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IRList Digest Volume 2 Number 20
IRList Digest Tuesday, 22 Apr 1986 Volume 2 : Issue 20
Today's Topics:
Query - Retrieve similar pictures from DB of binary images?
SIGIR - Forum schedule
Announcement - 2nd Conf. on Computer Interfaces & Intermediaries
Announcement - ACL Nat'l Conf. information file
COGSCI - Robust NL Interface, Inexact Reasoning
CSLI - Foundations of Representation, Understanding Computers & Cognition
CSLI - Lexical Rules and Lexical Representation
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 86 06:37:18 est
Subject: Query on Picture Retrieval/Similarity
From: cross%wsu@csnet-relay.ARPA
We are starting to build a system that will retrieve trademarks from a
DB which resemble a given trademark in order to assess possible
trademark infringement. I would appreciate pointers to systems which
retrieve pictures from a DB which are similar to a given picture.
Picture means binary images in this context. Please reply to me and I
will summarize to IRLIST.
---- George
George R. Cross cross@wsu.CSNET
Computer Science Department cross%wsu@csnet-relay.ARPA
Washington State University faccross@wsuvm1.BITNET
Pullman, WA 99164-1210 Phone: 509-335-6319 or 509-335-6636
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1986 14:30 CST
From: Vijay V. Raghavan <RAGHAVAN@UREGINA1.bitnet>
Subject: Next Forum
Dear Ed,
There will probably be some delay in my sending the material
for the next forum. This is because I am hoping to get the preliminary
program for the Pisa conference included. I hope to get this sometime
next week from Rabbitti.
With regards, Vijay.
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 86 19:23 EST
From: "Richard (Dick) Marcus" <Marcus@MIT-MULTICS.ARPA>
Subject: Second Conference on Computer Interfaces and Intermediaries
for Information Retrieval
The conference agenda is now in near-final form. Sessions will run
from early morning Thursday, 28 May, to Saturday PM, May 31, at Boston
Park Plaza Hotel. Sessions scheduled:
1- AI in Retrieval
2- Gateways
3- Interfaces
4- Common Command Language
5- Natural Language
The following speakers will present papers on those topics: Martha
Williams (U Illinois), Carol Fenichel (Hahnemann U), Gio Wiederhold
(Stanford), Nick Belkin (Rutgers), Linda Smith (U Illinois), Michael
Pincus (Thunderstone Corp), Bruce Croft (U Mass), Ed Fox (VPI), Viktor
Hampel (Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab), Gladys Cotter (DTIC), Judy Hushon
(BBN), Richard Marcus (MIT), Charles Meadow (U Toronto), David Toliver
(ISI), Bill Mischo (U Illinois), Michael Monahan (GAEC Computers Intl),
Donald Hawkins (Bell Labs), Marcia Bates (UCLA), Hilary Burton (Lawrence
Livermore Natl Lab), Dineh Moghdam Davis (Bentley C), Emily Fayen (U
Penn), Rita Bergman (CCA), Lionel Bernstein (U Illinois-Chicago),
Gabriel Jacobson (GTE Labs), Ralph Weischedel (BBN), Sharon Salveter
(Boston U), Craig Thompson (Texas Instruments), and Gerard Salton
(Cornell U).
In addition, there will be system presentations and demonstrations by
Artificial Intelligence Corp (INTELLECT), Dialog (DialogLink),
Disclosure (Micro Disclosure), H.W. Wilson (WILSEARCH), ISI (Sci-Mate),
KNM Inc. (SIRE), Telebase (systems (EASYNET), and MIT (CONIT).
Early registration is $225 ($175 for government attendees, $20 extra
for pay-at-door). For further info, including brochure with full agenda
details and registration form plus info on special rates for hotel and
transportation, call or write the American Defense Preparedness
Association (ADPA), Rosslyn Center, Suite 900, 1700 N Moore St.,
Arlington, VA 22209, 703/522-1820 or Ms. Carol Jacobson at the Defense
Technical Information Center (DTIC) 202/274-5367.
In my objective opinion, it looks like a good, one-track conference!
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 86 00:49:50 est
From: walker@mouton.ARPA
Subject: ACL Annual Meeting, 10-13 June, Columbia University, New York City
The Program and Registration Information brochure is just being mailed
to all ACL members and to selected members of AAAI and LSA. If you are
not sure you will be receiving it and would like a net copy, send a
message to one of the addresses below; and I will (try to--even
electronic mail is not always reliable) send you one. Please include
the phrase "ACL net info" in the subject line. And include the
full net address in the body of the message; the complexity of
network connections coupled with the poverty of our mail system
sometimes makes "replies" unsendable.
The file has about 20,000 characters; it contains the full program
(33 papers; an invited presentation by Gary Hendrix; two forums, one
on Connectionism with Terry Sejnowski and Dave Waltz, the other
on Machine Translation with Martin Kay and Maghi King);
descriptions of the 6 tutorials (Intro to Computational Linguistics,
Natural Language Generation, Structuring the Lexicon, Recent
Developments in Syntactic Theory and Their Computational Import,
Current Approaches to Natural Language Semantics, and Machine
Translation--all held on 10 June); registration information and
directions; and an Application Form that can be printed out,
filled in (or filled in, printed out), and mailed in. Inexpensive
air-conditioned dormitory accommodations are available, and some
good rates for hotels have been secured. We are still encouraging
people who would like to exhibit or demonstrate programs to contact
Ralph Grishman (Computer Science, New York University, 251 Mercer
Street, New York, NY 10012; 212:460-7492;
Don Walker
{ucbvax, ihnp4, ...}!bellcore!walker
address mail to:
Donald E. Walker (ACL)
Bell Communications Research
445 South Street, MRE 2A379
Morristown, NJ 07960, USA
ACL Annual Meeting, 10-13 June 1986, Columbia University, New York City
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 86 19:02:36 est
Subject: Cognitive Science Calendar [Extract - Ed]
Tuesday, 15 April 10:30am Room: 2nd floor large conference room
BBN Labs, 10 Moulton Street, Cambridge
"Pragmatic Modeling: Toward a Robust Natural Language Interface"
Professor Sandra Carberry
University of Delaware
Naturally occurring dialogue is both imperfect and incomplete. Not
only does the information-seeker fail to communicate all aspects of
his underlying task and partially constructed plan for accomplishing
it, but also his utterances are often imperfectly or imcompletely
formulated. It appears that human information-seekers expect an
information-provider to facilitate a productive exchange by
assimilating the dialogue and using this knowledge to remedy many of
the information-seeker's faulty utterances.
This talk will describe an on-going research effort aimed both at
developing techniques for inferring and constructing a user model from
an information-seeking dialogue and at identifying strategies for
using this model to develop more robust natural language interfaces.
Emphasis will be on the dynamic construction of the task-related plan
motivating the information-seeker's queries, and its application in
handling pragmatically ill-formed and incomplete utterances.
Wednesday, 16, April 4:00pm (refreshments 3:45) Room: NE43-512A
"Inexact Reasoning Using Graphs"
Computer Science Department
Probability theory is shunned by most researchers in Artifical Intelligence.
New calculi, claimed to better represent human reasoning under uncertainty,
are being invented and reinvented at an ever-increasing rate. A major reason
for the emergence of this curious episode has been the objective of making
reasoning systems TRANSPARENT i.e., capable of producing PSYCHOLOGICALLY
MEANINGFUL explanations for the intermediate steps used in deriving the
While traditional probability theory, admittedly, has erected cultural
barriers against meeting this requirement, we shall show that these barriers
are superficial, and can be eliminated with the use of DEPENDENCY GRAPHS.
The nodes in these graphs represent propositions (or variables), and the arcs
represent causal dependencies among conceptually-related propositions. We
further argue that the basic steps invoked while people query and update
their knowledge correspond to mental tracings of preestablished links in such
graphs, and it is the degree to which an explanation mirrors these tracings
that determines whether it is considered "psychologically meaningful".
The first part of the talk will examine what properties of probabilistic
models can be captured by graphical representations, and will compare the
properties of two such representations: Markov Networks and Bayes Networks.
The second part will introduce a calculus for performing inferences in Bayes
Networks. The impact of each new evidence is viewed as a perturbation that
propagates through the network via local communication among neighboring
concepts. We show that such autonomous propagation mechanism leads to
flexible control strategies and sound explanations, that it supports both
predictive and diagnostic inferences, that it is guaranteed to converge in
time proportional to the network's diameter, and that every proposition is
eventually accorded a measure of belief consistent with the axioms of
probability theory.
In conclusion, we will show that the current trend of abandoning probability
theory is grossly premature--taking graph propagation as the basis for
probabilistic reasoning satisfies most computational requirements for
managing uncertainties in reasoning systems and, simultaneously, it exhibits
epistemological features unavailable in any competing formalism.
HOST: Ronald Rivest
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 86 18:55:11 est
From: EMMA@su-csli.ARPA
Subject: Calendar, April 10, No. 11 [Extract - Ed]
Representation: Foundations of Representation
Ken Olson (
What is it for a thing to represent another? Answers that rely in
any simple way on resemblance and causality are easily dismissed.
Peirce thought that representation was an irreducibly three-place
relation between a sign, an object, and what he called an
interpretant. But while Peirce's view has much to recommend it, the
notion of an interpretant seems to introduce an unwelcome mentalistic
element. At least it is unwelcome if we wish to account for mental
representation as one species of the more general notion instead of
giving it privileged status. I claim, however, that the notion of
interpretant does not presuppose a full-fledged mind. Other ideas of
Peirce's also deserve attention. Situation theory may finally be the
proper medium in which to realize his goal of a general theory of
Understanding Computers and Cognition
by Terry Winograd
Discussion led by Brian Smith (
For some time, Terry Winograd has believed that the general semantical
and theoretical approaches embodied in current AI systems are
inadequate for dealing with human language and thought. What
distinguishes his views from those of various other AI critics is the
scope of what he takes to be the problem. In particular, as he argues
in his new book, he is convinced that that nothing within what he
calls the ``rationalistic tradition''---in which he would presumably
include most CSLI research---will overcome these inherent limitations.
In this TINLunch we will discuss the argument presented in the
book, try to separate the various threads that lead to Terry's
conclusion, and assess its relevance to the CSLI research program.
(The book, which is not difficult to read, should be available at
local bookstores; some selected portions will be made available in the
usual places.)
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 86 00:59:40 est
From: EMMA@su-csli.ARPA
Subject: Calendar, April 17, No. 12 [Extract - Ed]
Lexical Rules and Lexical Representations
Mark Gawron, Paul Kiparsky, Annie Zaenen
4:15 p.m., April 24, CSLI Trailer Classroom
This is the third of a series of talks reflecting the ongoing
elaboration of a model of lexical representation. In the first, Mark
Gawron discussed a frame-based lexical semantics and its relationship
to a theory of lexical rules. In the second, Paul Kiparsky proposed a
theory of the linking of thematic roles to their syntactic realizations,
emphasizing its interactions with a theory of morphology; and in this
one, a sub-workgroup of the lexical project will sketch a unification
based representation for the interaction of the different components
of the lexical representation and both syntax and sentence semantics.
END OF IRList Digest