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Neuron Digest Volume 12 Number 09
Neuron Digest Thursday, 28 Oct 1993 Volume 12 : Issue 9
Today's Topics:
ESANN'94: European Symposium on ANNs
Artificial Life Workshop Announcement
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Subject: SCS CFP
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 93 20:24:14 -0800
The Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS) presents:
June 1-3 1994, Barcelona, Spain
Part of the 1994 SCS European Multiconference on Computer Simulation
The 1994 International Conference on Qualitative Information, Fuzzy
Techniques, and Neural Networks in Simulation brings together research paper
presentations, panel sessions, tutorials, workshops, seminars, industrial
applications, and software demonstrations that make use of qualitative
information of some sort or other in models of dynamic systems for the purpose
of simulation.
Research papers are welcome in the following categories of presentation
. Tutorials . Time-dependent Expert Systems
. Panel Discussions . Qualitative Data Bases
. Software and Tools for Simulation
. Theory . Associative Memory
. Common Sense Reasoning for Simulation
about Dynamical Processes . Fuzzy Information Models
. Inductive Reasoning . Fuzzification and Defuzzification
about Dynamical Processes . Treatment of Uncertainty
. Knowledge-based Reasoning in Dynamical Systems
about Dynamical Processes . Treatment of Incomplete Knowledge
. Naive Physics about Dynamical Systems
. Neural Networks . Assumptions and Belief Systems
for Dynamical Processes . Models of Human Reasoning Processes
. Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis
In recent years, more and more papers were published that combine several
of the known qualitative knowledge representation techniques in a combined
algorithm. For example, a number of papers were recently published on fuzzy
neural networks. We therefore believe that it makes sense to bring the experts
on and advocates of the various techniques together in one conference.
. November 30, 1993 Extended Abstracts or full paper drafts due.
. February 14, 1994 Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors.
. March 14, 1994 Camera Ready Copies due.
Please, send four copies of extended abstracts (from four to six pages
in typing excluding figures and tables) or drafts of full papers (a maximum of
twelve pages in typing) to:
Prof. Dr. Antoni Guasch
General Program Chairperson of ESM'94
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Diagonal 647, 2 planta
Phone: +34(3)401-6544
FAX: +34(3)401-6600
EMail: Guasch@ESAII.UPC.ES
Please, add a cover letter stating your name, affiliation, mailing address,
telephone number, FAX number, and EMail address. Indicate clearly that your
paper is being submitted to ICQFN'94. Each manuscript will be reviewed by
at least two members of the International Program Committee of ICQFN'94.
Conference Chairperson of ICQFN'94 Program Chairperson of ICQFN'94
- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------
Francois E. Cellier, Ph.D. Dr. Joseph Aguilar Martin
Associate Professor Grup SAC, Dept. ESAII
Dept. of Electr. and Computer Engr. ETSEIT-UPC
University of Arizona Colom, 11
TUCSON, AZ 85721 08222 TERRASSA, Catalunya
U.S.A. Spain
Phone: +1(602)621-6192 Phone: +34(3)739-8144
FAX: +1(602)621-8076 FAX: +34(3)739-8101
EMail: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu EMail: Aguilar@ESAII.UPC.ES
International Program Committee of ICQFN'94
Robert Babuska Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Silvano Colombano NASA Ames Research Center U.S.A.
Massimo de Gregorio Institute of Cibernetics Italy
Ken Forbus Northwestern University U.S.A.
Ken-ichi Funahashi University of Aizu Japan
Fernando Gomide Univeristy of Campinas Brazil
Madan Gupta University of Saskatchewan Canada
Katalin Hangos Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary
Yumi Iwasaki Stanford University U.S.A.
Mohamed Jamshidi University of New Mexico U.S.A.
Eugene Kerckhoffs Delft University of Technology Netherlands
Bart Kosko University of Southern California U.S.A.
Granino Korn G.A. & T.M. Korn Associates U.S.A.
Roy Leitch Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh United Kingdom
Derek Linkens University of Sheffield United Kingdom
Hiroshi Narazaki Kobe Steel Ltd. Japan
Kevin Passino Ohio State University U.S.A.
Witold Pedrycz University of Manitoba Canada
Ethan Scarl The Boeing Company U.S.A.
Georgios Stavrakakis Technical University of Crete Greece
Jan-Erik Stromberg Linkoeping University Sweden
Hideo Tanaka University of Osaka Japan
Jan Top Energy Research Foundation Netherlands
Louise Trave-Massuyes L.A.A.S. / C.N.R.S. France
Enric Trillas Technical University of Madrid Spain
Ghislain Vansteenkiste University of Ghent Belgium
Llorenc Valverde University of the Balearic Islands Spain
Tu Van Le University of Camberra Australia
Takeshi Yamakawa Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan
Lotfi Zadeh University of California Berkeley U.S.A.
Hans-Juergen Zimmermann R.W.T.H. Aachen Germany
=====virtual scissors==========================================================
[ ] I plan to submit a paper
[ ] I wish to receive the Preliminary Program
Name: _____________________________________
Title: ____________________________________
Affiliation: ______________________________
Address: __________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________
FAX Number: _______________________________
E_Mail Address: ___________________________
If you wish to receive further information about ICQFN'94, please, fill in
the above form and return it to: Cellier@ECE.Arizona.Edu
Subject: ISIKNH'94
From: "Li-Min Fu" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 93 11:04:26 -0500
International Symposium on Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics
Sponsored by University of Florida, and AAAI,
in cooperation with IEEE Neural Network Council,
and Florida AI Research Society.
Time: May 9-10 1994; Place: Pensacola Beach, Florida, USA.
A large amount of research has been directed
toward integrating neural and symbolic methods in recent years.
Especially, the integration of knowledge-based principles and
neural heuristics holds great promise
in solving complicated real-world problems.
This symposium will provide a forum for discussions
and exchanges of ideas in this area. The objective of this symposium
is to bring together researchers from a variety of fields
who are interested in applying neural network techniques
to augmenting existing knowledge or proceeding the other way around,
and especially, who have demonstrated that this combined approach
outperforms either approach alone.
We welcome views of this problem from
areas such as constraint-(knowledge-) based learning and
reasoning, connectionist symbol processing,
hybrid intelligent systems, fuzzy neural networks,
multi-strategic learning, and cognitive science.
Examples of specific research include but are not limited to:
1. How do we build a neural network based on {\em a priori}
knowledge (i.e., a knowledge-based neural network)?
2. How do neural heuristics improve the current model
for a particular problem (e.g., classification, planning,
signal processing, and control)?
3. How does knowledge in conjunction with neural heuristics
contribute to machine learning?
4. What is the emergent behavior of a hybrid system?
5. What are the fundamental issues behind the combined approach?
Program activities include keynote speeches, paper presentation,
panel discussions, and tutorials.
Scholarships are offered to assist students in attending the
symposium. Students who wish to apply for a scholarship should send
their resumes and a statement of how their researches are related
to the symposium.
Symposium Chairs:
LiMin Fu, University of Florida, USA.
Chris Lacher, Florida State University, USA.
Program Committee:
Jim Anderson, Brown University, USA
Michael Arbib, University of Southern California, USA
Fevzi Belli, The University of Paderborn, Germany
Jim Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
Bir Bhanu, University of California, USA
Su-Shing Chen, National Science Foundation, USA
Tharam Dillon, La Trobe University, Australia
Douglas Fisher, Vanderbilt University, USA
Paul Fishwick, University of Florida, USA
Stephen Gallant, HNC Inc., USA
Yoichi Hayashi, Ibaraki University, Japan
Susan I. Hruska, Florida State University, USA
Michel Klefstad-Sillonville CCETT, France
David C. Kuncicky, Florida State University, USA
Joseph Principe, University of Florida, USA
Sylvian Ray, University of Illinois, USA
Armando F. Rocha, University of Estadual, Brasil
Ron Sun, University of Alabama, USA
Keynote Speaker: Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Ohio-State University
Schedule for Contributed Papers
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Paper Summaries Due: December 15, 1993
Notice of Acceptance Due: February 1, 1994
Camera Ready Papers Due: March 1, 1994
Extended paper summaries should be
limited to four pages (single or double-spaced)
and should include the title, names of the authors, the
network and mailing addresses and telephone number of the corresponding
author. Important research results should be attached.
Send four copies of extended paper summaries to
LiMin Fu
Dept. of CIS, 301 CSE
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
(e-mail:; phone: 904-392-1485).
Students' applications for a scholarship should also be sent
to the above address.
General information and registration materials can be obtained by
writing to
Rob Francis
2209 NW 13th Street, STE E
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32609-3476
(Phone: 904-392-1701; fax: 904-392-6950)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
If you intend to attend the symposium, you may submit the following
information by returning this message:
NAME: _______________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________________
FAX: ________________________________________
E-MAIL: _____________________________________
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: ESANN'94: European Symposium on ANNs
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 93 15:16:42 +0100
Dear Moderator,
Could you please include the following call for papers for the second
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, in the next issue of
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours,
Michel Verleysen
- --------------------------- Cut here -------------------------------
European Symposium
on Artificial Neural Networks
Brussels - April 20-21-22, 1994
First announcement and call for papers
- -----------------------
Scope of the conference
- -----------------------
ESANN'93 was held in Brussels, in April 1993. It gathered more than 80
scientists, from about 15 countries, who wanted to learn more about the
last developments in the theory of neural networks.
The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks will be organized for
the second time in April 1994, and, as in 1993, will focus on the
fundamental aspects of the artificial neural network research. Today,
thousands of researchers work in this field; they try to develop new
algorithms, to mimic properties found in natural networks, to develop
parallel computers based on these properties, and to use artificial neural
networks in new application areas. But the field is new, and has expanded
drastically in about ten years; this lead to a lack of theoretical works in
the subject, and also to a lack of comparisons between new methods and more
classical ones.
The purpose of ESANN is to cover the theoretical and fundamental aspects of
neural networks; the symposium is intended to give to the participants an
up-to-date and comprehensive view of these aspects, by the presentation of
new results and new developments, of tutorial papers covering the relations
between neural networks and classical methods of computing, and also by
round tables confronting views of specialists and non-specialists of the
field. The program committee of ESANN'94 welcomes papers in the following
aspects of artificial neural networks :
. theory
. models and architectures
. mathematics
. learning algorithms
. biologically plausible artificial networks
. neurobiological systems
. adaptive behavior
. signal processing
. statistics
. self-organization
. evolutive learning
Accepted papers will cover new results in one or several of these aspects
or will be of tutorial nature. Papers insisting on the relations between
artificial neural networks and classical methods of information processing,
signal processing or statistics are encouraged.
- ----------------------
Call for contributions
- ----------------------
Prospective authors are invited to submit six originals of their
contribution before November 26, 1993. Working language of the conference
(including proceedings) is English.
Papers should not exceed six A4 pages (including figures and references).
Printing area will be 12.2 x 19.3 cm (centered on the A4 page); left,
right, top and bottom margins will thus respectively be 4.4, 4.4, 5.2 and
5.2 cm. 10-point Times font will be used for the main text; headings will
be in bold characters, (but not underlined), and will be separated from the
main text by two blank lines before and one after. Manuscripts prepared in
this format will be reproduced in the same size in the book.
The first page will begin by a heading, indented 1cm left and right with
regards to the main text (the heading will thus have left and right margins
of 5.4 cm). The heading will contain the title (Times 14 point, bold,
centered), one blank line, the author(s) name(s) (Times 10 point,
centered), one blank line, the affiliation (Times 9 point, centered), one
blank line, and the abstract (Times 9 point, justified, beginning by the
word "Abstract." in bold face).
Originals of the figures will be pasted into the manuscript and centered
between the margins. The lettering of the figures should be in 10-point
Times font size. Figures should be numbered. The legends also should be
centered between the margins and be written in 9-point Times font size as
The pages of the manuscript will not be numbered (numbering decided by the
A separate page (not included in the manuscript) will indicate:
. the title of the manuscript
. author(s) name(s)
. the complete address (including phone & fax numbers and E-mail) of the
corresponding author
. a list of five keywords or topics
On the same page, the authors will copy and sign the following paragraph:
"in case of acceptation of the paper for presentation at ESANN 94:
- - at least one of the authors will register to the conference and will
present the paper
- - the author(s) give their rights up over the paper to the organizers of
ESANN 94, for the proceedings and any publication that could directly be
generated by the conference
- - if the paper does not match the format requirements for the proceedings,
the author(s) will send a revised version within two weeks of the
notification of acceptation."
Contributions must be sent to the conference secretariat. Prospective
authors are invited to ask examples of camera-ready contributions by
writing to the same address.
- -------------
Local details
- -------------
The conference will be held in the center of Brussels (Belgium). Close to
most great European cities, Brussels is exceptionally well served by
closely-knit motorway and railway systems, and an international airport.
Besides an artistic and cultural center of attraction, Brussels is also
renowned for its countless typical cafés, form the most unassuming to the
most prestigious. Belgian food is typical and famous, and the night life
in Brussels is considerable.
- ---------
- ---------
Submission of papers November 26, 1993
Notification of acceptance January 17, 1994
Symposium April 20-22, 1994
- ------
- ------
A limited number of grants (registration fees and economic accommodation)
will be given to young scientists coming from the European Community (Human
Capital and Mobility program, European Community - DG XII). Grants will
also probably be available for scientists from Central and Eastern European
countries. Please write to the conference secretariat to get an
application form for these grants.
- ----------------------
Conference secretariat
- ----------------------
Dr. Michel Verleysen
D Facto Conference Services
45 rue Masui
B - 1210 Brussels (Belgium)
phone: + 32 2 245 43 63
Fax: + 32 2 245 46 94
- ----------
Reply form
- ----------
If your contact address is incomplete or has been changed recently, or if
you know a colleague who might be interested in ESANN'94, please send this
form, with your or his/her name and address, to the conference secretariat:
Name: .....................................................
First Name: ...............................................
University or Company: ....................................
Address: ..................................................
ZIP: ......................................................
Town: .....................................................
Country: ..................................................
Tel: ......................................................
Fax: ......................................................
E-mail: ...................................................
- ------------------
Steering committee
- ------------------
François Blayo EERIE, Nîmes (F)
Marie Cottrell Univ. Paris I (F)
Nicolas Franceschini CNRS Marseille (F)
Jeanny Hérault INPG Grenoble (F)
Michel Verleysen UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
- --------------------
Scientific committee
- --------------------
Luis Almeida * INESC - Lisboa (P)
Jorge Barreto UCL Louvain-en-Woluwe (B)
Hervé Bourlard L. & H. Speech Products (B)
Joan Cabestany Univ. Polit. de Catalunya (E)
Dave Cliff University of Sussex (UK)
Pierre Comon Thomson-Sintra Sophia (F)
Holk Cruse Universität Bielefeld (D)
Dante Del Corso Politecnico di Torino (I)
Marc Duranton Philips / LEP (F)
Jean-Claude Fort Université Nancy I (F)
Karl Goser Universität Dortmund (D)
Martin Hasler EPFL Lausanne (CH)
Philip Husbands University of Sussex (UK)
Christian Jutten INPG Grenoble (F)
Petr Lansky Acad. of Science of the Czech Rep. (CZ)
Jean-Didier Legat UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (B)
Jean Arcady Meyer * Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris (F)
Erkki Oja Helsinky University of Technology (SF)
Guy Orban KU Leuven (B)
Gilles Pagès * Université Paris I (F)
Alberto Prieto Universitad de Granada (E)
Pierre Puget LETI Grenoble (F)
Ronan Reilly University College Dublin (IRE)
Tamas Roska Hungarian Academy of Science (H)
Jean-Pierre Rospars INRA Versailles (F)
André Roucoux UCL Louvain-en-Woluwe (B)
John Stonham Brunel University (UK)
Lionel Tarassenko University of Oxford (UK)
John Taylor King³s College London (UK)
Vincent Torre Universita di Genova (I)
Claude Touzet EERIE Nîmes (F)
Joos Vandewalle KUL Leuven (B)
Eric Vittoz CSEM Neuchâtel (CH)
Christian Wellekens Eurecom Sophia-Antipolis (F)
(* tentatively)
- --------------------------- Cut here -------------------------------
Michel Verleysen
D facto conference services
45 rue Masui
1210 Brussels
tel: +32 2 245 43 63
fax: +32 2 245 46 94
Subject: EuroCOLT
From: John Shawe-Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 93 12:36:10 +0000
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Euro-COLT '93
20th-22nd December, 1993 Royal Holloway, University of London
Call for Participation and List of Accepted Papers
The inaugural IMA European conference on Computational Learning Theory
will be held 20--22 December at Royal Holloway, University of London.
The conference covers areas related to the analysis of learning
algorithms and the theory of machine learning, including artificial and
biological neural networks, robotics, pattern recognition, inductive
inference, information theory and cryptology, decision theory and
Bayesian/MDL estimation.
Invited Talks
As part of our program, we are pleased to announce three invited talks
by Wolfgang Maass (Graz), Lenny Pitt (Illinois) and Les Valiant (Harvard).
Euroconference Scholarships
The conference has also received scientific approval from the European
Commission to be supported under the Human Capital and Mobility
Euroconferences initiative. This means that there will be a number of
scholarships available to cover the expenses of young researchers
attending the conference. The scholarships are open to citizens of
European Community Member States or people who have been residing and
working in research for at least one year in one of the European
States. Please indicate on the return form below if you would like to
receive more information about these scholarships.
List of Accepted Papers
R. Gavalda, On the Power of Equivalence Queries.
M. Golea and M. Marchand, On Learning Simple Deterministic and
Probabilistic Neural Concepts.
P. Fischer, Learning Unions of Convex Polygons.
S. Polt, Improved Sample Size Bounds for PAB-Decisions.
F. Ameur, P. Fischer, K-U. Hoffgen and F.M. Heide, Trial and Error: A
New Approach to Space-Bounded Learning.
A. Anoulova and S. Polt, Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Learning
J. Viksna, Weak Inductive Inference.
H.U. Simon, Bounds on the Number of Examples Needed for Learning
R. Wiehagen, C.H. Smith and T. Zeugmann, Classification of Predicates
and Languages.
K. Pillaipakkamnatt and V. Raghavan, Read-twice DNF Formulas can be
learned Properly.
J. Kivinen, H. Mannila and E. Ukkonen, Learning Rules with Local
J. Kivinen and M. Warmuth, Using Experts for Predicting Continuous
M. Anthony and J. Shawe-Taylor, Valid Generalisation of Functions from
Close Approximation on a Sample.
N. Cesa-Bianchi, Y. Freund, D.P. Helmbold and M. Warmuth, On-line
Prediction and Conversion Strategies.
A. Saoudi and T. Yokomori, Learning Local and Recognisable
omega-Languages and Monadic Logic Programs.
K. Yamanishi, Learning Non-Parametric Smooth Rules by Stochastic Rules
with Finite Partitioning.
H. Wiklicky, The Neural Network Loading Problem is Undecidable.
T. Hegedus, Learning Zero-one Threshold Functions and Hamming
Balls over the Boolean Domain.
Members of the Organising Committee
John Shawe-Taylor (Chair: Royal Holloway, University of London, email
to, Martin Anthony (LSE, University of
London), Jose Balcazar (Barcelona), Norman Biggs (LSE, University of
London), Mark Jerrum (Edinburgh), Hans-Ulrich Simon (University of
Dortmund), Paul Vitanyi (CWI Amsterdam).
The conference will be held at Royal Holloway, University of London in
Egham, Surrey, conveniently located 15 minutes' drive from London
Heathrow airport. Accommodation will be either in the chateau-like
original Founders Building or in en-suite rooms in a new block also on
the Royal Holloway campus. Accommodation fees range from 110 pounds
to 150 pounds (inclusive of bed, breakfast and dinner), while the
conference fee is 195 pounds (inclusive of lunch, coffee and tea;
140 pounds for students with reductions available for IMA members;
late application fee of 15 pounds if application received after 16th
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
To: The Conference Officer, The Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1EF.
Telephone: (0702) 354020. Fax: (0702) 354111
Euro-COLT '93
20th--22nd December, 1993 Royal Holloway, University of London
Please send me an application for the above conference
TITLE ............ MALE/FEMALE .....
SURNAME .............................. FORENAMES ..................
ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE ...........................................
TELEPHONE NO ........................ FAX NO .........................
Please send me information about the Euroconference scholarships ........
(Please tick if necessary)
Subject: Artificial Life Workshop Announcement
From: (Arantza Etxeberria)
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 09:50:12 +0000
"Artificial Life: a Bridge towards a New Artificial Intelligence"
Palacio de Miramar (San Sebastian, Spain)
December 10th and 11th, 1993
Workshop organised by the
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science,
Faculty of Computer Science
Institute of Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI)
of the
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Alvaro Moreno (University of the Basque Country)
Francisco Varela (CREA, Paris)
This Workshop will be dedicated to a discussion of the impact of works on
Artifical Life in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
traditionally attempted to study cognition as an abstract phenomenon using
formal tools, that is, as a disembodied process that can be grasped through
formal operations, independent of the nature of the system that displays it.
Cognition appears as an abstract representation of reality. After several
decades of research in this direction the field has encountered several
problems that have taken it to what many consider a "dead end": difficulties
in understanding autonomous and situated agencies, in relating behaviour in a
real environment, in studying the nature and evolution of perception, in
finding a pragmatic approach to explain the operation of most cognitive
capacities such as natural language, context dependent action, etc.
Artificial Life (AL) has recently emerged as a confluence of very
different fields trying to study different kinds of phenomena of living
systems using computers as a modelling tool, and, at last, trying to
artificially (re)produce a living or a population of living systems in real or
computational media. Examples of such phenomena are prebiotic systems and
their evolution, growth and development, self-reproduction, adaptation to an
environment, evolution of ecosystems and natural selection, formation of
sensory-motor loops, autonomous robots. Thus, AL is having an impact on
classic life sciences but also on the conceptual foundations of AI and new
methodological ideas to Cognitive Science.
The aim of this Workshop is to focus on the last two points and to
evaluate the influence of the methodology and concepts appearing in AL for the
development of a new ideas about cognition that could eventually give birth to
a new Artificial Intelligence. Some of the sessions consist on presentations
and replies on a specific subject by invited speakers while others will be
debates open to all participants in the workshop.
* A review of the problems of FUNCTIONALISM in Cognitive Science
and Artificial Life.
* Modelling Neural Networks through Genetic Algorithms.
* Autonomy and Robotics.
* Consequences of the crisis of the representational models of cognition.
* Minimal Living System and Minimal Cognitive System
* Artificial Life systems as problem solvers
* Emergence and evolution in artificial systems
S. Harnad
P. Husbands
G. Kampis
B. Mac Mullin
D. Parisi
T. Smithers
E. Thompson
F. Varela
Further Information:
Alvaro Moreno
Apartado 1249
E. Mail:
Fax: 34 43 311056
Phone: 34 43 310600 (extension 221)
34 43 218000 (extension 209)
End of Neuron Digest [Volume 12 Issue 9]