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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 182

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AIList Digest
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AIList Digest           Wednesday, 17 Sep 1986    Volume 4 : Issue 182 

Today's Topics:
Conference - ISMIS'86 program

Date: Thu, 11 Sep 86 17:03 EST
From: ZEMANKOVA%tennessee.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Subject: Conference - ISMIS'86 program




October 22 - 25, 1986
Hilton Hotel
Knoxville, Tennessee

Sponsored by

* ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence

in cooperation with

* University of Tennessee at Knoxville
* The Data Systems Research and Development Program
of Martin Marietta Energy Systems, and
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
* University of North Carolina at Charlotte

and hosted by

* The Procter and Gamble Company

Zbigniew W. Ras (UTK and UNCC)
Maria Zemankova (UTK and UNCC)

J. Robin B. Cockett (UTK)

S. Chen (IUPUI) M. Emrich (ORNL)
G. Epstein (UNCC & Indiana) K. O'Kane (UTK)
J. Poore (Georgia Tech.& UTK) R. Yager (Iona)

P. Andrews (Carnegie-Mellon)
J. Bourne (Vanderbilt)
M. Fitting (CUNY)
B. Gaines (Calgary, Canada)
M. Gupta (Saskatchewan, Canada)
M. Karpinski (Bonn, West Germany)
E. Knuth (Budapest, Hungary)
S. Kundu (LSU)
W. Marek (Kentucky)
R. Michalski (Illinois-Urbana)
C. Negoita (CUNY)
R. Nelson (Case Western Reserve)
Z. Pawlak (Warsaw, Poland)
A. Pettorossi (Rome, Italy)
E. Sandewall (Linkoping, Sweden)
G. Shafer (Kansas)
M. Shaw (Calgary, Canada)
J. Tou (Florida)


This Symposium is intended to attract researchers
who are actively engaged both in theoretical and
practical aspects of intelligent systems. The goal
is to provide a platform for a useful exchange
between theoreticians and practitioners, and to
foster the crossfertilization of ideas in the
following areas:

* Expert Systems
* Knowledge Representation
* Logic for Artificial Intelligence
* Learning and Adaptive Systems
* Intelligent Databases
* Approximate Reasoning

There will be an exhibit of A.I. hardware and software
and of A.I. literature.

Symposium Proceedings will be published by ACM Press.

ISMIS 86 Symposium Schedule

Tuesday, October 21, 1986
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Symposium Registration
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Reception (Cash Bar)
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Exhibits

Wednesday, October 22, 1986
8:00 am - 12:00 am Symposium Registration

ISMIS'86 Opening Session
9:00 am - 9:20 am

Session 1: Expert Systems
I1: Invited Papers
Chair: M. Emrich (ORNL)

9:20am - 10:05am
"Recent Developments in Expert Systems"
B. Buchanan (Stanford Univ.)
10:05am - 10:50am
"Generic Tasks in Artificial Intelligence and Mentalese"
B. Chandrasekaran (Ohio State Univ.)

A1: Contributed Papers
Chair: R. Cockett (UT Knoxville)

11:15am - 11:40am
"The Frame-Definition Language for Customizing the
Raffaello Structure-Editor in Host Expert Systems"
E. Nissan (Ben-Gurion, Israel)
11:40am - 12:05am
"Knowledge Base Organization in Expert Systems"
S. Frediani, L. Saitta (Torino, Italy)
12:05am - 12:30pm
"NESS: A Coupled Simulation Expert System"
K. Kawamura, G. Beale, J. Rodriguez-Moscoso, B.J. Hsieh,
S. Padalkar (Vanderbilt)

B1: Contributed Papers
Chair: J. Bourne (Vanderbilt)

11:15am - 11:40am
"Design of an Expert System for Utilization Research"
A. Zvieli, S.K. MacGregor, J.Z. Shapiro (LSU)
11:40am - 12:05am
"An Expert System for Dynamic Scheduling"
S. Floyd, D. Ford (Huntsville, Alabama)
12:05am - 12:30pm
"Beginners' Strategies in Example Based Expert Systems"
T. Whalen, B. Schott (Atlanta, Georgia)

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Exhibits

Session 2: Intelligent Databases
I2: Invited Papers
Chair: W. Marek (UK Lexington)

2:00pm - 2:45pm
"Using Knowledge Representation for the Development
of Interactive Information Systems"
J. Mylopoulos (Toronto, Canada)
2:45pm - 3:30pm
"Acquisition of Knowledge from Data"
G. Wiederhold (Stanford Univ.)

A2: Contributed Papers
Chair: S. Kundu (LSU)

3:50pm - 4:15pm
"A Decidable Query Answering Algorithm for Circumscriptive
T. Przymusinski (El Paso, Texas)
4:15pm - 4:40pm
"Fuzzy Knowledge Engineering Techniques in Scientific Document
R. Lopez de Mantaras (Barcelona, Spain)
4:40pm - 5:05pm
"A Semantic and Logical Front-end to a Database System"
M. Rajinikanth, P.K. Bose (Texas Instruments, Dallas)
5:05pm - 5:30pm
"A Knowledge-Based Approach to Online Document Retrieval
System Design"
G. Biswas, J.C. Bezdek, R.L. Oakman (Columbia, S.C.)
5:30pm - 5:55pm
"Towards an Intelligent and Personalized Information Retrieval
S.Myaeng, R.R. Korfhage (Southern Methodist, Texas)

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Exhibits

7:30 pm - 10:00 pm Dinner Theatre
Karel Capek, R.U.R.

Thursday, October 23, 1986

Session 3: Approximate Reasoning
I3: Invited Papers
Chair: M. Zemankova (UT Knoxville)

9:00am - 9:45am
"Inductive Models under Uncertainty"
P. Cheeseman (NASA AMES and SRI)
9:45am - 10:30am
"The Concept of Generalized Assignment Statement and its
Application to Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy Logic"
L.A. Zadeh (Berkeley)

A3: Contributed Papers
Chair: B. Bouchon (Paris, France)

10:50am - 11:15am
"Expert System on a Chip: An Engine for Real-Time Approximate
M. Togai (Rockwell International),
H. Watanabe (AT&T Bell Lab, Holmdel)
11:15am - 11:40am
"Selecting Expert System Frameworks within the Bayesian Theory"
S.W. Norton (PAR Government Systems Co., New Hartford)
11:40am - 12:05pm
"Inference Propagation in Emitter, System Hierarchies"
T. Sudkamp (Wright State)
12:05pm - 12:30pm
"Estimation of Minimax Values"
P. Purdom (Indiana), C.H. Tzeng (Ball State Univ.)

B3: Contributed Papers
Chair: E. Nissan (Ben-Gurion, Israel)

10:50am - 11:15am
"Aggregating Criteria with Quantifiers"
R.R. Yager (Iona College)
11:15am - 11:40am
"Approximating Sets with Equivalence Relations"
W. Marek (Kentucky), H. Rasiowa (Warsaw, Poland)
11:40am - 12:05pm
"Evidential Logic and Dempster-Shafer Theory"
S. Chen (UNC-Charlotte)
12:05pm - 12:30pm
"Propagating Belief Functions with Local Computations"
P.P. Shenoy, G. Shafer (Lawrence, Kansas)

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Exhibits

Session 4: Logics for Artificial Intelligence
I4: Invited Papers
Chair: M. Fitting (CUNY)

2:00pm - 2:45pm
"Automated Theorem Proving: Mapping Logic into A.I."
D.W. Loveland (Duke Univ.)
2:45pm - 3:30pm
"Extensions to Functional Programming in Scheme"
D.A. Plaisted, J. W. Curry (UNC Chapel Hill)

A4: Contributed Papers
Chair: G. Epstein (UNC Charlotte)

3:50pm - 4:15pm
"Logic Programming Semantics using a Compact Data Structure"
M. Fitting (CUNY)
4:15pm - 4:40pm
"On the Relationship between Autoepistemic Logic and Parallel
M. Gelfond, H. Przymusinska (El Paso, Texas)
4:40pm - 5:05pm
"A Preliminary Excursion Into Step-Logics"
J. Drapkin, D. Perlis (College Park, Maryland)
5:05pm - 5:30pm
"Tree Resolution and Generalized Semantic Tree"
S. Kundu (LSU)
5:30pm - 5:55pm
"An Inference Model for Inheritance Hierarchies with
K. Whitebread (Honeywell, Minneapolis)

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Exhibits

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Symposium Banquet
Keynote Speaker: Brian Gaines (Calgary, Canada)

Friday, October 24, 1986

Session 5: Learning and Adaptive Systems
I5: Invited Papers
Chair: Z. Ras (UT Knoxville)

8:45am - 9:30am
"Analogical Reasoning in Planning and Decision Making"
J. Carbonell (Carnegie-Mellon Univ.)
9:30am - 10:15am
"Emerging Principles in Machine Learning"
R. Michalski (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana)

A5: Contributed Papers
Chair: D. Perlis (Maryland)

10:35am - 11:00am
"Memory Length as a Feedback Parameter in Learning Systems"
G. Epstein (UNC-Charlotte)
11:00am - 11:25am
"Experimenting and Theorizing in Theory Formation"
B. Koehn, J.M. Zytkow (Wichita State)
11:25am - 11:50am
"On Learning and Evaluation of Decision Rules in the Context
of Rough Sets"
S.K.M. Wong, W. Ziarko (Regina, Canada)
11:50am - 12:15pm
"Taxonomic Ambiguities in Category Variations Needed to Support
Machine Conceptualization"
L.J. Mazlack (Berkeley)
12:15pm - 12:40pm
"A Model for Self-Adaptation in a Robot Colony"
T.V.D.Kumar, N. Parameswaran (Madras, India)

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm Symposium Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Joseph Deken (NSF)
"Viable Inference Systems"

Session 6: Knowledge Representation
I6: Invited Papers
Chair: S. Chen (UNC Charlotte)

2:15pm - 3:00pm
"Self-Improvement in Problem-Solving"
R.B. Banerji (St. Joseph's Univ.)
3:00pm - 3:45pm
"Logical Foundations for Knowledge Representation in
Intelligent Systems"
B.R. Gaines (Calgary, Canada)

A6: Contributed Papers
Chair: M. Togai (Rockwell International)

4:00pm - 4:25pm
"Simulations and Symbolic Explanations"
D.H. Helman, J.L. Bennett, A.W. Foster (Case Western Reserve)
4:25pm - 4:50pm
"Notes on Conceptual Representations"
E. Knuth, L. Hannak, A. Hernadi (Budapest, Hungary)
4:50pm - 5:15pm
"Spaceprobe: A System for Representing Complex Knowledge"
J. Dinsmore (Carbondale, Ill)
5:15pm - 5:40pm
"Challenges in Applying Artificial Intelligence Methodologies
to Military Operations"
L.F. Arrowood, M.L. Emrich, M.R. Hilliard, H.L. Hwang
(Oak Ridge National Lab.)

B6: Contributed Papers
Chair: L. de Mantaras (Barcelona, Spain)

4:00pm - 4:25pm
"Knowledge-Based Processing/Interpretation of Oceanographic
Satellite Data"
M.G. Thomason, R.E. Blake (UTK), M. Lybanon (NTSL)
4:25pm - 4:50pm
"A Framework for Knowledge Representation and use in Pattern
F. Bergadano, A. Giordana (Torino, Italy)
4:50pm - 5:15pm
"Algebraic Properties of Knowledge Representation Systems"
J.W. Grzymala-Busse (Lawrence, Kansas)
5:15pm - 5:40pm
"Prime Rule-based Methodologies Give Inadequate Control"
J.R.B. Cockett, J. Herrera (UTK)

ISMIS'86 Closing Session
5:45pm - 6:00pm

Saturday, October 25, 1986

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Colloquia (parallel sessions)

1:30 pm - 7:30 pm Trip to the Smoky Mountains


Advance Symposium Registration
Received by September 15, 1986
Member of ACM $220.00
Non-member $250.00
Student* $ 30.00

Late or On-Site Registration
Member of ACM $265.00
Non-member $295.00
Student* $ 40.00

Additional Tickets
Reception $ 5.00
Dinner Theatre $ 25.00
Symposium Banquet $ 25.00
Symposium Luncheon $ 10.00
Trip to Smoky Mountains $ 25.00

Symposium registration fee includes the Proceedings (available at
the Symposium), continental breakfasts, reception, dinner theatre,
symposium banquet, symposium luncheon, coffee breaks.

* Student registration includes only coffee breaks. Students
registration limited, hence students should register early.


A block of rooms has been reserved for the symposium at the
Hilton Hotel. The ISMIS 86 rate for a single occupancy is $47.00
and double occupancy $55.00. To reserve your room, contact the
Hilton Hotel, 501 Church Avenue, S.W., Knoxville, TN 37902-2591,
telephone 615-523-2300 by September 30, 1986. The Hilton Hotel
will continue to accept reservations after this date on a space
availability basis at the ISMIS 86 rates. However, you are
strongly encouraged to make your reservations by the cutoff date
of September 30.

Reservation must be accompanied by a deposit of one night's room


The Hilton Hotel provides a free limousine service from and to
the airport.

If arriving by your vehicle, all overnight guests receive free


DELTA Airlines has been designated as the official carrier for the
Symposium. Attendees arranging flights with DELTA will receive a
35% discount off the regular coach fare to Knoxville. To take
advantage of this speical rate call (toll-free) 1-800-241-6760,
referring to FILE #J0170. This number is staffed from 8:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m. EDT, seven days per week.


Knoxville is located in East Tennessee, the area that is noted for its
abundant water reservoirs, rivers, mountains, hardwood forests and
wildlife refuges. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the
Cumberland Mountains, the resort city of Gatlinburg, and the Oak
Ridge Museum of Science and Energy are all within an hours drive
from the downtown area. The Fall season offers spectacular views
of radiant colors within the city and the surrounding contryside.
Interstates 40 and 75 provide access into Knoxville.


For the registration form, please write to

UTK Departments of Conferences
2014 Lake Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-3910


Further information can be obtained from:

Zbigniew W. Ras Maria Zemankova
Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science
University of North Carolina University of Tennessee
Charlotte, NC 28223 Knoxville, TN 37996-1301
(704) 597-4567 (615) 974-5067
ras%unccvax@mcnc.CSNET zemankova@utenn.CSNET


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