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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 33

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Neuron Digest
 · 14 Nov 2023

Neuron Digest   Saturday,  8 Jun 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 33 

Today's Topics:
NETWORK - contents of Volume 2, no 2 (May 1991)
Int. J. of Neural Systems - Contents and CFP
field computation papers
TR's available (via ftp)
TR - Connectionist Models of Rule-Based Reasoning
Technical report on learning in recurrent networks
Connectionist Book Announcement
ordering of announced book
Preprints on Statistical Mechanics of Learning
TR - Competitive Hebbian Learning
Preprint: Effects of Word Abstractness in a Connectionist Model of Deep Dyslexi
TR: Bayesian Inference on Visual Grammars by NNs that Optimize

Send submissions, questions, address maintenance and requests for old issues to
"" or "{any backbone,uunet}!hplabs!neuron-request"
Use "ftp" to get old issues from (


Subject: NETWORK - contents of Volume 2, no 2 (May 1991)
From: David Willshaw <>
Date: Tue, 07 May 91 11:49:10 +0100

The forthcoming May 1991 issue of NETWORK will contain the following papers:


Volume 2 Number 2 May 1991

Minimum-entropy coding with Hopfield networks

H G E Hentschel and H B Barlow

Cellular automation models of the CA3 region of the hippocampus

E Pytte, G Grinstein and R D Traub

Competitive learning, natural images and cortical cells

C J StC Webber

Adaptive fields: distributed representations of classically
conditioned associations

P F M J Verschure and A C C Coolen

``Quantum'' neural networks

M Lewenstein and M Olko


NETWORK welcomes research Papers and Letters where the findings have
demonstrable relevance across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Research Papers can be of any length, if that length can be justified by
content. Rarely, however, is it expected that a length in excess of
10,000 words will be justified. 2,500 words is the expected limit for
research Letters. Articles can be published from authors' TeX source

NETWORK is published quarterly. The subscription rates are:

Institution 125.00 POUNDS (US$220.00)
Individual (UK) 17.30 POUNDS
(Overseas) 20.50 POUNDS (US$37.90)

For more details contact

IOP Publishing
Techno House
Redcliffe Way
Bristol BS1 6NX
United Kingdom

Telephone: 0272 297481
Fax: 0272 294318
Telex: 449149 INSTP G



Subject: Int. J. of Neural Systems - Contents and CFP
Date: Fri, 17 May 91 12:03:00 +0200


The International Journal of Neural Systems is a quarterly journal
which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural
systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this
broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer
science and engineering. Contributions include research papers, reviews
and short communications. The journal presents a fresh undogmatic
attitude towards this multidisciplinary field with the aim to be a
forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of collective and
cooperative phenomena with computational capabilities.

ISSN: 0129-0657 (IJNS)


Contents of Volume 2, issues number 1-2 (1991):

1. H. Liljenstrom:
Modelling the dynamics of olfactory cortex effects using
simplified network units and realistic architecture.

2. S. Becker:
Unsupervised learning procedures for neural networks.

3. Y. Chauvin:
Constrained Hebbian Learning: Gradient descent to global minima
in a n-dimensional landscape.

4. J. G. Taylor:
Neural network capacity for temporal sequence storage.

5. S. Z. Lerner and J. R. Deller:
Speech recognition by a self-organising feature finder.

6. Jefferey Lee Johnson:
Modelling head end escape behaviour in the earthworm: the
efferent arc and the end organ.

7. M.-Y. Chow, G. Bilbro and S. O. Yee:
Application of Learning Theory for a Single Phase Induction
Motor Incipient Fault Detector Artificial Neural Network.

8. J. Tomberg and K. Kaski:
Some IC implementations of artificial neural networks using
synchronous pulse-density modulation technique.

9. I. Kocher and R. Monasson:
Generalisation error and dynamical efforts in a two-dimensional
patches detector.

10. J. Schmidhuber and R. Huber:
Learning to generate fovea trajectories for attentive vision.

11. A. Hartstein:
A back-propagation algorithm for a network of neurons with
threshold controlled synapses.

12. M. Miller and E. N. Miranda:
Stability of multi-layered neural networks.

13. J. Ariel Sirat:
A fast neural algorithm for principal components analysis and
singular value decomposition.

14. D. Stork:
Review of "Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation",
by J. Hertz, A. Krogh and R. Palmer.


Editorial board:

B. Lautrup (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark) (Editor-in-charge)
S. Brunak (Technical Univ. of Denmark) (Assistant Editor-in-Charge)

D. Stork (Stanford) (Book review editor)

Associate editors:

B. Baird (Berkeley)
D. Ballard (University of Rochester)
E. Baum (NEC Research Institute)
S. Bjornsson (University of Iceland)
J. M. Bower (CalTech)
S. S. Chen (University of North Carolina)
R. Eckmiller (University of Dusseldorf)
J. L. Elman (University of California, San Diego)
M. V. Feigelman (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
F. Fogelman-Soulie (Paris)
K. Fukushima (Osaka University)
A. Gjedde (Montreal Neurological Institute)
S. Grillner (Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Stockholm)
T. Gulliksen (University of Oslo)
D. Hammerstrom (Oregon Graduate Institute)
J. Hounsgaard (University of Copenhagen)
B. A. Huberman (XEROX PARC)
L. B. Ioffe (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
P. I. M. Johannesma (Katholieke Univ. Nijmegen)
M. Jordan (MIT)
G. Josin (Neural Systems Inc.)
I. Kanter (Princeton University)
J. H. Kaas (Vanderbilt University)
A. Lansner (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
A. Lapedes (Los Alamos)
B. McWhinney (Carnegie-Mellon University)
M. Mezard (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
J. Moody (Yale, USA)
A. F. Murray (University of Edinburgh)
J. P. Nadal (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
E. Oja (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)
N. Parga (Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina)
S. Patarnello (IBM ECSEC, Italy)
P. Peretto (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble)
C. Peterson (University of Lund)
K. Plunkett (University of Aarhus)
S. A. Solla (AT&T Bell Labs)
M. A. Virasoro (University of Rome)
D. J. Wallace (University of Edinburgh)
D. Zipser (University of California, San Diego)



Original contributions consistent with the scope of the journal are
welcome. Complete instructions as well as sample copies and
subscription information are available from

The Editorial Secretariat, IJNS
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
73, Lynton Mead, Totteridge
London N20 8DH
Telephone: (44)81-446-2461


World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc.
687 Hardwell St.
New Jersey 07666
Telephone: (1)201-837-8858


World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Farrer Road, P. O. Box 128
Telephone (65)382-5663


Subject: field computation papers
Date: Tue, 21 May 91 22:07:04 -0400

There have been several requests for my papers on field computation. In
addition to an early paper in the first IEEE ICNN (San Diego, 1987),
there are several reports in the neuroprose directory: -- a short introduction -- the current most comprehensive report -- continuous spatial automata

Of course I will be happy to send out hardcopy of these papers or several
others not in neuroprose.

Bruce MacLennan
Department of Computer Science
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1301


Here are the directions for accessing files from neuroprose. Note that
there is also in the directory a script called Getps that does all the

unix> ftp (or
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress
unix> lpr (or however you print postscript)


Subject: TR's available (via ftp)
From: "B. Fritzke" <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 91 18:03:46 +0700

Hi there,

I just have placed two short papers in the Neuroprose Archive at ( in the directory pub/neuroprose.

The files are: (to be presented at ICANN-91 Helsinki) (to be presented at IJCNN-91 Seattle)

They both deal with a new self-organizing network based on the model of
Kohonen. The first one describes the model and the second one concentrates
one an application.


Abstract: The self-organizing feature maps introduced by T.
Kohonen use a cell array of fixed size and structure. In many
cases this array is not able to model a given signal distribution
properly. We present a method to construct two-dimensional cell
structures during a self-organization process which are specially
adapted to the underlying distribution: Starting with a small
number of cells new cells are added successively. Thereby signal
vectors according to the (usually not explicitly known) probabil-
ity distribution are used to determine where to insert or delete
cells in the current structure. This process leads to problem
dependent cell structures which model the given distribution with
arbitrary high accuracy.


Abstract: A Neural Network model is presented which is able to
detect clusters of similar patterns. The patterns are n-
dimensional real number vectors according to an unknown proba-
bility distribution P(X). By evaluating sample vectors ac-
cording to P(X) a two-dimensional cell structure is gradually
built up which models the distribution. Through removal of
cells corresponding to areas with low probability density the
structure is then split into several disconnected substruc-
tures. Each of them identifies one cluster of similar patterns.
Not only the number of clusters is determined but also an ap-
proximation of the probability distribution inside each cluster.
The accuracy of the cluster description is increased linearly
with the number of evaluated sample vectors.


Bernd Fritzke ----------> e-mail:
University of Erlangen, CS IMMD II, Martensstr. 3, 8520 Erlangen (Germany)


Subject: TR - Connectionist Models of Rule-Based Reasoning
From: Ron Sun <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 91 16:32:23 -0400

The following paper will appear in the Proc.13th Annual Conference of
Cognitive Science Society. It is a revised version of an earlier TR
entitle "Integrating Rules and Connectionism for Robust Reasoning"

Connectionist Models of Rule-Based Reasoning

Ron Sun
Brandeis University
Computer Science Department

We investigate connectionist models of rule-based reasoning, and show
that while such models usually carry out reasoning in exactly the same
way as symbolic systems, they have more to offer in terms of commonsense
reasoning. A connectionist architecture for commonsense reasoning,
CONSYDERR, is proposed to account for common reasoning patterns and to
remedy the brittleness problem in traditional rule-based systems. A dual
representational scheme is devised, which utilizes both localist and
distributed representations and explores the synergy resulting from the
interaction between the two. {CONSYDERR} is therefore capable of
accounting for many difficult patterns in commonsense reasoning. This
work shows that connectionist models of reasoning are not just
``implementations" of their symbolic counterparts, but better
computational models of commonsense reasoning.

=------------ FTP procedures -------------------------
(thanks to the service provided by Jordan Pollack) ---

>name: anonymous
>passwork: neuron

>cd pub/neuroprose



Subject: Technical report on learning in recurrent networks
From: Erol Gelenbe <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 91 16:35:53

You may obtain a hard copy of the following tech report by sending me
e-mail :

Learning in the Recurrent Random Network


Erol Gelenbe
45 rue des Saints-Peres
75006 Paris

This paper describes an "
exact" learning algorithm for the recurrent
random network model (see E. Gelenbe in Neural Computation, Vol 2, No 2,
1990). The algorithm is based on the delta rule for updating the network
weights. Computationally, each step requires the solution of n non-linear
equations (solved in time Kn where K is a constant) and 2n linear
equations for the derivatives. Thus it is of O(n**3) complexity, where n
is the number of neurons.


Subject: Connectionist Book Announcement
From: jbarnden@NMSU.Edu
Date: Fri, 24 May 91 12:48:40 -0600


Barnden, J.A. & Pollack, J.B. (Eds). (1991).

Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory, Vol. 1:
High Level Connectionist Models.

Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corp.

ISBN 0-89391-687-0
Location index QA76.5.H4815 1990
389 pp.

Extensive subject index.

Cost $34.50 for individuals and course adoption.

For more information:,


David Waltz

John A. Barnden & Jordan B. Pollack
Introduction: problems for high level connectionism

David S. Touretzky
Connectionism and compositional semantics

Michael G. Dyer
Symbolic NeuroEngineering for natural language processing:
a multilevel research approach.

Lawrence Bookman & Richard Alterman
Schema recognition for text understanding:
an analog semantic feature approach

Eugene Charniak & Eugene Santos
A context-free connectionist parser which is not connectionist,
but then it is not really context-free either

Wendy G. Lehnert
Symbolic/subsymbolic sentence analysis:
exploiting the best of two worlds.

James Hendler
Developing hybrid symbolic/connectionist models

John A. Barnden
Encoding complex symbolic data structures
with some unusual connectionist techniques

Mark Derthick
Finding a maximally plausible model of an inconsistent theory

Lokendra Shastri
The relevance of connectionism to AI:
a representation and reasoning perspective

Joachim Diederich
Steps toward knowledge-intensive connectionist learning

Garrison W. Cottrell & Fu-Sheng Tsung
Learning simple arithmetic procedures.

Jiawei Hong & Xiaonan Tan
The similarity between connectionist and other parallel computation models

Lawrence Birnbaum
Complex features in planning and understanding:
problems and opportunities for connectionism

Jordan Pollack & John Barnden


Subject: ordering of announced book
From: jbarnden@NMSU.Edu
Date: Tue, 28 May 91 09:41:45 -0600


Several people have asked about ordering a copy of a book I announced

This message includes publisher's address and ordering-department phone

Barnden, J.A. & Pollack, J.B. (Eds). (1991).

Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory, Vol. 1:
High Level Connectionist Models.

Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corp.
355 Chestnut Street, Norwood, NJ 07648-2090
Order Dept.: (201) 767-8455

ISBN 0-89391-687-0
Location index QA76.5.H4815 1990
389 pp.

Extensive subject index.

Cost $34.50 for individuals and course adoption.

For more information:,


Subject: Preprints on Statistical Mechanics of Learning
Date: Sat, 25 May 91 09:50:38 -0400

The following preprints are available by ftp from the neuroprose archive

1. Statistical Mechanics of Learning from Examples
I: General Formulation and Annealed Approximation

2. Statistical Mechanics of Learning from Examples
II: Quenched Theory and Unrealizable Rules

by: Sebastian Seung, Haim Sompolinsky, and Naftali Tishby

This is a two part detailed analytical and numerical study of learning
curves in large neural networks, using techniques of equilibrium
statistical mechanics.

Abstract - Part I

Learning from examples in feedforward neural networks is studied using
equilibrium statistical mechanics. Two simple approximations to the
exact quenched theory are presented: the high temperature limit and the
annealed approximation. Within these approximations, we study four
models of perceptron learning of realizable target rules. In each
model, the target rule is perfectly realizable because it is another
perceptron of identical architecture. We focus on the generalization
curve, i.e. the average generalization error as a function of the
number of examples. The case of continuously varying weights is
considered first, for both linear and boolean output units. In these
two models, learning is gradual, with generalization curves that
asymptotically obey inverse power laws. Two other model perceptrons,
with weights that are constrained to be discrete, exhibit sudden
learning. For a linear output, there is a first-order transition
occurring at low temperatures, from a state of poor generalization to a
state of good generalization. Beyond the transition, the
generalization curve decays exponentially to zero. For a boolean
output, the first order transition is to perfect generalization at all
temperatures. Monte Carlo simulations confirm that these approximate
analytical results are quantitatively accurate at high temperatures and
qualitatively correct at low temperatures. For unrealizable rules the
annealed approximation breaks down in general, as we illustrate with a
final model of a linear perceptron with unrealizable threshold.
Finally, we propose a general classification of generalization curves
in models of realizable rules.

Abstract - Part II

Learning from examples in feedforward neural networks is studied using
the replica method. We focus on the generalization curve, which is
defined as the average generalization error as a function of the number
of examples. For smooth networks, i.e. those with continuously
varying weights and smooth transfer functions, the generalization curve
is found to asymptotically obey an inverse power law. This implies
that generalization curves in smooth networks are generically gradual.
In contrast, for discrete networks, discontinuous learning transitions
can occur. We illustrate both gradual and discontinuous learning with
four single-layer perceptron models. In each model, a perceptron is
trained on a perfectly realizable target rule, i.e. a rule that is
generated by another perceptron of identical architecture. The replica
method yields results that are qualitatively similar to the approximate
results derived in Part I for these models. We study another class of
perceptron models, in which the target rule is unrealizable because it
is generated by a perceptron of mismatched architecture. In this class
of models, the quenched disorder inherent in the random sampling of the
examples plays an important role, yielding generalization curves that
differ from those predicted by the simple annealed approximation of
Part I. In addition this disorder leads to the appearance of
equilibrium spin glass phases, at least at low temperatures.
Unrealizable rules also exhibit the phenomenon of overtraining, in
which training at zero temperature produces inferior generalization to
training at nonzero temperature.

Here's what to do to get the files from neuroprose:

unix> ftp (or
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress tishby.sst*
unix> lpr tishby.sst* (or however you print postscript)

Sebastian Seung
Haim Sompolinsky
Naftali Tishby


Subject: TR - Competitive Hebbian Learning
From: Ray White <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 91 11:51:32 -0700

This notice is to announce a short paper which will be presented
at IJCNN-91 Seattle.


Ray H. White

Departments of Physics and Computer Science

University of San Diego


Of crucial importance for applications of unsupervised learning
to systems of many nodes with a common set of inputs is how the
nodes may be trained to collectively develop optimal response to
the input. In this paper Competitive Hebbian Learning, a modified
Hebbian-learning rule, is introduced. In Competitive Hebbian
Learning the change in each connection weight is made proportional
to the product of node and input activities multiplied by a factor
which decreases with increasing activity on the other nodes. The
individual nodes learn to respond to different components of the
input activity while collectively developing maximal response.
Several applications of Competitive Hebbian Learning are then
presented to show examples of the power and versatility of this
learning algorithm.

This paper has been placed in Jordan Pollack's neuroprose archive at Ohio
State, and may be retrieved by anonymous ftp. The title of the file
there is

and it may be retrieved by the usual procedure:

local> ftp (or ftp
Name( anonymous
password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
local> uncompress
local> lpr -P(your_local_postscript_printer)

Ray White ( or


Subject: Preprint: Effects of Word Abstractness in a Connectionist Model
of Deep Dyslexia
From: David Plaut <>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 91 15:51:50 -0400

The following paper is available in the neuroprose archive as It will appear in this year's Cognitive Science
Conference proceedings. A much longer paper presenting a wide range of
related work is in preparation and will be announced shortly.

Effects of Word Abstractness in a Connectionist Model of Deep Dyslexia

David C. Plaut Tim Shallice
School of Computer Science Department of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University University College, London

Deep dyslexics are patients with neurological damage who exhibit a
variety of symptoms in oral reading, including semantic, visual and
morphological effects in their errors, a part-of-speech effect, and
better performance on concrete than abstract words. Extending work by
Hinton & Shallice (1991), we develop a recurrent connectionist network
that pronounces both concrete and abstract words via their semantics,
defined so that abstract words have fewer semantic features. The
behavior of this network under a variety of ``lesions'' reproduces the
main effects of abstractness on deep dyslexic reading: better correct
performance for concrete words, a tendency for error responses to be more
concrete than stimuli, and a higher proportion of visual errors in
response to abstract words. Surprisingly, severe damage within the
semantic system yields better performance on *abstract* words,
reminiscent of CAV, the single, enigmatic patient with ``concrete word

To retrieve this from the neuroprose archive type the following:
unix> ftp
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> binary
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> zcat | lpr

David Plaut
School of Computer Science 412/268-8102
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890


Subject: TR: Bayesian Inference on Visual Grammars by NNs that Optimize
From: Eric Mjolsness <mjolsness-eric@CS.YALE.EDU>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 91 15:50:55 -0400

The following paper is available in the neuroprose archive as

Bayesian Inference on Visual Grammars
by Neural Nets that Optimize

Eric Mjolsness
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-2158

May 1991


We exhibit a systematic way to derive neural nets for vision problems.
It involves formulating a vision problem as Bayesian inference or
decision on a comprehensive model of the visual domain given by a
probabilistic {\it grammar}. A key feature of this grammar is the way in
which it eliminates model information, such as object labels, as it
produces an image; correspondance problems and other noise removal tasks
result. The neural nets that arise most directly are generalized
assignment networks. Also there are transformations which naturally
yield improved algorithms such as correlation matching in scale space and
the Frameville neural nets for high-level vision. Deterministic
annealing provides an effective optimization dynamics. The grammatical
method of neural net design allows domain knowledge to enter from all
levels of the grammar, including ``abstract'' levels remote from the
final image data, and may permit new kinds of learning as well.

The paper is 56 pages long.

To get the file from neuroprose:

unix> ftp (or
Name: anonymous
Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> binary
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress
unix> lpr (or however you print postscript)



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