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AIList Digest Volume 1 Issue 001

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Published in 
AIList Digest
 · 1 year ago

AIList Digest            Tuesday, 26 Apr 1983       Volume 1 : Issue 1 

Today's Topics:
Charter Membership
Request for Report Abstracts
Statistics on IJCAI-83 Papers
Standardized Correspondence

Date: Mon 25 Apr 83 14:51:42-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI>
Subject: Welcome

Welcome to the AIList.

I am the moderator of the AIList discussion. I am responsible
for composing the digest from pending submissions, controlling
the daily volume of mail, keeping an archive, and answering
administrative requests.

You may submit mail for the digest by addressing it to AIList@SRI-AI.
Administrative requests should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI.
An archival copy of all list remailings will be kept; feel free to
ask AIList-Request for back issues until a formal archive system is

AIList is open to discussion of any topic related to artificial
intelligence. My own interests are primarily in

Expert Systems AI Applications
Knowledge Representation Knowledge Acquisition
Problem Solving Hierarchical Inference
Machine Learning Pattern Recognition
AI Techniques Data Analysis Techniques

Contributions concerning

Cognitive Psychology Human Perception
Vision Analysis Speech Analysis
Language Understanding Natural Languages
AI Languages AI Environments
Automatic Programming AI Systems Support
Theorem Proving Logic Programming
Robotics Automated Design
Planning and Search Cybernetics
Game Theory Computer Science
Data Abstraction Library Science
Statistical Techniques Information Theory
AI Hardware Information Display

and related topics are also welcome. Contributions may be anything
from tutorials to rampant speculation. In particular, the following
are sought.

Abstracts Reviews
Lab Descriptions Research Overviews
Work Planned or in Progress Half-Baked Ideas
Conference Announcements Conference Reports
Bibliographies History of AI
Puzzles and Unsolved Problems Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
Queries and Requests Address Changes (Bindings)

The only real boundaries to the discussion are defined by the topics
of other mailing lists. Robotic mythology, for instance, might be
more appropriate for SF-LOVERS. Logic programming and theorem proving
are also covered by the PROLOG list.

I suggest that you "sign" submissions longer than a paragraph so that
readers don't have to scroll backwards to see the FROM line. Editing
of contributions will usually be limited to text justifications and
spelling corrections. Editorial remarks and elisions will be marked
with square brackets. The author will be contacted if significant
editing is required.

I have no objection to distributing material that is destined for
conference proceedings or any other publication. You may want to
send copies of your submissions to SIGART @USC-ECLC or to the AI
Magazine (currently Engelmore @SUMEX-Aim) for hardcopy publication.
List items should be considered unrefereed working papers, and
opinions to be those of the author and not of any organization.
Copies of list items should credit the original author, not
necessarily to the AIList.

The list does not assume copyright, nor does it accept any liability
arising from remailing of submitted material. I reserve the right,
however, to refuse to remail any contribution that I judge to be
obscene, libelous, irrelevant, or pointless.

Names and net addresses of list members are in the public domain.
Your name will be made available (for noncommercial purposes) unless
special arrangements are made.

Replies to public requests for information should be sent, at least
in "carbon" form, to this list unless the request states otherwise.
If necessary, I will digest or abstract the replies to control the
volume of distributed mail.

Please contribute freely. I would rather deal with too much material
than with too little.

-- Ken Laws


Date: Mon 25 Apr 83 09:34:04-PDT
From: AIList <AIList-Request@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Charter Membership

The AIList is off to a good start. We have approximately 168
subscribers, plus an unknown number through remailing or BBoard
services at

AIList@BRL AI-BBD.UMCP-CS@UDel-Relay (*)
AIList@Cornell BBOARD.AIList@UTEXAS-20 (*)

(Maintainers of the starred BBoards have specifically requested
that local subscribers drop their individual memberships.)

The "charter membership" is distributed as follows:

GATech@UDel_Relay(bb), KESTREL, MIT-DSPG(2), MIT-EE(bb), MIT-MC(10),
RADC-TOPS-20(bb),RUTGERS(6+bb), S1-C, SRI-AI(5+bb), SRI-CSL,
UMCP-CS@UDel-Relay(bb), USC-ECL(3), USC-ECLB(2), USC-ECLC,
UTEXAS-20(6+bb), WASHINGTON(5), YALE(3+bb)

-- Ken Laws


Date: 22 Apr 1983 0227-EST
Subject: addition and woe

Please add me to the list. Sigh. I came up with the idea of a list
to disseminate abstracts and ordering info for AI papers last Dec.,
but held off due to the Arpanet changeover. I then got busy with
other things, and planned to get it going in a few weeks. Sigh.

Anyway, I may as well share my ideas for the list. I think all sites
doing AI should be asked to submit the following info about papers as
they come out: Title, Author, Length, Type (Master's thesis, Ph.D.
thesis, Tech report, Journal article, etc.), Abstract, Cost, and
ordering information. Presumably the person at each site in charge of
publications would enter this.

Good Luck Tom "Next time I won't procrastinate" Galloway

[I would welcome such input. The "person in charge" need not be a
member of this list. I suggest that administrative personnel send
such information both to AIList and to SIGART@USC-ECLC. Ordering
information for AIList could be abbreviated to a net address if the
sender is willing to respond to queries. -- KIL]


Date: Thursday, 21-Apr-83 15:23:45-BST
From: BUNDY HPS (on ERCC DEC-10) <bundy@edxa>
Subject: Statistics on IJCAI-83 Papers

[I don't think Alan Bundy will mind my passing along these
statistics. I have edited the table slightly to fit the 70-column
capacity of the digesting software made available by Mel Pleasant,
the Human-Nets moderator. The digester was developed by James
McGrath at SCORE. -- KIL]


Submitted Accepted Moved
Subfield Long Short Long Short L -> S

Miscellaneous - 3 - 1
Automatic Prog. 8 11 1 7 4
Cognitive Modelling 9 32 2 12 3
Expert Systems 31 56 8 31 9
Knowledge Repn. 28 40 7 24 6
Learning & Know. Acq. 14 35 1 22 5
Logic Prog. 14 17 4 9 4
Natural Language 23 74 2 39 7
Planning & Search 11 20 3 11 5
Robotics 11 8 5 7 2
System Support 4 9 - 5 2
Theorem Proving 7 16 5 8 -
Vision 32 38 10 31 14

TOTAL 192 359 48 207 61



IJCAI-79 Submitted Total unk unk 428
IJCAI-79 Accepted Total 83 145 228
IJCAI-79 Acceptance Rate 53%

IJCAI-81 Submitted Total unk unk 576
IJCAI-81 Accepted Total 127 74 201
IJCAI-81 Acceptance Rate 35%

IJCAI-83 Submitted Total 192 359 551
IJCAI-83 Accepted Total 48 207 255
IJCAI-83 Acceptance Rate 46%


You will see that I succeeded in my aim of shifting the burden
of papers from the long to the short categories. This enabled us to
apply high standards to the long papers without decreasing the overall
acceptance rate.



Date: Sun 24 Apr 83 20:41:46-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Standardized Correspondence

[This is arguably more appropriate for Human-Nets, but I want to
illustrate the level of reporting and/or discussion that I consider
appropriate for this list. -- KIL]

The May issue of High Technology describes the Prentice-Hall Letter
Pac system from Dictronics Publishing. It is a semiautomatic business
letter generator that customizes prototypical letters by substituting
synonyms categorized into four levels of formality (e.g., ask,
request, demand). The user need only insert a few particulars before
sending the letter out.

The article also suggests automatic letter reading (i.e., parsing).
There is already a system that compresses text by discarding all but
the first sentence of each paragraph. More sophisticated text
condensation and text understanding systems are being developed. A
short-cut is available, however.

If everyone used Letter Pac or an equivalent, parsing the text would
be a simple matter of extracting the original generating parameters:
(dunning-letter-7 formality-level-3 car-payment-overdue $127.38). The
"Dear Sir" form of the letter would then exist only for transmission
between computers.

If this became common, could elimination of the text form be long in
coming? I believe that John McCarthy has been working on ideas along
this line. Most transactions could be handled directly by computers
using standardized transaction formats. When transmission of English
text is necessary, it might make sense to send preparsed sentences
instead of having one computer synthesize a message and a second one
parse it. All that is needed is to have identical synthesis and
parsing software available to both machines for those rare occasions
when a human wants to enter the loop.

-- Ken Laws


End of AIList Digest

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