russian

%A Melvin Fitting
%T A Kripke-Kleene Semantics for Logic Programs
%J MAG79
%P 295-312
%K AI10

%A D. M. gabbay
%T N-Prolog: an Extension of PROLOG with Hypothetical Implication
II. Logical Foundations, and Negation as Failure
%J MAG79
%P 251-283
%K T02

%A Le Van Tu
%T Negation-as-failure rule for General Logic Programs with Equality
%J MAG79
%P 285-294
%K AI10

%A Zohar Manna
%A Richard Waldinger
%T Special Relations in Automated Deduction
%P 413-423
%K AI11

%A Jack Minker
%A Donald Perlis
%T Computing Protected Circumscription
%J MAG79
%P 235-249
%K AI11 AI15

%A J. A. Makowsky
%T Why Horn Formulas Matter in Computer Science: Initial Structures and
Generic Examples (extended abstract)
%P 188-207
%K AI10

%A Xu Hua Liu
%T The Input Semicancellation Resolution Principle on Horn Sets
%J Kexue Tongbao
%V 30
%D 1985
%N 16
%P 1201-1202
%K AI10 AI11
%X in chinese


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