Registration Information
There is a fundamental law the rules the universe. As much as some of us may wish it were different, economics (money) is the chief factor that determines success or failure. Whether in war or business, it is money that determines the winner (provided that the will to win exists).
The point is that, if we do not receive a registration payment from you, the "law of money" means we will go out of business and there will be no future editions of the HPJ.
If you purchased this diskzine from a shareware disk vendor or from a rack in a store, you have only paid the disk vendor for getting this copy of the HPJ to you. We have not received anything - not a cent - from what you paid for this disk. We get our money from people like yourself, who have read the HPJ, and then paid for it by sending in the $4.00 registration fee.
That's how shareware works. You get to look at the software - or in this case the diskzine - before you actually pay for it. We depend on your honesty to get paid for our work. So I hope to be hearing from you.
The cost to register is $4.00 for this issue, or you can save by registering this issue and the next issue at the same time - pay just $7.00 for two issues ($10.00 outside North America). (These prices are cheap and may increase in the future). Please specify which issue you are registering.
- Another editorial by Stanley Schmidt
- Where This Man Has Gone Before - Frank returns to interview nude table dancers.
- Helping Small Children Learn To Read
- And more of your thoughts -- political and personal comments.
- Plus more... (you'll love it!)
You can register using your VISA or Master Card by leaving an E- Mail message for the SYSOP on the HomeCraft BBS (503)-692-0382, or by sending a fax to (503)-692-0382. Or send a check to: HPJ, P.O. Box 1123, Cannon Beach, OR 97110
You can use the order form below, if you want to send a check (we also accept cheques in English pounds, Canadian dollars and Australian dollars - for the correct amount at the current exchange rate).
We do not accept phone orders for HPJ registrations. At these registration rates we can not afford to have someone answering the phone - at least for now. It costs us more to handle a phone order than we get in the registration payment.
-------------------------- ORDER FORM --------------------------
HPJ Vol. 1 Issue #1
YOUR NAME: ____________________________________
COMPANY: ______________________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________
CITY/STATE: ___________________________________
ZIP CODE: ___________________ COUNTRY: __________________________
[] 3-1/2" Disk [] 5-1/4" Disk
[] $4.00 (single issue) [] $7.00 (two issues)
[] Check enclosed
[] Please charge the above amount to my VISA/Master Card
number: ____________________________________________
Expiration Date: ____________________
Where did you get this disk?______________________________________