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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 219

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest           Thursday, 16 Oct 1986     Volume 4 : Issue 219 

Today's Topics:
Bibliographies - Report Sources & Leff Citation Definitions &
Bibliography of AI Applications


Date: WED, 20 apr 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: Report Sources

Computer and Information Science Department
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

Department of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717

Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science
Mail Stop 230-5, Nasa/Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California 94035
Attention: Technical Librarian

Library Committee
Department of Computer Science
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
226 Bell Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Prices are U. S. / Other Countries.

Department of Computer Sciences
Technical Report Center
Taylor Hall 2.124
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712-1188

Arizona State University
Computer Science Department
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Tempe, Arizona 85287

Computer Science Department
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801

Technical Reports Librarian
Princeton University
Department of Computer Science
Princeton, NJ 08544

Computing Research Laboratory
University of Michigan
Room 2222 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Oregon Graduate Center
19600 N. W. von Neumann Drive
Beaverton, Oregon 97006-1999


Date: WED, 20 apr 86 17:02:23 CDT
From: leff%smu@csnet-relay
Subject: defs for ai.bib37C and ai.bib40C

D BOOK50 International Symposium on Logic Programming\
%D 1984
D MAG61 Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and\
Algebriaic Computation\
%D JUL 21-23 1986
D MAG60 SIGSAM Bulletin\
%V 19\
%N 3\
%D AUG 1985
D MAG62 Image and Vision Computing\
%V 4\
%N 2\
%D MAY 1986
D MAG63 International Journal of BioMedical Computing\
%V 19\
%N 1\
%D JUL 1986
D MAG64 The Computer Journal\
%V 29\
%N 3\
%D JUN 1986
D MAG65 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies\
%V 24\
%N 2\
%D FEB 1986
D MAG66 Pattern Recognition\
%V 19\
%N 3\
%D 1986
D MAG67 Robotersysteme\
%V 2\
%N 2\
%D 1986
D MAG68 Review of The Electrical Communications Laboratories\
%V 34\
%N 3\
%D MAY 1986
D MAG69 Siemens Forschungs-und Entwicklungsberichte\
%V 15\
%N 3\
%D 1986
D MAG70 Computers in Biology and Medicine\
%V 16\
%N 3\
%D 1986
D MAG71 Future Generations Computer Systems\
%V 2\
%N 1\
%D MAR 1986
D MAG72 Computers and Artificial Intelligence\
%V 4\
%N 6\
%D 1985
D MAG73 Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing\
%V 32\
%N 1\
%D OCT 1985
D MAG74 Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing\
%V 32\
%N 2\
%D NOV 1985
D MAG75 Infor\
%V 23\
%N 4\
%D NOV 1985
D MAG76 Pattern Recognition Letters\
%V 3\
%N 5\
%D SEP 1985
D MAG77 Fuzzy Sets and Systems\
%V 17\
%N 2\
%D NOV 1985
D MAG78 Kybernetika\
%V 21\
%N 5\
%D 1985
D BOOK51 Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture\
%E J. P. Jouannaud\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 201\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D BOOK52 Automata, Languages and Programming\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 201\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D MAG79 Journal of Logic Programming\
%V 2\
%D 1985\
%N 4
D MAG80 Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing\
%V 35\
%N 1\
%D JUL 1986
D MAG81 Pattern Recognition Letters\
%V 4\
%N 2\
%D APR 1986
D MAG82 International Journal of Man-Machine Studies\
%V 24\
%N 4\
%D APR 1986
D MAG83 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing\
%V 3\
%N 2\
%D JUN 1986
D MAG84 Cybernetics and Systems\
%V 17\
%N 1\
%D 1986
D BOOK53 Architectures and Algorithms For Digital Image Processing\
%S Proceedings of the Society of Photooptical Instrumentation Engineers\
%V 596\
%E M. J. B. Duff\
%E H. J. Siegel\
%E F. J. Corbett\
%D 1986
D MAG85 Journal of Logic Programming\
%V 3\
%D 1986\
%N 1
D BOOK54 Rewriting Techniques and Applications (Dijon 1985)\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 202\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D BOOK55 Topics in the Theoretical Bases and Applicatigons of Computer Science\
%I Akad. Kiado\
%C Budapest\
%D 1986
D MAG86 Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing\
%V 35\
%N 23\
%D AUG 1986
D MAG87 Computers and Operations Research\
%V 13\
%N 2-3\
%D 1986


Date: WED, 20 apr 86 17:02:23 CDT
Subject: Bibliography of AI Applications

In response to several queries on AI applications on Engineering
appearing in this forum, I am providing bibliographies on the following areas:
1) AI applications to Electrical Engineering
2) AI applications to Mechanical and Structural Engineering
3) AI applications to other Engineering Aspects
4) AI applications to Optimization

Other sources of information are the International Journal for
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering including the news section
thereof, the Proceedings of the 1986 AAAI Workshop on Knowledge Based
Expert Systems for Engineering Design, the bibliography section of the first
paper under "EE references".

Most of these are NOT included in the bib series of AI materials coming from
the same login and appearing from time to time in AIList. Ignore the %W code.

EE references

%A D. Sriram
%T Knowledge-Based Expert Systems; Collected Papers
%I Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
%C Pittsburgh, PA
%W 15V

%A C. Ronald Green
%A Sajjan G. Shiva
%T PECOS-An Expert Hardware Synthesis System
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17R

%A Hyung-Sik Park
%A Waldo C. Kobat
%T KnowPLACE: Knowledge-Based Placement of PCB's
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17S

%A Viviane Jonckers
%T Knowledge Based Selection and Coordination of Specialized
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17U

%A C. Delorme
%A F. Roux
%A L. Demians Archimbaud
%A M. Giambiasi
%A R. L'Bath
%A S. Mac Gee
%A R. Charroffin
%T A Functional Partitioning Expert System for Test Sequence Generation
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20Mc

%A John Granacki
%A David Knapp
%A Alice Parker
%T The ADAM Advanced Automation System Overview, Planner and Natural Language
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20N

%A Gotaro Odawara
%A Kazuhiko Iijima
%A Kazutoshi Wakabayashi
%T Knowledge-Based Placement Technique for Printed Wiring Boards
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20O

%A M. Giambiasi
%A B. Mc Gee
%A R. Lbath
%A L. Demains Archimbaud
%A C. Delorme
%A P. Roux
%T An Adaptive and Evolutive Tool for Describing General Hierarchical Models,
Based on Frames and Demons
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20P

%A Kai-Hsiung Chang
%A William G. Wee
%T A Knowledge Based Planning System for Mechanical Assembly Using Robots
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20Q

%A Roostam Joobbani
%A Daniel P. Siewiorek
%T Weaver: A Knowledge Based Routing Expert
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20R

%A M. A. Breuer
%A xi-an Zhu
%T A Knowledge-Based System for Selecting a Test Methodology for a PLA
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20S

%A Tariq Samad
%A Stephen W. Director
%T Towards a Natural Language Interface for CAD
%J Proceedings of the 22nd Design Automation Conference
%D 1985
%W 20T

%A Hugo J. de Man
%A I. Bolsens
%A Erik Vanden Meersch
%A Johan van CleynenBreugel
%T DIALOG: An Expert Debugging System for MOSVLSI Design
%J IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design
%V CAD-4
%N 3
%D JUL 1986
%W 20U

%A D. A. Lowther
%A C. M. Saldanha
%A G. Choy
%T The Application of Expert Systems to CAD in Electromagnetics
%J IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
%V MAG-21
%N 6
%D NOV 1985
%W 20V


Mechanical and Structural Engineering

%A J. S. Bennett
%T SACON: A Knowledge-based Consultant for Structural Analysis
%R HPP-78-23
%I Computer Science Department, Stanford University
%D SEP 1978
%W 9L

%A J. S. Bennett
%A R. Englemore
%T SACON: A Knowledge-based Consultant for Structural Analysis
%J Proceedings of the Sixth IJCAI
%P 47-49
%D 1979
%W need

%A R. Fjelheim
%A P. Syversen
%T An Expert System for SESAM-69 Program Selection
%R Computas Report 83-6010
%C Norway
%D 1983
%W rbm

%A L. A. Lopez
%A S. L. Elam
%A T. Christopherson
%T SICAD: A Prototype Implementation System for CAD
D BOOK7 Proceedings of the ASCE Third Conference on Computers in Civil
%C San Deigo, California
%D April 1984
%P 84-93
%W 13XYZ

%A R. J. Melosh
%A V. Marcal
%A L. Berke
%T Structural Analysis Consultation using Artificial Intelligence
%B Research in Computerized Strucutral Analysis and Synthesis
%C Washington, D. C.
%D OCT 1978
%W TR13

%A L. A. Lopez
%A D. Rehak
%T Computer-Aided Enginering: Problems and Prospects
%R Civil Engineering System Laboratory Research Series 8
%I University of Illinois
%D July 1981
%W TR8

%A J. M. Rivlin
%A M. B. Hsu
%A P. V. Marcal
%T Knowledge-based Consultant for Finite Element Analysis
%R Technical Report AFWAL-TR-80-3069
%I Flight Dynamics Laboratory (FIBRA), Wright-Patterson Airforce
%D May 1980
%W need

%A A. D. Radford
%A P. Hung
%A J. S. Gero
%T New Rules of Thumb from Computer-Aided Structural Design:Acquiring Knowledge
for Expert Systems
%J Proceedings CADD-84
%C United Kingdom
%D 1984
%W rbm

%A J. S. Gero
%A A. D. Radford
%T Knowledge Engineering in Computer Graphics
%J First Australasian Conference on Computer Graphics
%C Sydney, Australia
%D Aug 31-Sep 2 1983
%W rbm
%P 140-143

%A D. Sriram
%A M. L. Maher
%A J. Bielak
%A S. J. Fenves
%T Expert Systems for Civil Engineering - A Survey
%R Technical Report R-82-137
%I Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University
%D June 1982
%W ua

%A D. Sriram
%A M. Maher
%A S. Fenves
%T Applications of Expert Systems in Structural Engineering
%B Proceedings Conference on Artificial Intelligence
%C Rochestor, MI
%D APR 1983
%P 379-394
%W need

%A M. L. Maher
%A D. Sriram
%A S. J. Fenves
%T Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Based Expert Systems for Engineering Desig
%B Advances in Engineering Software
%D 1984
%W 13L

%A D. Rehak
%A C. Howard
%A D. Sriram
%T Architecture of an Integrated Knowledge Based Environment for Structural Engi
neering Applications
%J IFIP WG5.2 conference on Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design
%D SEP 1984
%C Budapest, Hungary
%W 13J

%A D. Sriram
%A M. Maher
%A S. Fenves
%T Knowledge-based Expert Systems in Structural Design
%J NASA Conference on Advances in Structures and Dynamics
%D OCT 1984
%W 13K

%A R. Reddy
%A D. Sriram
%A N. Tyle
%A R. Baneres
%A M. Rychener
%A S. J. Fenves
%T Knowledge-based Expert Systems for Engineering Applications
%J Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Man, Systems and Cybernetics
%D DEC 1983 - JAN 1984
%C India
%W 13I

%A J. S. Bennett
%A R. S. Engelmore
%T SACON: A Knowledge Based Consultant for Structural Analysis
%J Proceedings Sixth IJCAI
%P 47-49
%D 1979
%W 12H

%A D. Sriram
%T A Bibliography on Knowledge-Based Expert Systems in Engineering
%P 32-40
%D JUL 1984
%W 12I

%A H. Yoshiura
%A Kikuo Fujimura
%A T. L. Kunii
%T Top-Down Construction of 3-D Mechanical Object Shapes from Engineering Drawin
%D December 1984
%P 32-40
%W 14D

%A D. C. Brown
%A B. Chandrasekaran
%T Expert Systems for a Class of Mechanical Design Activity
%J IFIP WG5.2 Working Conference on Knowledge Engineering in Computer Aided Desi
%C Budapest, Hungary
%D SEP 1984
%W 14L

%A D. C. Brown
%T Capturing Mechanical Design Knowledge
%I Computer Science Department
%C Worcester, Massachussetts
%W 14M

%A J. S. Arora
%A G. Baenziger
%T Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Design Optimization
%J Computer Methods in Mechanics and Engineering
%V 54
%N 3
%D MAR 1986
%P 303-324

%A D. Sriram
%T Knowledge-Based Expert Systems; Collected Papers
%I Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
%C Pittsburgh, PA
%W 15V

%A D. Sriram
%A S. J. Fenves
%T Destiny: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Integrated Structural
%I Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
%C Pittsburgh, PA
%W 15W

%A T. A. Nguyen
%A W. A. Perkins
%A T. J. Laffey
%T Application of LES to Advanced Design Verification
%I Lockheed Research and Development
%W 16P

%A H. L. LI
%A P. Papalambros
%T A Production
System for Use of Global Optimization Knowledge
%V 107
%D JUN 1985
%P 277-284
%W 18H

%A J. W. Hou
%T Shape Optimization of Elastic Hollow Bars
%V 107
%D MAR 1985
%P 100-105
%W 18I

%A Hitoshi Furuta
%A King-Sun Tu
%A James T. P. Yao
%T Structural Engineering Applications of Expert Systems
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 410-419
%W 19Mc

%A Mary Lou Maher
%T Hi-Rise and Beyond: Directions for Expert Sytems in Design
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 420-426
%W 19N

%A A. D. Radford
%A J. S. Gero
%T Towards Generative Expert Systems for Architectuaral Detailing
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 428-434
%W 19O

Other Engineering Fields not included in the above

%A D. Sriram
%T Knowledge-Based Expert Systems; Collected Papers
%I Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
%C Pittsburgh, PA
%W 15V

%A Mihai Barbuceanu
%T A Domain Independent Architecture for Design Problem Solving
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17E

%A Mihai Barbuceanu
%T An Object-Centered Framework for Expert Systems in Computer-Aided
%B Knowledge Engineering in CAD
%I North Holland
%E S. Gero
%D 1985
%P 223-253
%W 17F

%A Roland Rehmart
%A Kristian Sandohl
%A Olaf Granstedt
%T Knowledge Organization in an Expert Sysem for Spot-Welding Robot
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17V

%A Toshinori Watanabe
%A Yoshiaki Nagai
%A Chizuko Yasunobu
%A Koji Sasaki
%A Toshiro Yamanaka
%T An Expert System for Computer Room Facility Layouts
%J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Expert
Systems and Applications
%D 1985
%W 17W

%A Larry F. Huggins
%A John R. Barrett
%A Don D. Jones
%T Expert Systems: Concepts and Opportunities
%J Agricultural Engineering
%D JAN/FEB 1986
%V 67
%N 1
%P 21-24

%A Fabian C. Hadipriono
%A Hock-Siew Toh
%T Approximate Reasoning Models for Consequences on Structural
Component Due to Failure Events
%W 19F

%A Michael Al. Rosenman
%A John S. Gero
%T Design Codes as Expert Systems
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 399-409
%W 19G

%A David C. Browne
%T Failure Handling in a Design Expert System
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 436-441
%W 19R

%A Michael J. Pazzani
%T Refining the Knowledge Base of a Diagnostic Expert System:
An Application of Failure-Driven Learning
%I The Aerospace Corporation
%W 20B

%A Donald E. Brown
%A Chlesea C. White, III
%T An Expert System Approach to Boiler Design
%I Department of Systems, Engineering, University of Virginia
%W 20C

%A Ernest Davis
%T Conflicting Requirements in Reasoning About Solid Objects
%W 20D

%A Daniel R. Rehak
%A H. Craig Howard
%T Interfacing Expert Systems with Design Databases in Integrated CAD
%V 17
%N 9
%D NOV 1985
%P 443-454
%W 20E

%A Pual A. Fishwick
%T The Role of Process Abstraction in Simulation
%I Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
%W 20F

%A Mark Wynot
%T Artificial Intelligence Provides Real-Time Control of DEC's Material
Handling Process
%D APR 1986
%P 34+
%W 20G

%A Jeannette M. Wing
%A Farhad Arbab
%T Geometric Reasoning: A New Paradigm for Processing Geometric Information
%I Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University
%W 20K

%A T. J. Grant
%T Lessons for OR from AI: A Scheduling Case Study
%J J. Opl Res. Soc
%V 37
%N 1
%P 41-57
%D 1986
%W 20L

%A Richard S. Shirley
%A David A. Fortin
%T Developing an Expert System for Process Fault Detection and Analysis
%J Intech
%P 51-58
%D APR 1986
%W 20M

Applications of AI to Optimization

%A Jasbir S. Arora
%A G. Baenziger
%T Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Design Optimization
%J Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
%V 54
%D 1986
%P 303-323
%W 19C

%A S. Azarm
%A P. Papalambros
%T A Case for a Knowledge-Based Active Set Strategy
%D MAR 1984
%P 77-81
%V 106
%W 19H

%A Alice M. Agogino
%A Ann S. Almgren
%T Symbolic Computation in Computer-Aided Optimal Design
%I Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
%D JUL 10, 1986
%W 20I


End of AIList Digest

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