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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 035

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AIList Digest            Tuesday, 9 Aug 1983       Volume 1 : Issue 35 

Today's Topics:
Expert Systems - Bibliography,
Learning - Bibliography,
Logic - Bibliography

Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 09:04:09-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Bibliographies

The bibliographies in this and the following three issues were
extracted from the new-reports list put out by the Stanford Math/CS
Library. I have sorted the citations as best I could from just the
titles. Reports on planning and problem solving have not been pulled
out separately--they are listed here either by application domain
or by technique.

-- Ken Laws


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:44:04-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Expert Systems Bibliography

This is an update to the titles previously reported in AIList.

J.S. Aikins, J.C. Kunz, E.H. Shortliffe, and R.J. Fallat, PUFF: An
Expert System for Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Data. Stanford
U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-931; Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept.
Heuristic Programming Project, HPP-82-013, 1982. 21p.

C. Apte, Expert Knowledge Management for Multi-Level Modelling.
Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., LCSR-TR-41, 1982.

B.G. Buchanan and R.O. Duda, Principles of Rule Based Expert Systems.
Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-926; Stanford U. Comp. Sci.
Dept. Heuristic Programming Project, HPP-82-014, 1982. 55p.

B.G. Buchanan, Partial Bibliography of Work on Expert Systems.
Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-953; Stanford U. Comp. Sci.
Dept. Heuristic Programming Project, HPP-82-30, 1982. 13p.

A. Bundy and B. Silver, A Critical Survey of Rule Learning Programs.
Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept., Res. Paper 169, 1982.

R. Davis, Expert Systems: Where are We? And Where Do We Go from Here?
M.I.T. A.I. Lab., Memo 665, 1982.

D. Dellarosa and L.E. Bourne, Jr., Text-Based Decisions: Changes in
the Availability of Facts due to Instructions and the Passage of
Time. Colorado U. Cognitive Sci. Inst., Tech. rpt. 115-ONR, 1982.

T.G. Dietterich, B. London, K. Clarkson, and G. Dromey, Learning and
Inductive Inference (a section of the Handbook of Artificial
Intelligence, edited by Paul R. Cohen and Edward A. Feigenbaum).
Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-913; Stanford U. Comp. Sci.
Dept. Heuristic Programming Project, HPP-82-010, 1982. 215p.

G.A. Drastal and C.A. Kulikowski, Knowledge Based Acquisition of Rules
for Medical Diagnosis. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., CBM-TM-97,

N.V. Findler, An Expert Subsystem Based on Generalized Production
Rules. Arizona State U. Comp. Sci. Dept., TR-82-003, 1982.

N.V. Findler and R. Lo, A Note on the Functional Estimation of Values
of Hidden Variables--An Extended Module for Expert Systems. Arizona
State U. Comp. Sci. Dept., TR-82-004, 1982.

K.E. Huff and V.R. Lesser, Knowledge Based Command Understanding: An
Example for the Software Development Environment. Massachusetts U.
Comp. & Info. Sci. Dept., COINS Tech.Rpt. 82-06, 1982.

J.K. Kastner, S.M. Weiss, and C.A. Kulikowske, Treatment Selection and
Explanation in Expert Medical Consultation: Application to a Model of
Ocular Herpes Simplex. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., CBM-TR-132,

R.M. Keller, A Survey of Research in Strategy Acquisition. Rutgers U.
Comp. Sci. Dept., DCS-TR-115, 1982.

V.E. Kelly and L.I. Steinberg, The Critter System: Analyzing Digital
Circuits by Propagating Behaviors and Specifications. Rutgers U.
Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., LCSR-TR-030, 1982.

J.J. King, An Investigation of Expert Systems Technology for
Automated Troubleshooting of Scientific Instrumentation. Hewlett
Packard Co. Comp. Sci. Lab., CSL-82-012; Hewlett Packard Co. Comp.
Res. Center, CRC-TR-82-002, 1982.

J.J. King, Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Device
Troubleshooting. Hewlett Packard Co. Comp. Sci. Lab., CSL-82-009;
Hewlett Packard Co. Comp. Res. Center, CRC-TR-82-004, 1982.

G.M.E. Lafue and T.M. Mitchell, Data Base Management Systems and
Expert Systems for CAD. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., LCSR-TR-028,

R.J. Lytle, Site Characterization using Knowledge Engineering -- An
Approach for Improving Future Performance. Cal U. Lawrence Livermore
Lab., UCID-19560, 1982.

T.M. Mitchell, P.E. Utgoff, and R. Banerji, Learning by
Experimentation: Acquiring and Modifying Problem Solving Heuristics.
Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., LCSR-TR-31, 1982.

D.S. Nau, Expert Computer Systems, Computer, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.
63-85, Feb. 1983.

D.S. Nau, J.A. Reggia, and P. Wang, Knowledge-Based Problem Solving
Without Production Rules, IEEE 1983 Trends and Applications Conf., pp.
105-108, May 1983.

P.G. Politakis, Using Empirical Analysis to Refine Expert System
Knowledge Bases. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., CBM-TR-130, Ph.D.
Thesis, 1982.

J.A. Reggia, P. Wang, and D.S. Nau, Minimal Set Covers as a Model for
Diagnostic Problem Solving, Proc. First IEEE Comp. Soc. Int. Conf. on
Medical Computer Sci./Computational Medicine, Sept. 1982.

J.A. Reggia, D.S. Nau, and P. Wang, Diagnostic Expert Systems Based on
a Set Covering Model, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 1983. To appear.

M.D. Rychener, Approaches to Knowledge Acquisition: The Instructable
Production System Project. Carnegie Mellon U. Comp. Sci. Dept.,

R.D. Schachter, An Incentive Approach to Eliciting Probabilities.
Cal. U., Berkeley. O.R. Center, ORC 82-09, 1982.

E.H. Shortliffe and L.M. Fagan, Expert Systems Research: Modeling the
Medical Decision Making Process. Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept.,
STAN-CS-82-932; Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept. Heuristic Programming
Project, HPP-82-003, 1982. 23p.

M. Suwa, A.C. Scott, and E.H. Shortliffe, An Approach to Verifying
Completeness and Consistency in a Rule Based Expert System. Stanford
U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-922, 1982. 19p.

J.A. Wald and C.J. Colbourn, Steiner Trees, Partial 2-Trees, and
Minimum IFI Networks. Saskatchewan U. Computational Sci. Dept., Rpt.
82-06, 1982.

J.A. Wald and C.J. Colbourn, Steiner Trees in Probabilistic Networks.
Saskatchewan U. Computational Sci. Dept., Rpt. 82-07, 1982.

A. Walker, Automatic Generation of Explanations of Results from
Knowledge Bases. IBM Watson Res. Center, RJ 3481, 1982.

J.W. Wallis and E.H. Shortliffe, Explanatory Power for Medical Expert
Systems: Studies in the Representation of Causal Relationships for
Clinical Consultation. Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept.,
STAN-CS-82-923, 1982. 37p.

S. Weiss, C. Kulikowske, C. Apte, and M. Uschold, Building Expert
Systems for Controlling Complex Programs. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res.
Lab., LCSR-TR-40, 1982.

Y. Yuchuan and C.A. Kulikowske, Multiple Strategies of Reasoning for
Expert Systems. Rutgers U. Comp. Sci. Res. Lab., CBM-TR-131, 1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:47:25-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Learning Bibliography

Anderson, J.R. Farrell, R. Sauers, R.* Learning to plan in LISP.*
Carnegie Mellon U. Psych.Dept.*1982.

Barber, G.*Supporting organizational problem solving with a
workstation.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 681.*1982.

Bundy, A. Silver, B.*A critical survey of rule learning programs.*
Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper 169.*1982.

Carbonell, J.G.* Learning by analogy: formulating and generalizing
plans from past experience.* Carnegie Mellon U.

Carroll, J.M. Mack, R.L.* Metaphor, computing systems, and active
learning.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9636.*1982. schemes.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3645.*1982.

Cohen, P.R.* Planning and problem solving.* Stanford U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-939; Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept. Heuristic
Programming Project.*HPP-82-021.*1982. 61p.

Dellarosa, D. Bourne, L.E. Jr.*Text-based decisions: changes in the
availability of facts due to instructions and the passage of time.*
Colorado U. Cognitive Sci.Inst.* Tech.rpt. 115-ONR.*1982.

Ehrlich, K. Soloway, E.*An empirical investigation of the tacit plan
knowledge in programming.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.

Findler, N.V. Cromp, R.F.*An artificial intelligence technique to
generate self-optimizing experimental designs.* Arizona State U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-83-001.* 1983.

Good, D.I.* Reusable problem domain theories.* Texas U. Computing

Good, D.I.* Reusable problem domain theories.* Texas U. Computing

Kautz, H.A.*A first-order dynamic logic for planning.* Toronto U.
Comp. Systems Res. Group.*CSRG-144.*1982.

Luger, G.F.*Some artificial intelligence techniques for describing
problem solving behaviour.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Occasional Paper

Mitchell, T.M. Utgoff, P.E. Banerji, R.* Learning by experimentation:
acquiring and modifying problem solving heuristics.* Rutgers U.
Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.*LCSR-TR-31.* 1982.

Moura, C.M.O. Casanova, M.A.* Design by example (preliminary report).*
Pontificia U., Rio de Janeiro. Info.Dept.*No. 05/82.*1982.

Nadas, A.*A decision theoretic formulation of a training problem in
speech recognition and a comparison of training by uncondition versus
conditional maximum likelihood.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC

Slotnick, D.L.* Time constrained computation.* Illinois U.

Tomita, M.* Learning of construction of finite automata from examples
using hill climbing. RR: regular set recognizer.* Carnegie Mellon U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.* CMU-CS-82-127.*1982.

Utgoff, P.E.*Acquisition of appropriate bias for inductive concept
learning.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TM-02.*1982.

Winston, P.H. Binford, T.O. Katz, B. Lowry, M.* Learning physical
descriptions from functional definitions, examples, and precedents.*
M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 679.* 1982.

Winston, P.H.* Learning by augmenting rules and accumulating censors.*
M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 678.*1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:48:00-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Logic Bibliography

Ballantyne, M. Bledsoe, W.W. Doyle, J. Moore, R.C. Pattis, R.
Rosenschein, S.J.* Automatic deduction (Chapter XII of Volume III of
the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, edited by Paul R. Cohen and
Edward A. Feigenbaum).* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-937;
Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept. Heuristic Programming
Project.*HPP-82-019.* 1982. 64p.

Bergstra, J. Chmielinska, A. Tiuryn, J.*" Hoare's logic is not
complete when it could be".* M.I.T. Lab. for Comp.Sci.*TM-226.*1982.

Bergstra, J.A. Tucker, J.V.* Hoare's logic for programming languages
with two data types.* Mathematisch Centrum.*IW 207/82.*1982.

Boehm, H.-J.*A logic for expressions with side-effects.* Cornell U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 81-478.*1981.

Bowen, D.L. (ed.)* DECsystem-10 Prolog user's manual.* Edinburgh U.
A.I. Dept.*Occasional Paper 027.*1982.

Boyer, R.S. Moore, J.S.*A mechanical proof of the unsolvability of the
halting problem.* Texas U. Computing Sci. and Comp.Appl.Inst.
Certifiable Minicomputer Project.*ICSCA-CMP-28.*1982.

Bundy, A. Welham, B.*Utility procedures in Prolog.* Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Occasional Paper 009.*1977.

Byrd, L. (ed.)*User's guide to EMAS Prolog.* Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Occasional Paper 026.*1981.

Demopoulos, W.*The rejection of truth conditional semantics by Putnam
and Dummett.* Western Ontario U. Cognitive Science Centre.*COGMEM

Goto, E. Soma, T. Inada, N. Ida, T. Idesawa, M. Hiraki, K. Suzuki, M.
Shimizu, K. Philipov, B.*Design of a Lisp machine - FLATS.* Tokyo U.
Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-09.*1982.

Griswold, R.E.*The control of searching and backtracking in string
pattern matching.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-20.*1982.

Hagiya, M.*A proof description language and its reduction system.*
Tokyo U. Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-03.*1982.

Itai, A. Makowsky, J.*On the complexity of Herbrand's theorem.*
Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 243.*1982.

Kautz, H.A.*A first-order dynamic logic for planning.* Toronto U.
Comp. Systems Res. Group.*CSRG-144.*1982.

Kozen, D.C.*Results on the propositional mu-calculus.* Aarhus U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*DAIMI PB-146.*1982.

Makowsky, J.A. Tiomkin, M.L.*An array assignment for propositional
dynamic logic.* Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 234.*1982.

Manna, Z. Pneuli, A.*How to cook a temporal proof system for your pet
language.* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* STAN-CS-82-954.*1982. 14p.

Mosses, P.* Abstract semantic algebras!* Aarhus U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*DAIMI PB-145.*1982.

Orlowska, E.*Logic of vague concepts: applications of rough sets.*
Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no.

Sakamura, K. Ishikawa, C.* High level machine design by dynamic
tuning.* Tokyo U. Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-07.*1982.

Sato, M.*Algebraic structure of symbolic expressions.* Tokyo U.
Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-05.*1982.

Shapiro, E.Y.* Alternation and the computational complexity of logic
programs.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 239.* 1982.

Stabler, E.P. Jr.* Database and theorem prover designs for question
answering systems.* Western Ontario U. Cognitive Science
Centre.*COGMEM 12.*1982.

Sterling, L. Bundy, A.* Meta level inference and program
verification.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Res. Paper 168.* 1982.

Treleaven, P.C. Gouveia Lima, I.*Japan's fifth generation computer
systems.* Newcastle upon Tyne U. Computing Lab.* No. 176.*1982.


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