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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 189

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Published in 
AIList Digest
 · 1 year ago

AIList Digest           Saturday, 20 Sep 1986     Volume 4 : Issue 189 

Today's Topics:
AI Tools - Symbolics Lisp Release 7,
Games - Connect Four & Computer Chess News,
Applications - Music-Research Digest,
Contest - New Deadline for HP Contest


Date: 2 Sep 86 20:03:34 GMT
From: mcvax!euroies! (Ceri John Fisher)
Subject: Symbolics Lisp Release 7 (Genera)

Information requested:
Does anybody have any concrete comments on Symbolics Release 7 Common Lisp
and ZetaLisp and new window system. We have release 6 and are rather fear-
fully awaiting the next release since we have started to hear rumours of
large resources required and relatively poor performance (in spite of increased
ease of use). Can anyone confirm or deny this from actual experience ?
Mail me with your comments and I will summarize to the net if there's
enough interest.
Thank you for your attention.

Ceri Fisher, Plessey (UK) Ltd, Christchurch, England.
ceri@euroies.UUCP or ..<your route to europe>!mcvax!ukc!euroies!ceri
<disclaimer, quip> -- currently under revision


Date: 6 Sep 86 19:02:10 GMT
From: well! (Jeffrey Jacobs)
Subject: Re: Symbolics Lisp Release 7 (Genera)

You want Common Lisp, you gotta pay the price <GRIN>! I've heard the same


Date: 15 Aug 86 16:11:25 GMT
From: mcvax!botter!klipper! (L. Victor Allis)
Subject: Information wanted.

I'm looking for any information I can get on a game which is a
more complex kind of tic-tac-toe. In the Netherlands this game
is called 'vier op een rij', in Germany 'vier gewinnt'.

[Here it's marketed by Milton Bradley as Connect Four. -- KIL]

Description of the game:

'Vier op een rij' is played on a vertical 6 x 7 grid. Two players,
white and black, the former having 21 white, the latter having
21 black stones, play the game by alternately throwing one of
their stones in one of the 7 vertical columns. The stone will
fall down as far as possible.
The goal of the game is to have four of your stones on four
consecutive horizontal, vertical or diagonal positions (like
tic-tac-toe). The one who achieves this first, wins. A draw is
possible, if none achieved this and the grid is full.
White always has the first 'move'.
It is not allowed to pass.

Possible situation in a game:

| | | | | | | | White (x) will lose this game since in this
--------------- situation he has to play the second column to
| | | |o| | | | prevent black (o) from winning horizontaly,
--------------- but this will give black the possibility to
| | | |x| | | | win diagonaly by playing the second column again.
| | |o|o|o| | |
| |x|x|o|x| | |
|o|x|x|x|o| | |

I would like to know if there is someone who wrote a program for
this game and any results which were obtained by this program, like:

1) Result of the game after perfect play of both sides.
2) Best opening moves for both sides.

Thanks !

Victor Allis. victor@klipper.UUCP
Free University of Amsterdam.
The Netherlands.


Date: 18 Aug 86 23:27:15 GMT
From: ihnp4!cuae2!ltuxa!ttrdc!levy@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Daniel R. Levy)
Subject: Re: Information wanted.

In article <585@klipper.UUCP>, victor@klipper.UUCP (L. Victor Allis) writes:
>I'm looking for any information I can get on a game which is a
>more complex kind of tic-tac-toe. In the Netherlands this game
>is called 'vier op een rij', in Germany 'vier gewinnt'.

On this vanilla System V R2 3B20 the game is available as /usr/games/connect4
(sorry, no source code came with it on this UNIX-source-licensed system
and even if it did it might be proprietary [ :-) ] but I hope this pointer
is better than nothing).

Please excuse me for posting rather than mailing. My route to overseas sites
seems tenuous at best.

------------------------------- Disclaimer: The views contained herein are
| dan levy | yvel nad | my own and are not at all those of my em-
| an engihacker @ | ployer or the administrator of any computer
| at&t computer systems division | upon which I may hack.
| skokie, illinois |
-------------------------------- Path: ..!{akgua,homxb,ihnp4,ltuxa,mvuxa,
go for it! allegra,ulysses,vax135}!ttrdc!levy


Date: 4 Sep 86 21:42:59 GMT
From: ubc-vision!alberta! (Tony Marsland)
Subject: Computer Chess News

The June 1986 issue of the ICCA Journal is now being distributed.
The issue contains the following articles:
"Intuition in Chess" by A.D. de Groot
"Selective Search without Tears" by D. Beal
"When will Brute-force Programs beat Kasparov?" by D. Levy
Also there is a complete report on the 5th World Computer Chess Championship
by Helmut Horacek and Ken Thompson, including all the games.

There are many other short articles, reviews and news items.
Subscriptions available from:
Jonathan Schaeffer, Computing Science Dept., Univ. of Alberta,
Edmonton T6G 2H1, Canada.
Cost: $15 for all four 1985 issues
$20 per year beginning 1987, $US money order or check/cheque.
email: jonathan@alberta.uucp for more information.


Date: Sat, 30 Aug 86 11:00:56 GMT
From: Stephen Page
Subject: New list: Music-Research Digest


An electronic mail discussion group

The Music-Research electronic mail redistribution list was established after a
suggestion made at a meeting in Oxford in July 1986, to provide an effective
and fast means of bringing together musicologists, music analysts, computer
scientists, and others working on applications of computers in music research.

Initially, the list was established for people whose chief interests concern
computers and their applications to

- music representation systems
- information retrieval systems for musical scores
- music printing
- music analysis
- musicology and ethnomusicology
- tertiary music education
- databases of musical information

The following areas are not the principal concern of this list, although
overlapping subjects may well be interesting:

- primary and secondary education
- sound generation techniques
- composition

There are two addresses being used for this list:
for requests to be added to or deleted from the list, and other
administrivia for the moderator.

for contributions to the list.

The above addresses are given in UK (NRS) form. For overseas users, the
INTERNET domain-style name for the moderator is

If your mailer does not support domain-style addressing, get it fixed. For the
moment, explicitly send via the London gateway, using
UUCP users who do not have domain-style addressing may send via Kent:


Date: 8 Sep 86 19:46:47 GMT
From: hpcea!hpfcdc!hpfclp! (AI)
Subject: New deadline for HP contest

[Forwarded from the Prolog Digest by Laws@SRI-STRIPE.]

Hewlett-Packard has extended the submittal deadline for its AI programming
contest. Software and entry forms must by sent on or before February 1, 1987.

In addition, originality has been added as a judging criterion. That is,
newly written software will be weighted more heavily than ported software.

Revised rules and an entry form follow.


AI Programming Contest

To celebrate the release of its AI workstation, Hewlett-Packard is
sponsoring a programming contest. Submit your public domain software
by February 1, 1987 to be considered for the following prizes:

First prize: One HP72445A computer (Vectra)
Second prize: One HP45711B computer (Portable Plus)
Third prize: One HP16C calculator (Computer Scientist)

Complete rules follow.

1. All entries must be programs of interest to the symbolic computing
or artificial intelligence communities. They must be executable on
HP9000 Series 300 computers running the HP-UX operating system. This
includes programs written in the Common LISP, C, Pascal, FORTRAN, or
shell script languages, or in any of our third party AI software.

2. All entries must include source code, machine-readable
documentation, a test suite, and any special instructions necessary to
run the software. Entries may be submitted by electronic mail or
shipped on HP formatted 1/4" Certified Data Cartridge tapes.

3. All entries must be in the public domain and must be accompanied
by an entry form signed by the contributor(s). Entries must be sent
on or before February 1, 1987.

4. Only residents of the U.S. may enter. HP employees and their
dependents are ineligible to receive prizes, but are welcome to submit
software. In the case of team entries, each member of the team must
be eligible. No duplicate prizes will be awarded. Disposition of the
prize is solely the responsibility of the winning team.

5. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality, relevance to our
user community, complexity, completeness, and ease of use. The date of
receipt will be used as a tie-breaker. Decision of the judges will be

6. HP cannot return tape cartridges.

7. Selected entries will be distributed by HP on an unsupported
software tape. This tape will be available from HP for a distribution
fee. The contributor(s) of each entry which is selected for this tape
will receive a complimentary copy.

To enter:

Print and complete the following entry form and mail it to:

AI Programming Contest M.S. 99
3404 E. Harmony Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Send your software on HP formatted 1/4"
tape to the same address, or
send it via electronic mail to:
hplabs!hpfcla!aicontest or ihnp4!hpfcla!aicontest

[Form deleted: write to the author or check the Prolog Digest. I generally
omit entry forms and conference reservation coupons to save bandwidth,
reduce storage space, and avoid annoying those with slow terminals
or expensive communication links. -- KIL]


End of AIList Digest

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