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Neuron Digest Volume 07 Number 43

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Neuron Digest   Friday,  9 Aug 1991                Volume 7 : Issue 43 

Today's Topics:
CFP: 8th IEEE Conference on AI for Applications
Workshop Interest Survey

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Subject: CFP: 8th IEEE Conference on AI for Applications
From: finin@PRC.Unisys.COM
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 91 00:03:13 -0400

I thought this would be of interest to your readers. Tim


Call For Participation


The Eighth IEEE Conference on
Artificial Intelligence for Applications

Monterey, California
March 2 - 6 , 1992

The conference is devoted to the application of artificial intelligence
techniques to real-world problems. Two kinds of papers are appropriate:
papers presenting case studies of knowledge-based applications that solve
significant problems and stimulate the development of useful techniques
and papers on AI techniques and principles that underlie knowledge-based
systems, and in turn, enable ever more ambitious real-world applications.
This conference provides a forum for such synergy between applications
and AI techniques.

Papers describing significant unpublished results are solicited in two areas:

o APPLICATIONS PAPERS. Contributions stemming from the general areas of
industry, science, engineering, business, government, law, etc.
Application papers must (1) Justify the use of the AI technique,
based on the problem definition and an analysis of the application's
requirements; (2) Explain how AI technology was used to solve a
significant problem; (3) Describe the status of the implementation;
(4) Evaluate both the effectiveness of the technique and

Short papers describing systems in use (up to 1000 words) will also
be accepted for presentation in these application tracks.

o ENABLING TECHNOLOGY PAPERS. Contributions focusing on techniques
and principles that facilitate the development of practical
knowledge based systems that can be scaled to handle increasing
problem complexity. Topics include, but are not limited to:
knowledge representation, reasoning, search, knowledge acquisition,
learning, constraint programming, planning, validation and
verification, project management, natural language processing,
speech, intelligent interfaces, integration, problem-solving
architectures, programming environments and general tools.

Papers should be limited to 5000 words. Papers significantly longer than
this will not be reviewed. The first page of the paper should contain the
following information (where applicable) in the order shown:

- AUTHORS: names and affiliation. (specify student status)
- CONTACT: name, postal address, phone, fax and email address
- ABSTRACT: A 200 word abstract that includes a clear statement describing
the paper's original contributions and what new lesson is imparted.
- AREA: one of "application" or "technology".
- AI TOPIC: one or more terms describing the relevant AI areas, e.g.,
knowledge acquisition, explanation, diagnosis, etc.
- DOMAIN: one or more terms describing the problem domain area,
e.g., mechanical design, factory scheduling, education, medicine, etc.
- LANGUAGE/TOOL: Underlying programming languages, systems and tools used.
- STATUS: development and deployment status, as appropriate.
- EFFORT: Person-years of effort put into developing the particular
aspect of the project being described.
- IMPACT: A twenty word description of estimated or measured (specify)
benefit of the application developed.

Papers will be accepted in two forms: long papers and short papers.
Papers accepted for publication will be allotted seven pages (long
papers) or four pages (short papers) in the conference proceedings. The
best papers accepted will be considered for a special issue of IEEE
EXPERT to appear late in 1991. An application has been made to reserve a
special issue of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
(TDKE) for publication of the best papers in the enabling technologies
track. IBM will sponsor an award of $1,500 for the best student paper at
the conference.

In addition to papers, we solicit the following types of submissions:

- PROPOSALS FOR PANEL DISCUSSIONS. Provide a brief description of the
topic (1000 words or less). Indicate the membership of the panel and
whether you are interested in organizing/moderating the discussion.

tutorials of both an introductory and advanced nature are requested.
Topics should relate to the management and technical development of
useful AI applications. Tutorials which analyze classes of
applications in depth or examine techniques appropriate for a
particular class of applications are of particular interest.

Each tutorial proposal should include the following:

* Detailed topic outline and extended abstract (about 3 pages).
* Intended audience and assumed background knowledge.
* Half-page synopsis of focus, topics, and benefits to audience.
* Full professional vita (including lecture/tutorial experience
and a one-paragraph summary).

- PROPOSALS FOR WORKSHOPS. Proposals are sought for one-day workshops
to be held in conjunction with the conference. These can focus on a
specific application domain (e.g., aerospace applications) or on a
technical subarea (e.g., intelligent real-time problem solving).
Workshop organization and attendance will be governed by the
organizers. Contact the workshop chair for further information.


- AUGUST 30, 1991: Six copies of Papers, and four copies of all panel,
tutorial and workshop proposals due. Late submissions will be
returned unopened. Electronically transmitted materials will not be
- OCTOBER 25, 1991: Author notifications mailed.
- DECEMBER 11, 1991: Accepted papers due to IEEE. Accepted tutorial
notes due to Tutorial Chair.
- MARCH 2-3, 1992: Conference tutorial program and workshops.
- MARCH 4-6, 1992: Conference technical program.


Jan Aikins Don McKay
Aion Corporation Unisys Center for Advanced Info. Tech.
101 University Ave. 70 East Swedesford Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94301 Paoli PA 19301
Phone: 415-328-9595 Phone: 215-648-2256
Fax: 415-328-0624 Fax: 215-648-2288
Email: Email:


Daniel O'Leary CAIA-92
Graduate School of Business The Computer Society of the IEEE
University of Southern California 1730 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1421 Washington, DC 20036-1903
Phone: 213-740-4856 Phone: 202-371-1013
Fax: 213-747-2815 Fax: 202-728-0884


General Chair: Tim Finin, Unisys
Program Chair: Jan Aikins, Aion Corporation
Publicity Co-Chairs: Paul Harmon & Curt Hall, Intelligent Software Strategies
Tutorial Chair: Daniel O'Leary, University of Southern California
Workshop Chair: Don McKay, Unisys
Local Arrangements: Bob Engelmore, Stanford University
Program Committee: Chidanand Apte, IBM Research
Jim Bennett, Expert Support Inc.
Ron Brachman, AT&T Bell Labs
Elizabeth Byrnes, Manufacturers Hanover Trust
Joe Carter, Andersen Consulting
Vasant Dhar, New York University
Lee Erman, Cimflex Teknowledge
Richard Gabriel, Lucid, Inc.
Phil Hayes, Carnegie Group
Se June Hong, IBM Research
Gary Kahn, A.C. Nielson
Bernadette Kowalski, Aion Corporation
Bill Mark, Lockheed AI Center
Brian McCune, Advanced Decision Systems
Steve Minton, NASA Ames Research Center
Fumio Mizoguchi, Tokyo Science University
Ramesh Patil, University of Southern California/ISI
Earl Sacerdoti, The Copernican Group
Lokendra Shastri, University of Pennsylvania
Howard Shrobe, Symbolics & MIT
Dave Waltz, Brandeis University & Thinking Machines
Mike Wellman, Wright Laboratory, USAF
Mike Williams, IntelliCorp


CAIA '92
Call for Workshop Proposals
Eighth IEEE Confernece on AI Applications


The CAIA '92 Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop
Program of the Eighth Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications,
to be held in Monterey, California, 2-3 March 1992. The conference is
scheduled for 2-6 March 1992. The Call for Papers for CAIA '92 can be
obtained by sending mail to

--------------- Important Dates ----------------

30 August 1991: Proposals due
15 October 1991: Selection notification
11 December 1991: Arrangements finalized
2-3 March 1992: Workshops held


Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss
selected technical topics in an informal setting which promotes the
active exchange of ideas among practitioners and researchers. Members
from all segments of the AI community are invited to submit proposals
for review.

To encourage interaction and a broad exchange of ideas, the workshops
will be kept small. The format of workshop presentations will be
determined by the organizers proposing the workshop, but ample time must
be allotted for general discussion. Workshops can vary in length, but
most will last a half day or a full day.

Proposals for workshops should be between one and two pages in length,
and should contain:

o A brief description of the workshop identifying specific technical
issues that it will address, and, why the workshop is of interest at this

o The names, postal addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the
organizing committee, consisting of at least two people knowledgeable in
the field and not all at the same organization.

o A proposed schedule for organizing the workshop and a preliminary

Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 30
August 1991. Proposals will be reviewed as they are received and
resources allocated as workshops are approved. Email submissions are
preferred and will be acknowledged as received. Organizers will be
notified of the committee's decision no later than 15 October 1991.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:

o Producing a Call for Participation in the workshop, open to all
members of the AI community, which will be distributed by CAIA.

o Reviewing requests to participate in the workshop and selecting the

o Scheduling the workshop activities. All organizational arrangements
must be completed by 11 December 1991.

CAIA will provide logistical support and a meeting place for the
workshop, and, in conjunction with the organizers, will determine the
workshop date and time. CAIA reserves the right to cancel any workshop if
deadlines are missed. Workshop participants must register for the

Email submissions are encouraged and preferred. Please submit proposals
and any enquiries to:

Donald P. McKay
Unisys Defense Systems, Inc.
Center for Advanced Information Technology
70 East Swedesford Road
PO Box 517
Paoli, PA 19301

Tel: (215) 648-2256
Fax: (215) 648-2288


From: George Georgiou <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 91 18:58:05 -0500

Call for Papers

Special Issue of


Topic: Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence

The motivation for this Special Issue, which will be published in 1992,
is to evaluate the advances in the field of neural networks in
perspective. Critics have charged that engineering neural computing has
turned out to be no more than a new technique of clustering data. From
another perspective neural networks function as good associative
memories. But neither of these viewpoints constitutes AI in any real
sense. There is a famous saying by Nietzsche that might be adapted to
describe the current status of neural networks: Machines "do not become
thinkers simply because their memories are too good."

Yet there are other aspects of neural networks that have been extremely
important. Thus the structural paradigm is of obvious value to the
neurophysiologist, the cognitive scientist, and the vision researcher.
It would be of value to the computer science community if Information
Sciences were to review and critique the original promise of
neurocomputing in the light of developments in the past few years.

The Special Issue of Information Sciences will do just this. It will
provide reviews of this link between neural networks and AI. In other
words, the scope of this \fIIssue\fR is much broader than that of the
most commonly encountered applications of associative memories or mapping
networks. The application areas that the \fIIssue\fR will deal with
include neural logic programming, feature detection, knowledge
representation, search techniques, and learning. The connectionist
approach to AI will be contrasted from the traditional symbolic

Deadline for Submissions: September 30, 1991

Papers may be sent to:

Subhash Kak
Guest Editor, Information Sciences
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901, USA

Tel: (504) 388-5552


Subject: Workshop Interest Survey
From: Bruce Denby FNAL (708)840-2458 <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 91 21:41:00 -0500

0th Bulletin of a
Workshop on Neural Networks in HEP Trigger Applications

Dear Colleague,

We plan to organize a workshop on applications of neural networks for
triggering in present and future high energy physics experiments. We
believe that there is sufficient interest in this field and a large
variety of activities going on in several institutions so that a general
exchange of ideas and spread of information seems quite useful at this

In order to help us to assess the need for a dedicated neural network
trigger workshop we would like to get your reaction on:

1) Interest for a workshop on neural network triggers in HEP
2) Subject of personal interest and activities connected to neural
3) Other ideas/concepts to bring together the interested community.

Please contact us by BITNET:

Bruce Denby denby at fnal
Christian Kiesling cmk at dm0mpi11
Pal Ribarics par at dm0mpi11

We encourage you to transfer this message to those colleagues who might
also be interested. With this note we intend to establish and distribute
upon request a mailing list to increase the coherence of the neural
network community in HEP.


Date: Thu, 01 Aug 91 10:33:39 +0700


This is the first of a new series of conferences on intelligent systems
to be held in Singapore on alternate (even) years. The 1992 conference
will be held at the Westin Stamford hotel from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1. The
conference offers a truly international venue for authors to present
papers on original research or novel applications and share ideas. Papers
are invited on (but not limited to) the following topics:

Representation and Reasoning
Knowledge Acquisition
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Machine Vision
NeuroComputing Systems
Fuzzy Logic
AI and Education

The conference theme is Intelligent Systems 2000. Seven speakers of
international repute will present invited talks at the conference.

Authors should submit 5 copies of extended summaries of 1000 words to the
Technical Chairman no later than Feb. 10, 1992. Proposals for tutorials
and spe cial panels should be submitted to the technical chairman by
February 3, 1992.


Proposals for tutorials and special panels Feb. 3, 1992
Extended summaries of papers Feb. 10, 1992
Notification of acceptance Mar. 23, 1992
Final Manuscripts due June 1, 1992

Steering Committee Chairperson: Tan Chin Nam, National Computer Board
Organizing Chairperson: Saw Ken Wye, Japan-Singapore AI Centre
Technical & Program Chairperson: Dan Patterson, Institute of Systems Scienc
Logistics Chairperson: Teo Thiam Chye, Japan-Singapor AI Centre

All requests for information should be directed to:
Oliver Tian, 75 Science Park Drive, 301-01/04 CINTECH II, Singapore 0511

Tel. 770-3125, Fax 779-6397


End of Neuron Digest [Volume 7 Issue 43]

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