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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 036

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AIList Digest            Tuesday, 9 Aug 1983       Volume 1 : Issue 36 

Today's Topics:
Robotics - Bibliography,
Vision - Bibliography,
Speech Understanding - Bibliography,
Pattern Recognition - Bibliography

Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 09:22:41-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Robotics Bibliography

Ambler, A.P. Popplestone, R.J. Kempf, K.G.*An experiment in the
offline programming of robots.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper

Ambler, A.P.* RAPT: an object level robot programming language.*
Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper 172.*1982.

Brooks, R.A. Lozano-Perez, T.*A subdivision algorithm in configuration
space for findpath with rotation.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 684.*1982.

Brooks, R.A.*Solving the find path problem by representing free space
as generalized cones.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 674.*1982.

Brooks, R.A.*Symbolic error analysis and robot planning.* M.I.T. A.I.
Lab.*Memo 685.*1982.

Cameron, S.* Body models for every body.* Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Working Paper 107.*1982.

Gueting, R.H. Wood, D.*Finding rectangle intersections by
divide-and-conquer.* McMaster U. Comp.Sci. Unit.* Comp.Sci. Tech.Rpt.
No. 82-CS-04.*1982.

Hofri, M.*BIN packing: an analysis of the next fit algorithm.*
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 242.*1982.

Hollerbach, J.M.*Computers, brains, and the control of movement.*
M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 686.*1982.

Hollerbach, J.M.*Dynamic scaling of manipulator trajectories.* M.I.T.
A.I. Lab.*Memo 700.*1982.

Hollerbach, J.M.*Workshop on the design and control of dexterous hands
(held at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory on November 5-6,
1981).* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 661.*1982.

Hopcroft, J.E. Joseph, D.A. Whitesides, S.H.*On the movement of robot
arms in 2-dimensional bounded regions.*Cornell U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-486.*1982.

Kirkpatrick, D.* Optimal search in planar subdivisions.* British
Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-13.*1981.

Kouta, M.M. O'Rourke, J.*Fast algorithms for polygon decomposition.*
Johns Hopkins U. E.E. & Comp.Sci.Dept.* Tech.Rpt. 82/10.*1982.

Koutsou, A.*A survey of model bases robot programming languages.*
Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Working Paper 108.* 1981.

Lozano-Perez, T.* Robot programming.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 698.*1982.

Mason, M.T.* Manipulator grasping and pushing operations.* M.I.T.
A.I. Lab.*TR-690, Ph.D. Thesis. Mason, M.T.*1982.

Mavaddat, F.* WATSON/I: WATerloo's SONically guided robot.*Waterloo U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. CS-82-16.*1982.

Moran, S.*On the densest packing of circles in convex figures.*
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Tech.Rpt. 241.*1982.

Mujtaba, M.S.* Motion sequencing of manipulators.* Stanford U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-917, Ph.D. Thesis. Mujtaba, M.S.
(Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management).*1982. 291p.

Myers, E.W.*An O(ElogE+I) expected time algorithm for the planar
segment intersection problem.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR

Popplestone, R.J.*Discussion document on body modelling for robot
languages.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Working Paper 110.*1982.

Shneier, M.* Hierarchical sensory processes for 3-D robot vision.*
Maryland U. Comp.Sci. Center.*TR-1165.*1982.

Slotnick, D.L.* Time constrained computation.* Illinois U.

Srinivasan, C.V.*Notes on object centered associative memory
organization.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TR-19.*1981.

Taylor, R.H.*An integrated robot system architecture.* IBM Watson Res.
Center.*RC 9824.*1983.

Yin, B.*A proposal for studying how to use vision within a robot
language which reasons about spatial relationships.*Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Working Paper 109.*1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 09:54:44-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Vision Bibliography

A. Athukorala, Some Hardware for Computer Vision. Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept., Working Paper 102, 1981.

H.H. Baker, Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo. Ph.D. Thesis,
Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-930; Stanford U. Comp. Sci.
Dept. A.I. Lab., AIM-347, 1982, 90p. Based on a Ph.D. thesis
submitted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
September of 1981.

R.J. Beattie, Edge Detection for Semantically Based Early Visual
Processing. Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept., Res. Paper 174, 1982.

M. Brady and W.E.L. Grimson, The Perception of Subjective Surfaces.
M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 666, 1981.

I. Chakravarty, The Use of Characteristic Views as a Basis for
Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects. Rensselaer Polytechnic
Inst. Image Processing Lab., IPL-TR-034, 1982.

L. Dreschler, Ermittlung markanter Punkte auf den Bildern bewegter
Opjekte und Berechnung einer 3D-Beschreibung auf dieser Grundlage.
Hamburg U. Fachbereich Informatik, Bericht Nr. 83, 1981.

J.-O. Eklundh, Knowledge Based Image Analysis: Some Aspects of Images
using Other Types of Information. Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm,
Num.Anal. & Computing Sci. Dept., TRITA-NA-8206, 1982.

R.B. Fisher, A Structured Pattern Matching Approach to Intermediate
Level Vision. Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept., Res. Paper 177, 1982.

W.B. Gevarter, An Overview of Computer Vision. U.S. National Bureau
of Standards, NBSIR 82-2582, 1982.

W.E.L. Grimson, The Implicit Constraints of the Primal Sketch. M.I.T.
A.I. Lab., Memo 663, 1981.

W.I. Grosky, Towards a Data Model for Integrated Pictorial Databases.
Wayne State U. Comp. Sci. Dept., CSC-82-012, 1982.

R.F. Hauser, Some experiments with stochastic edge detection, IBM
Watson Res. Center, RZ 1210, 1983.

E.C. Hildreth and S. Ullman, The Measurement of Visual Motion. M.I.T.
A.I. Lab., Memo 699, 1982.

T. Kanade (ed.), Vision. Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept.,
STAN-CS-82-938; Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept. Heuristic Programming
Project, HPP-82-020, 1982, 220p. Assistant Editor: Steven A. Shafer.
Contributors: David A. Bourne, Rodney Brooks, Nancy H. Cornelius,
James L. Crowley, Hiromichi Fujisawa, Martin Herman, Fuminobu Komura,
Bruce D. Lucas, Steven A. Shafer, David R. Smith, Steven L. Tanimoto,
Charles E. Thorpe.

A. Krzesinski, The normalised convolution algorithm, IBM Watson Res.
Center, RC 9834, 1983.

M.A. Lavin and L.I. Lieberman, AML/V: An Industrial Machine Vision
Programming System. IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9390, 1982.

C.N. Liu, M. Fatemi, and R.C. Waag, Digital Processing for Improvement
of Ultrasonic Abdominal Images. IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9499,

D. Montuno and A. Fournier, Detecting intersection among star
polygons, Toronto U. Comp. Systems Res. Group, CSRG-146, 1982.

T.N. Mudge and T.A. Rahman, Efficiency of feature dependent
algorithms for the parallel processing of images, Michigan U.
Computing Res. Lab., CRL-TR-11-83, 1983.

T.M. Nicholl, D.T. Lee, Y.Z. Liao, and C.K. Wong, Constructing the X-Y
convex hull of a set of X-Y polygons, IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9737,

E. Pervin and J.A. Webb, Quaternions in computer vision and robotics,
Carnegie Mellon U. Comp. Sci. Dept., CMU-CS-82-150, 1982.

T. Poggio, H.K. Nishihara, and K.R.K. Nielsen, Zero Crossings and
Spatiotemporal Interpolation in Vision: Aliasing and Electrical
Coupling Between Sensors. M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 675, 1982.

T. Poggio, Visual Algorithms. M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 683, 1982.

W. Richards, H.K. Nishihara, and B. Dawson, CARTOON: A Biologically
Motivated Edge Detection Algorithm. M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 668, 1982.

A. Rosenfeld, Computer vision, Maryland U. Comp. Sci. Center, TR-1157,

A. Rosenfeld, Trends and perspectives in computer vision, Maryland U.
Comp. Sci. Center, TR-1194, 1982.

I.K. Sethi and R. Jain, Determining Three Dimensional Structure of
Rotating Objects. Wayne State U. Comp. Sci. Dept., CSC-83-001, 1983.

M. Shneier, Hierarchical sensory processes for 3-D robot vision,
Maryland U. Comp. Sci. Center, TR-1165, 1982.

C.L. Sidner, Protocols of Users Manipulating Visually Presented
Information with Natural Language. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.,
BBN 5128, 1982.

R.W. Sjoberg, Atmospheric Effects in Satellite Imaging of Mountainous
Terrain. M.I.T. A.I. Lab., TR-688,

S.N. Srihari, Pyramid representations for solids, SUNY, Buffalo, Comp.
Sci. Dept., Tech.Rpt. 200, 1983.

K.A. Stevens, Implementation of a Theory for Inferring Surface Shape
from Contours. M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 676, 1982.

D. Terzopoulos, Multi-Level Reconstruction of Visual Surfaces:
Variational Principles and Finite Element Representations. M.I.T.
A.I. Lab., Memo 671, 1982.

R.Y. Tsai, Multiframe Image Point Matching and 3-D Surface
Reconstruction. IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9398, 1982.

R.Y. Tsai and T.S. Huang, Analysis of 3-D Time Varying Scene. IBM
Watson Res. Center, RC 9479, 1982.

R.Y. Tsai, 3-D inference from the motion parallax of a conic arc and
a point in two perspective views, IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9818,

R.Y. Tsai, Estimating 3-D motion parameters and object surface
structures from the image motion of conic arcs, I: theoretical basis,
IBM Watson Res. Center, RC 9787, 1983.

R.Y. Tsai, Estimating 3-D motion parameters and object surface
structures from the image motion of conic arcs, IBM Watson Res.
Center, RC 9819, 1983.

L. Uhr and L. Schmitt, The Several Steps from ICON to SYMBOL, using
Structured Cone/Pyramids. Wisconsin U. Comp. Sci. Dept., Tech.Rpt.
481, 1982.

P.H. Winston, T.O. Binford, B. Katz, and M. Lowry, Learning Physical
Descriptions from Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedents.
M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 679, 1982. 1982.

M.-M. Yau, Generating quadtrees of cross-sections from octrees, SUNY,
Buffalo, Comp. Sci. Dept., Tech.Rpt. 199, 1982.

B. Yin, A Proposal for Studying How to Use Vision Within a Robot
Language which Reasons about Spatial Relationships. Edinburgh U.
A.I. Dept., Working Paper 109, 1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:54:15-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Speech Understanding Bibliography

Lucassen, J.M.*Discovering phonemic base forms automatically: an
information theoretic approach.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC

Waibel, A.*Towards very large vocabulary word recognition.* Carnegie
Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CMU-CS-82-144.*1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:49:15-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Pattern Recognition Bibliography

Barnes, E.R.*An algorithm for separating patterns by ellipsoids.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RC 9500.*1982.

Chiang, W.P. Teorey, T.J.*A method for database record clustering.*
Michigan U. Computing Res.Lab.* CRL-TR-05-82.*1982.

Findler, N.V. Cromp, R.F.*An artificial intelligence technique to
generate self-optimizing experimental designs.* Arizona State U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-83-001.* 1983.

Findler, N.V. Lo, R.*A note on the functional estimation of values of
hidden variables--an extended module for expert systems.* Arizona
State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-82-004.* 1982.

Jenkins, J.M.* Symposium on computer applications to cardiology:
introduction and automated electrocardiography and arrhythmia
monitoring.* Michigan U. Computing Res.Lab.*CRL-TR-20-83.*1983.

Kumar, V. Kanal, L.N.* Branch and bound formulations for sequential
and parallel And/Or tree search and their applications to pattern
analysis and game playing.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci.

O'Rourke, J.*The signature of a curve and its applications to pattern
recognition (preliminary version).* Johns Hopkins U. E.E. &
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82/09.*1982.

Seidel, R.*A convex hull algorithm for point sets in even dimensions.*
British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-14.*1981.

Varah, J.M.*On fitting exponentials by nonlinear least squares.*
British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-02.*1982.


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