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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 038
AIList Digest Tuesday, 9 Aug 1983 Volume 1 : Issue 38
Today's Topics:
Programming - Bibliography,
Databases - Bibliography,
Computer Science - Bibliography
Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:50:19-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Programming Bibliography
[Includes programming environments and techniques
as well as automatic programming.]
Abdallah, M.A.N.* Data types as algorithms.* Waterloo U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. CS-82-10.*1982.
Andrews, G.R. Schneider, F.B.*Concepts and notations for concurrent
programming.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-12.*1982.
Andrews, G.R. Schneider, F.B.*Concepts and notations for concurrent
programming.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-12.*1982.
Andrews, G.R.* Distributed programming languages.* Arizona U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-13.*1982.
Archer, J.E. Jr.*The design and implementation of a cooperative
program development environment.* Cornell U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.rpt.
81-468, Ph.D. Thesis. Archer, J.E. Jr.*1982.
Bakker, J.W. de Zucker, J.I.* Processes and the denotational semantics
of concurrency.* Mathematisch Centrum.*IW 209/82.*1982.
Barber, G.*Supporting organizational problem solving with a
workstation.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 681.*1982.
Bergstra, J.A. Klop, J.W.* Fixed point semantics in process algebras.*
Mathematisch Centrum.*IW 206/82.*1982.
Bergstra, J.A. Tucker, J.V.* Hoare's logic for programming languages
with two data types.* Mathematisch Centrum.*IW 207/82.*1982.
Best, E.* Relational semantics of concurrent programs (with some
applications).* Newcastle Upon Tyne U. Computing Lab.*No. 180.*1982.
Bobrow, D.G. Stefik, M.*The LOOPS manual (preliminary version).*
Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center.*Memo KB-VLSI-81-13.*1981, (working
Bonar, J. Soloway, E.*Uncovering principles of novice programming.*
Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 240.*1982.
Burger, W.F. Halim, N. Pershing, J.A. Parr, F.N. Strom, R.E. Yemini,
S.*Draft NIL reference manual.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9732.*1982.
Culik, K. Rizki, M.M.* Mathematical constructive proofs as computer
programs.* Wayne State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CSC-83-004.*1983.
diSessa, A.A.*A principled design for an integrated computational
environment.* M.I.T. Lab. for Comp.Sci.* TM-223.*1982.
Ehrlich, K. Soloway, E.*An empirical investigation of the tacit plan
knowledge in programming.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.
Elrad, T. Francez, N.*A weakest precondition semantics for
communicating processes.* Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 244.*1982.
Ericson, L.W.* DPL-82: a language for distributed processing.*
Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CMU-CS-82-129.*1982.
Eyries, F.*Synthese d'images de scenes composees de spheres.*
INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 163.*1982.
Good, D.I.*The proof of a distributed system in GYPSY.* Texas U.
Computing Sci.Inst.*TR-030.*1982.
Israel, B.*Customizing a personal computing environment through object
oriented programming.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci. Center.*TR-1158.*1982.
Jobmann, M.*ILMAOS - Eine Sprache zur Formulierung von
Rechensystemmodellen.* Hamburg U. Fachbereich Informatik.* Bericht Nr.
Kanasaki, K. Yamaguchi, K. Kunii, T.L.*A software development system
supported by a database of structures and operations.* Tokyo U.
Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-15.*1982.
Kant, E. Newell, A.* Problem solving techniques for the design of
algorithms.* Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CMU-CS-82-145.*1982.
Krafft, D.B.* AVID: a system for the interactive development of
verifiably correct programs.* Cornell U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.rpt.
Lacos, C.A. McDermott, T.S.*Interfacing with the user of a syntax
directed editor.* Tasmania U. Info.Sci.Dept.*No. R82-03.*1982.
Lamping, J. King, J.J.* IZZI--a translator from Interlisp to
Zetalisp.* Hewlett Packard Co. Comp.Sci.Lab.* CSL-82-010; Hewlett
Packard Co. Comp.Res. Center.* CRC-TR-82-005.*1982.
LeBlanc, T.J.*The design and performance of high level language
primitives for distributed programming.* Wisconsin U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 492, Ph.D. Thesis. LeBlanc, T.J.*1982.
Lengauer, C.*A methodology for programming with concurrency.* Toronto
U. Comp. Systems Res. Group.* CSRG-142, Ph.D. Thesis. Lengauer,
Lesser, V. Corkill, D. Pavlin, J. Lefkowitz, L. Hudlicka, E. Brooks,
R. Reed, S.*A high-level simulation testbed for cooperative
distributed problem solving.* Massachusetts U. Comp. &
Info.Sci.Dept.*COINS Tech.Rpt. 81-16.*1981.
Lieberman, H.*Seeing what your programs are doing.* M.I.T. A.I.
Lab.*Memo 656.*1982.
Lochovsky, F.H.* Alpha beta, edited by F.H. Lochovsky.* Toronto U.
Comp. Systems Res. Group.*CSRG-143.*1982. Contents: (1) Lochovsky,
F.H. Tsichritzis, D.C.* Interactive query language for external data
bases; (2) Mendelzon, A.O.*A database editor; (3) Lee, D.L.*A voice
response system for an office information system; (4) Gibbs, S.J.*
Office information models and the representation of 'office objects';
(5) Martin, P.* Tsichritzis, D.C.*A message management model; (6)
Nierstrasz, O.*Tsichritzis, D.C.* Message flow modeling; (7)
Tsichritzis, D.C. Christodoulakis, S. Faloutsos, C.* Design
considerations for a message file server.
Mahr, B. Makowsky, J.A.*Characterizing specification languages which
admit initial semantics.* Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 232.*1982.
McAllester, D.A.* Reasoning utility package. User's manual. Version
one.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 667.*1982.
Medina-Mora, R.* Syntax directed editing: towards integrated
programming environments.* Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Ph.D.
Thesis. Medina-Mora, R.*1982.
Melese, B.* Metal, un langage de specification pour le systeme
mentor.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 142.*1982.
Olsen, D.R. Jr. Badler, N.*An expression model for graphical command
languages.* Arizona State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-82-001.*1982.
Paige, R.* Transformational programming--applications to algorithms
and systems: summary paper.* Rutgers U.
Parr, F.N. Strom, R.E.* NIL: a high level language for distributed
systems programming.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9750.*1982.
Pratt, V.*Five paradigm shifts in programming language design and
their realization in Viron, a dataflow programming environment.*
Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* STAN-CS-82-951.*1982. 9p.
Rosenstein, L.S.* Display management in an integrated office
workstation.* M.I.T. Lab for Comp.Sci.*TR-278.* 1982.
Ross, P.M.* TERAK LOGO user's manual (for version 1 - 0).* Edinburgh
U. A.I. Dept.*Occasional Paper 021.*1980.
Schlichting, R.D. Schneider, F.B.*Using message passing for
distributed programming: proof rules and disciplines.* Arizona U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-05.*1982.
Schmidt, E.E.*Controlling large software development in a distributed
environment.* Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center.*CSL-82-07, Ph.D. Thesis.
Schmidt, E.E. (University of California at Berkeley).*1982.
Senach, B.*Aide a la resolution de probleme par presentation graphique
des informations.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 013.*1982.
Soloway, E. Bonar, J. Ehrlich, K.* Cognitive strategies and looping
constructs: an empirical study.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.
Soloway, E. Ehrlich, K. Bonar, J. Greenspan, J.*What do novices know
about programming?* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Res.Rpt. 218.*1982.
Stefik, M. Bell, A.G. Bobrow, D.G.* Rule oriented programming in
LOOPS.* Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center.*Memo KB-VLSI-82-22.*1982.
(working paper).
Sterling, L. Bundy, A.* Meta level inference and program
verification.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper 168.* 1982.
Sterling, L. Bundy, A. Byrd, L. O'Keefe, R. Silver, B.* Solving
symbolic equations with PRESS.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper
Tappel, S. Westfold, S. Barr, A.* Programming languages for AI
research (Chapter VI of Volume II of the Handbook of Artificial
Intelligence, edited by Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum).*
Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* STAN-CS-82-935; Stanford U.
Comp.Sci.Dept. Heuristic Programming Project.*HPP-82-017.*1982. 90p.
Theriault, D.*A primer for the Act-1 language.* M.I.T. A.I.
Lab.*Memo 672.*1982.
Thompson, H.*Handling metarules in a parser for GPSG. Edinburgh U.
A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper 175.*1982.
Walker, A.* PROLOG/EX1: an inference engine which explains both yes
and no answers.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3771.*1983.
Waters, R.C.* LetS: an expressional loop notation.* M.I.T. A.I.
Lab.*Memo 680a.*1983.
Wilensky, R.*Talking to UNIX in English: an overview of an on-line
consultant.* California U., Berkeley. Comp.Sci.Div.*UCB/CSD
Wolper, P.L.*Synthesis of communicating processes from temporal logic
specifications.* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-925, Ph.D.
Thesis. Wolper, P.L.* 1982. 111p.
Wood, R.J.* Franz flavors: an implementation of abstract data types in
an applicative language.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci.
Woods, D.R.*Drawing planar graphs.* Stanford U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-943, Ph.D. Thesis. Woods, D.R.* 1981.
Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:55:06-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Database Bibliography
Bancilhon, F. Richard, P.* TQL, a textual query language.*
INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 145.*1982.
Bossi, A. Ghezzi, C.*Using FP as a query language for relational
data-bases.* Milan. Politecnico. Dipartimento di Elettronica. Lab. di
Calcolatori.*Rapporto Interno N. 82-11.*1982.
Cooke, M.P.*A speech controlled information retrieval system.* U.K.
National Physical Lab. Info. Technology and Computing Div.*DITC
Corson, Y.*Aspects psychologiques lies a l'interrogation d'une base de
donnees.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 126.* 1982.
Cosmadakis, S.S.*The complexity of evaluation relational queries.*
M.I.T. Lab. for Comp.Sci.*TM-229.*1982.
Daniels, D. Selinger, P. Haas, L. Lindsay, B. Mohan, C. Walker, A.
Wilms, P.*An introduction to distributed query compilation in R.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3497.*1982.
Gonnet, G.H.* Unstructured data bases.* Waterloo U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. CS-82-09.*1982.
Griswold, R.E.*The control of searching and backtracking in string
pattern matching.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-20.*1982.
Grosky, W.I.*Towards a data model for integrated pictorial databases.*
Wayne State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CSC-82-012.* 1982.
Haas, L.M. Selinger, P.G. Bertino, E. Daniels, D. Lindsay, B. Lohman,
G. Masunaga, Y. Mogan, C. Ng, P. Wilms, P. Yost, R.* R*: a research
project on distributed relational DBMS.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ
Hailpern, B.T. Korth, H.F.*An experimental distributed database
system.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9678.*1982.
Jenny, C.*Methodologies for placing files and processes in systems
with decentralized intelligence.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RZ
Kanasaki, K. Yamaguchi, K. Kunii, T.L.*A software development system
supported by a database of structures and operations.* Tokyo U.
Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-15.*1982.
Klug, A.*On conjunctive queries containing inequalities.* Wisconsin U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 477.*1982.
Konikowska, B.* Information systems: on queries containing k-ary
descriptors.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS
rpt. no. 466.*1982.
Lochovsky, F.H.* Alpha beta, edited by F.H. Lochovsky.* Toronto U.
Comp. Systems Res. Group.*CSRG-143.*1982. Contents: (1) Lochovsky,
F.H. Tsichritzis, D.C.* Interactive query language for external data
bases; (2) Mendelzon, A.O.*A database editor; (3) Lee, D.L.*A voice
response system for an office information system; (4) Gibbs, S.J.*
Office information models and the representation of 'office objects';
(5) Martin, P.* Tsichritzis, D.C.*A message management model; (6)
Nierstrasz, O.*Tsichritzis, D.C.* Message flow modeling; (7)
Tsichritzis, D.C. Christodoulakis, S. Faloutsos, C.* Design
considerations for a message file server.
Lohman, G.M. Stoltzfus, J.C. Benson, A.N. Martin, M.D. Cardenas,
A.F.* Remotely sensed geophysical databases: experience and
implications for generalized DBMS.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ
Madelaine, E.*Le systeme perluette et les preuves de representation de
types abstraits.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 133.*1982.
Maier, D. Ullman, J.D.* Fragments of relations.* Stanford U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-929.*1982. 11p.
Michard, A.*A new database query language for non-professional users:
design principles and ergonomic evaluation.* INRIA.*Rapport de
Recherche 127.*1982.
Ng, P.* Distributed compilation and recompilation of database
queries.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3375.*1982.
Srivas, M.K.*Automatic synthesis of implementations for abstract data
types from algebraic specifications.* M.I.T. Lab for Comp.Sci.*TR-276,
Ph.D. Thesis. Srivas, M.K. (This report is a minor revision of a
thesis of the same title submitted to the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science in December 1981).*1982.
Stabler, E.P. Jr.* Database and theorem prover designs for question
answering systems.* Western Ontario U. Cognitive Science
Centre.*COGMEM 12.*1982.
Stamos, J.W.*A large object oriented virtual memory: grouping
strategies, measurements, and performance.* Xerox. Palo Alto Res.
Wald, J.A. Sorenson, P.G.*Resolving the query inference problem using
Steiner trees.* Saskatchewan U. Computational
Weyer, S.A.* Searching for information in a dynamic book.* Xerox.
Palo Alto Res. Center.*SCG-82-01, Ph.D. Thesis. Weyer, S.A.
(Stanford University).*1982.
Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:56:36-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Computer Science Bibliography
[Includes selected topics in CS that seem relevant to AIList
and are not covered in the preceeding bibliographies.]
Eppinger, J.L.*An empirical study of insertion and deletion in binary
search trees.* Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CMU-CS-82-146.*1982.
Gilmore, P.C.*Solvable cases of the travelling salesman problem.*
British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-08.*1981.
Graham, R.L. Hell, P.*On the history of the minimum spanning tree
problem.* Simon Fraser U. Computing Sci.Dept.*TR 82-05.*1982.
Gupta, A. Hon, R.W.*Two papers on circuit extraction.* Carnegie Mellon
U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CMU-CS-82-147.*1982. Contents: Gupta, A.* ACE: a
circuit extractor; Gupta, A. Hon, R.W.* HEXT: a hierarchical circuit
Hofri, M.*BIN packing: an analysis of the next fit algorithm.*
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 242.*1982.
Jomier, G.*An overview of systems modelling and evaluation
tendencies.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 134.*1982.
Jurkiewicz, E.* Stability of compromise solution in multicriteria
decision making problem.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of
Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no. 455.*1981.
Kirkpatrick, D.G. Hell, P.*On the complexity of general graph factor
problems.* British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-07.*1981.
Kjelldahl, L. Romberger, S.*Requirements for interactive editing of
diagrams.* Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm. Num.Anal. & Computing
Moran, S.*On the densest packing of circles in convex figures.*
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Tech.Rpt. 241.*1982.
Nau, D. Kumar, V. Kanal, L.*General branch and bound and its relation
to A* and AO*.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci. Center.*TR-1170.*1982.
Nau, D.S.* Pathology on game trees revisited, and an alternative to
minimaxing.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci. Center.*TR-1187.*1982.
Roberts, B.J. Marashian, I.* Bibliography of Stanford computer science
reports, 1963-1982.* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-911.*1982.
Scowen, R.S.*An introduction and handbook for the standard syntactic
metalanguage.* U.K. National Physical Lab. Info. Technology and
Computing Div.*DITC 19/83.*1983.
Seidel, R.*A convex hull algorithm for point sets in even dimensions.*
British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-14.*1981.
Varah, J.M.*Pitfalls in the numerical solution of linear ill posed
problems.* British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Tech.Rpt. 81-10.*1981.
Wegman, M.*Summarizing graphs by regular expressions.* IBM Watson Res.
Center.*RC 9364.*1982.
End of AIList Digest