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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 084

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AIList Digest
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AIList Digest            Sunday, 13 Apr 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 84 

Today's Topics:
Bibliography - Recent Articles #2


Date: WED, 10 JAN 84 17:02:23 CDT
Subject: Recent Articles #2

%A Clifford Barney
%T Expert Systems Makes it Easy to Fix Instruments
%J Electronics
%V 58
%N 51
%D DEC 23, 1985
%P 26
%K AI01 AA04 AA21 Ada Lockheed Missiles and Space Lockheed Expert
%X Lockheed Missiles and Space has developed a generic expert system
to assist in repairing and calibrating 55000 instruments.
This system has been used successfully on a Hewlett-Packard 6130C
digital voltage source. The epxert system was written in ADA. The
system is being applied to 20 different systems including signal-switching
and computer aided design.

%A Robert T. Gallagher
%T French Make Retools to Fight the Japanese
%J Electronics
%V 58
%N 51
%P 26-28
%D DEC 23, 1985
%K AA05 GA03 RTC La Radiotechnique Compelec cathode-ray tube AI07
%X RTC La Radiotechnique Compelec has converted a cathode-ray tube
to robotics. Robots are being used to place the
luminescent materials on the tube screens, testing, and placement
in packing materials. The areas requiring manual work are
fitting the shadow masks on to the CRT's frames and the final test
where tuning is done.

%A H. Berghel
%T Spelling Verification in Prolog
%J SIGPLAN Notices
%V 21
%N 1
%D JAN 1986
%P 19-27
%K T02
%X describes a system to check words against table and if mispelled to
suggest possible correct spellings.

%A D. Brand
%T On Typing in Prolog
%J SIGPLAN Notices
%V 21
%N 1
%D JAN 1986
%P 28-30
%K T02

%T Advertisement
%D JAN 1986
%V 11
%N 1
%P 348
%K T01 T02 T03 H01 AT01
%X Price List on AI type products from The Programmers SHOP
800-421-8006 128B Rockland Street, Hanover MA 02339
l l l.
ES Construction~~$100
ESP~~ $845
Expert CHOICE~~$449
GC LISP (Large Model)~~$649
Compiler and LM Interpreter~~$1045
TLC LISP~CPM-86~$235
Waltz LISP~CPM~$149
IQ LISP~~$155
Prof. Micro Prolog3~~$359

%A Hugh Aldersey-Williams
%T Computer Eyes Turn to Food
%J High Technology
%D JAN 1986
%P 66-67
%V 6
%N 1
%K Vision Systems International Nello Zuech Roger Brook strawberry
citrus juice mixed vegetables AI06
%X At the University of Florida, Gainseville, they are working on a
vision system to pick citrus fruit when it is ripe. Arthur D. Little
is working on a sytem that would determine whether the mixture in a package
of mixed vegetables contains the correct proportion of different ingredients.

%T International Robomation Gets Two Million in Orders
%J Electronic News
%D MAR 3, 1986
%P 46
%V 32
%N 1591
%K AI07 AA04 Chrysler AT&T Hewlett-Packard Zenith SMD printed-circuit
board solder paste
%X Orders included $750,000 from Chrysler for a surface mounted device
inspection system, $400,000 from HP, $270,000 for inspection of through-hole
components, $400,000 from AT&T and $305,000 from Zenith for high-through
put SMD inspection

%T Asahi to Market Lincoln Inspector
%J Electronic News
%D MAR 3, 1986
%P 46
%V 32
%N 1591
%K AA04 AI06 Lincoln Laser GA01 GA02
%X Asahi Optical Company has agreed to market Lincoln Laser Co's line
of automatic optical inspection systems in Japan. Lincoln Laser plans
to manufacture the equipment in Japan. First year sales are projected
to be 40 systems valued at approximately $16.7 million.

%A Peggy Watt
%T Expert System: Boeing AI Academy Schools In-House Talent
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 3, 1986
%V 20
%N 9
%P 1+
%K AI01 AT18 AA18 Janusz S. Kowalik connectors AA04 space station.
%X U. S. Department of Defense announced in 1981 that artificial intelligence
will be a requisite in defense contract bids in the late 1980's. Boeing
Computer Services established an Artificial Intelligence Support
Center which graduates associates after a year of training including
developing a project of relevance to Boeing. The system acommodates
20 people in two classes scheduled each year and receives inquiries from
40 people a year out of 106,000 total employees of Boeing. They are
developing an expert system for process specs for connector assemblies.
It recommends actions in about 60% of the situations it encounters. It
runs in Prolog on a DEC VAX. They are developing an expert system
to monitor space-station cabin environment changes. Also developed
are systems for airplane part design maintenance and diagnosis.
Another helps determine air resistance assists the aerodynamicist in defining
and evaluating parameters.

%T Top of the News
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 3, 1986
%V 20
%N 9
%P 1+
%K Kurzweill Applied Intelligence Voice Writer AI05
%X "Kurzweil Applied Intelligence, Inc.'s Voice Writer, a voice-recognition
word processing device that will handle discrete, noncontinuous speech
at up to 60 words per minute, is on track for a third-quarter introduction,
inventor Raymond Kurzweil disclosed last week." It will support between
5000 and 10000 words and will cost under $20,000.

%T Borland Enters AI Arena with Turbo Prolog Development Tool
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 3, 1986
%V 20
%N 9
%P 14
%K Turbo-Prolog Borland International T02 H01
%X Turbo-Prolog costs $99.95. It has an incremental compiler that
generates native code and linkable object modules compatible with the
IBM MS-DOS linker. It includes a full screen editor,
pull-down menus, graphical and text-based windows. It will be available
April 25. The next version of Turbo Pascal will be able to exchange information
with Turbo Prolog. The system runs at 100,000 LIPS.

%T New Products/Microcomputers
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 3, 1986
%V 20
%N 9
%K OPS-83 Production Systems Technologies T03 H01
%X Production Systems Technologies, Inc. has announced that OPS83 is
now available for use on the IBM PC. It costs $1950.00

%T New Products/Systems and Peripherals
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 3, 1986
%V 20
%N 9
%K Maxvideo Minvideo Datacube Multibus Addgen-1 frame store DSP Systems
%X Datacube Inc. has introduced Minivideo, a real time image
processing subsystem, and has added three modules to its MaxVideo product
line. Minvideo-10 and Minvideo 7 are 8-bit 512 by 512 and 384 by 512 boards
for Intel Multibus or IIbx based computers.
DSP system has announced a FRAME STORE that can store a snap shot
of 50 Mhz data. It can store up to 32K 16 bit words

%A Gadi Kaplan
%T Industrial Electronics
%J IEEE Spectrum
%V 23
%N 1
%D JAN 1986
%P 61-64
%K Fujitsu General Electric process control Foxboro Farot-M6 AI06 AA05 AI07
%X GE has developed a system that can weld using inert gas at 40 mm per second
or about twice the rate of any other system. It uses a vision system.
General Electric has developed an expert system tool called GEN-X.
Foxboro announced controllers with 200 rules. Japanese manufacturers last year
made 50,000 industrial robots valued at 1.2 billion. Fujitsu expects to
sell $2.1 billion in Japanese industrial robots and $4 billion in 2000 years.
Japanese auto manufacturers buy 40 percent of the robots produced. Farot
M6 robots made by Fujitsu have two arms which can be worked in coordination.
Fujitsu has eliminated the need for counterweights and can place components
with 30 micrometer accuracy at speeds up to 2 meters per second.

%A Mark A. Fischeti
%A Glenn Zorpette
%T Power and Energy
%J IEEE Spectrum
%V 23
%N 1
%D JAN 1986
%K AA04 AI01 Westinghouse Electric Corporation nuclear power Babcock and Wilson
EG&G Idaho reactor
%X "Westinghouse Electric Corporation of Pittsburgh, PA offers
the Genaid diagnostic software package to monitor changing conditions
in power plant generators, analyze them, and warn plant operators of
potential trouble." EG&G Idaho of Idaho Falls has a Reactor Safety Assessment
system which "processes large amounts of data from a nuclear power
plant during an emergency, makes diagnoses, and outliens the consequences of
subsequent actions. After final refinements, this expert system program
is to go on line this year at he Nuclear Regulatory Commison's
Operations Center in Washington Center. The system was
developed for use with Babcock and Wilcox Pressurized-water reactors and
will be adapted for use with other reactors." [In Spang-Robinson
report, they indicated that the Japanese are putting major amounts
of money into expert systems for nuclear reactor operations. See my
summary for more info. LEFF ]

%A Richard Brandt
%T Micromechanics: The Eyes and Ears of Tomorrow's Computers
%J BusinessWeek
%D MAR 17, 1986
%P 88-89
%N 2937
%K AI07 AI06 signature verification Novasensor Schlumberger
diabetes insulin Clini-Therm Corporation NEC Solartron Transducer
Hiroshi Tanigawa
%X Micromechanics, the making of mechanical sensors completely out of
semiconductors, is a $250,000,000 business. Europe is increasing
its market share. The most widely used devices are pressure sensors
with a silicon chip with a hole etched nearly through it leaving
a thin membrane. Hitachi sells about a million of such sensors
per year which it sells at ten dollars a piece. Millar
Instruments puts such sensors at the end of a blood pressure monitor to
take readings inside a blood vessel. Researchers
at MIT are working on a system that will translate nerve impulses
into controls for prosthetics. The MIT team anticipates the first
tests on humans with three years. There are devices with a set of
diving boards for measuring accelerations. IBM is using such a device
in a pen to detect the hand motions in writing a signature. This
data is analyzed to determine if there is a forger.
Texas Instruments is perfecting a silicon chip
with one million mirrors for use in optical computing.

%T AI to Dominate Optics Symposium
%J Electronics
%D MAR 3, 1986
%P 70
%V 59
%N 9
%K George Gilmore AI06 evidencing AA18
%X Discussion of the Society of Photooptical Instrumentation
Engineers Symposium on Optics symposium on Applications
of Artificial Intelligence III.

%A Alice LaPlante
%T Stock Market Finds AI Attractive Buy
%J InfoWorld
%V 8
%N 9
%D MAR 3, 1986
%K Teknowledge Harvey Newquist Intellicorp AT16
%X Discussions of public offerings
of Teknowledge's new public offering.

%A Ivars Peterson
%T Computing Art
%J Science News
%V 129
%P 138-140
%N 9
%D MAR 1, 1986
%K Richard Diebenkorn Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture grammar art
architecture Russell Kirsch Joan Marvin Minsky AA25
%X Using a grammar, scientists have developed
grammars for Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture and Richard Diebenkorn's
"Ocean Park" canvasses. These have been used to develop works
that appeared to by the author. Diebenkorn when shown the works said
"I looked and felt immediate recognition."

%A Scott Mace
%T Microrim Team To Study Data Management
%J Infoworld
%D March 10, 1986
%V 8
%N 10
%K AA09
%X Microrim is setting a R&D group to exploit what it calls
a 'potentially revolutionary' technology for making database
management easier. [Microrim makes RBASE database products
for microcomputers and CLOUT, a natural language interface.]

%A Karen Sorensen
%T Scientific Application for Expert System in Works
%J Infoworld
%D March 10, 1986
%V 8
%N 10
%K gas chromatography Award Software AI01 AA02 Award Software C H01
%X Award Software is developing an expert system
for making identifications of chemical substances. It is designed for
use with gas chromatography. They are using C to develop the

%T Infomarket
%J Infoworld
%D March 10, 1986
%V 8
%N 10
%K H01 T03 Intelligent Machine Co. Knowledge Oriented Language
Knowol Rock Mountain Medical Software HouseCall AI01 AA01
%X Intelligent Machine Co is advertising The Knowledge Oriented
Language for $39.95. HouseCall is a home medical system
which can make over 400 diagnoses. It costs $49.95 and runs
on IBM PC's and Apples

%A Daniel R. Pfau
%A Barry A. Zack
%T Understanding Expert System Shells
%J Computerworld Focus
%D February 19, 1986
%V 20
%N 7A
%K T03
%P 23-24

%A Girish Parikh
%T Restructuring Your Cobol Programs
%J Computerworld Focus
%D February 19, 1986
%V 20
%N 7A
%P 39-42
%K AI01 AA08 Cobol-SF

%A Elisabeth Horwitt
%T LISP Systems Tied to SNA
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 10, 1986
%V 20
%N 10
%P 1
%K Symbolics H02 AA06 CICS IBM
%X Symbolics introduced a product to allow their Symbolics 3600's
to communicates via SNA. They also provide an interface
to use CICS to access VSAM files. The hardware + software
costs $17,900 for the first Symbolics and $4900 for each additional
Symbolics or IBM.

%A Eric Bender
%T The Concerted Kurzweil Effort
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 10, 1986
%V 20
%N 10
%P 33+
%K Voice Writer AI05
%X describes demonstration of Kurzweill's add on for the IBM PC to
do speech recognition. Kurzweill will be selling a Voice
Writer which will handle 5000 words and allow eight users. It uses
parallel processing to accept dictation at 60 words per minute.

%T New Products/Microcomputers
%J ComputerWorld
%D MAR 10, 1986
%V 20
%N 10
%P 81
%K AA08 H01
%X P-Cube Corb has annoucned Mansys/IRM a "knowledge-based"
system to help assess the quality of the procedures and processes
within an information systems department. It costs $1800 and runs
on IBM PC's.

%T Spin-Offs
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D MAR 1986
%V 23
%N 3
%P 17
%K Color Systems Technology colorization AA25
%X describes the system used to color old movies.

%A Ernest W. Kent
%A Michael O. Shneier
%T Eyes for Automatons
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D MAR 1986
%V 23
%N 3
%P 37
%K Honeywell Navy AI06 AI07 cleaning agriculture printed circuit-board
propeller CAD/CAM Control Automation Interscan Odetics range images
Environmental REsearch Institute AA18 AA19 Automatix Advanced Vision
Systems ITMI Marketing Corp Analog Devices Automation Intelligence
%X At Honeywell, they are using a vision system to identify missing
leads in printed-circuit boards. It uses four videocamera's 90 degrees
apart to capture light reflections. There are 200 companies offering
a product or service related to machine-vision. 50 of these
offer complete systems. At a Navy ship-building system, a video
system inspects propellors and compares the results against the
CAD/CAM database to see if it was made possible. Autonomous
mobile robots are under commercial development for
materials transport, commercial cleaning, and construction.
Total sales for machine vision systems have double in each of the last
two years.

%A Mark A. Fischetti
%T A Review of Progress at MCC
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D MAR 1986
%V 23
%N 3
%P 76-82
%K AA04 VLSI-CAD reconvergent fanout problem H02 LDL AI10 T02 AA09
%X In the VLSI-CAD, area, they are using 81 LISP machines.
They developed a module editor which lays out circuitry
graphically. They have developed an algorithm for solving
the reconvergent fanout problem.
Discusses the knowledge-base that is supposed to contain
"common-sense" They have developed a test application that will
help IC chip designers. The database group is developing
a system to compile large logic systems on disks

%A Glenn Zorpette
%T Robots for Fun and Profit
%J IEEE Spectrum
%D MAR 1986
%V 23
%N 3
%P 71-75
%K AA25 AI07 Survival Research Labs
%X discusses various robots that are part of art shows or used
for entertainment. Survival Research Labs puts on
demonstrations where large mobile robots destroy props, animal
carcasses or one another.

%T Gould Acquires Vision Systems Unit
%J Electronic News
%V 32
%N 1592
%D MAR 10, 1986
%P 14
%K Gould Automated Intelligence Opti-Vision AI06 AT16
%X Gould has acquired the VisionSystems division of
Automated Intelligence. This division makes the Opti-Vision system.


End of AIList Digest

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