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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 043

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AIList Digest
 · 15 Nov 2023

AIList Digest           Saturday, 20 Aug 1983      Volume 1 : Issue 43 

Today's Topics:
Administrivia - Request for Archives,
Bindings - J. Pearl,
Programming Languages - Loglisp & LISP CAI Packages,
Automatic Translation - Lisp to Lisp,
Knowledge Representation,
Bibliographies - Sources & AI Journals

Date: Thu 18 Aug 83 13:19:30-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Reply-to: AIList-Request@SRI-AI
Subject: Archives

I would like to hear from systems people maintaining AIList archives
at their sites. Please msg AIList-Request@SRI-AI if you have an
online archive that is publicly available and likely to be available
under the same file name(s) for the forseeable future. Send any
special instructions needed (beyond anonymous FTP). I will then make
the information available to the list.

-- Ken Laws


Date: Thu, 18 Aug 83 13:50:16 PDT
From: Judea Pearl <f.judea@UCLA-LOCUS>
Subject: change of address

Effective September 1, 1983 and until March 1, 1984 Judea Pearl's
address will be :

Judea Pearl
c/o Faculty of Management
University of Tel Aviv
Ramat Aviv, ISRAEL

Dr. Pearl will be returning to UCLA at that time.


Date: Wednesday, 17 Aug 1983 17:52-PDT
From: narain@rand-unix
Subject: Information on Loglisp

You can get Loglisp (language or reports) by writing to J.A. Robinson
or E.E. Sibert at:

313 Link Hall
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13210

A paper on LOGLISP also appeared in "Logic Programming" eds. Clark and
Tarnlund, Academic Press 1982.

-- Sanjai


Date: 17 Aug 83 15:19:44-PDT (Wed)
From: decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!benson @ Ucb-Vax
Subject: LISP CAI Packages
Article-I.D.: dcdwest.214

Is there a computer-assisted instructional package for LISP that runs
under 4.1 bsd ? I would appreciate any information available and will
summarize what I learn ( about the package) in net.lang.lisp.

Peter Benson decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!benson


Date: 17-AUG-1983 19:27
Subject: Lisp to Lisp translation again

I'm glad that I didn't have to start this dicussion up this time.
Anyhow, here's a suggestion that I think should be implemented but
which requires a great deal of Lisp community cooperation. (Oh
dear...perhaps it's dead already!)

Probably the most intracompatible language around (next to TRAC) is
APL. I've had a great deal of success moving APL workspaces from one
implementation to another with a minumum of effort. Now, part of this
has to do with the fact that APL's primatve set can't be extended
easily but if you think about it, the question of exactly how do you
get all the stuff in a workspace from one machine to the other isn't
an easy one to answer. The special character set makes each machine's
representation a little different and, of course, trying to send the
internal form would be right out!

The APL community solved this rather elegantly: they have a thing
called a "workspace interchange standard" which is in a canonical code
whose first 256 bytes are the atomic vector (character codes) for the
source machine, etc. The beauty of this canconical representation
isn't just that it exists, but rather that the translation to and from
for example, if I write a program in Franz and someone at Xerox wants
it, I run it through our local workspace outgoing translator which
puts it into the standard form and then I ship them that (presumably
messy) version. They have a compatible ingoing translator which takes
certain combinations of constructs and translates them to InterLisp.

Now, of course, this isn't all that easy. First we'd have to agree on
a standard but that's not so bad. Most of the difficulty in deciding
on a standard Lisp is taste and that has nothing to do with the form
of the standard since no human ever writes in it. Another difficulty
(here I am endebted to Ken Laws) is that many things have impure
semantics and so cannot be cleanly translated into another form --
take, for example, the spaghetti stack (please!). Anyhow, I never said
it would be easy but I don't think that it's all that difficult either
-- certainly it's easier than the automatic programming problem.

I'll bet this would make a very interesting dissertation for some
bright young Lisp hacker. But the difficult part isn't any particular
translator. Each is hand tailored by the implementors/supporters of a
particular lisp system. The difficult part is getting the Lisp world
to follow the example of a computing success, as, I think, the APL
world has shown workspace interchange to be.


Date: 18 Aug 83 15:31:18-PDT (Thu)
From: decvax!tektronix!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!sts @ Ucb-Vax
Subject: Knowledge Representation, Programming Styles
Article-I.D.: ssc-vax.437

Actually trees can be expressed as attribute-value pairs. Have had to
do that to get around certain %(&^%$* OPS5 limitations, so it's
possible, but not pretty. However, many times your algebraic/tree
expressions/structures have duplicated components, in which case you
would like to join two nodes at lower levels. You then end up with a
directed structure only. (This is also a solution for multiple
inheritance problems.)

I'll refrain from flaming about traditional (including logic)
grammars. I'm tired of people insisting on a restricted view of
language that claims that grammar rules are the ultimate description
of syntax (semantics being irrelevant) and that idioms are irritating
special cases. I might note that we have basically solved the
language analysis problem (using a version of Berkeley's Phrase
Analysis that handles ambiguity) and are now working on building a
language learner to speed up the knowledge acquisition process, as
well as other interesting projects.

I don't recall a von Neumann bottleneck in AI programs, at least not
of the kind Backus was talking about. The main bottleneck seems to be
of a conceptual rather than a hardware nature. After all, production
systems are not inherently bottlenecked, but nobody really knows how
to make them run concurrently, or exactly what to do with the results
(I have some ideas though).

stan the lep hack
ssc-vax!sts (soon utah-cs)


Date: 16 Aug 83 10:43:54-PDT (Tue)
From: ihnp4!ihuxo!fcy @ Ucb-Vax
Subject: How does one obtain university technical reports?
Article-I.D.: ihuxo.276

I think the bibliographies being posted to the net are great. I'd
like to follow up on some of the references, but I don't know where to
obtain copies for many of them. Is there some standard protocol and
contact point for requesting copies of technical reports from
universities? Is there a service company somewhere from which one
could order such publications with limited distribution?


Fred Yankowski
Bell Labs Rm 6B-216
Naperville, IL

[I published all the addresses I know in V1 #8, May 22. Two that
might be of help are:

National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161

University Microfilms
300 North Zeeb Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48106

You might be able to get ordering information for many sources
through your corporate or public library. You could also contact
LIBRARY@SCORE; I'm sure Richard Manuck would be willing to help.
If all else fails, put out a call for help through AIList. -- KIL]


Date: 17 Aug 83 1:14:51-PDT (Wed)
From: decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!gumby @ Ucb-Vax
Subject: Re: How does one obtain university technical reports?
Article-I.D.: mit-eddi.616

Bizarrely enough, MIT and Stanford AI memos were recently issued by
some company on MICROFILM (!) for some exorbitant price. This price
supposedly gives you all of them plus an introduction by Marvin
Minsky. They advertised in Scientific American a few months ago. I
guess this is a good deal for large institutions like Bell, but
smaller places are unlikely to have a microfilm (or was it fiche)

MIT AI TR's and memos can be obtained from Publications, MIT AI Lab,
8th floor, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139.

[See AI Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter-Spring 1983, pp. 19-22, for
Marvin Minsky's "Introduction to the COMTEX Microfiche Edition of the
Early MIT Artificial Intelligence Memos". An ad on p. 18 offers the
set for $2450. -- KIL]


Date: 17 Aug 83 10:11:33-PDT (Wed)
From: harpo!eagle!mhuxt!mhuxi!mhuxa!ulysses!cbosgd!cbscd5!lvc @
Subject: List of AI Journals
Article-I.D.: cbscd5.419

Here is the list of AI journals that I was able to put together from
the generous contributions of several readers. Sorry about the delay.
Most of the addresses, summary descriptions, and phone numbers for the
journals were obtained from "The Standard Periodical Directory"
published by Oxbridge Communications Inc. 183 Madison Avenue, Suite
1108 New York, NY 10016 (212) 689-8524. Other sources you may wish to
try are Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, and Ayer
Directory of Publications. These three reference books should be
available in most libraries.

AI Journals and Magazines

AI Magazine
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 328-3123
Quarterly, $25/year, $15 Student, $100 Academic/Corporate
Artificial Intelligence
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
P.O. Box 211
1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
About 8 issues/year, 880 Df. (approx. $352)
American Journal of Computational Linguistics
Donald E. Walker
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(415) 859-3071
Quarterly, individual ACL members $15/year, institutions $30.
Robotics Age
Robotics Publishing Corp.
174 Concord St., Peterborough NH 03458 (603) 924-7136
Technical articles related to design and implementation of
intelligent machine systems
Bimonthly, No price quoted
SIGART Newsletter
Association for Computing Machinery
11 W. 42nd St., 3rd fl.
New York NY 10036
(212) 869-7440
Artificial intelligence, news, report, abstracts, educa-
tional material, etc. Book reviews.
Bimonthly $12/year, $3/copy
Cognitive Science
Ablex Publishing Corp.
355 Chestnut St.
Norwood NJ 07648
(201) 767-8450
Articles devoted to the emerging fields of cognitive
psychology and artificial intelligence.
Quarterly $22/year
International Journal of Man Machine Studies
Academic Press Inc.
111 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10013
(212) 741-4000
No description given.
Quarterly $26.50/year
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circles,
Los Alamitos CA 90720
(714) 821-8380
Technical papers dealing with advancements in artificial
machine intelligence
Bimonthly $70/year, $12/copy
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Cambridge University Press
32 East 57th St.
New York NY 10022
(212) 688-8885
Scientific form of research in areas of psychology,
neuroscience, behavioral biology, and cognitive science,
continuing open peer commentary is published in each issue
Quarterly $95/year, $27/copy
Pattern Recognition
Pergamon Press Inc.
Maxwell House, Fairview Park
Elmsford NY 10523
(914) 592-7700
Official journal of the Pattern Recognition Society
Bimonthly $170/year, $29/copy

Other journals of possible interest.

Brain and Cognition
Academic Press
111 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10003
(212) 741-6800
The latest research in the nonlinguistic aspects of neuro-
Quarterly $45/year
Brain and Language
Academic Press, Journal Subscription
111 Fifth Avenue
New York NY 10003
(212) 741-6800
No description given.
Quarterly $30/year
Human Intelligence
P.O. Box 1163
Birmingham MI 48012
(313) 642-3104
Explores the research and application of ideas on human
Bimonthly newsletter - No price quoted.
Ablex Publishing Corp.
355 Chestnut St.
Norwood NJ 07648
(201) 767-8450
Original research, theoretical studies and review papers
contributing to understanding of intelligence.
Quarterly $20/year
Journal of the Assn. for the Study of Perception
P.O. Box 744
DeKalb IL 60115
No description given.
Semiannually $6/year
Computational Linguistics and Computer Languages
Humanities Press
Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716
(201) 872-1441
Articles deal with syntactic and semantic of [missing word]
languages relating to math and computer science, primarily
those which summarize, survey, and evaluate.
Semimonthly $46.50/year
Annual Review in Automatic Programming
Maxwell House, Fairview Park
Elmsford NY 10523
(914) 592-7700
A comprehensive treatment of some major topics selected
for their current importance.
Annual $57/year
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(714) 821-8380
Monthly, $6/copy, free with Computer Society Membership
Communications of the ACM
Association for Computing Machinery
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Monthly, $65/year, free with membership ($50, $15 student)
Journal of the ACM
Association for Computing Machinery
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
Computer science, including some game theory,
search, foundations of AI
Quarterly, $10/year for members, $50 for nonmembers
Associated Scientific Publishers b.v.
P.O. Box 211
1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Theoretical and experimental studies of the mind, book reviews
Bimonthly, 140 Df./year (~ $56), 240 Df. institutional
Cognitive Psychology
Academic Press
111 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Quarterly, $74 U.S., $87 elsewhere
Robotics Today
Robotics Today
One SME Drive
P.O. Box 930
Dearborn, MI 48121
Robotics in Manufacturing
Bimonthly, $36/year unless member of SME or RIA
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
Academic Press
111 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
$260/year U.S. and Canada, $295 elsewhere
Speech Technology
Media Dimensions, Inc.
525 East 82nd Street
New York, NY 10028
(212) 680-6451
Man/machine voice communications
Quarterly, $50/year

Names, but no addresses


AISB Newsletter


IJCAI International Joint Conference on AI
AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence
TINLAP Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing
ACL Association of Computational Linguistics
AIM AI in Medicine
MLW Machine Learning Workshop
CVPR Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (formerly PRIP)
PR Pattern Recognition
IUW Image Understanding Workshop (DARPA)
T&A Trends and Applications (IEEE, NBS)
DADCM Workshop on Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modeling
CogSci Cognitive Science Society
EAIC European AI Conference

Thanks again to all that contributed.

Larry Cipriani


End of AIList Digest

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