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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 221

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest            Friday, 17 Oct 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 221 

Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Leff Bibliography Continuation #2


Date: WED, 20 apr 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: Bibliography (continued)

%A R. Neches
%A P. Langley
%A D. Klahr
%T Learning, Development and Production Systems
%I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California,
%D JAN 1986
%R 86-01
%K AI01 AI04
%X 46 pages ($4.00)

%A R. P. Hall
%T Understanding Analogical Reasoning: Computational Approaches
%D MAY 1986
%I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California,
%R 86-11
%K AI04 AT09
%X 60 pages ($5.00)

%A P. Langley
%A J. G. Carbonell
%T Language Acquisition and Machine Learning
%D JUN 1986
%I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California,
%R 86-12
%K AI02 AI04
%X 41 pages $3.00

%A J. C. Schlimmer
%T A Note on Correlational Measures
%D MAY 1986
%I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California,
%R 86-13
%X determining the degree that two events are interrelated
14 pages $2.00

%A B. Nordhausen
%T Conceptual Clustering Using Relational Information
%D JUN 1986
%I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California,
%R 86-15
%K AI04 O06
%X 15 pages $2.00

%A Peter J. Denning
%T Expert Systems
%I Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center
%R 85.17
%K AI01

%A Peter J. Denning
%T Will Machines Ever Think?
%I Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center
%R 86.12
%K AI16

%A Ajay Rastogi
%A Sargur N. Srihari
%T Recognizing Textual Blocks in Document Images Using the Hough Transform
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-01
%K AI06 AA14
%X 1.00 /1.50

%A Pudcode Swaminathan
%A Sargur N. Srihari
%T Document Image Binarization: Second Derivative Versus Adaptive Thresholding
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-02
%K AI06
%X $1.00/ $1.50

%A William J. Rapaport
%T Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: A Course Outline
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-03
%K AI16 AT18
%X $1.00/$1.50

%A Shoshana L. Hardt
%A William J. Rapaport
%T Recent and Current Ai Research in the Department of Computer Science,
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-05
%K AT21
%X $1.00/$1.50

%A Kemal Eboioglu
%T An Expert System for Harmonization of Chorales in the Style of J. S. Bach
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-09
%K AA25 AI01
%X $3.00/$4.00 289 pages

%A Stuart C. Shapiro
%T Symmetric Relations, Intensional Individuals, and Variable Binding
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-10
%K AI16 AI02 AI01
%X dealing with relations such as "are adjacent" and "are related"

%A Sargur N. Srihari
%A Jonathan J. Hull
%A Paul W. Palumbo
%A Ching-Huei Wang
%T Automatic Address Block Locatino: Analysis of Images and Statistical Data
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-11
%K AI06
%X finding the destination address on a letter, magazine or parcel for
the post office
63 pages $1.00/$1.50

%A S. L. Hardt
%A D. H. Macfadden
%A M. Johnson
%A T. Thomas
%A S. Wroblewski
%T The Dune Shell Manual: Version 1
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-12
%K AI01 AA11 AA18 T03 common sense
%X DUNE is Diagnostic Understanding of Natural Events, a shell that has
been applied to threat assessment, personality assessment and common sense

%A Janyce M. Wiebe
%A William J. Rapaport
%T Representing de re and de dicto belief reports in discourse and narrative
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-14
%K AI02 AI16
%X $1.00/$1.50

%A William J. Rapaport
%A Stuart C. Shapiro
%A Janyce M. Wiebe
%T Quasi-Indicators, Knowledge Reports, and Discourse
%I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo
%R 86-15
%K AI02 AI16 de re de dicto
%X $1.00/$1.50

%A David E. Rumenhart
%A James L. McClelland
%T Parallel Distributed Processing:
Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition,
%I Library of Computer Science
%K AT15 AI04 AI03 AI08
%X Two volume set for $35.95. Volume I: Foundations
Volume II: Psychological Models

%A Christian Lengauer
%T A View of Automated Proof Checking and Proving
%R TR-86-16
%D JUN 1986
%I University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences
%K AI11
%X $1.50

%A Manuel V. Hermengildo
%T An Abstract Machine Based Execution Model for Computer Architecture
Design and Efficient Implementation of Logic Programs in Parallel
%R TR-86-20
%D JUN 1986
%I University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences
%K AI10 H03
%X $5.00

%A Nicholas V. Findler
%A Timothy W. Bickmore
%A Robert F. Cromp
%T A General-Purpose Man-Machine Environment to Aid in Decision Making
and Planning with Special Reference to Air Traffic Control
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-001
%K AI13 AI09 O01

%A Nicholas V. Findler
%A Timothy W. Bickmore
%A Robert F. Cromp
%T A General-Purpose Man-machine Environment with Special Reference to
Air Traffic Control
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-002
%K AI13 AI09 O01

%A Nicholas V. Findler
%A Ron Lo
%T An Examination of Distributed Planning in the World of Air Traffic
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-004
%K AI13 AI09 O01

%A Ben Huey
%T Using Register Transfer Languages for Knowledge-Based Automatic
Test Generation
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-011
%K AA04

%A F. Golshani
%T Tools for the Construction of Expert Database Systems
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-013
%K AA09 AI01

%A Ben M. Huey
%T The Heuristic State Search Algorithm
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-018
%K AI03

%A F. Golshani
%A A. Faustin
%T The Eductive (sic) Knowledge Engine-Preliminary Investigations
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-84-023
%K AI16

%A A. L. Pai
%A J. W. Pan
%T A Computer Graphics Kinematic Simulation System for Robot
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-003
%K AI07

%A Nicholas V. Findler
%T Air Traffic Control, A Challenge for Artificial Intelligence
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-006
%K AI16

%A Richard L. Madarasz
%A Loren C. Heiny
%A Norm E. Berg
%T The Design of an Autonomous Vehicle for the Handicapped
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-010
%K AI07 AA19

%A N. V. Findler
%A P. Bhaskaran
%A Ron Lo
%T Two Theoretical Issues Concerning Expert Systems
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-012
%K AI01

%A Richard Madarasz
%A Kathleen M. Mutch
%A Loren C. Heiny
%T A Low-Cost Binocular Imaging System for Research and Education
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-013
%K AI06 AT18

%A Robert F. Cromp
%T The Task, Design and Approach of the Advice Taker/Inquirer
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-014
%K AI16

%A Kathleen M. Mutch
%T The Perception of Translation in Depth Using Stereoscopic Motion
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-85-015
%K AI06

%A Ron Lo
%A Cher Lo
%A N. V. Findler
%T A Pattern Search Technique for the Optimization Module of a
Morph-Fitting Package
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-86-001
%K AI03

%A N. V. Findler
%A Laurie Igrif
%T Analogical Reasoning by Intelligent Robots
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-86-003
%K AI07 AI16

%A Nicholas V. Findler
%T The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence -
A Personal View
%I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department
%R TR-86-004
%K AT14

%A Stephen Fickas
%T Automating the Transformational Development of Software
%R CIS-TR-85-01
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AA08

%A John S. Conery
%A Dennis F. Kibler
%T AND Parallelism and Nondeterminism in Logic Programs
%R CIS-TR-85-02
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K H03 AI10

%A Stephen Fickas
%A David Novick
%A Rob Reesor
%T Building Control Strategies in a Rule-Based System
%R CIS-TR-85-04
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AI01 metaknowledge

%A Stephen Fickas
%A David Novick
%T Control Knowledge in Expert Systems: Relaxing Restrictive Assumptions
%R CIS-TR-85-05
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AI01 metaknowledge

%A Stephen Fickas
%T Design Issues in a Rule-Based System
%R CIS-TR-85-06
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AI01 metaknowledge

%A Kent A. Stevens
%A Allen Brookes
%T The Concave Cusp as a Determiner of Figure Ground
%R CIS-TR-85-08
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AI06
%X (of interest to researchers on texture perception )

%A Stephen Fickas
%A David Novick
%A Rob Reesor
%T An Environment for Building Rule-Based Systems: An Overview
%R CIS-TR-85-10
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AI01 T03

%A Stephen Fickas
%T A Knowledge-Based Approach to Specification Acquisition and Construction
%R CIS-TR-85-13
%I Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon
%C Eugene, OR
%D 1985
%K AA08

%A Kazem Taghva
%T Constructive Fully Abstract Models of Typed Lambda-Calculi
%R CSR 159
%I Computer Science Department, New Mexico Tech
%C Socorro, NM
%D DEC 1983
%K AA08

%A Allan M. Stavely
%T Inference From Models of Software Systems
%R CSR 162
%I Computer Science Department, New Mexico Tech
%C Socorro, NM
%D MAY 1984
%K AA08

%A Raymond D. Gumb
%A Sarah Bottomley
%A Alex Trujillo
%T Sandia National Laboratories SURP Grant 95-2931 Final Report:
Filming a Terrain Under Uncertainty Using Temporal and Probabilistic Reasoning
%R CSR 172
%I Computer Science Department, New Mexico Tech
%C Socorro, NM
%D AUG 1986
%K AI06 O04

%A Andrew W. Appel
%T Garbage Collection Can Be Faster than Stack Allocation
%R TR-045-86
%D JUN 1986
%I Princeton University, Department of Computer Science
%K H02 T01

%A Richard J. Lipton
%A Daniel Lopresti
%A J. Douglas Welsh
%T The Total DNA Homology Experiment
%R TR-020-86
%I Princeton University, Department of Computer Science
%K AA10 O06
%X plan to compare all known DNA sequences with each other to find homologies
They will be using a systolic array for DNA sequence matching and hope
to complete the project within one years time.

%A Bernard Nadel
%T Representation-Selection for Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Case
Study Using n-Queens
%D MAR 1986
%R CRL-TR-5-86
%I University of Michigan, Computer Research Laboratory
%K AI03 AA17

%A Bernard Nadel
%T Theory-Based Search-Order Selection for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
%D APR 1986
%R CRL-TR-6-86
%I University of Michigan, Computer Research Laboratory
%K AI03

%A J. T. Park
%A T. J. Teory
%T Heuristics for Data Allocation in Local Area
%D MAY 1986
%R CRL-TR-7-86
%I University of Michigan, Computer Research Laboratory
%K AA09
%X describes heuristics for allocating data where update is done by

%A K. Shin
%A P. Ramanathan
%T Diagnosis of Malicious Processors in a Distributed Computing System
%D MAY 1986
%R CRL-TR-8-86
%I University of Michigan, Computer Research Laboratory
%K AA21

%A Hary H. Porter, III
%T Earley Deduction
%R CS/E 86-002
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1986
%K T02 Datalog

%A Clifford Walinsky
%T Constructive Negation in Horn-Clause Programs
%R CS/E 86-003
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1986
%K AI10

%A Dennis M. Volpano
%T Translating an FP Dialect to L - A Proof of Correctness
%R CS/E 85-001
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1985
%K AA08

%A Richard B. Kieburtz
%T The G-Machine: A Fast, Graph-Reduction Evaluator
%R CS/E 85-002
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1985

%A Richard B. Kieburtz
%T Incremental Collection of Dynamic, List-Structured Memories
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1985
%R CS/E 85-008
%K T01 H03
%X incremental garbage collection

%A Ashoke Deb
%T An Efficient Garbage Collector for Graph Machines
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1984
%R CS/E 84-003
%K H03

%A John S. Givler
%T Pattern Recognition in FP Programs
%I Oregon Graduate Center
%D 1983
%R CS/E 83-003
%K O06 AI06


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