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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 32

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Neuron Digest   Wednesday,  5 Jun 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 32 

Today's Topics:
information on NIPS 3

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Subject: information on NIPS 3
From: Dave.Touretzky@DST.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU
Date: Mon, 20 May 91 22:24:30 -0400

Below is information on the forthcoming NIPS 3 volume (proceedings of the
1990 NIPS conference), which will be available next month from Morgan
Kaufmann. There is catalog information, followed by the complete table of
contents, followed by ordering information should you wish to purchase a
copy. (NIPS authors and attendees will be receiving free copies.)

Normally NIPS proceedings come out in April, but this volume turned out to
be much larger than the previous ones (because more papers were accepted),
resulting in various technical and logistical difficulties which hopfeully
will not be repeated next year.

-- Dave Touretzky




Edited by Richard P. Lippmann (M.I.T. Lincoln Labs), John E. Moody
(Yale University), and David S. Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon

NIPS 3 (1991) ISBN 1-55860-184-8 $49.95 U.S. 1100 pages


Tabel of Contents


"Studies of a Model for the Development and Regeneration of
Eye-Brain Maps"

J.D. Cowan and A.E. Friedman.................................3
"Development and Spatial Structure of Cortical Feature Maps: A
Model Study"

K. Obermayer, H. Ritter, and K. Schulten....................11
"Interaction Among Ocularity, Retinotopy and On-center/ Off-center

Shigeru Tanaka..............................................18
"Simple Spin Models for the Development of Ocular Dominance Columns
and Iso-Orientation Patches"

J.D. Cowan and A.E. Friedman................................26
"A Recurrent Neural Network Model of Velocity Storage in the
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex"

Thomas J. Anastasio.........................................32
"Self-organization of Hebbian Synapses in Hippocampal Neurons"
Thomas H. Brown, Zachary F. Mainen, Anthony M. Zador, and
Brenda J. Claiborne.........................................39
"Cholinergic Modulation May Enhance Cortical Associative Memory

Michael E. Hasselmo, Brooke P. Anderson, and James M. Bower.46


"Order Reduction for Dynamical Systems Describing the Behavior of
Complex Neurons"

Thomas B. Kepler, L.F. Abbott, and Eve Marder...............55
"Stochastic Neurodynamics"
J.D. Cowan..................................................62
"Dynamics of Learning in Recurrent Feature-Discovery Networks"
Todd K. Leen................................................70
"A Lagrangian Approach to Fixed Points"
Eric Mjolsness and Willard L. Miranker......................77
"Associative Memory in a Network of Biological Neurons"
Wulfram Gerstner............................................84
"CAM Storage of Analog Patterns and Continuous Sequences with
3N\u2\d Weights"

Bill Baird and Frank Eeckman................................91
"Connection Topology and Dynamics in Lateral Inhibition Networks"
C.M. Marcus, F.R. Waugh, and R.M. Westervelt................98
"Shaping the State Space Landscape in Recurrent Networks"
Patrice Y. Simard, Jean Pierre Raysz, and Bernard Victorri.105
"Adjoint-Functions and Temporal Learning Algorithms in Neural

N. Toomarian and J. Barhen....... .........................113


"Phase-coupling in Two-Dimensional Networks of Interacting

Ernst Niebur, Daniel M. Kammen, Christof Koch, Daniel
Ruderman, and Heinz G. Schuster............................123
"Oscillation Onset in Neural Delayed Feedback"
Andre Longtin............................................. 130
"Analog Computation at a Critical Point"
Leonid Kruglyak and William Bialek.........................137

Temporal Reasoning..............................................145

"Modeling Time Varying Systems Using Hidden Control Neural

Esther Levin...............................................147
"The Tempo 2 Algorithm: Adjusting Time-Delays By Supervised

Ulrich Bodenhausen and Alex Waibel.........................155
"A Theory for Neural Networks with Time Delays"
Bert de Vries and Jose C. Principe.........................162
"ART2/BP Architecture for Adaptive Estimation of Dynamic Processes"
Einar Sorheim.............................................169
"Statistical Mechanics of Temporal Association in Neural Networks"
Andreas V.M. Herz, Zhaoping Li, and J. Leo van Hemmen......176
"Learning Time-varying Concepts"
Anthony Kuh, Thomas Petsche, and Ronald L. Rivest..........183
"The Recurrent Cascade-Correlation Architecture"
Scott E. Fahlman...........................................190


"Continuous Speech Recognition by Linked Predictive Neural

Joe Tebelskis, Alex Waibel, Bojan Petek, and
Otto Schmidbauer...........................................199
"A Recurrent Neural Network for Word Identification from Continuous
Phoneme Strings"

Robert B. Allen and Candace A. Kamm........................206
"Connectionist Approaches to the Use of Markov Models for Speech

Herve Bourlard, Nelson Morgan, and Chuck Wooters...........213
"Spoken Letter Recognition"
Mark Fanty and Ronald Cole.................................220
"Speech Recognition Using Demi-Syllable Neural Prediction Model"
Ken-ichi Iso and Takao Watanabe............................227
"RecNorm: Simultaneous Normalisation and Classification Applied
to Speech Recognition"

John S. Bridle and Stephen J. Cox..........................234
"Exploratory Feature Extraction in Speech Signals"
Nathan Intrator............................................241
"Phonetic Classification and Recognition Using the Multi-Layer

Hong C. Leung, James R. Glass, Michael S. Phillips, and Victor
W. Zue.....................................................248
"From Speech Recognition to Spoken Language Understanding"
Victor Zue, James Glass, David Goodine, Lynette Hirschman,
Hong Leung, Michael Phillips, Joseph Polifroni, and Stephanie
"Speech Recognition using Connectionist Approaches"
Khalid Choukri.............................................262

Signal Processing...............................................271

"Natural Dolphin Echo Recognition Using an Integrator Gateway

Herbert L. Roitblat, Patrick W.B. Moore, Paul E. Nachtigall,
and Ralph H. Penner........................................273
"Signal Processing by Multiplexing and Demultiplexing in Neurons"
David C. Tam...............................................282
"Applications of Neural Networks in Video Signal Processing"
John C. Pearson, Clay D. Spence, and Ronald Sverdlove......289

Visual Processing...............................................297

"Discovering Viewpoint-Invariant Relationships That Characterize

Richard S. Zemel and Geoffrey E. Hinton....................299
"A Neural Network Approach for Three-Dimensional Object

Volker Tresp...............................................306
"A Second-Order Translation, Rotation and Scale Invariant Neural

Shelly D.D. Goggin, Kristina M. Johnson, and Karl E.
"Learning to See Rotation and Dilation with a Hebb Rule"
Martin I. Sereno and Margaret E. Sereno....................320
"Stereopsis by a Neural Network Which Learns the Constraints"
Alireza Khotanzad and Ying-Wung Lee........................327
"Grouping Contours by Iterated Pairing Network"
Amnon Shashua and Shimon Ullman............................335
"Neural Dynamics of Motion Segmentation and Grouping"
Ennio Mingolla.............................................342
"A Multiscale Adaptive Network Model of Motion Computation in

H. Taichi Wang, Bimal Mathur, and Christof Koch............349
"Qualitative Structure From Motion"
Daphna Weinshall...........................................356
"Optimal Sampling of Natural Images"
William Bialek, Daniel L. Ruderman, and A. Zee.............363
"A VLSI Neural Network for Color Constancy"
Andrew Moore, John Allman, Geoffrey Fox, and Rodney
"Optimal Filtering in the Salamander Retina"
Fred Rieke, W. Geoffrey Owen, and William Bialek...........377
"A Four Neuron Circuit Accounts for Change Sensitive Inhibition in
Salamander Retina"

Jeffrey L. Teeters, Frank H. Eeckman, and Frank S. Werblin.384
"Feedback Synapse to Cone and Light Adaptation"
Josef Skrzypek.............................................391
"An Analog VLSI Chip for Finding Edges from Zero-crossings"
Wyeth Bair and Christof Koch...............................399
"A Delay-Line Based Motion Detection Chip"
Tim Horiuchi, John Lazzaro, Andrew Moore, and
Christof Koch..............................................406

Control and Navigation..........................................413

"Neural Networks Structured for Control Application to Aircraft

Charles Schley, Yves Chauvin, Van Henkle, and
Richard Golden.............................................415
"Real-time Autonomous Robot Navigation Using VLSI Neural Networks"
Lionel Tarassenko, Michael Brownlow, Gillian Marshall, Jon
Tombs, and Alan Murray.....................................422
"Rapidly Adapting Artificial Neural Networks for Autonomous

Dean A. Pomerleau..........................................429
"Learning Trajectory and Force Control of an Artificial Muscle Arm"
Masazumi Katayama and Mitsuo Kawato........................436
"Proximity Effect Corrections in Electron Beam Lithography"
Robert C. Frye, Kevin D. Cummings, and Edward A. Reitman...443
"Planning with an Adaptive World Model"
Sebastian B. Thrun, Knut Moller, and
Alexander Linden...........................................450
"A Connectionist Learning Control Architecture for Navigation"
Jonathan R. Bachrach.......................................457
"Navigating Through Temporal Difference"
Peter Dayan................................................464
"Integrated Modeling and Control Based on Reinforcement Learning"
Richard S. Sutton..........................................471
"A Reinforcement Learning Variant for Control Scheduling"
Aloke Guha.................................................479
"Adaptive Range Coding"
Bruce E. Rosen, James M. Goodwin, and Jacques J. Vidal.....486
"Neural Network Implementation of Admission Control"
Rodolfo A. Milito, Isabelle Guyon, and Sara A. Solla.......493
"Reinforcement Learning in Markovian and Non-Markovian

Jurgen Schmidhuber.........................................500
"A Model of Distributed Sensorimotor Control in The Cockroach
Escape Turn"

R.D. Beer, G.J. Kacmarcik, R.E. Ritzmann, and H.J. Chiel...507
"Flight Control in the Dragonfly: A Neurobiological Simulation"
William E. Faller and Marvin W. Luttges....................514


"A Novel Approach to Prediction of the 3-Dimensional Structures"
Henrik Fredholm, Henrik Bohr, Jakob Bohr, Soren Brunak, Rodney
M.J. Cotterill, Benny Lautrup, and Steffen B. Petersen.....523
"Training Knowledge-Based Neural Networks to Recognize Genes"
Michiel O. Noordewier, Geoffrey G. Towell, and Jude W.
"Neural Network Application to Diagnostics"
Kenneth A. Marko...........................................537
"Lg Depth Estimation and Ripple Fire Characterization"
John L. Perry and Douglas R. Baumgardt.....................544
"A B-P ANN Commodity Trader"
Joseph E. Collard..........................................551
"Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Hand-Printed Numerals"
James D. Keeler, David E. Rumelhart, and Wee-Kheng Leow....557
"EMPATH: Face, Emotion, and Gender Recognition Using Holons"
Garrison W. Cottrell and Janet Metcalfe....................564
"SEXNET: A Neural Network Identifies Sex From Human Faces"
B.A. Golomb, D.T. Lawrence, and T.J. Sejnowski.............572
"A Neural Expert System with Automated Extraction of Fuzzy If-Then

Yoichi Hayashi.............................................578
"Analog Neural Networks as Decoders"
Ruth Erlanson and Yaser Abu-Mostafa........................585

Language and Cognition..........................................589

"Distributed Recursive Structure Processing"
Geraldine Legendre, Yoshiro Miyata, and Paul Smolensky.....591
"Translating Locative Prepositions"
Paul W. Munro and Mary Tabasko
"A Short-Term Memory Architecture for the Learning of
Morphophonemic Rules"

Michael Gasser and Chan-Do Lee.............................605
"Exploiting Syllable Structure in a Connectionist Phonology Model"
David S. Touretzky and Deirdre W. Wheeler..................612
"Language Induction by Phase Transition in Dynamical Recognizers"
Jordan B. Pollack..........................................619
"Discovering Discrete Distributed Representations"
Michael C. Mozer...........................................627
"Direct Memory Access Using Two Cues"
Janet Wiles, Michael S. Humphreys, John D. Bain, and
Simon Dennis...............................................635
"An Attractor Neural Network Model of Recall and Recognition"
Eytan Ruppin and Yechezkel Yeshurun........................642
"ALCOVE: A Connectionist Model of Human Category Learning"
John K. Kruschke...........................................649
"Spherical Units as Dynamic Consequential Regions"
Stephen Jose Hanson and Mark A. Gluck......................656
"Connectionist Implementation of a Theory of Generalization"
Roger N. Shepard and Sheila Kannappan......................665

Local Basis Functions...........................................673

"Adaptive Spline Networks"
Jerome H. Friedman.........................................675
"Multi-Layer Perceptrons with B-Spline Receptive Field Functions"
Stephen H. Lane, Marshall G. Flax, David A. Handelman, and
Jack J. Gelfand............................................684
"Bumptrees for Efficient Function, Constraint, and Classification

Stephen M. Omohundro.......................................693
"Basis-Function Trees as a Generalization of Local Variable
Selection Methods"

Terence D. Sanger..........................................700
"Generalization Properties of Radial Basis Functions"
Sherif M. Botros and Christopher G. Atkeson................707
"Learning by Combining Memorization and Gradient Descent"
John C. Platt..............................................714
"Sequential Adaptation of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks"
V. Kadirkamanathan, M. Niranjan, and F. Fallside...........721
"Oriented Non-Radial Basis Functions for Image Coding and Analysis"
Avijit Saha, Jim Christian, D.S. Tang, and Chuan-Lin Wu....728
"Computing with Arrays of Bell-Shaped and Sigmoid Functions"
Pierre Baldi...............................................735
"Discrete Affine Wavelet Transforms"
Y.C. Pati and P.S. Krishnaprasad................................743
"Extensions of a Theory of Networks for Approximation and Learning"
Federico Girosi, Tomaso Poggio, and Bruno Caprile..........750
"How Receptive Field Parameters Affect Neural Learning"
Bartlett W. Mel and Stephen M. Omohundro...................757

Learning Systems................................................765

"A Competitive Modular Connectionist Architecture"
Robert A. Jacobs and Michael I. Jordan.....................767
"Evaluation of Adaptive Mixtures of Competing Experts"
Steven J. Nowlan and Geoffrey E. Hinton....................774
"A Framework for the Cooperation of Learning Algorithms"
Leon Bottou and Patrick Gallinari..........................781
"Connectionist Music Composition Based on Melodic and Stylistic

Michael C. Mozer and Todd Soukup...........................789
"Using Genetic Algorithms to Improve Pattern Classification

Eric I. Chang and Richard P. Lippmann......................797
"Evolution and Learning in Neural Networks"
Ron Keesing and David G. Stork.............................804
"Designing Linear Threshold Based Neural Network Pattern

Terrence L. Fine...........................................811
"On Stochastic Complexity and Admissible Models for Neural Network

Padhraic Smyth............................................ 818
"Efficient Design of Boltzmann Machines"
Ajay Gupta and Wolfgang Maass..............................825
"Note on Learning Rate Schedules for Stochastic Optimization"
Christian Darken and John Moody............................832
"Convergence of a Neural Network Classifier"
John S. Baras and Anthony LaVigna..........................839
"Learning Theory and Experiments with Competitive Networks"
Griff L. Bilbro and David E. Van den Bou...................846
"Transforming Neural-Net Output Levels to Probability

John S. Denker and Yann leCun..............................853
"Back Propagation is Sensitive to Initial Conditions"
John F. Kolen and Jordan B. Pollack........................860
"Closed-Form Inversion of Backpropagation Networks"
Michael L. Rossen..........................................868

Learning and Generalization.....................................873

"Generalization by Weight-Elimination with Application to

Andreas S. Weigend, David E. Rumelhart, and Bernardo A.
"The Devil and the Network"
Sanjay Biswas and Santosh S. Venkatesh.....................883
"Generalization Dynamics in LMS Trained Linear Networks"
Yves Chauvin...............................................890
"Dynamics of Generalization in Linear Perceptrons"
Anders Krogh and John A. Hertz.............................897
"Constructing Hidden Units Using Examples and Queries"
Eric B. Baum and Kevin J. Lang.............................904
Can Neural Networks do Better Than the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Bounds?"
David Cohn and Gerald Tesauro..............................911
Second Order Properties of Error Surfaces"
Yann Le Cun, Ido Kanter, and Sara A. Solla.................918
Chaitin-Kolmogorov Complexity and Generalization in Neural
Barak A. Pearlmutter and Ronald Rosenfeld..................925
Asymptotic Slowing Down of the Nearest-Neighbor Classifier"
Robert R. Snapp, Demetri Psaltis, and Santosh S.
Remarks on Interpolation and Recognition Using Neural Nets"
Eduardo D. Sontag..........................................939
*-Entropy and the Complexity of Feedforward Neural Networks"
Robert C. Williamson.......................................946
On The Circuit Complexity of Neural Networks"
V.P. Roychowdhury, A. Orlitsky, K.Y. Siu, and T. Kailath...953

Performance Comparisons.........................................961

Comparison of Three Classification Techniques, CART, C4.5 and
Multi-Layer Perceptrons"
A.C. Tsoi and R.A. Pearson.................................963
Practical Characteristics of Neural Network and Conventional
Pattern Classifiers"
Kenney Ng and Richard P. Lippmann..........................970
Time Trials on Second-Order and Variable-Learning-Rate Algorithms"
Richard Rohwer.............................................977
Kohonen Networks and Clustering"
Wesley Snyder, Daniel Nissman, David Van den Bout, and Griff


VLSI Implementations of Learning and Memory Systems"
Mark A. Holler.............................................993
Compact EEPROM-based Weight Functions"
A. Kramer, C.K. Sin, R. Chu, and P.K. Ko..................1001
An Analog VLSI Splining Network"
Daniel B. Schwartz and Vijay K. Samalam...................1008
Relaxation Networks for Large Supervised Learning Problems"
Joshua Alspector, Robert B. Allen, Anthony Jayakumar, Torsten
Zeppenfeld, and Ronny Meir................................1015
Design and Implementation of a High Speed CMAC Neural Network"
W. Thomas Miller, III, Brian A. Box, Erich C. Whitney, and
James M. Glynn............................................1022
Back Propagation Implementation"
Hal McCartor..............................................1028
Reconfigurable Neural Net Chip with 32K Connections"
H.P. Graf, R. Janow, D. Henderson, and R. Lee.............1032
Simulation of the Neocognitron on a CCD Parallel Processing
Michael L. Chuang and Alice M. Chiang.....................1039
VLSI Implementation of TInMANN"
Matt Melton, Tan Phan, Doug Reeves, and
Dave Van den Bout.........................................1046

Subject Index

Author Index

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

NIPS 3 (1991) ISBN 1-55860-184-8 $49.95 U.S. 1100 pages
NIPS 2 (1990) ISBN 1-55860-100-7 $35.95 U.S. 853 pages
NIPS 1 (1989) ISBN 1-55860-015-9 $35.95 U.S. 819 pages

Complete three volume set:
NIPS 1, 2, & 3 ISBN 1-55860-189-9 $109.00 U.S.

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc

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End of Neuron Digest [Volume 7 Issue 32]

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