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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 22

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Neuron Digest
 · 14 Nov 2023

Neuron Digest   Wednesday, 24 Apr 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 22 

Today's Topics:
Caltech VLSI CAD Tool distribution
Neural Computation Long Papers
call for references and papers on backprop
Genetic Algorithm Course, July 22-26, 1991
Reprints from CAISR
Call for participation in AI Symposium

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Subject: Caltech VLSI CAD Tool distribution
From: John Lazzaro <>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 91 16:17:41 -0700

Caltech VLSI CAD Tool Distribution

We are offering to the Internet community a pre-release version of the
Caltech electronic CAD system for analog VLSI neural networks. This
distribution contains tools for schematic capture, netlist creation, and
analog and digital simulation (log), IC mask layout, extraction, and DRC
(wol), simple chip compilation (wolcomp), MOSIS fabrication request
generation (mosis), netlist comparison (netcmp), data plotting (view) and
postscript graphics editing (until). These tools were used exclusively
for the design and test of all the integrated circuits described in
Carver Mead's book "Analog VLSI and Neural Systems". Until was used as
the primary tool for figure creation for the book. The distribution also
contains an example of an analog VLSI chip that was designed and
fabricated with these tools, and an example of an Actel
field-programmable gate array design that was simulated and converted to
Actel format with these tools.

These tools are distributed under a license very similar to the GNU
license; the minor changes protect Caltech from liability.

To use these tools, you need:

1) A unix workstation that runs X11r3, X11r4, or Openwindows
2) A color screen
3) Gcc or other ANSI-standard compiler

Right now only Sun Sparcstations are officially supported, although
resourceful users have the tools running on Sun 3, HP Series 300, and
Decstations. If don't have a Sparcstation or an HP 300, only take the
package if you feel confident in your C/Unix abilities to do the porting
required; someday soon we will integrate the changes back into the
sources officially, although many "ifdef mips" are already in the code.

If you are interested in some or all of these tools,

1) ftp to on the Internet,
2) log in as anonymous and use your username as the password
3) cd ~ftp/pub/chipmunk
4) copy the file README, that contains more information.

European researchers can access these files through anonymous ftp using
the machine in Norway; the files are in the directory
chipmunk. We are unable to help users who do not have Internet ftp


Subject: Neural Computation Long Papers
From: Terry Sejnowski <tsejnowski@UCSD.EDU>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 91 19:32:42 -0700

The editorial board of Neural Computation has decided to start accepting
a limited number of full length papers.

These will be more thoroughly reviewed than letters and there will be
only one or two per issue, so it will be more difficult to get one
accepted, like the longer articles in Nature and Science.



Subject: call for references and papers on backprop
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 02:56:04 -0700


I am compiling a list of references on all respectable improvements to
BackProp. This list will then be posted.

The following topics are included:

1. The effect of low bit quantization
2. The effects of momentum and batching (experimental proof needed)
3. QuickProp, FastProp, UniProp,....whateverProp
4. Conjugate Gradients
5. 2,3 or more hidden layers
6. Added noise in the data
7. Added noise in the weight adjustments
8. Gaussian hidden layer cells
9. Kohonen layer pre-processing of the raw data
10. Pre-processing to remove (and later add back) linear transformations
11. Pre-processing to orthogonalize the input data

If you have any other topics that ought to be added to this list, please let
me know.

If you have favorite references addressing any of these topics, please let
me know.

Please ask authors to send their most definitive papers on any of the above
topics to the following address. I am co-authoring a book with Philip
Wasserman and wish to include summaries of as much of the above topics as is
possible. Thanks.

Jurik Research & Consulting
PO 2379
Aptos, CA 95001 USA


Subject: Genetic Algorithm Course, July 22-26, 1991
From: "David E. Goldberg" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 07:31:08 -0500

A five-day short course entitled "Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization, and Machine Learning"
will be presented at Stanford
University's Western Institute in Computer Science on July 22-26 by David
E. Goldberg (Illinois) and John R. Koza (Stanford). The course presents
in-depth coverage of GA mechanics, theory, and application in search,
optimization, and machine learning. Students will be encouraged to solve
their own problems in hands-on computer workshops monitored by the course
instructors. For further information regarding this course contact
Joleen Barnhill, Western Institute in Computer Science, PO Box 1238,
Magalia, CA 95954, (916) 873-0575, email:


Subject: Reprints from CAISR
From: (Yoshiyasu Takefuji)
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 15:20:25 -0400

The following reprints are available from Center for Automation and
Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR) at Case Western Reserve University.
Send your request to Lawrence Boyd, CAISR, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH 44106. Phone 216-368-6434.

91-113: R. J. Jannarone, K. F. Yu, and Y. Takefuji, "Conjunctoids:
Statistical Learning Modules for Binary Events,"
Neural Networks, 1, 4,
Nov. 1988.

91-114: Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "A near-optimum parallel
planarization algorithm,"
Science, 245, pp. 1221-1223, Sept. 1989.

91-115: Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee "A parallel algorithm for tiling
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 1, 1, 1990.

91-116: Y. Takefuji and K. C. Lee, "A two-step parallel sorting algorithm
based on neural networks,"
Journal of Neural Network Computing, 2, 1,
30-32, 1990.

91-117: Y. Takefuji and K. C. Lee, "A super parallel sorting algorithm
based on neural networks,"
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, 37, 11,

91-118: Y. Takefuji, C. W. Lin, and K. C. Lee, "A parallel algorithm for
estimating the secondary structure in Ribonucleic Acids,"
Cybernetics, 63, 5, 1990.

91-119: Y. Takefuji, L. L. Chen, K. C. Lee, and J. Huffman, "Parallel
algorithms for finding a near-maximum independent set of a circle graph,"

IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 1, 3, 1990.

91-120: S. Y. Foo, L. R. Anderson, Y. Takefuji, "Analog components for
the VLSI of artificial neural networks,"
IEEE Circuits and Devices, July

91-121: Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "Artificial neural networks for
four-coloring problems and k-colorability problems,"
IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems, 38, 3, 1991.

91-122: T. Kurokawa, K. C. Lee, Y. B. Cho, Y. Takefuji, and N. Funabiki,
"CMOS layour design of the hysteresis McCulloch-Pitts neuron,"
Electronics Letters, 26, 25, 1990.

91-123: Y. Takefuji, and K. C. Lee, "Reply to comment on parallel
algorithms for finding a near-maximum independent set of a circle graph,"

IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2, 2, 1991.


Subject: Call for participation in AI Symposium
From: Tony Chan <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 91 17:08:27 -0300

* *
* *

The Fourth UNB
Artificial Intelligence Symposium
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Friday & Saturday, Sept. 20 & 21, 1991

Program Committee:

Ranan Banerji, St. Joseph's U., Philadelphia, PA
Wolfgang Bibel, I.T.H., Darmstadt, West Germany
David Bonham, Mechanical Eng., U.N.B.
Z. Chen, U. of Nebraska, Omaha, NE
Chang Choo, W.P.I., Worcester, MA
Rajamani Doraiswami, Electrical Eng., U.N.B.
Martin A. Fischler, SRI Int., Menlo Park, CA
Herbert Freeman, Rutgers U., New Brunswick , NJ
C. Lee Giles, NEC Research Ins., Princeton, NJ
Paul Gillard, Memorial U., St. John's, Nfld.
Vasant Honavar, Iowa State U., Ames, IA
Laveen Kanal, U. of Maryland, Coll. Park, MD
Vladik Kreinovich, U. of Texas, El Paso, TX
Werner Kuhn, U. of Maine, Orono, ME
Bernd Kurz, Computer Science, U.N.B.
Patrice Lapointe, AECL Res., Chalk River, Ont.
Mark Lidd, Mitre Corp., Fairfax, VA
B.I.B. Madhav, I.I.T., Madras, India
Ettore Merlo, C.R.I.M., Montreal, Que.
Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
Jan Mulder, Dalhousie U., Halifax, N.S.
Eric Neufeld, U. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask.
N. Parameswaran, I.I.T., Madras, India
Richard Peacocke, Bell-Northern Res., Ottawa, Ont.
Denis Riordan, T.U.N.S., Halifax, N.S.
John Robinson, Civil Eng., U.N.B.
Azriel Rosenfeld, U. of Maryland, Coll. Park, MD
Leemseop Shim, Governors State U., Univ. Park, IL
Eduardo Sontag, Rutgers U., New Brunswick, NJ
Paul Tarau, U. de Moncton, Moncton, N.B.
Manoel Tenorio, Purdue U., West Lafayette, IN
Richard Tervo, Electrical Eng., U.N.B.
Tetsuyuki Toyofuku, National-Panasonic, Osaka, Japan
Andri Trudel, Acadia U., Wolfville, N.S.
Lloyd Waugh, Civil Eng., U.N.B.
Ian Witten , U. of Calgary, Calgary, Alta.
Andrew K.C. Wong, U. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.
Jean Zanazaka, U. de Sherbrooke, Que.

Sponsored by:

Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick
Bell-Northern Research
Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence

In Cooperation with:

The American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
IEEE Computer Society
International Association of Knowledge Engineers (IAKE)
Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence

Keynote Address:

"Self-Reliant Robots: The Ambler Rover and Beyond"
by Dr. Reid Simmons, Research Computer Scientist,
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Panel Discussion (1.5 hours):

"On the Role of Machine Learning in Artificial Intelligence"


The UNB Artificial Intelligence Symposium provides a forum for an
exchange of ideas, experiences and information about activities in
artificial intelligence. Your participation is invited in the form of

(1) a paper to be reviewed (nominally by three reviewers) and, if
accepted, published and presented at the Symposium, or
(2) a half-day tutorial on a suitable AI topic, to be presented at the
Symposium. All tutorial proposals must have a stated goal, a
detailed outline (2 - 5 pages), target audience defined, and a brief
resume of the tutorial presenter(s), or
(3) an exhibit or display of artificial intelligence technology.

Important Dates:

May 15, 1991 -- Four copies of an extended abstract (2 to 4 double-
spaced pages) or a full paper (max. 11 pages, including figures)
to one of the Program Co-Chairs (see address below).
July 1, 1991 -- Notification of acceptance will be mailed.
August 15, 1991 -- Final camera-ready copies of papers are due.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Foundations of AI, Connectionist Theory & Applications
Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
Knowledge Acquisition, Automated Theorem Proving
Computer Vision, Knowledge Representation
Natural Language Processing , Temporal Reasoning
Knowledge-Based Systems, Database/Knowledge Base Integration
Robotics, Real-Time Expert Systems, Automated Planning
Expert System Verification, Automated Scheduling
Novel Architectures for AI, Case-Based Reasoning
Truth Maintenance Systems, Reasoning Under Uncertainty

A pre-published proceedings will be available at the Symposium.

Submit papers or extended abstracts to:
Program Co-Chairs, 4th UNB AI Symposium
Brad Nickerson or Lev Goldfarb
E-mail: or

Submit tutorial proposals to:
Bruce Spencer or Przemyslaw Pochec
Tutorial Co-Chairs, 4th UNB AI Symposium
E-mail: or

Submit exhibit requests to:
Kirby Ward
Exhibits Chair, 4th UNB AI Symposium

The mailing address, phone and fax numbers for the above are as
follows: Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-4566 Fax: (506) 453-3566

It is planned to hold the CKEd (Certified Knowledge Engineer)
examination on Sept. 19, 1991 at the Symposium location. Symposium
participants wishing to take the examination should contact the IAKE
at International Associaton of Knowledge Engineers
Georgetown P.O. Box 25461, Washington, D.C. 20007, U.S.A.
ph: 301 231 7826 fax: 301 770 4621 E-mail: IAKE@UC780.bitnet


End of Neuron Digest [Volume 7 Issue 22]

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