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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 18

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Neuron Digest
 · 14 Nov 2023

Neuron Digest   Friday,  5 Apr 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 18 

Today's Topics:
simulator announcement
Yugoslavian Summer School

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Subject: simulator announcement
From: Russell Leighton <>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 91 08:20:35 -0500

The following describes a neural network simulation environment made
available free from the MITRE Corporation. The software contains a neural
network simulation code generator which generates high performance C code
implementations for backpropagation networks. Also included is a
graphical interface for visualization.


Aspirin for MIGRAINES

Version 4.0

The Mitre Corporation is making available free to the public a neural
network simulation environment called Aspirin for MIGRAINES. The
software consists of a code generator that builds neural network
simulations by reading a network description (written in a language
called "Aspirin") and generates a C simulation. A graphical interface
(called "MIGRAINES") is provided for platforms that support the Sun
window system NeWS1.1. For platforms that do not support NeWS1.1 no
graphics are currently available.

The system has been ported to a number of platforms:
Silicon Graphics Iris
IBM RS/6000
Cray YMP
Included with the software are "config" files for these platforms.
Porting to other platforms may be done by choosing the "closest" platform
currently supported and adapting the config files.

Aspirin 4.15

The software that we are releasing now is principally for creating, and
evaluating, feed-forward networks such as those used with the
backpropagation learning algorithm. The software is aimed both at the
expert programmer/neural network researcher who may wish to tailor
significant portions of the system to his/her precise needs, as well as
at casual users who will wish to use the system with an absolute minimum
of effort.

Aspirin was originally conceived as ``a way of dealing with MIGRAINES.''
Our goal was to create an underlying system that would exist behind the
graphics and provide the network modeling facilities. The system had to
be flexible enough to allow research, that is, make it easy for a user to
make frequent, possibly substantial, changes to network designs and
learning algorithms. At the same time it had to be efficient enough to
allow large ``real-world'' neural network systems to be developed.

Aspirin uses a front-end parser and code generators to realize this goal.
A high level declarative language has been developed to describe a
network. This language was designed to make commonly used network
constructs simple to describe, but to allow any network to be described.
The Aspirin file defines the type of network, the size and topology of
the network, and descriptions of the network's input and output. This
file may also include information such as initial values of weights,
names of user defined functions, and hints for the MIGRAINES graphics

The Aspirin language is based around the concept of a "black box". A
black box is a module that (optionally) receives input and (necessarily)
produces output. Black boxes are autonomous units that are used to
construct neural network systems. Black boxes may be connected
arbitrarily to create large possibly heterogeneous network systems. As a
simple example, pre or post-processing stages of a neural network can be
considered black boxes that do not learn.

The output of the Aspirin parser is sent to the appropriate code
generator that implements the desired neural network paradigm. The goal
of Aspirin is to provide a common extendible front-end language and
parser for different network paradigms. The publicly available software
will include a backpropagation code generator that supports several
variations of the backpropagation learning algorithm. For
backpropagation networks and their variations, Aspirin supports a wide
variety of capabilities:
1. feed-forward layered networks with arbitrary connections
2. ``skip level'' connections
3. one and two-dimensional tessellations
4. a few node transfer functions (as well as user defined)
5. connections to layers/inputs at arbitrary delays,
also "Waibel style" time-delay neural networks

The file describing a network is processed by the Aspirin parser and
files containing C functions to implement that network are generated.
This code can then be linked with an application which uses these
routines to control the network. Optionally, a complete simulation may be
automatically generated which is integrated with the graphics and can
read data in a variety of file formats. Currently supported file formats
Type1, Type2, Type3 (simple floating point file formats)


A set of examples comes with the distribution:

xor: from RumelHart and McClelland, et al,
"Parallel Distributed Processing, Vol 1: Foundations",
MIT Press, 1986, pp. 330-334.

encode: from RumelHart and McClelland, et al,
"Parallel Distributed Processing, Vol 1: Foundations",
MIT Press, 1986, pp. 335-339.

detect: Detecting a sine wave in noise.

characters: Learing to recognize 4 characters independent
of rotation.

sonar: from Gorman, R. P., and Sejnowski, T. J. (1988).
"Analysis of Hidden Units in a Layered Network Trained to
Classify Sonar Targets"
in Neural Networks, Vol. 1, pp. 75-89.

spiral: from Kevin J. Lang and Michael J, Witbrock, "Learning
to Tell Two Spirals Apart"
, in Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist
Models Summer School, Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

ntalk: from Sejnowski, T.J., and Rosenberg, C.R. (1987).
"Parallel networks that learn to pronounce English text" in
Complex Systems, 1, 145-168.

perf: A large network used only for performance testing.

Performance of Aspirin simulations

The backpropagation code generator produces simulations that run very
efficiently. Aspirin simulations do best on vector machines when the
networks are large, as exemplified by the Cray's performance. All
simulations were done using the Unix "time" function and include all
simulation overhead. The connections per second rating was calculated by
multiplying the number of iterations by the total number of connections
in the network and dividing by the "user" time provided by the Unix time
function. Two tests were performed. In the first, the network was simply
run "forward" 100,000 times and timed. In the second, the network was
timed in learning mode and run until convergence. Under both tests the
"user" time included the time to read in the data and initialize the


This network is a two layer fully connected network
with 60 inputs: 2-34-60.
Millions of Connections per Second
SparcStation1: 1
IBM RS/6000 320: 2.8
Cray YMP: 15.7
SparcStation1: 0.3
IBM RS/6000 320: 0.8
Cray YMP: 7

Gorman, R. P., and Sejnowski, T. J. (1988). "Analysis of Hidden Units
in a Layered Network Trained to Classify Sonar Targets"
in Neural Networks,
Vol. 1, pp. 75-89.


This network is a two layer fully connected network
with [29 x 7] inputs: 26-[15 x 8]-[29 x 7]
Millions of Connections per Second
SparcStation1: 1
IBM RS/6000 320: 3.5
Cray YMP: 64
SparcStation1: 0.4
IBM RS/6000 320: 1.3
Cray YMP: 24.8

Sejnowski, T.J., and Rosenberg, C.R. (1987). "Parallel networks that
learn to pronounce English text"
in Complex Systems, 1, 145-168.


This network was only run on the Cray. It is very large with very long
vectors. The performance on this network is in some sense a peak
performance for a machine.

This network is a two layer fully connected network
with 2048 inputs: 128-512-2048
Millions of Connections per Second
Cray YMP: 96.3
Cray YMP: 18.9

Note: The cray benchmarks are courtesy of the Center for High Performance
Computing at the University of Texas.

Aspirin 5.0

The next release of the software *may* include:
1. 2nd order (quadratic) connections
2. Auto-regressive nodes (this a form
of limited recurrence)
3. Code generators for other (not backprop) neural network
learning algorithms.
4. More supported file formats
5. More config files for other platforms.


MIGRAINES is a graphics system for visualizing neural network systems.
The graphics that are currently being released are exclusively for
feed-forward networks. They provide the ability to display networks, arc
weights, node values, network inputs, network outputs, and target outputs
in a wide variety of formats.

There are many different representations that may be used to display arcs
weights and node values, including pseudo-color (or grayscale) arrays
(with user modifiable colors and value-to-color mappings), various plots,
bar charts and other pictorial representations.

MIGRAINES is not necessary for the execution of the Aspirin system.
Networks may be designed, executed, tested, and saved entirely apart from
any graphic interface. The more exotic the network being considered, the
smaller the amount of graphics that will be useful. However, the
graphics offer such a degree of creative and analytic power for neural
network research that even the most jaded researcher will find them
useful. Although the graphics were developed for the NeWS1.1 window
system, it can be run under Sun's OpenWindows which supports NeWS
applications. Note: OpenWindows is not 100% backward compatible with
NeWS1.1 so some features of the graphics may not work well.


The next release will replace the NeWS1.1 graphics with an X based system
as well extending the graphical capabilities. An interface to the
scientific visualization system apE2.0 *may* be available.

How to get the software

The software is available from two FTP sites, CMU's simulator collection
and UCLA's cognitive science machines. The compressed tar file is a
little more than 2 megabytes. The software is currently only available
via anonymous FTP.

> To get the software from CMU's simulator collection:

1. Create an FTP connection from wherever you are to machine ""

2. Log in as user "anonymous" with password your username.

3. Change remote directory to "/afs/cs/project/connect/code". Any
subdirectories of this one should also be accessible. Parent directories
should not be.

4. At this point FTP should be able to get a listing of files in this
directory and fetch the ones you want.

Problems? - contact us at "".

5. Set binary mode by typing the command "binary" ** THIS IS IMPORTANT **

6. Get the file "am4.tar.Z"

> To get the software from UCLA's cognitive science machines:

1. Create an FTP connection to "" (
(typically with the command "ftp")

2. Log in as user "anonymous" with password your username.

3. Change remote directory to "alexis", by typing the command "cd alexis"

4. Set binary mode by typing the command "binary" ** THIS IS IMPORTANT **

5. Get the file by typing the command "get am4.tar.Z"

How to unpack the software

After ftp'ing the file make the directory you wish to install the
software. Go to that directory and type:
zcat am4.tar.Z | tar xvf -

How to print the manual

The user manual is located in ./doc in a few compressed PostScript files.
To print each file on a PostScript printer type:
zcat <> | lpr


Thanks to the folks at CMU and UCLA for the ftp site.

Thanks to the folks at the Center for High Performance Computing at the
University of Texas for the use of their computers.

Copyright and license agreement

Since the Aspirin/MIGRAINES system is licensed free of charge, the MITRE
Corporation provides absolutely no warranty. Should the Aspirin/MIGRAINES
system prove defective, you must assume the cost of all necessary
servicing, repair or correction. In no way will the MITRE Corporation be
liable to you for damages, including any lost profits, lost monies, or
other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use
or in ability to use the Aspirin/MIGRAINES system.

This software is the copyright of The MITRE Corporation. It may be
freely used and modified for research and development purposes. We
require a brief acknowledgement in any research paper or other
publication where this software has made a significant contribution. If
you wish to use it for commercial gain you must contact The MITRE
Corporation for conditions of use. The MITRE Corporation provides
absolutely NO WARRANTY for this software.

February, 1991
Russell Leighton
Alexis Wieland
The MITRE Corporation
7525 Colshire Dr.
McLean, Va. 22102-3481


Subject: Yugoslavian Summer School
From: Drago Indjic <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 91 18:45:25 +0000

Dear Peter,

would you be so kind to include following announcement in the Neuron
Digest? Despite recent riots against ruling Communist party in Belgrade,
we are working very hard to make this Summer School successful.

Thank you in advance,

Drago Indjic


Dear sirs,

I have great pleasure to inform you that Advanced Summer School on Modern
Computer Design and Neurocomputing in Belgrade will take place as

The Proceedings of previous Summer Schools on Neurocomputing, held in
Genoa (1989) and Dubrovnik (1990) are published in Prentice Hall series
"Neural Networks: Concepts, Applications, and Implementations", vol. 1-4.

We welcome contributions from participants and all registered
participants will be given opportunity to present their research results
in highly interactive environment of our Summer School.

Special note for UK participants:

You might be interested to know that Yugoslav Airlines (JAT) is offering
special Consol K1M instant purchase fare Heathrow-Belgrade for only
165.00 GBP return if booking is made prior to 15 April 1991.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information.

I look forward to welcoming you in Belgrade,

Drago Indjic
International Advisor

e-mail: phone: + 71 (44) 589 5111 Ext 5154

Address: Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial College,
London SW7 2BT, UK


Sava Center

in cooperation with






with a special emphasis on


May 12-18, 1991.
Sava Congress Center
Belgrade, Yugoslavia



The stress of this summer school is real implementations of
neurocomputers, and the emphasis is on RISC and VLSI implementation
approaches which can be easily accomplished with relatively modest tools
in typical university environments.

Speakers of this Summer School are well known experts in the field, and
they come from the World's leading schools in the field. The
presentations are predominantly educational, and are oriented to
engineers that plan im- plementations of neuroprocessors or
neurocomputers. Needed background is B.Sc. in electrical engineering,
with some basic knowledge of computer engineering. The School is ideal
for practitioners and managers from industry, as well as students and
researchers form academia.

A number of new research results ( of which some represent possible
break- throughts in the field ) will be represented to the scientific
community for the first time during this Summer School. An exhibition of
hardware and software will take place during the School, as well. All
registered attendees will be given an opportunity to talk at least 30
minutes on their own research.

This summer school is organized directed by :

Paolo Antognetti Jozo Dujmovic
University of Genova University of Belgrade
Italy Yugoslavia

Veljko Milutinovic
University of Belgrade

For all questions related to the program and the logistics, please refer to :

Ms Natalija Jurosevic Fax: + 38 (11) 455 785
Kongresne Delatnosti Phone: + 38 (11) 605 750
Sava Center E-mail: EARN_007@YUBGEF51.BITNET
Milentija Popovica 9
11000 Belgrade



Drago Indjic, International Andrzej Janicki, Poland
Nikola Jejina Aleksandar Krukov, USSR
Petar Markovic Keinosuke Mori, Japan
Djordje Senicic Daniel Tabak, USA
Dejan Stojanovic Ferenc Vajda, Hungary


This summer school takes place in the modern congress center SAVA, on the
bank of the river Sava, located between the hotels Intercontinental and
Hyatt. Belgrade is just about half-hour-by-plane away from the beauti-
ful Montenegro coast of the Adriatic sea, and relatively short driving
distance from a number of World-famous medieval monasteries of Serbia.

P R O G R A M :

Morning sessions have one speaker, and they go from 9:00am to 12:30pm
(with a cash-bar break from 10:30am to 11:00am ). Afternoon sessions have
several speakers and they go from 2:00pm to at least 5:30pm ( with
cash-bar break from 3:30pm to 4:00pm). This schedule will be strictly
respected. Special meetings will be organized with the representatives
of the local industry and trade.

* MONDAY, MAY 13, 1991:

Opening: Djordje PAUNOVIC, Dean
School of Electrical Engineering
University of Belgrade

Morning: Neal GALLAGHER - Introduction to neural nets
Purdue University, USA

Afternoon: Rajko TOMOVIC, member, Academy of Sciences of Vojvodina

Srdjan Stankovic
Milan Milosavljevic
Dragos Cvetkovic,associate member, Serbian Academy of Sciences
Dejan Todorovic
Mirko Milic, associate member, Serbian Academy of Sciences

* TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1991:

Morning: Michael WEINFELD
"Case study of a fully connected digital network
with internal learning"
Ecole Politechnique de Paris, France

Afternoon: Jozo Dujmovic
Dejan Popovic
Silja Matausek
Lilja Milic
Djordje Senicic
Predrag Markovic

* WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991:

Morning: Philip TRELEAVEN
"Case study of a neural MIMD machine"
University College of London, UK

Afternoon: Georgije Lukatela
Milan Savic
Dejan Ostojic
Dejan Rakovic
Djuro Koruga
- to be announced-

* THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991:

Morning : Fausto Distante
"Case study of a neural VLSI machine"
Politechnic of Milano, Italy

Afternoon: Veljko Milutinovic
"A survey of neural machines"
University of Belgrade

* FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1991:

Morning: Informal discussions
Afternoon: Sightseeings



Full fee US$ 995 (on before April 7,1991)
US$ 1195 (on or after April 8,1991)

Reduced fee for participants from East Europe:

US$ 295 (on before April 7,1991)
US$ 395 (on or after April 8,1991)

Reduced fee for students:

50% of the full fee

The registration is accomplished by sending two separate pieces of mail:

a) The enclosed registraton form, appropriately felled- in and signed.

b) Some proof that the payment is made, before the desired deadline.

The payment is either by cheques payable to "SAVA CENTER ( for SSNN-91 )",
or by a bank transfer to account No. 60811-620-16-101-257300-02424 (any
major currency), BEOBANKA , Belgrade, Yugoslavia.


All morning speakers and full fee attendees receive the following:

1. Copies of all transparencies used in the morning talks.

2. A copy of the Prentice-Hall book entitled "Neural Networks: Concepts,
Applications, and Implementations "
, for which the forward was
written by Nobel Laureate Leon Cooper.

3. Free airport transportation, on condition that they fax the exact
plane arrival and departure time at least 7 days prior to the start
of the school.

4. Special discount for a room in hotel Hyatt, on the same condition
as above.

5. Free attendance to the scool.

Reduced fee participation receive only the free attendance to the school.
This reduction is accomplished through the special young talents and
science development programs of the SAVA Center.


On a special request , SAVA CENTER can help the attendees to organeze
pre-shool or post-school sightseeing trips to the Adriatic Coast, or the
Medieval monasteries of Serbia.

For foreigh attendees, this summer school will be a unique opportunity to
get in touch with Yugoslavian businesses and industries in the field.
Show-and-tell tours will include major research and business centers of


Registration form:

Name: .................................. Initial: ...... Title: .........

Student: (Yes or No)

Company/University: .....................................................

Address: ................................................................


City: ............................. Zip code: ............................

Country: ..........................

Phone: ............................ Fax: .................................

E-mail: ...........................

Date: ............................. Signature: ...........................

(Attendees take care about accomodation. Please attach some proof of


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