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Neuron Digest Volume 12 Number 02

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Neuron Digest
 · 14 Nov 2023

Neuron Digest   Tuesday, 14 Sep 1993                Volume 12 : Issue 2 

Today's Topics:
PASE workshop
WCCI '94 Announcement and Call for Papers
ICNN 94 Call for Symposia Speakers
Neural Architectures and Distributed AI
call for papers

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Subject: PASE workshop
From: Diethelm Wuertz <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 93 16:33:31 +0100

First Announcement

PASE '93
4th International Workshop on Parallel Applications
in Statistics and Economics

>> Exploration of Complex Systems Dynamics <<

Ascona, Switzerland, November 22-26, 1993
Monte Verita

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in innovative information processing systems and their applications in
the areas of statistics, finance and economics. The focus will be on
in-depth presentations of state-of-the-art methods and applications as
well as on communicating current research topics. This workshop is
intended for industrial and academic persons seeking new ways of
comprehending the behavior of dynamic systems. The PASE '93 workshop is
concerned with but not restricted to the following topics:

o Artificial Neural Networks
o Dynamical and Chaotic Systems
o Fuzzy Logic
o Genetic Algorithms
o Stochastic Optimization

Organizing Committee:

M. Dacorogna, O&A Zurich H. Beran, ICS Prague
F. Murtagh, Munotec Munich M. Hanf, IPS ETH Zurich
E. Pelikan, ICS Prague A. Scheidegger, CSCS Manno
D. Wuertz, IPS ETH Zurich M. Tomassini, CSCS Manno

Please contact for further information and registration

Hynek Beran, ICS Prag
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 PRAGUE 8, Czech Republic
FAX: +42 2 858 57 89
E-mail: pase@uivt1.uivt.cas.cs

and for local arrangements

Marco Tomassini, CSCS Manno
Galleria 2, Via Cantonale
6928 MANNO, Switzerland
FAX: +41 91 506711

The workshop will be held near Ascona, an attractive holiday resort in
Ticino, the Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland. In keeping with the
tradition of the PASE workshop, an art exhibition as well as other social
events will be organized.

Further information will be available from anonymous ftp:
ftp (


Subject: WCCI '94 Announcement and Call for Papers
From: Gary Jacobs <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 93 11:00:40 -0800

Gary Jacobs
(619)597-5029 voice
(619)452-9096 fax


A world of sheer fantasy awaits your arrival at the IEEE World Congress
on Computational Intelligence next year; our host is Walt Disney World in
Orlando Florida. Simultaneous Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and
Evolutionary Programming conferences will provide an unprecedented
opportunity for technical development while the charms of the nearby
Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center attempt to excite your fancies.

The role imagination has played in the development of Computational
Intelligence techniques is well known; before they became "innovative" the
various CI technologies were dismissed as "fantasies" of brilliant minds.

Now these tools are real; perhaps it's only appropriate that they should be
further explored and their creators honored in a world of the imagination, a
world where dreams come true.

Share your facts at Disney World; share your imagination. Come to the IEEE
World Congress on Computational Intelligence.

It's as new as tomorrow.

* IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks *
* FUZZ/IEEE '94 *
* IEEE International Symposium on Evolutionary Computation *

June 26 - July 2, 1994
Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Lake Buena Vista, Florida

Sponsored by the IEEE Neural Networks Council
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Steven K. Rogers, General Chair
Applications, architectures, artificially intelligent neural networks,
artificial life, associative memory, computational intelligence,
cognitive science, embedology, filtering, fuzzy neural systems, hybrid
systems, image processing, implementations, intelligent control,
learning and memory, machine vision, motion analysis, neurobiology,
neurocognition, neurodynamics, optimization, pattern recognition,
prediction, robotics, sensation and perception, sensorimotor systems,
speech, hearing and language, system identification, supervised and
unsupervised learning, tactile sensors, and time series analysis.


Piero P. Bonissone, General Chair
Basic principles and foundations of fuzzy logic, relations between
fuzzy logic and other approximate reasoning methods, qualitative and
approximate-reasoning modeling, hardware implementations of fuzzy-
logic algorithms, design, analysis, and synthesis of fuzzy-logic
controllers, learning and acquisition of approximate models, relations
between fuzzy logic and neural networks, integration of fuzzy logic
and neural networks, integration of fuzzy logic and evolutionary
computing, and applications.


Zbigniew Michalewicz, General Chair
Theory of evolutionary computation, evolutionary computation
applications, efficiency and robustness comparisons with other direct
search algorithms, parallel computer applications, new ideas
incorporating further evolutionary principles, artificial life,
evolutionary algorithms for computational intelligence, comparisons
between different variants of evolutionary algorithms, machine
learning applications, evolutionary computation for neural networks,
and fuzzy logic in evolutionary algorithms.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Papers must be received by December 10, 1993. Papers will be reviewed
by senior researchers in the field, and all authors will be informed
of the decisions at the end of the review proces. All accepted papers
will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Six copies (one
original and five copies) of the paper must be submitted. Original
must be camera ready, on 8.5x11-inch white paper, one-column format in
Times or similar fontstyle, 10 points or larger with one-inch margins
on all four sides. Do not fold or staple the original camera-ready
copy. Four pages are encouraged. The paper must not exceed six pages
including figures, tables, and references, and should be written in
English. Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete
title, author name(s), affiliation(s) and mailing address(es). In the
accompanying letter, the following information must be included: 1)
Full title of paper, 2) Corresponding authors name, address, telephone
and fax numbers, 3) First and second choices of technical session, 4)
Preference for oral or poster presentation, and 5) Presenter's name,
address, telephone and fax numbers. Mail papers to (and/or obtain
further information from): World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, Meeting Management, 5665 Oberlin Drive, #110, San Diego,
California 92121, USA (email:, telephone:


Subject: ICNN 94 Call for Symposia Speakers
From: (Dennis W. Ruck)
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 93 13:22:30 -0500

Greetings from ICNN 94 Program Committee!

The program committee for the IEEE International Conference on Neural
Networks for 1994 (ICNN 94) is now gathering nominations of prominent
researchers in the field for plenary presentations. We made up a list
of potential speakers and realized that women and minorities were not
well represented.

Please send us your suggestions of women and minority speakers to
give plenary (aka symposium) talks at the ICNN 94 conference.

ICNN 94 will be held June 26 - July 2, 1994 at the Walt Disney
Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, Florida as part of the World Congress on
Computational Intelligence (WCCI). FUZZ-IEEE and the IEEE
International Symposium on Evolutionary Computation make up the rest
of the WCCI. The World Cup Soccer Tournament will also be held for
the first time in the United States in Orlando, Florida concurrently
with the WCCI.

Steven K. Rogers Dennis W. Ruck
ICNN 94 General Chair ICNN 94 U.S. Program Chair


From: James Rash <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 09:47:07 -0500

The Ninth Annual Goddard Conference on
Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence
May 10 - 12, 1994
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA


This conference will focus on AI and advanced computing technologies
relevant to space systems, space operations, and space science. The
major AI topics will include, but are not limited to:

o Knowledge-based spacecraft command and control
o Expert system management and methodologies
o Intelligent User Interfaces
o Distributed knowledge-based systems
o Fault-tolerant rule-based systems
o Simulation-based reasoning
o Knowledge acquisition
o Robotics and telerobotics
o Neural networks
o Computer Vision

while the major Advanced Computing Technologies will be:

o Intelligent database management
o Scientific Visualization
o Virtual Reality
o Planning and scheduling
o Fault isolation and diagnosis
o Image Processing
o Heterogeneous Computing
o Parallel Processing

Original, unpublished papers are now being solicited for the conference.
Papers must describe work with a clear AI content or be related to the
above advanced computing technology topics. Furthermore, papers must
stress the applicability of these technology solutions to space-related
problems. Authors are asked to submit abstracts first for initial

Accepted papers will be presented formally or as poster presentations,
which may include demonstrations. All accepted papers will be published
in the Conference Proceedings as an official NASA document, and select
papers may appear in a special issue of the international journal
"Telematics and Informatics". There will be a Conference award for Best


Abstracts should be 300-500 words in length. Two copies of the abstract
should be submitted by September 20, 1993 along with the author's name,
affiliation, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Notification
of tentative acceptance will be given by October 8, 1993. Papers should
be no longer than 15 pages and must be submitted in camera-ready form for
final acceptance by December 3, 1993.

Abstracts may be submitted through e-mail, FAX, or regular mail.
E-mail and FAX are preferred.

Submission Address:

Mail: Nick Short
NASA GSFC, Code 930.1
Building 28, Room W270
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA


FAX: (301) 286-5152

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission September 20, 1993
Abstract Acceptance Notification October 8, 1993
Paper Submission December 3, 1993

Conference Chair:

Nick Short
NASA GSFC, Code 930.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA


Subject: Neural Architectures and Distributed AI
From: Jim Liaw <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 93 10:36:42 -0800

[[ Editor's Note: Sorry, it's officially too late to submit papers, but
certainly not too late to attend. -PM ]]

**** Call for Papers ****

Neural Architectures and Distributed AI:
From Schema Assemblages to Neural Networks
October 19-20, 1993

The Center for Neural Engineering
University of Southern California
announces a Workshop on

Neural Architectures and Distributed AI:
>From Schema Assemblages to Neural Networks
October 19-20, 1993

[This Workshop was previously scheduled for April 1993]

Program Committee: Michael Arbib (Organizer), George Bekey, Damian Lyons,
Paul Rosenbloom, and Ron Sun

To design complex technological systems, we need a multilevel methodology
which combines a coarse-grain analysis of cooperative or distributed
computation (we shall refer to the computing agents at this level as
"schemas") with a fine-grain model of flexible, adaptive computation (for
which neural networks provide a powerful general paradigm). Schemas
provide a language for distributed artificial intelligence and perceptual
robotics which is "in the style of the brain", but at a relatively high
level of abstraction relative to neural networks. We seek (both at the
level of schema asemblages, and in terms of "modular" neural networks) a
distributed model of computation, supporting many concurrent activities
for recognition of objects, and the planning and control of different
activities. The use, representation, and recall of knowledge is mediated
through the activity of a network of interacting computing agents which
between them provide processes for going from a particular situation and
a particular structure of goals and tasks to a suitable course of action.
This action may involve passing of messages, changes of state,
instantiation to add new schema instances to the network, deinstantiation
to remove instances, and may involve self-modification and
self-organization. Schemas provide a form of knowledge representation
which differs from frames and scripts by being of a finer granularity.
Schema theory is generative: schemas may well be linkedwwww to others to
provide yet more comprehensive schemas, whereas frames tend to "build in"
from the overall framework. The analysis of interacting computing agents
(the schema instances) is intermediate between the overall specification
of some behavior and the neural networks that subserve it. The Workshop
will focus on different facets of this multi-level methodology. While
the emphasis will be on technological systems, papers will also be
accepted on biological and cognitive systems.

Submission of Papers

A list of sample topics for contributions is as follows, where a hybrid
approach means one in which the abstract schema level is integrated with
neural or other lower level models:

Schema Theory as a description language for neural networks

Modular neural networks

Alternative paradigms for modeling symbolic and subsymbolic knowledge

Hierarchical and distributed representations: adaptation and coding

Linking DAI to Neural Networks to Hybrid Architecture

Formal Theories of Schemas

Hybrid approaches to integrating planning & reaction

Hybrid approaches to learning

Hybrid approaches to commonsense reasoning by integrating neural networks
and rule-based reasoning (using schemas for the integration)

Programming Languages for Schemas and Neural Networks

Schema Theory Applied in Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics, and Neuroscience

Prospective contributors should send a five-page extended abstract, including
figures with informative captions and full references - a hard copy, either
by regular mail or fax - by August 15, 1993 to Michael Arbib, Center for
Neural Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
CA 90089-2520, USA [Tel: (213) 740-9220, Fax: (213) 746-2863,]. Please include your full address, including fax and
email, on the paper.

In accepting papers submitted in response to this Call for Papers, preference
will be given to papers which present practical examples of, theory of, and/or
methodology for the design and analysis of complex systems in which the
overall specification or analysis is conducted in terms of a network of
interacting schemas, and where some but not necessarily all of the schemas
are implemented in neural networks. Papers which present a single neural
network for pattern recognition ("perceptual schema") or pattern generation
("motor schema") will not be accepted. It is the development of a
methodology to analyze the interaction of multiple functional units that
constitutes the distinctive thrust of this Workshop.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent by email no later than
September 1, 1993. There are currently no plans to issue a formal
proceedings of full papers, but (revised versions) of accepted abstracts
received prior to October 1, 1993 will be collected with the full text of the
Tutorial in a CNE Technical Report which will be made available to registrants
at the start of the meeting.

A number of papers have already been accepted for the Workshop. These
include the following:

Arbib: Schemas and Neural Networks: A Tutorial Introduction to Integrating
Symbolic and Subsymbolic Approaches to Cooperative Computation

Arkin: Reactive Schema-based Robotic Systems: Principles and Practice

Heenskerk and Keijzer: A Real-time Neural Implementation of a Schema Driven

Leow and Miikkulainen, Representing and Learning Visual Schemas in Neural
Networks for Scene Analysis

Lyons & Hendriks: Describing and analysing robot behavior with schema theory

Murphy, Lyons & Hendriks: Visually Guided Multi-Fingered Robot Hand Grasping
as Defined by Schemas and a Reactive System

Sun: Neural Schemas and Connectionist Logic: A Synthesis of the Symbolic
and the Subsymbolic

Weitzenfeld: Hierarchy, Composition, Heterogeneity, and Multi-granularity
in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming for Schemas and Neural Networks

Wilson & Hendler: Neural Network Software Modules

Bonus Event: The CNE Research Review: Monday, October 18, 1993

The CNE Review will present a day-long sampling of CNE research, with talks
by faculty, and students, as well as demos of hardware and software. Special
attention will be paid to talks on, and demos in, our new Autonomous Robotics
Lab and Neuro-Optical Computing Lab. Fully paid registrants of the Workshop
are entitled to attend the CNE Review at no extra charge.


The registration fee of $150 ($40 for qualified students who include a
"certificate of student status" from their advisor) includes a copy of the
abstracts, coffee breaks, and a dinner to be held on the evening of October

Those wishing to register should send a check payable to "Center for Neural
Engineering, USC" for $150 ($40 for students and CNE members) together
with the following information to Paulina Tagle, Center for Neural
Engineering, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles,
CA 90089-2520, USA.

- ---------------------------------------------------
Center for Neural Engineering, USC
October 19-20, 1992
NAME: ___________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________
PHONE NO.: _______________
EMAIL: ___________________________________________
I intend to submit a paper: YES [ ] NO [ ]

I wish to be registered for the CNE Research
Review: YES [ ] NO [ ]


Attendees may register at the hotel of their choice, but the closest hotel to
USC is the University Hilton, 3540 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA
90007, Phone: (213) 748-4141, Reservation: (800) 872-1104,
Fax: (213) 7480043. A single room costs $70/night while a double room costs
$75/night. Workshop participants must specify that they are "Schemas and
Neural Networks Workshop" attendees to avail of the above rates.
Information on student accommodation may be obtained from the Student Chair,
Jean-Marc Fellous,


Subject: call for papers
Date: 27 Aug 93 13:04:14 +0000


July 11-15, 1994
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Sponsored by:
IMACS - International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
IFAC - International Federation for Automatic Control
IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing
IFORS - International Federation of Operational Research Societies
IMEKO - International Measurement Confederation

General Chairman: Prof. W.F. Ames
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA


>>>>>> CALL FOR PAPERS <<<<<<

The IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics is held every
three year to provide a large general forum to professionals and scientists
for analyzing and discussing the fundamental advances of research in all
areas of scientific computation, applied mathematics, mathematical modelling,
and system simulation in and for specific disciplines, the philosophical
aspects, and the impact on society and on disciplinary and interdisciplinary

In the 14th edition, two sessions are planned on neural networks: "Neural
Network Architectures and Implementations" and "Application of Neural
Techniques for Signal and Image Processing".

The first session will focus on all theoretical and practical aspects of
architectural design and realization of neural networks:
from mathematical analysis and modelling to behavioral specification,
from architectural definition to structural design, from VLSI implementation
to software emulation, from design simulation at any abstraction level
to CAD tools for neural design, simulation and evaluation.

The second session will present the concepts, the design and the use of
neural solutions within the area of signal and image processing,
e.g., for modelling, identification, analysis, classification, recognition,
and filtering. Particular emphasis will be given to presentation of
specific applications or application areas.

Authors interested in the above neural sessions are invited to send
a one page abstract, the title of the paper and the author's address
by electronic mail, fax or postal mail to the Neural Sessions' Chairman
by October 15, 1993.
Authors must then submit five copies of their typed manuscript by postal
mail or fax to the Neural Sessions' Chairman by November 19, 1993.
Preliminary notification of acceptance/rejection will be mailed by
November 30, 1993. Final acceptance/rejection will be mailed by January
31, 1994.

Neural Sessions' Chairman: Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
piazza L. da Vinci 32
I-20133 Milano, Italy
phone no. +39-2-23993606, +39-2-23993623
fax no. +39-2-23993411



End of Neuron Digest [Volume 12 Issue 2]

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