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AIList Digest Volume 4 Issue 029

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AIList Digest
 · 1 year ago

AIList Digest            Monday, 17 Feb 1986       Volume 4 : Issue 29 

Today's Topics:
Queries - Expert Systems Information & Rule Master Reviews &
Games, Evolution and Learning Conference & Chess & Micro Prolog,
Bindings - Prisoner's Dilemma Mailing List,
Machine Learning - Hopfield Networks,
Software Review - Personal Computer Scheme


Date: Sun 16 Feb 86 22:36:39-EST
From: "Randall Davis" <DAVIS%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
Reply-to: davis@mit-mc
Subject: access to info

I'd like to assemble a list of resources of information about expert systems,
organized along the lines indicated below. If you can think of a
trade magazine,
newsletter, or
regularly scheduled conference
not listed below, and can supply the relevant details, please send them to me
(not to the whole list, and please only respond if you have the details
available and accurate). I'll filter the responses to eliminate duplicates
and re-post to the list it for general consumption.


SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION (frequency of publication, price)
CATEGORY: one of RESEARCH JOURNAL (eg, Artificial Intelligence)
COMMERCIAL NEWSLETTER (eg, Expert Systems Strategies)
FOCUS: eg, all areas of AI, expert systems technical issues, management issues,



I have details for
AI Journal
Journal of Automated Reasoning

AAAI Magazine
Expert Systems Strategies


and would welcome all other info, especially non-US listings.


Date: Fri 14 Feb 86 12:56:42-PST
From: Bill Park <PARK@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Rule Master Reviews?

To whom it may concern:

If you have any experience with Rule Master, would you please tell me
what you think of it? We are considering using it in a project
related to NASA's space station.

Bill Park (Park@SRI-AI)
SRI International
Menlo Park, CA


Date: 14 Feb 86 02:43:55 GMT
From: nike!im4u!ut-sally!ut-ngp! (gknight)
Subject: Games, Evolution & Learning Conference query.

Can anyone give me information on a conference entitled "Games,
Evolution & Learning," held in New Mexico in 1984 or 1985?
The organizer (or any other contact person)? Proceedings, if
available? A list of speakers and paper titles? Etc., etc.
Please send by mail directly to me and I'll post a summary of
info received for the information of others on the nets.

Many thanks,

Gary Knight, 3604 Pinnacle Road, Austin, TX 78746 (512/328-2480).
Biopsychology Program, Univ. of Texas at Austin. "There is nothing better
in life than to have a goal and be working toward it." -- Goethe.


Date: 14 Feb 86 09:42 EST
From: Vu.wbst@Xerox.COM
Subject: Chess game informations needed.

I'm reading about expert system, and would like to try to build an
expert system. I would appreciate any helpfull hints, pointers to any
existing Chess game expert system, in Interlisp-D would a plus. I would
like to thank you in advance for any help.


Regular mail:
Dinh Vu
Xerox Corporation
800 Philips Rd, Bld 129-38B
Webster, Ny 14580.


Date: Fri 14 Feb 86 16:56:18-EST
Subject: Prolog on VMS and/or MAC

Does anybody know of a public domain version of Prolog for
VAX/VMS or the Macintosh? Or how about a commercial version?

Jeff Berliner (BERLINER@G.BBN.COM)


Date: 15 Feb 86 18:43:00 PST
Subject: Prisoner's Dilemma

Prisoner's dilemma tournament mailing list;
Please send back a note if you wish to receive future announcements.


Date: 7 Feb 86 20:13:13 GMT
From: decwrl!pyramid!ut-sally!mordor! (Eric H Jensen)
Subject: Re: Hopfield Networks?

In article <1960@peora.UUCP> jer@peora.UUCP (J. Eric Roskos) writes:

>In a recent issue (Issue 367) of EE Times, there is an article titled
>"Neural Research Yields Computer that can Learn". This describes a
>simulation of a machine that uses a "Hopfield Network"; from the ...

I got the impression that this work is just perceptrons revisited.
All this business about threshold logic with weighting functions on
the inputs adjusted by feedback (i.e. the child reading) ...
Anybody in the know have a comment?

eric h. jensen (S1 Project @ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Phone: (415) 423-0229 USMail: LLNL, P.O. Box 5503, L-276, Livermore, Ca., 94550
ARPA: ehj@angband UUCP: ...!decvax!decwrl!mordor!angband!ehj

[What is new is that there are now training algorithms for multilayer
networks -- something that Minsky and Papert declared unlikely in their
famous book on perceptrons. Also new is the development of special
hardware, both chips and full [Boltzmann] processors for the implementation
of such networks. Hopfield networks require symmetric connections and
a form of "relaxation" processing or simulated annealing; Hopfield
characterizes this as constraint satisfaction or discrete optimization
by moving through the center of a data space (in somewhat the same manner
as the Karmarkar algorithm) instead of touring the vertices in the manner
of the simplex algorithm. Other multilayer connectionist networks have
recently been developed that do not require symmetric or even feedback
connections, except for training feedback. The breakthrough in these
latter networks seems to be the notion of adjusting each coefficient
in proportion to its "responsibility" in making a good or bad decision.
Determination of proportionate responsibility can be made using partial
derivatives. Another possibility that I find intriguing is the use
of a domain-knowledgeable expert system for identifying "guilty"
coefficients, as in the system for predicting horse races reported in
Heuristics for Inductive Learning by Steven Salzberg of Applied Expert
Systems, IJCAI 85, pp. 603-609. -- KIL]


Date: Tue 11 Feb 86 22:38:38-CST
From: Rob Pettengill <CAD.PETTENGILL@MCC.ARPA>
Subject: Personal Computer Scheme

I recently purchased an implementation of the Scheme dialect of
lisp for my PC. I am familiar with GC Lisp, IQ Lisp, and Mu Lisp
for the PC. I use Lambdas and 3600s with ZetaLisp at work.

TI PC Scheme is a very complete implementation of scheme for the
IBM and TI personal computers and compatibles. It combines high
speed code execution, a good debugging and editing environment,
and very low cost.

The Language:

* Adheres faithfully to the Scheme standard.
* Has true lexical scoping.
* Prodedures and environments are first class data objects.
* Is properly tail recursive - there is no penalty compared
to iteration.
* Includes window and graphics extensions.

The Environment:

* An incremental optimizing compiler (not native 8086 code)
* Top level read-compile-print loop.
* Interactive debugger allows run time error recovery.
* A minimal Emacs-like full screen editor with a scheme mode
featuring parethesis matching and auto indenting of lisp code.
* An execute DOS command or "push" to DOS capability - this is
only practical with a hard disk because of the swap file PCS writes.
* A DOS based Fast Load file format object file conversion utility.
* A fast 2 stage garbage collector.

First Impressions:

Scheme seems to be much better sized to a PC class machine than
the other standard dialects of lisp because of its simplicity. The
TI implementation appears to be very solid and complete. The compiled
code that it produces (with debugging switches off) is 2 to 5 times
faster than the other PC lisps that I have used. With the full screen
editor loaded (there is also a structure editor) there seems to be
plenty of room for my code in a 640k PC. TI recommends 320k or 512k
with the editor loaded. The documentation is of professional quality
(about 390 pages), but not tutorial. Abelson and Sussman^2's "Structure
and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is a very good companion for
learning scheme as well as the art and science of programming in general.

My favorite quick benchmark -

(define (test n)
((i 0 (1+ i))
(r () (cons i r)))
((>= i n) r)))

runs (test 10000) in less than 10 seconds with the editor loaded - of course
it takes a couple of minutes to print out the ten thousand element list
that results.

The main lack I find is that the source code for the system is not
included - one gets used to that in good lisp environments. I have
hit only a couple of minor glitches, that are probably pilot error,
so far. Since the system is compiled with debugging switches off
it is hard to get much useful information about the system from
the dubugger.

Based on my brief, but very positive experience with TI PC scheme and
its very low price of $95 - I recommend it to anyone interested in a
PC based lisp. You can order from Texas Instruments at 1-800-TI-PARTS.
(Standard disclaimers about personal opinions and having no commercial
interest in the product ...)

Rob Pettengill


End of AIList Digest

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