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AIList Digest Volume 2 Issue 103

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AIList Digest
 · 1 year ago

AIList Digest            Friday, 10 Aug 1984      Volume 2 : Issue 103 

Today's Topics:
AI Tools - Frame Languages & Burroughs LISP or Prolog & Concurrent LISP,
Puzzles - The "Zebra" Problem,
Games - Chess & Go,
Poetry - Robots

Date: 8 Aug 84 11:09:28 PDT (Wednesday)
From: Cornish.PA@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Bibilography of frame-base representation languages

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 84 22:01 EDT
From: Tim Finin <>
Subject: Frame-Based Languages

I am investigating some implementation techniques for frame-base
representation languages with inheritance. ...

Tim's message, partially quoted above, toggled me into requesting the
members of the AIList realm for a bibliography of frame-base
representation languages.

Thank you very much, Jan


Date: Thursday, 9-Aug-84 17:52:23-BST
From: LUIS HPS (on ERCC DEC-10) <>
Subject: AI Software for Burroughs machines, any one?

I face the the prospect of having to live with a Burroughs B6920
for the next year or so, does anyone know about any decent Lisp
implementations running on this machines and/or where to look for

Actually, I would rather use Prolog, but I don't expect to find any
implementation running on Burroughs ...

Feel free to reply either to me or the list. Thanks,

Luis Jenkins

[ Lejm%Edxa@Ucl-Cs ArpaNet ]


Date: 9 Aug 1984 10:05-PDT
From: chaudhry%USC-CSE@USC-ECL.ARPA
Subject: Parallelism in Lisp?

I am currently doing some research for which I need to
use parallelism in lisp. Does anyone know of any lisp dialect which
has a built in parallel construct, i.e.

(CONCURRENT s-expression-1 ... s-expression-k)

or has anyone out there implemented such a function.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Kashif Chaudhry
chaudhry%usc-cse@usc-ecl [ARPA]


Date: Mon, 6 Aug 84 08:59 EDT
From: Hassan Aitkaci <>
Subject: The Zebra Connection...

The Zebra puzzle was the object of a Prolog-Digest exchange about a
year and a half ago. Many solutions were proposed. Fernando Pereira of
SRI compiled a set of those for his own interest. The most interesting
(in my opinion) solution in Prolog was found by Hector Levesque of
Fairchild AI Lab, making a clever use of logical variables and the
unification process as an effective means to solve two-way constraint
propagations (i.e., a logical variable in Prolog has the behavior of
both a "synthesized" and "inherited" attribute, and unification
operates as the propagating mechanism). Hector's solution is given here
since I don't think it ever got posted on the Prolog Digest.

Those who are really intrigued by the method rather than the problem
which, by the way, happens to be a large-size, albeit simple, assignment
problem (complete state space has (5!)^6 nodes, or 2,985,984,000,000
nodes if you prefer!) may be interested by an alternative solution
given in a language of my design in my dissertation, also reported in
the following paper:

Hassan Ait-Kaci, "A New Model of Computation Based on a Calculus
of Type Subsumption", Technical Report MS-CIS-83-40, Department
of Computer and Information Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Prolog solutions may be obtained from the Prolog Digest Archives from
the editor Chuck Restivo from Stanford University. Now, please, stop
losing sleep from so much coffee -- or you may turn into a greenish
looking samourai riding a bucking zebra!

Hassan Ait-Kaci

Hector Levesque's Solution to the Zebra Puzzle
:- op(500,xfy,[has_left_neighbor,is_right_of,lives_next_to,is_not]).

rightmost_occupant has_left_neighbor midright_occupant.
midright_occupant has_left_neighbor middle_occupant.
middle_occupant has_left_neighbor midleft_occupant.
midleft_occupant has_left_neighbor leftmost_occupant.

X lives_next_to Y :- X has_left_neighbor Y.
X lives_next_to Y :- Y has_left_neighbor X.

X is_right_of Y :- X has_left_neighbor Y.
X is_right_of Y :- X has_left_neighbor Z, Z is_right_of Y.

X is_not Y :- X is_right_of Y.
X is_not Y :- Y is_right_of X.

differ(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5) :-
X1 is_not X2, X1 is_not X3, X1 is_not X4, X1 is_not X5,
X2 is_not X3, X2 is_not X4, X2 is_not X5,
X3 is_not X4, X3 is_not X5,
X4 is_not X5.

?- Englishman = RedHouser,
Spaniard = DogOwner,
CoffeeDrinker = GreenHouser,
Ukranian = TeaDrinker,
GreenHouser has_left_neighbor IvoryHouser,
WinstonSmoker = SnailOwner,
KoolSmoker = YellowHouser,
MilkDrinker = middle_occupant,
Norwegian = leftmost_occupant,
ChesterfieldSmoker lives_next_to FoxOwner,
KoolSmoker lives_next_to HorseOwner,
LuckyStrikeSmoker = OJDrinker,
Japanese = ParliamentSmoker,
Norwegian lives_next_to BlueHouser,

To solve the puzzle, load this program... and wait!
It takes about 45 minutes when interpreted by UNH Prolog
on our (overloaded) VAX/780...


Date: Tuesday, 7 Aug 1984 08:49-EDT
From: bac@Mitre-Bedford
Subject: The "Zebra Problem"

It seems to me that there was a bug either in the statement of
the Zebra puzzle, or its following solution. Constraint #6 in the
problem stated that "The green house is immediately to the RIGHT
(your right) of the ivory house." However, the "solution" was
worked on the basis of the green house being to the LEFT of the
ivory house. Note that this did not change the ultimate solution;
the Norwegian still drank the water, and the Japanese had the zebra.
However, if the problem was worked as stated, eventually one reached
a point requiring a binary decision: house 3 could be either red or
ivory, house 4 either green or ivory, and house 5 either red or green.
At this point, one had to make a guess about the color of any one of
the last three houses, and explore the remaining tree for a contra-
diction. Using the constraints implied by the "solution," with green
to the left, the problem dropped out quite naturally, and involved
no analysis or backtracking.

So, what is the correct statement of the problem? Should one be
able to solve such a problem using only deduction, or should analysis
be necessary?

An interesting question (to me, anyway) is, are there any theories
abounding that relate the number of variables in such a problem to
the number of contraints that must be applied to uniquely describe the

Brant Cheikes

ARPA, CSNET: bac@Mitre-Bedford
UUCP: ...linus!bccvax!bac


Date: 8 Aug 84 23:09-PDT
From: mclure @
Subject: number-cruncher vs. humans: 6th move

The Vote Tally
Folks, the moves are in and have been tallied.
The winner is: 5 ... Nf6
The runner-up was 5 ... e5
We had a narrow mix of moves.

A total of 18 votes were cast. Please relay this message to any
friends you have who might be interested in participating.

The Machine Moves
The Prestige 8-ply replied 6. Re1 from book in 0 seconds.

Humans Move # Votes
BR ** -- BQ BK BB -- BR 5 ... Nf6 10
BP BP ** BB BP BP BP BP 5 ... e5 4
-- ** BN BP -- BN -- ** 5 ... a6 2
** WB BP -- ** -- ** -- 5 ... Ne5 1
-- ** -- ** WP ** -- ** 5 ... e6 1
** -- WP -- ** WN ** --
Prestige 8-ply

The Game So Far
1. e4 c5
2. Nf3 d6
3. Bb5+ Nc6
4. o-o Bd7
5. c3 Nf6
6. Re1 ???

Steve Swernofsky <SASW @ MIT-MC>, unrated, wrote the majority opinion.

Since White threatens 6 d4 and there doesn't seem to be much we can do
about it, I propose this move to counter in the center. After 6 Re1 d5
(7 e5 Nxe5 wins a pawn) White must either postpone his advance, 7 d3,
or else allow us to isolate his QP, 7 ed Nxd5 8 d4 cd (9 Nxd4 either
leads to an isolated QP or no QP at all). Note we can't play 6 ... e6
since 7 d4 d5 ultimately loses us a pawn due to the K-file pin.

Your move, please?

Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-unix or Usenet: sri-unix!mclure.
DO NOT SEND REPLIES TO THE ENTIRE LIST! Just send them to one of
the above addresses.


Date: 7 August 1984 08:05-EDT
From: Robert Elton Maas <REM @ MIT-MC>
Subject: Delphi Experiment: group play against machine -> just people

[Forwarded from the Human-Nets Digest by Laws@SRI-AI.]

I'd be more interested in a delphi experiment with Go instead of
Chess. Pick some starting position (probably not start of game, there
are too many good ways to play the fuseki) and see if we can converge
on the optimum way for both sides to play through to the end. Allow
backtracking at any time, thus if you suddenly see where one side made
a mistake you can change your vote at that point. If changed vote(s)
cause an alternate branch to have largest vote, the experiment shifts
to explore that branch instead of the one that had largest vote
before. Either allow everyone to vote for both black and white moves,
or divide the membership into two teams and have them select only
their own moves not opponents.

Note that my method doesn't require a go-playing program/machine to
play one side of the game.

To speed up the experiment, allow a voter to specify a whole sequence
of moves in advance, contingent on the opponent choosing the same move
as in the sequence. (For example: now I move ..., if he replies ...
then I conterreply ..., etc.; abbreviated of course.) So long as the
first move agrees with the voted move and the reply agrees with the
voted reply then the next move will be counted as a vote.


Date: 9 Aug 1984 08:02:05-EDT
From: kushnier@NADC
Subject: A Prediction

I predict in three short years
Robots you will see
Being sold at K-Mart,
Sears and Kleins,
And the Macy's Company.

As common as a toaster,
Inexpensive and complete,
The robots of the next few years..
An appliance quite unique

The Fifties
By Ron Kushnier

I remember "Robbie"
And "Tobor" and his friends
In the movies of the Fifties
And on the Late Shows
Seen Again.

These Science Fiction classics
Showed the future now come true
A world of shining robots
to serve me and to serve you.


End of AIList Digest

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