FRAME 313 ßßßßß ßß ßß ßßßßßß ßßßßßß ßßßßß Chiba City Blues
Waco,Texas ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß Cyberia , VA.
Uncle Hungry ßßß ßßßßßßß ßß ßßßßßß ßßßßßßß FireCracker-Wolfee J
9:9/9 MAIL ONLY ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßß 9:9/10 - 804-790-1329
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Tortured Mentality ßßß ßß ßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßß Infestation
DuCK , North Carloina ßßßß ßß ßß ßß Fergensonville D.C
Alucard ßß ßß ßß ßßßßß ßß Digital Justice
9:9/11 - 919-563-0962 ßß ßßßß ßß ßß 9:9/12 - 703-631-4225
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CyberSpace at it's best!
"...Marty the world is not controlled by money anymore, it is. controlled by 1's and 0's,it all about who controls the information, what we see, what we hear, and what we think...."
Network Guidelines
- Any bbs requesting feed needs to send its request to Chiba City Blues 804.790.1329. You will find the request for feed for at the end of this document.
- No illegal information like PBX codes, credit card numbers, or child pornography will be tolerated on this network. We strongly suggest that each ChibaNet sysop offers the latest version of PGP for its users to download.
- Handles are allowed and encouraged.
- It is the each and every sysop's job to encourage it's users to be involved If you are the type of sysop that does not particpate in your own bbs and its messages bases then you are not wanted in this net.
- All mail sessions are required to have a session password.
- Strong vulgar language will not be tolerated on this network. While a intense discussion requires a selected strong word now and then but meaningless cussing will not be tolerated and sysops who do not take care of any users who dis-regards this important guideline will be removed from the net.
ChibaNet is dedicated to the complete freedom of information. It is an educational institute open to the general public of cyberspace. We stand in the threashold of a new era, where more people have access to computers and modems. Who's responsible for teaching the norms of cyberspace? The Media? The government? Or maybe the people that were here first....
If you are a sysop receiving feed from this net, please consider it your net too and ANY input is welcome concerning guidelines, message bases, etc Current message areas with a breakdown description can be found later in this document. Message topics include everything from computer consipracy's to computer security. We do not consider this to be a H/P/C/A/T/G/H/J/Q elite net, where only a select few can come play, but more of a information net where everyone is welcome.
We are not mad hackers out for destruction, vandalism, or anarchy but indiviual who specialize in information. We hope you share the same views as well....
Chiba Network Moderators
GEcho SETUP 1.00, Groups with areas
B - ChibaNet
C_BATCH - Batchology sub. Discussion of Batch files and programming tips to help out users in need.
C_BBS - BBS Network Ads. Users can advertise thier bbs's on this sub
C_CULTS - Cults & Religion. Discussions of Religion/Cults, Good/Evil, a good place to give bible pushers a hard time.
C_INET - Internet sub. Discussions about internet, how to use internet, and FPT sites can be posted.
C_LAW - "..and justice for all" sub. Discussions of laws, court cases, or just how bad the justice system sucks.
C_PARA - General Paranoia sub. Discussions of Government conspiracy's, cover-ups, UFO's, or just secrets that need to come out and shown to the average, soon-to-be educated, user.
C_POLITICS - Political discussions, self explainitory
C_TECH -Cybertech/Cybercrime sub. Discussions on new technical break- throughs concerning computers, computer security, computer crime detection, the furture of virtual reality, etc etc
Possible future sub-boards are
- Some sort of virus echo.
- Software Discussion echo
- Crytography Echo
- Sysop/Co-sysop sub only echo
Any suggestions for new or already echos are welcome. It would be nice to have anywhere from 15-... echo subs but this cannot be achieved without your input.
Network Feed Registration
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Bulletin Board Name
BBS Phone Number('s)
Sysops Handle
Bulletin Board Software
Type of file base
Sysop REAL Name
Sysop Voice number ('s)
Description of file areas
Years of operation
List of current FTN aready carrying
Best time to reach the sysop voice
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