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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 037

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AIList Digest            Tuesday, 9 Aug 1983       Volume 1 : Issue 37 

Today's Topics:
Representation - Bibliography,
Natural Language Understanding - Bibliography,
Cognition - Bibliography

Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:51:05-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Representation Bibliography

Abdallah, M.A.N.* Data types as algorithms.* Waterloo U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. CS-82-10.*1982.

Alterman, R.E.*A system of seven coherence relations for
hierarchically organizing event concepts in text.* Texas U.

Amit, Y.*Review of conceptual dependency theory.* Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Occasional Paper 008.*1977.

Andrews, G.R. Schneider, F.B.*Concepts and notations for concurrent
programming.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-12.*1982.

Ericson, L.W.* DPL-82: a language for distributed processing.*
Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CMU-CS-82-129.*1982.

Forbus, K.D.* Qualitative process theory.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo

Katz, R.H. Lehman, T.J.*Storage structures for versions and
alternatives.* Wisconsin U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 479.*1982.

Lucas, P. Risch, T.*Representation of factual information by equations
and their evaluation.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3362.*1982.

Luger, G.F.*Some artificial intelligence techniques for describing
problem solving behaviour.* Edinburgh U. A.I. Dept.*Occasional Paper

Lytinen, S.L. Schank, R.C.* Representation and translation.*Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 234.*1982.

Mahr, B. Makowsky, J.A.*Characterizing specification languages which
admit initial semantics.* Technion - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 232.*1982.

Mercer, R.E. Reiter, R.*The representation of presuppositions using
defaults.* British Columbia U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-01.*1982.

Orlowska, E. Pawlak, Z.*Representation of nondeterministic
information.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS
Rpt. No. 450.*1981.

Orlowska, E.*Logic of vague concepts: applications of rough sets.*
Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no.

Orlowska, E.*Semantics of vague concepts: application of rough sets.*
Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no.

Pawlak, Z.* Rough functions.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of
Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no. 467.*1981.

Pawlak, Z.* Rough sets: power set hierarchy.* Polish Academy of
Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no. 470.*1982.

Pawlak, Z.*About conflicts.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of
Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS Rpt. No. 451.*1981.

Pawlak, Z.*Some remarks about rough sets.* Polish Academy of Sciences.
Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no. 456.* 1982.

Sridharan, N.S.*A flexible structure for knowledge: examples of legal
concepts.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LRP-TR-014.*1982.

Srinivasan, C.V.*Notes on object centered associative memory
organization.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TR-19.*1981.

Weiser, M. Israel, B. Stanfill, C. Trigg, R. Wood, R.* Working papers
in knowledge representation and acquisition.* Maryland U. Comp.Sci.
Center.*TR-1175.* 1982. Contents: Israel, B. Weiser, M.*Towards a
perceptual system for monitoring computer behavior; Stanfill, C.*
Geometry to causality: a hierarchy of subdomains for machine world;
Trigg, R.*Acquiring knowledge for an electronic textbook; Wood, R.J.*A
model for interactive program synthesis.

Winston, P.H. Binford, T.O. Katz, B. Lowry, M.* Learning physical
descriptions from functional definitions, examples, and precedents.*
M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 679.* 1982.

Woods, W.A. Bates, M. Bobrow, R.J. Goodman, B. Israel, D. Schmolze,
J. Schudy, R. Sidner, C.L. Vilain, M.*Research in knowledge
representation for natural language understanding. Annual report: 1
September 1981 to 31 August 1982.* Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN
rpt. 5188.*1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:46:47-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Natural Language Understanding Bibliography

Allen, E.M.*Acquiring linguistic knowledge for word experts.* Maryland
U. Comp.Sci. Center.*TR-1166.

Alterman, R.E.*A system of seven coherence relations for
hierarchically organizing event concepts in text.* Texas U.

Amit, Y.*Review of conceptual dependency theory.* Edinburgh U. A.I.
Dept.*Occasional Paper 008.*1977.

Ballard, B.W. Lusth, J.C.*An English-language processing system which
'learns' about new domains.* Duke U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CS-1982-18.*1982.

Ballard, B.W.*A "domain class" approach to transportable natural
language processing.* Duke U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CS-1982-11.*1982.

Bancilhon, F. Richard, P.* TQL, a textual query language.*
INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 145.*1982.

Barr, A. Cohen, P.R. Fagan, L.*Understanding spoken language (Chapter
V of Volume I of the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, edited by
Avron Barr and Edward A. Feigenbaum).* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*
STAN-CS-82-934; Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept. Heuristic Programming
Project.*HPP-82-016.*1982. 52p.

Black, J.B. Galambos, J.A. Read, S.* Story comprehension.* Yale U.
Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 017.*1982.

Black, J.B. Seifert, C.M.*The psychological study of story
understanding.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.* Tech.Rpt.

Black, J.B. Wilkes-Gibbs, D. Gibbs, R.W. Jr.*What writers need to know
that they don't know they need to know.* Yale U. Cognitive Science
Program.*Tech.Rpt. 08.*1981.

Carbonell, J.G.* Meta-language utterances in purposive discourse.*
Carnegie Mellon U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* CMU-CS-82-125.*1982.

Clinkenbeard, D.J.*A quite general text analysis method.* Colorado U.

Culik, K. Natour, I.A.* Ambiguity types of formal grammars.*Wayne
State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CSC-82-014.*1982.

Dellarosa, D. Bourne, L.E. Jr.*Text-based decisions: changes in the
availability of facts due to instructions and the passage of time.*
Colorado U. Cognitive Sci.Inst.* Tech.rpt. 115-ONR.*1982.

Denny, J.P.* Whorf's Algonquian: old evidence and new ideas concerning
linguistic relativity.* Western Ontario U. Cognitive Science
Centre.*COGMEM 11.*1982.

Dolev, D. Reischuk, R. Strong, H.R.*'Eventual' is earlier than
'immediate'.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3632.*1982.

Dyer, M.G.*In-depth understanding: a computer model of integrated
processing for narrative comprehension.* Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 219, Ph.D. Thesis. Dyer, M.G.* 1982.

Gawron, J.M. King, J.J. Lamping, J. Loebner, J.J. Paulson, E.A.
Pullum, G.K. Sag, I.A. Wasow, T.A.*Processing English with a
generalized phrase structure grammar.* Hewlett Packard Co.

Greene, B.R. Fujisake, T.*A probabilistic approach for dealing with
ambiguous syntactic structures.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC

Hartmanis, J.*On Goedel speed-up and succinctness of language
representation.* Cornell U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Tech.Rpt. 82-485.*1982.

Israel, D.J.*On interpreting semantic network formalisms.* Bolt,
Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN rpt. 5117.*1982.

Jensen, K. Heidorn, G.E.*The fitted parse: 100% parsing capability in
a syntactic grammar of English.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC
9729.*1982. graphs.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9642.*1982.

Johnson, P.N. Robertson, S.P.* MAGPIE: a goal based model of
conversation.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 206.* 1981.

Katz, B. Winston, P.H.* Parsing and generating English using
commutative transformations.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.* Memo 677.*1982.

Lamping, J. King, J.J.* LM/GPSG--a prototype workstation for
linguists.* Hewlett Packard Co. Comp.Sci.Lab.* CSL-82-011; Hewlett
Packard Co. Comp.Res. Center.* CRC-Tr-82-006.*1982.

Lehnert, W. Dyer, M.G. Johnson, P.N. Yang, C.J. Harley, S.* BORIS: an
experiment in in-depth understanding of narratives.* Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 188.*1981.

Lehnert, W.G.* Affect units and narrative summarization.* Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 179.*1980.

Lytinen, S.L. Schank, R.C.* Representation and translation.* Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 234.*1982.

Mann, W.C. Matthiessen, C.M.I.M.*Two discourse generators, by William
C. Mann; A grammar and a lexicon for a text production system, by
Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen.* Southern Cal U.

Mann, W.C.*The anatomy of a systemic choice.* Southern Cal U.

Martin, P.A.*Integrating local information to understand dialog.*
Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-941; Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.
A.I. Lab.*AIM-348, Ph.D. Thesis. Martin, P.A.*1982. 125p.

Miller, L.A.*" Natural language text are not necessarily grammatical
and unambiguous. Or even complete".* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC

Misek-Falkoff, L.D.*The new field of software linguistics: an
early-bird view.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9421.* 1982.

Misek-Falkoff, L.D.* Software science and natural language: a
unification of Halstead's counting rules for programs and English
text, and a claim space approach to extensions.* IBM Watson Res.
Center.*RC 9420.*1982.

Mueckstein, E.-M.M.* Parsing for collecting syntactic statistics.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RC 9836.*1983.

Mueckstein, E.M.M.* Q-Trans: query translation into English.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RC 9841.*1983.

Perlman, G.* Natural artificial languages: low-level processes.* Cal.
U., San Diego. Human Info. Proces. Center.*Rpt. 8208.*1982.

Peterson, J.L.* Webster's seventh new collegiate dictionary: a
computer-readable file format.* Texas U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-196.*1982.

Reiser, B.J. Black, J.B. Lehnert, W.G.* Thematic knowledge structures
in the understanding and generation of narratives.* Yale U. Cognitive
Science Program.* Tech.Rpt. 016.*1982.

Reiser, B.J. Black, J.B.*Processing and structural models of
comprehension.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.* Tech.Rpt.

Schank, R.C. Burstein, M.*Modeling memory for language understanding.*
Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 220.* 1982.

Schank, R.C. Collins, G.C. Davis, E. Johnson, P.N. Lytinen, S.
Reiser, B.J.*What's the point?* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.

Shwartz, S.P.*The search for pronominal referents.* Yale U. Cognitive
Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 10.*1981.

Sidner, C.L. Bates, M.*Requirements for natural language understanding
in a system with graphic displays.* Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN
rpt. 5242.*1983.

Sidner, C.L.* Protocols of users manipulating visually presented
information with natural language.* Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN
rpt. 5128.*1982.

Smith, D.E.* FOCUSER: a strategic interaction paradigm for language
acquisition.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TR-36, Ph.D. Thesis.
Smith, D.E.*1982.

Stabler, E.P. Jr.* Programs, rule governed behavior and grammars in
theories of language acquisition and use.* Western Ontario U.
Cognitive Science Centre.*COGMEM 07.* 1982.

Usui, T.*An experimental grammar for translating English to Japanese.*
Texas U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR-201.*1982.

Wilensky, R.*Talking to UNIX in English: an overview of an on-line
consultant.* California U., Berkeley. Comp.Sci.Div.*UCB/CSD

Woods, W.A. Bates, M. Bobrow, R.J. Goodman, B. Israel, D. Schmolze,
J. Schudy, R. Sidner, C.L. Vilain, M.*Research in knowledge
representation for natural language understanding. Annual report: 1
September 1981 to 31 August 1982.* Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN
rpt. 5188.*1982.


Date: Tue 9 Aug 83 08:45:21-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Cognition Bibliography

Ballard, B.W. Lusth, J.C.*An English-language processing system which
'learns' about new domains.* Duke U. Comp.Sci.Dept.,CS-1982-18,1982.

Barr, A.* Artificial intelligence: cognition as computation.* Stanford
U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-956; Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.
Heuristic Programming Project.* HPP-82-29.*1982. 28p.

Black, J.B. Galambos, J.A. Reiser, B.J.*Coordinating discovery and
verification research.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt.

Black, J.B. Galambos, J.A. Read, S.* Story comprehension.* Yale U.
Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 017.*1982.

Black, J.B. Seifert, C.M.*The psychological study of story
understanding.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.* Tech.Rpt.

Black, J.B. Wilkes-Gibbs, D. Gibbs, R.W. Jr.*What writers need to know
that they don't know they need to know.* Yale U. Cognitive Science
Program.*Tech.Rpt. 08.*1981.

Bonar, J. Soloway, E.*Uncovering principles of novice programming.*
Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 240.*1982.

Carbonell, J.G.* Learning by analogy: formulating and generalizing
plans from past experience.* Carnegie Mellon U.

Carroll, J.M. Mack, R.L.* Metaphor, computing systems, and active
learning.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9636.*1982. schemes.* IBM
Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3645.*1982.

Cohen, P.R.*Models of cognition (Chapter XI of Volume III of the
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, edited by Paul R. Cohen and
Edward A. Feigenbaum).* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-936;
Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept. Heuristic Programming
Project.*HPP-82-018.*1982. 87p.

Conrad, M.* Microscopic macroscopic interface in biological
information processing.* Wayne State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*

Doyle, J.*The foundations of psychology: a logico-computational
inquiry into the concept of mind.* Carnegie Mellon U.

Dyer, M.G.*In-depth understanding: a computer model of integrated
processing for narrative comprehension.* Yale U.
Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 219, Ph.D. Thesis. Dyer, M.G.* 1982.

Ehrlich, K. Soloway, E.*An empirical investigation of the tacit plan
knowledge in programming.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.

Ericsson, K.A. Chase, W.G.* Exceptional memory.* Carnegie Mellon U.
Psych.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 08.*1982.

Firdman, H.E.*Toward a theory of cognizing systems: the search for an
integrated theory of AI.* Hewlett Packard Co.
Comp.Sci.Lab.*CSL-82-007; Hewlett Packard Co. Comp.Res.

Galambos, J.A.*Normative studies of six characteristics of our
knowledge of common activities.* Yale U. Cognitive Science
Program.*Tech.Rpt. 014.*1982.

Good, D.I.* Reusable problem domain theories.* Texas U. Computing

Hollerbach, J.M.*Computers, brains, and the control of movement.*
M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 686.*1982.

Israel, D.J.*On interpreting semantic network formalisms.* Bolt,
Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN rpt. 5117.*1982.

Kampfner, R.R. Conrad, M.*Sequential behavior and stability properties
of enzymatic neuron networks.* Wayne State U.

Lansner, A.* Information processing in a network of model neurons: a
computer simulation study.* Royal Inst. of Tech., Stockholm.
Num.Anal. & Computing Sci.Dept.* TRITA-NA-8211.*1982.

Mather, J.A.* Saccadic eye movements to seen and unseen targets:
preprogramming and sensory input in motor control.* Western Ontario U.
Cognitive Science Centre.* COGMEM 10.*1982.

Mitchell, T.M. Utgoff, P.E. Banerji, R.* Learning by experimentation:
acquiring and modifying problem solving heuristics.* Rutgers U.
Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.*LCSR-TR-31.* 1982.

Poggio, T. Koch, C.*Nonlinear interactions in a dendritic tree:
localization, timing, and role in information processing.* M.I.T.
A.I. Lab.*Memo 657.*1981.

Reiser, B.J. Black, J.B. Lehnert, W.G.* Thematic knowledge structures
in the understanding and generation of narratives.* Yale U. Cognitive
Science Program.* Tech.Rpt. 016.*1982.

Richards, W. Nishihara, H.K. Dawson, B.* CARTOON: a biologically
motivated edge detection algorithm.* M.I.T. A.I. Lab.*Memo 668.*1982.

Schank, R.C. Burstein, M.*Modeling memory for language understanding.*
Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. 220.* 1982.

Schank, R.C.*Representing meaning: an artificial intelligence
perspective.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 11.*1981.

Seifert, C.M. Robertson, S.P.*On-line processing of pragmatic
inferences.* Yale U. Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 015.*1982.

Shwartz, S.P.*Three-dimensional mental rotation revisited: picture
plane rotation is really faster than depth rotation.* Yale U.
Cognitive Science Program.*Tech.Rpt. 09.*1981.

Sidner, C.L.* Protocols of users manipulating visually presented
information with natural language.* Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc.*BBN
rpt. 5128.*1982.

Smith, D.E.* FOCUSER: a strategic interaction paradigm for language
acquisition.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TR-36, Ph.D. Thesis.
Smith, D.E.*1982.

Soloway, E. Bonar, J. Ehrlich, K.* Cognitive strategies and looping
constructs: an empirical study.* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt.

Soloway, E. Ehrlich, K. Bonar, J. Greenspan, J.*What do novices know
about programming?* Yale U. Comp.Sci.Dept.* Res.Rpt. 218.*1982.

Srinivasan, C.V.*Notes on object centered associative memory
organization.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TR-19.*1981.

Stabler, E.P. Jr.* Programs, rule governed behavior and grammars in
theories of language acquisition and use.* Western Ontario U.
Cognitive Science Centre.*COGMEM 07.* 1982.

Utgoff, P.E.*Acquisition of appropriate bias for inductive concept
learning.* Rutgers U. Comp.Sci.Res.Lab.* LCSR-TM-02.*1982.


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