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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 011

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AIList Digest            Saturday, 4 Jun 1983      Volume 1 : Issue 11 

Today's Topics:
Quasiformal languages
Prolog Expert Systems
Expert Systems Bibliography (19,000 chars)

Date: Fri 6 May 83 17:50:20-PDT
Subject: Quasiformal languages

[Reprinted from the Prolog Digest.]

LESK is [a quasiformal] language, developed by Doug Skuce of the CS
Dept. of the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has implemented it in
Prolog. The language allows the definition of classes (types), isa
relationships, and complex part-whole relationships, and has a formal
semantics (it's just logic in disguise). It has a nice English-like
flavor. A reference is

"Expressing Qualitative Biomedical Knowledge Exactly Using the
Language LESK"
, D. S. Skuce, Comput. Biol. Med., vol. 15, no. 1, pp.
57-69, 1982.



Date: 15 May 1983 20:46:53-PDT (Sunday)
From: Adrian Walker <ADRIAN.IBM-SJ@Rand-Relay>
Subject: Prolog Expert Systems

[Reprinted from the Prolog Digest.]

Reports available from IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Distribution
Services, Post Office Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598.

Automatic Generation Of Explanations Of Results From
Knowledge Bases. Report RJ 3481. Adrian Walker.

Prolog/Ex1, An Inference Engine Which Explains Both Yes
and No Answers. Report RJ 3771. Adrian Walker.

Report available from Adrian Walker, Department K51, IBM Research
Laboratory, 5600 Cottle Road, San Jose, CA 95193. (Adrian @ IBM-SJ).

Data bases, Expert Systems, and Prolog. Report RJ 3870.
Adrian Walker.

Report available from Department of Computer Science, New York
University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012.

Syllog: a knowledge based data management system. Report
No. 034, Department of Computer Science, New York University.
Adrian Walker.




Date: Thu 2 Jun 83 09:56:00-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Expert Systems Bibliography (19,000 chars)

I published a bibliography of recent expert systems reports in AIList
#5. There is also a brief bibliography by Michael Rychener in the
Oct. 1981 issue of SIGART and an extensive bibliography by Bruce
Buchanan in the April 1983 issue of SIGART. These three lists have
almost no overlap.

I present here an additional list of references for expert systems,
problem solving, and learning. It contains only references not given
in the previously mentioned sources.

I am still looking for material on expert systems and vision. I have
lists of technical reports from Stanford, MIT, and SRI. I have also
gone through the latest proceedings for IJCAI, AAAI, PatRec, PRIP, and
the DARPA IU Workshop. Other sources or machine-readable citations
would be most welcome. Please send them to Laws@SRI-AI or to the

-- Ken Laws

J. Bamberger, Capturing Intuitive Knowledge in Procedural Description,
AIM-398 (LOGO Memo 42), AI-MIT, Dec. 1976.

H.G. Barrow, Artificial Intelligence: State of the Art, TN 198,
SRI-AI, Oct. 1979.

D.G. Bobrow and B. Raphael, New Programming Languages for AI Research,
Computing Surveys, Vol. 6, No. 3, Sept. 1974. Originally CSL-73-2,
Aug. 1973. Reprinted by Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, July 1976.

G. Bracchi and B. Pernici, Modelling Control Structures in Office
Systems, Milan. Politecnico. Dipartimento di Elettronica. Lab. di
Calcolatori, Rapporto Interno N. 82-19, 1982.

A. Brown and G. Sussman, Localization of Failures in Radio Circuits
-- A Study in Causal and Teleological Reasoning, AIM-319, AI-MIT,
(AD-A011-839), Dec. 1974.

A. Brown, Qualitative Knowledge, Causal Reasoning, and the
Localization of Failures, AI-TR-362, AI-MIT, (AD-A052-952), Dec.

R. Brown, Use of Analogy to Achieve New Expertise, AI-TR-403, AI-MIT,
(AD-A043-809), Apr. 1977.

B.G. Buchanan and R.O. Duda, Principles of Rule Based Expert Systems.
Stanford U. Comp. Sci. Dept., STAN-CS-82-926; Stanford U. Comp. Sci.
Dept. Heuristic Programming Project, HPP-82-014, 55 pp, 1982.

A. Bundy, G. Luger, and M. Stone, A Program to Solve Mechanics
Problems Stated in English, DAI Working Paper 8, Dept. of AI, Univ.
of Edinburgh, England, 1975.

U. Bussolati, M. Fugini, and G. Martella, ACTEN: An Action Entity
Model for Conceptual Modeling of Security Information, Milan.
Politecnico. Dipartimento di Elettronica. Lab. di Calcolatori,
Rapporto Interno N. 82-21, 1982.

E. Charniak, CARPS: A Program Which Solves Calculus Word Problems,
AI-TR-227 (MAC-TR-51), AI-MIT, (AD-673-670), July 1968.

E. Charniak, Toward a Model of Children's Story Comprehension,
AI-TR-266, AI-MIT, Dec. 1972.

J.G. Cleary, Implementation of a Sequential Learning Machine,
Man-Machine Studies Report UC-DSE/6, Dept. of EE., Univ. of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1975.

M. Davis, On Constructing a Preprocessor for STRIPS-World Problem
Solvers, Research Memo MIP-R-111, Machine Intelligence Unit, Univ. of
Edinburgh, England, 1975.

R. Davis and R.G. Smith, Negotiation as a Metaphor for Distributed
Problem Solving, AIM-624, AI-MIT, (AD-A100-367), May 1981.

J. de Kleer, Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge in Classical
Mechanics, AI-TR-352, AI-MIT, (AD-A021-515), Dec. 1975.

J. de Kleer, Local Methods for Localizing Faults in Electronic
Circuits, AIM-394, AI-MIT, (AD-A036-007), Nov. 1976.

J. de Kleer, J. Doyle, G.L. Steele, Jr., and G.J. Sussman, Explicit
Control of Reasoning, AIM-427, AI-MIT, (AD-A078-244), June 1977. Also
in AIPL Aug. 1977 Proc. in SIGPLAN/SIGART, 1977.

J. de Kleer, J. Doyle, C. Rich, G.L. Steele, Jr., and G.J. Sussman,
AMORD: A Deductive Procedure System, AIM-435, AI-MIT, Jan. 1978.

J. de Kleer and G.J. Sussman, Propagation of Constraints Applied to
Circuit Synthesis, AIM-485, AI-MIT, Sep. 1978. Also in Int. J. of
Circuit Theory, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 127-144, Apr. 1980.

J. de Kleer, Causal Reasoning and Rationalization in Electronics,
AIM-499, AI-MIT, Sep. 1978.

D. Dellarosa and L.E. Bourne, Jr., Text-Based Decisions: Changes in
the Availability of Facts Due to Instructions and the Passage of Time,
Colorado U. Cognitive Sci. Inst., Tech. Rpt. 115-ONR, 1982.

M.E. Denofsky, How Near Is Near? A Near Specialist, AIM-344, AI-MIT,
Feb. 1976.

J. Doyle, Truth Maintenance Systems for Problem Solving, AI-TR-419,
AI-MIT, (AD-A054-826), Jan. 1978.

J. Doyle, A Truth Maintenance System, AIM-521, AI-MIT, June 1979.
Also in Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol. 12, pp. 231-272, 1979.

J. Doyle and P. London, A Selected Descriptor-Indexed Bibliography to
the Literature on Belief Revision, AIM-568, AI-MIT, Feb. 1980.

J. Doyle, A Model for Deliberation, Action, and Introspection,
AI-TR-581, AI-MIT, May 1980.

R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, and N.J. Nilsson, Subjective Bayesian Methods
for Rule-Based Inference Systems, TN 124, SRI-AI, Jan. 1976.

R.O. Duda, Semantic Network Representation in Rule Based Inference
System, TN 136, SRI-AI, Jan. 1977.

R.O. Duda, N.J. Nilsson, and B. Raphael, State of Technology in
Artificial Intelligence, TN 211, SRI-AI, Mar. 1980.

L.D. Erman and V.R. Lesser, A Multi-Level Organization for Problem
Solving Using Many, Diverse, Co-operating Sources of Knowledge,
CMU-CSD, Mar. 1975.

S.E. Fahlman, A Planning System for Robot Construction Tasks,
AI-TR-283, AI-MIT, (AD-773-471), May 1973.

S.E. Fahlman, Thesis Progress Report: A System For Representing and
Using Real-World Knowledge, AIM-331, AI-MIT, (AD-A021-178), May 1975.

S.E. Fahlman, A System for Representing and Using Real-World
Knowledge, AI-TR-450, AI-MIT, (AD-A052-748), Dec. 1977.

E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman, Eds., Computers and Thought,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963.

R.E. Fikes, P.E. Hart, and N.J. Nilsson, Some New Directions in Robot
Problem Solving, TN 68, SRI-AI, May 1972.

R. Fikes and G.G. Hendrix, A Network-Based Knowledge Representation
and Its Natural Deduction System, TN 147, SRI-AI, July 1977.

K.D. Forbus, A Study of Qualitative and Geometric Knowledge in
Reasoning about Motion, AI-TR-615, AI-MIT, (AD-A096-455), Feb. 1981.

E.C. Freuder, Suggestion and Advice, Working Paper 43, AI-MIT, Mar.

E.C. Freuder, Active Knowledge, Working Paper 53, AI-MIT, Oct. 1973.

E.C. Freuder, Synthesizing Constraint Expressions, AIM-370, AI-MIT,
(AD-A034-011), July 1976.

K. Fukumori, Fundamental Scheme for Train Scheduling, AIM-596, AI-MIT,
Sep. 1980.

J. Gashnig, A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Inference Making,
Proc. 12th Allerton Conf. on Circuit and Systems Theory, Univ. of
Illinois, Oct. 1974.

I. Goldstein, Elementary Geometry Theorem Proving, AIM-280, AI-MIT,
(AD-735-568), Apr. 1973.

I. Goldstein and S. Papert, Artificial Intelligence, Language and the
Study of Knowledge, AIM-337, AI-MIT, July 1975, revised Mar. 1976.

I.P. Goldstein and R.B. Roberts, NUDGE, A Knowledge-Based Scheduling
Program, AIM-405, AI-MIT, Feb. 1977.

I.P. Goldstein and E. Grimson, Annotated Production Systems: A Model
for Skill Acquisition, AIM-407 (LOGO Memo 44), AI-MIT, (AD-A052-211),
Feb. 1977.

I.P. Goldstein, The Genetic Epistemology of Rule Systems, AIM-449,
AI-MIT, Jan. 1978.

I.P. Goldstein, Developing a Computational Representation for Problem
Solving Skills, AIM-495, AI-MIT, Oct. 1978.

P. Hart, N. Nilsson, and B. Raphael, A Formal Basis for the Heuristic
Determination of Minimum-Cost Paths, IEEE Trans. on Systems Science
and Cybernetics, Vol. SSC-4, No. 2, pp. 100-107, July 1968.

P.E. Hart and R.O. Duda, PROSPECTOR -- A Computer Based Consultation
System for Mineral Exploration, TN 155, SRI-AI, Oct. 1977.

F. Hayes-Roth, Collected Papers on the Learning and Recognition of
Structured Patterns, CMU-CSD, 1975.

W.R. Heads, A Simulated Blindman Task for a Learning Machine,
Man-Machine Studies Report UC-DSE/6, Dept. of EE., Univ. of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1975.

C.L. Hedrick, A Computer Program to Learn Production Systems Using a
Semantic Net, Ph.D. Thesis, CMU-CSD, July 1974.

G.G. Hendrix, Encoding Knowledge in Partitioned Networks, TN 164,
SRI-AI, June 1978.

C. Hewitt, PLANNER: A Language for Manipulating Models and Proving
Theorems in a Robot, AI Memo 158, AI-MIT, Aug. 1970.

C. Hewitt, Description and Theoretical Analysis (Using Schemata) of
PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems and Manipulating Models in a
Robot, AI-TR-258, AI-MIT, (AD-744-620), Apr. 1972.

C. Hewitt, P. Bishop, and R. Steiger, A Universal Modular {\ul Actor}
Formalism for Artificial Intelligence, 3rd Int. Jnt. Conf. on
Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 1973.

C. Hewitt, Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages,
AIM-410, AI-MIT, (AD-A038-246), Dec. 1976.

G.A. Iba, Learning Disjunctive Concepts from Examples, AIM-548,
AI-MIT, Sep. 1979.

T.L. Jones, A Computer Model of Simple Forms of Learning, AI-TR-236
(MAC-TR-20), AI-MIT, (AD-720-337), Jan. 1971.

K.M. Kahn, Intermission -- Actors in Prolog, TR-1 1981-08-10, Uppsala
Programming Methodology and AI Lab., Computing Sci. Dept., Uppsala
Univ., Sweden, June 1981.

W.G. Kennedy, Problem Solving and Nondeterministic Programming
Systems, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June

W.A. Kornfeld, Using Parallel Processing for Problem Solving, AIM-561,
AI-MIT, (AD-A084-683), Dec. 1979.

W.A. Kornfeld, The Use of Parallelism to Implement a Heuristic Search,
AIM-627, AI-MIT, (AD-A099-184), Mar. 1981.

B.J. Kuipers, A Frame for Frames: Representing Knowledge for
Recognition, AIM-322, AI-MIT, (AD-A012-835), Mar. 1975.

B. Kuipers, Spatial Knowledge, AIM-359, AI-MIT, (AD-A026-874), June

B.J. Kuipers, Representing Knowledge of Large-scale Space, AI-TR-418,
AI-MIT, July 1977.

A.P. Kyne, Heuristic Problem-Solving Systems, M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of
Info. Sci., Univ. of Melbourne, Australia, 1974.

R. LeFaivre, The Representation of Fuzzy Knowledge, DCS-TR-33,
Computer Sci. Dept., Rutgers Univ., 1975.

H. Lieberman, A Preview of Act 1, AIM-625, AI-MIT, June 1981.

H. Lieberman, Thinking About Lots Of Things At Once Without Getting
Confused -- Parallelism in Act 1, AIM-626, AI-MIT, May 1981.

T. Lozano-Perez, Spatial Planning: A Configuration Space Approach,
AIM-605, AI-MIT, (AD-A093-934), Dec. 1980.

T. Lozano-Perez, Automatic Planning of Manipulator Transfer Movements,
AIM-606, AI-MIT, (AD-A096-118), Dec. 1980.

G.F. Luger, Behavioral Effects of Problem Structure in Isomorphic
Problem Solving Equations, DAI Research Rpt. 4, Dept. of AI, Univ. of
Edinburgh, England, May 1975.

J.T. Maxwell, III, and S.M. Ornstein, Mockingbird: A Composer's
Amanuensis, Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center, CSL-83-02, 1983.

D.A. McAllester, A Three Valued Truth Maintenance System, AIM-473,
AI-MIT, (AD-A062-176), May 1978.

D.A. McAllester, The Use of Equality in Deduction and Knowledge
Representation, AI-TR-550, AI-MIT, (AD-A084-890), Jan. 1980.

D.A. McAllester, An Outlook on Truth Maintenance, AIM-551, AI-MIT,
(AD-A093-190) Aug. 1980.

D. McDermott and G.J. Sussman, The Conniver Reference Manual,
AIM-259A, AI-MIT, (AD-773-555), 1974.

D.V. McDermott, Very Large Planner-type Data Bases, AIM-339, AI-MIT,
(AD-A026-370), Sep. 1975.

D.V. McDermott, Flexibility and Efficiency in a Computer Program for
Designing Circuits, AI-TR-402, AI-MIT, (AD-A043-964), Dec. 1976.

D. McDermott and J. Doyle, Non-Monotonic Logic I, AIM-486B, AI-MIT,
(AD-A078-395), revised July 1979.

E.R. Michener, The Structure of Mathematical Knowledge, AI-TR-472,
AI-MIT, 1978.

P.L. Miller, An "Adaptive" Natural Language System Which Listens,
Asks, and Learns, RLE Natural Language Group Memo 83, AI-MIT, Nov.

M. Minsky, Ed., Semantic Information Processing, MIT Press, Cambridge,
Mass., 1968.

M. Minsky and S. Papert, 1968-1969 Progress Report, AIM-200, AI-MIT,

M. Minsky and S. Papert, Proposal to ARPA for Research on Artificial
Intelligence at MIT 1970-1971, AIM-185, AI-MIT, Dec. 1970.

M. Minsky and S. Papert, Progress Report, AIM-252, AI-MIT, Jan. 1972.

M. Minsky, A Framework for Representing Knowledge, AIM-306, AI-MIT,
(AD-A011-168), June 1974. Also in P. Winston (ed.), The Psychology of
Computer Vision.

M. Minsky, Plain Talk About Neurodevelopmental Epistemology, AIM-430,
AI-MIT, June 1977.

R.C. Moore, Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural
Deduction System, AI-TR-347, AI-MIT, Dec. 1975.

R.C. Moore, Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural
Deduction System, Garland Publishing, 1979.

J. Moses, Symbolic Integration, AI-TR-226 (MAC-TR-47), AI-MIT,
(AD-662-666), Dec. 1967.

A. Nevins, Plane Geometry Theorem Proving Using Forward Chaining,
AIM-303, AI-MIT, (AD-A004-223), Jan. 1974.

N.J. Nilsson, Problem Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence,
McGraw Hill Book Co., NY, 1971.

N.J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence, TN 89, SRI-AI, Mar. 1974.

N.J. Nilsson, A Production System for Automatic Deduction, TN 148,
SRI-AI, July 1977.

N.J. Nilsson, The Interplay Between Experimental and Theoretical
Methods in Artificial Intelligence, TN 229, SRI-AI, Sep. 1980.

D.A. Norman, D.E. Rumelhart, and the LNR Research Group, Explorations
in Cognition, Freeman and Co., San Francisco, Apr. 1975.

L.M. Norton, ADEPT: A Heuristic Program for Proving Theorems of Group
Theory, AI-TR-222 (MAC-TR-33), AI-MIT, (AD-645-660), Oct. 1966.

S. Papert, Teaching Children to be Mathematicians versus Teaching
about Mathematics, Educ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 3, pp. 249-262, 1972.

W.H. Paxton, A Framework for Language Understanding, TN 131, SRI-AI,
June 1976.

W.H. Paxton, Experiments in Speech Understanding System Control, TN
134, SRI-AI, Aug. 1976.

M. Raibert, A State Space Model for Sensorimotor Control and Learning,
AIM-351, AI-MIT, (AD-A026-960), Jan. 1976.

M. Raibert, Control and Learning by the State Space Model:
Experimental Findings, AIM-412, AI-MIT, Apr. 1977.

M.H. Raibert, Motor Control and Learning by the State Space Model,
AI-TR-439, AI-MIT, Sep. 1977.

R.B. Roberts and I.P. Goldstein, The FRL Primer, AIM-408, AI-MIT,
(AD-A053-306), July 1977.

A.D. Rubin, Hypothesis Formation and Evaluation in Medical Diagnosis,
AI-TR-316, AI-MIT, Jan. 1975.

J.F. Rulifson, J.A. Derksen, and R.J. Waldinger, QA4: A Procedural
Calculus for Intuitive Reasoning, TN 73, SRI-AI, Nov. 1972.

E.D. Sacerdoti, A Structure for Plans and Behavior, TN 109, SRI-AI,
Aug. 1975.

E. Sacerdoti, R. Fikes, R. Reboh, D. Sagalowicz, R. Waldinger, and
B.M. Wilber, QLISP: A Language for the Interactive Development of
Complex Systems, TN 120, SRI-AI, Mar. 1976.

E.D. Sacerdoti, Problem Solving Tactics, TN 189, SRI-AI, July 1979.

E. Sandewall, Ideas about Management of Data Bases, AIM-332, AI-MIT,
(AD-A013-312), May 1975.

E.H. Shortliffe and B.G. Buchanan, A Model of Inexact Reasoning in
Medicine, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 23, pp. 351-379, 1975.

S.K. Shrivastava, A Dependency, Commitment and Recovery Model for
Atomic Actions, Newcastle Upon Tyne U. Computing Lab., No. 178, 1982.

H.A. Simon and J.B. Kadane, Optimal Problem-Solving Search:
All-or-None Solutions, CMU-CSD, 1975.

B.C. Smith, A Proposal for a Computational Model of Anatomical and
Physiological Reasoning, AIM-493, AI-MIT, Nov. 1978.

R.M. Stallman and G.J. Sussman, Forward Reasoning and
Dependency-Directed Backtracking in a System For Computer-Aided
Circuit Analysis, AIM-380, AI-MIT, (AD-A035-719), Sep. 1976. Also in
AI Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 135-196, Oct. 1977.

J. Stansfield, COMEX: A Support System for a Commodities Analyst,
AIM-423, AI-MIT, (AD-A052-442), July 1977.

J.L. Stansfield, Conclusions from the Commodity Expert Project,
AIM-601, AI-MIT, (AD-A097-854), Nov. 1980.

G.L. Steele, Jr., The Definition and Implementation of a Computer
Programming Language Based on Constraints, AI-TR-595 (VLSI Memo
80-32), AI-MIT, (AD-A096-556), Aug. 1980.

L. Steels, Procedural Attachment, AIM-543, AI-MIT, (AD-A084-637), Aug.

M. Stefik, J. Aikins, R. Balzer, J. Benoit, L. Birnbaum, F.
Hayes-Roth, and E. Sacerdoti, The Organization of Expert Systems: A
Prescriptive Tutorial, Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center, VLSI-82-01,

G.J. Sussman, T. Winograd, and E. Charniak, Micro-Planner Reference
Manual, AIM-203A, AI-MIT, Dec. 1971.

G.J. Sussman and D. McDermott, Why Conniving is Better than Planning,
AIM-255A, AI-MIT, Apr. 1972. Also in Proc. FJCC, Vol. 41, pp.
1171-1179, AFIPS Press, NJ, 1972.

G.J. Sussman, A Computational Model of Skill Acquisition, AI-TR-297,
AI-MIT, Aug. 1973.

G. Sussman, A Computer Model of Skill Acquisition, American Elsevier,
Feb. 1975.

G.J. Sussman and R.M. Stallman, Heuristic Techniques in Computer Aided
Circuit Analysis, AIM-328, AI-MIT, (AD-A021-171), Mar. 1975. Also in
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. CAS-22, No. 11, Nov. 1975.

G.J. Sussman, SLICES: At the Boundary between Analysis and Synthesis,
AIM-433, AI-MIT, July 1977.

G.J. Sussman and G.L. Steele, Jr., Constraints -- A Language for
Expressing Almost Hierarchical Descriptions, AIM-502A, AI-MIT, Aug.

P. Szolovits, L.B. Hawkinson, and W.A. Martin, An Overview of OWL, a
Language for Knowledge Representation, MIT/LCS/TM-86, Laboratory for
Computer Science, MIT, June 1977.

Y.A.Z. Tsypkin, Foundations of the Theory of Learning Systems, A
Volume in the Mathematics in Science and Engineering Series, ISBN:
O-12-702060-8, 1973, 220 pp.

S. Ullman, Model-Driven Geometry Theorem Prover, AIM-321, AI-MIT,
(AD-A021-446), May 1975.

R. Waldinger, Achieving Several Goals Simultaneously, TN 107, SRI-AI,
July 1975.

D.E. Walker, Procedures for Integrating Knowledge in a Speech
Understanding System, TN 143, SRI-AI, June 1977.

D.A. Waterman, Adaptive Production Systems, Complex Info. Processing
Working Paper 285, CMU-CSD, Dec. 1974.

S. Weyl, An INTERLISP Relational Data Base System, TN 116, SRI-AI,
Nov. 1975.

W.A. Wickelgren, How to Solve Problems, W.H. Freeman and Co., 1974.

B.M. Wilber, QLISP Reference Manual, TN 118, SRI-AI,

Y. Wilks, Natural Language Understanding Systems Within the AI
Paradigm: A Survey and Some Comparisons, AIM237, STAN-CSD, Feb. 1975.

T. Winograd, Procedures as a Representation for Data in a Computer
Program for Understanding Natural Language, AI-TR-235, AI-MIT, Feb.

P.H. Winston, Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples,
AI-TR-231 (MAC-TR-76), AI-MIT, (AD-713-988), Sep. 1970.

P.H. Winston, The M.I.T. Robot, in Machine Intelligence 7, B. Meltzer
and D. Michie (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1972.

P.H. Winston, Learning by Creating and Justifying Transfer Frames,
AIM-414A, AI-MIT, (AD-A055-092), revised Jan. 1978. Also in
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10, pp. 147-172, 1978.

P.H. Winston and R.H. Brown (eds.), Artificial Intelligence: An MIT
Perspective (Vols. 1 and 2), MIT Press, 1979.

P.H. Winston, Learning New Principles from Precedents and Exercises,
AIM-632, AI-MIT, (AD-A100-368), May 1981.

L. Zadeh, Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning, Electronics Research
Lab., Univ. of California, Berkeley, Nov. 1974.


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