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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 36

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Neuron Digest
 · 14 Nov 2023

Neuron Digest   Saturday, 22 Jun 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 36 

Today's Topics:
Connectionist Summer School in Madrid
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
CFP - Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision
Santa Fe Time Series Competition

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Subject: Connectionist Summer School in Madrid
From: Juan Alberto Sigenza Pizarro <SIGUENZA@EMDCCI11.BITNET>
Organization: IBM Scientific Center, Madrid
Date: Tue, 21 May 91 16:41:55 -0500

* *
* *


Jose R. Dorronsoro (Instituto de Ingenieria del Conocimiento and
Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

Juan A. Siguenza (Instituto de Ingenieria del Conocimiento and
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)


July 22, 1991
Curso introductorio a las Redes Neuronales.

Vicente Lopez} (Instituto de Ingenieria del Conocimiento y
Facultad de Ciencias de la UAM)

10:00 1st Session: Introduccion a las diferentes arquitecturas.

12:00 2nd Session: Redes basadas en algoritmos de retropropagacion.

17:00 3rd Session: Ejercicios de aplicacion practica.

23 July, 1991
10:00 Optimizacion global y algoritmos geneticos.

A. Trias (AIA S.A. y Universidad de Barcelona.)

12:00 Neurobiological models and artificial neural networks.

R. Granger (Bonney Center for the Neurobiology of Learning
and Memory, Universidad de California, Irvine)

17:00 Demostraciones practicas}

24 July, 1991
10:00 Present perspectives for the optical implementation of neural

D. Selviah (University College of London)

12:00 Neural networks learning algorithms

G. Tesauro (IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown


Subject: International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
From: "Centro de Inteligencia Artificial(ITESM)" <ISAI@TECMTYVM.MTY.ITESM.MX>
Date: Fri, 24 May 91 17:45:11 -0600

November 13-15, 1991

The Symposium is sponsored by the ITESM (Instituto Tecnologico y de
Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) and supported by the IJCAII, in
cooperation with the AAAI,the Canadian Society for Computational
Studies of Intelligence, the IAKE, the Sociedad Mexicana de IA and
IBM of Mexico.

It consists of tutorials, expert systems conferences and the technical
Tutorials: Two seminars on relevant ES topics. Instructors: Daniel E.
O'Leary, USC "Verification and Validation Techniques for ES";
Janet Aikins, Aion Corp, "Object Oriented Programming and ES"
FEES: $150.00 + Tx (15%) USD each. (Half Day) Nov. 13
Expert Systems Conferences: Set of lectures about ES applications.Invite
speakers: Jay Liebowitz, GWU, "Expert System
Life Cycle"
; Robert Moore, Gensym, "Real Tim
Expert Systems"
FEES: $95.00 + TX (15%) USD each. (Half Day)
Nov. 13
Discussion panel: AI Technology Transfer.
Technical program:It consists of invited papers and selected papers from
the "call for papers" invitation. (Aprox. 130 papers
were received). Invited speakers: John McCarthy,
Raymond Reiter, Saul Amarel, Adolfo Guzman.
FEES: $250.00 + Tx(15%). Nov. 14-15
Formal Dinner: $35 USD + Tx(15%). Nov. 14

ROOM RESERVATION: Call Centro de Inteligencia Artificial or Sheraton
CanCun Resort & Towers and mention that you are attending the ISAI.
The Sheraton Cancun is a 5-diamond hotel situated directly on a half
mile stretch of white powder beach of Mexico's Caribbean Sea. Phone:
(988) 3-1988. Fax (988) 5-0202. RATE: $65 + TX(15%) per night (single
or double room). Reservations can be made using a credit card number.

SIIA REGISTRATION: Send personal check payable to "ITESM" to
"Centro de Inteligencia Artificial,
attention: Leticia Rodriguez,
Sucursal de Correos "
J", C.P. 64849
Monterrey, N.L. Mexico "

INFORMATION: Centro de Inteligencia Artificial, Phone. (83) 58-2000 ext.
5132, Fax (83) 58-2000 ask ext. 5143 or (83) 58-1400 dial ext. 5143.
Net address: isai at tecmtyvm.bitnet, isai at
Address: shown above.

The ISAI Publicity Committee


Subject: CFP - Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 09:41:00 +0800

Contributed by emital@ntivax.bitnet


15-18 September 1992

Call for Papers

This conference is jointly organised by Nanyang Technological
University and the Institute of Engineers , Singapore in
cooperation with IEEE Computer Society , IEEE Systems Man and
Cybernatics Society and IEEE Singapore Chapter.

The Theme of the Conference will be "A GLIMPSE OF THE 21ST
in the context of Intelligent Industrial Automation.

The conference is to be held in Singapore on 15-18 September

Authors are invited to send four copies of the extended
summary (300-500 words) and a brief abstract to :

204 BUKIT TIMAH ROAD # 04-00
TEL: (65) 732 6839 FAX (65) 732 6309

The deadline for submission of the abstract and four copies of


* Intelligent Automation
* Expert Systems
* AI in Robotics
* Robotic Control
* Mobile Robots and Navigation
* Multisensory Systems
* Robotic Simulation
* Special Robots
* Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
* 3-D/Colour/Stereo Image Analysis
* Vision Systems and New Architecture
* Dynamic scene Recognition and Analysis
* Applications of Computer Vision
* Large Scale Systems and Control
* System Identification
* Power System Control and Motion Control
* System Modelling, Simulation and Control
* Parallel Computing
* Industrial Automation Applications/Implementations
* Robot Path Planning and Control
* Expert Systems
* Precision Motor Control
* Intelligent Drives
* Microprocessor Based Intelligent Controls
* DSP Based Systems
* Real Time Controls and Systems
* Man Machine Interfece and Tools
* Neural Networks and Applications
* Power Electronics
* Quality Control, Reliability and Automated Testing

Tutorial sessions in the areas of Computer Vision, Robotics,
Industrial Automation and Neural Networks and applications
will also be held in conjunction with the conference.
Proposals for conducting the Tutorials are also invited.
Please send your tutorial proposal by 15 February 1992.

All the accepted papers for presentation in the conference
will be reviewed for possible publication in the EEE Journal,
Special Edition on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision.
The papers will be reviewed by an international review team.

Note : Beside presenting your papers, you would get a unique
chance to visit the beautiful garden city Singapore in
South East Asia.

For details about Registration Package/Hotel Reservation
please write to the above address.

Chairman , ICARCV'92 Organising Committee.


Subject: Santa Fe Time Series Competition
From: Terry Sejnowski <tsejnowski@UCSD.EDU>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 91 10:14:00 -0700

A Time Series Prediction and Analysis Competition

The Santa Fe Institute

August 1, 1991 - December 31, 1991

A wide range of new techniques are now being applied to the time series
analysis problems of predicting the future behavior of a system and
deducing properties of the system that produced the time series. Such
problems arise in most observational disciplines, including physics,
biology, and economics; new tools, such as the use of connectionist
models for forecasting, or the extraction of parameters of nonlinear
systems with time-delay embedding, promise to provide results that are
unobtainable with more traditional time series techniques. Unfortunately,
the realization and evaluation of this promise has been hampered by the
difficulty of making rigorous comparisons between competing techniques,
particularly ones that come from different disciplines.

In order to facilitate such comparisons and to foster contact among the
relevant disciplines, the Santa Fe Institute is organizing a time series
analysis and prediction competition. A few carefully chosen experimental
time series will be made available through a computer at the Santa Fe
Institute, and quantitative analyses of these data will be collected in
the areas of forecasting, characterization (evaluating dynamical measures
of the system such as the number of degrees of freedom and the
information production rate), and system identification (inferring a
model of the system's governing equations). At the close of the
competition the performance of the techniques submitted will be compared
and published, and the server will continue to operate as an archive of
data, programs, and comparisons among algorithms. There will be no
monetary prizes. A workshop is planned for the Spring of 1992 to explore
the results of the competition.

The competition does not require advance registration; to enter, simply
retrieve the data and submit your analysis. The detailed description of
the competition categories and instructions for retrieving the data and
entering the competition will be available after August 1 through four

--------- --- ----

ftp: Ftp to ( as user "tsguest" and use
"tsguest" for the password. Get the file "instructions".
dial-up: There are two dial-up lines: 505-988-1705 (2400 baud), and
505-986-0252 (any speed to 9600 baud). The settings for both
lines are no parity, 8 bit words, 1 stop bit. At the connect
press return; at the <cmd> prompt type "login tsguest" and
use "tsguest" for the password. At the next <cmd> prompt type
"telnet sfi" and login as user "tsguest" (password "tsguest").
Using either "kermit" or "xmodem", retrieve the file
instructions". When you are finished, logout from sfi and from
the <cmd> prompt.
mail server: Send email to with the phrase
send time series instructions" in either the subject or the body
of the message. The mailer will return a file with more
detailed instructions for requesting the data and submitting
pc disks: The data is available on disks in either IBM-PC or Mac
formats. To cover the cost of distributing the data, send $25 to
Time Series Competition Disks, The Santa Fe Institute, 1120
Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, and specify the machine type,
disk size, and disk density required. Instructions will be
included with the disks on submitting a return disk with the
analysis of the data.

--- ---- -----------

Further questions about the competition, or inquiries about contributing
data to be used in the competition, should be directed to:

Time Series Competition
Santa Fe Institute
1660 Old Pecos Trail, Suite A
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 984--8800

or to one of the organizers:

Neil Gershenfeld Andreas Weigend
Department of Physics Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Harvard University 3333 Coyote Hill Road
15 Oxford Street Palo Alto, CA 94304
Cambridge, MA 02138 (415) 322-4066
(617) 495-5641

-------- -----

Prof. Leon Glass Department of Physiology
McGill University

Prof. Clive W. J. Granger Center for Econometric Analysis
Department of Economics
University of California, San Diego

Prof. William H. Press Department of Physics and Center
for Astrophysics
Harvard University

Prof. Maurice B. Priestley Department of Mathematics
The University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology

Prof. Itamar Procaccia Department of Chemical Physics
The Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. T. Subba Rao Department of Mathematics
The University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology

Prof. Harry L. Swinney Department of Physics
University of Texas at Austin


End of Neuron Digest [Volume 7 Issue 36]

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