BlackCode Ravers Mailing List Issue 2

-={ BlackCode Ravers Magazine Issue 2 }=-
Home page :
Editor of the magazine: tHe mAniAc
Table of Contents
- Editorial
- Mirrors of the magazine
- Latest News With BlackCode Ravers
- How to break your school security
- About Virii
- Advertising
- Trojans Section
- For the newbies
- Linux Section
- Interviews
- Final Words
1. Editorial
It's me again. This is our second issue. I've changed the design and I've added several new things in the newsletter.
I've also received a lot of e-mails about our magazine.
People like it and they want more information here.
The first issue was short one but of course every new issue has many new things added in it.
I'm happy people like it and we have MANY new subscribers every day.
Also we have much more visitors than before.
All issues of our magazine are archived on the page because many new subscribers want to read the one they haven't read.
Also we have new section about our magazine where you'll be able to read what is our magazine about and other things connected with it.
Many people think that their e-mail will be used for spamming after they subscribe. This is NOT true we BlackCode Ravers are agains the spamming and you can be 100% sure that we won't give your e-mail to anyone. I hope you'll suggest new sections or send some texts to me.
I want to thank to all people that support us and mail me with their comments about our magazine.
If you want to publish one of your texts in our Magazine, just mail me your text to I will review it and if it is a good one I will publish it.
Note : All texts are welcome.
You can write about everything you want, but it has to be connected with hacking/cracking/phreaking/carding/virii/computers ... -thanx a lot-
Just keep sending new texts to me it's always useful to read texts from new people and if they're good I'll put them in our magazine.
Also if you want to mirror our magazine on our page mail me also.
Our magazine will become more popular if you put links about it on some pages or mirror it on your page.
If you have any suggestion about out magazine please mail me and tell me about it.
I'll be very happy if all people help me to make this magazine one of the best and most informative out there.
__ ________
If you want to put these texts on your page/ftp/newsgroup etc.
PLEASE don't change anything.
Happy reading :-)
2. Mirrors of the magazine
This is our second issue and we've got mirror of the magazine.
I think this is very good thing and if you want to become a mirror just mail me about that.
These are our mirrors for now:
If you're mirror of our magazine please inform me so I can add you to the list.
3. Latest News With BlackCode Ravers
Our page has MANY new subscribers and new visitors these days. We've added MANY new exlpoits in the our exploit section and also many new things.
A new area has born inside BC-Tech. It's the Blackcode Newsletter area where you can learn more about our e-zine, send comments and articles, and download old issues.
So you'll be able to download all issues of the magazine from our new area and you won't miss any of them.
Just go there and check it. Also download issue 1 if you don't have it. Search Blackcode now available so you can easily find the information you're looking for.
Also we have added 2 Virii made by one of our members.
2 new texts has been added. About Encryption and PGP and about Voting.
We've added AntiSniff for windows and Unix, the last L0pht Industries tool.
We've affiliated with amazon to offer directly from Blackcode computer related books. You can look at the Library area for more info.
We're soon going to put several books on our page, and we hope you'll like them.
But don't worry BlackCode will be updated a lot we promise :-)
In a few days we'll make interview with all of our members and we'll post them in our magazine. I think this will be usefull and you'll learn new thing for our members.
Also we think it's good idea to have Linux section with many texts and programs in it. Some of them will be our creation.
4. How to break your school
by tHe mAnIaC
This guide is for educational purposes only I do not take any responsibility about anything happen after reading the guide. I'm only telling you how to do this not to do it. It's your decision.
If you want to put this text on your Site/FTP/Newgroup or anything else you can do it but don't change anything without the permission of the author.
A word from the author:
I hope you like my texts and find them useful.
If you have any problem or some suggestion feel free to e-mail me but please don't send mails like "I want to hack the US government please help me" or "Tell me how to blind a trojan into a .jpg" Be sure if I can help you with something I will do it.
In this guide I'll explain you how to hack your school and the things you can do after you're in the school's computer. This guide is for people who hate their school and want to learn how to hack it.
So you want to hack your school :-) OK now you should do some social engineering.Learn every- thing you can about the computers in your school.
About the teacher working with them, about their OS (operation system)everything that can be usefull for you. Most of the cases the teacher that is working with the computers will put lame password that is easy to guess. Use every moment when your teacher is writing some password and try to remember it. It's good when you have some friends with you so everyone will remember a little part of the password and then you'll combine it to the full one.
Almost every teacher has a favorite student.
You should use him to give you some information about the passwords and other things.
You teacher is maybe writing the passwords on paper so you should find this paper in the room where the computers are.
Use the guy that the teacher likes a lot he or she can give you very useful information.
Another way is to use another teacher.
Check if the teacher that is working with the computer is not there. Find another teacher and tell him or her that you've lost sensitive information and will get to write it again because you've lost it.
Make sure the teacher will believe you and let you do it.
Then tell the teacher that the information is on the school computer and you should go and take it from there.
Then if the teacher let's you in that's good now search for passwords and other things on the disk.
You can see if there's anything interesting in the "my documents folder" you can find something useful there. You should search for the paper I told you about with the passwords. If the teacher you came with is still there you can't search because the teacher will see you, so one of your friends should call the teacher and talk with it for 5 minutes for that time you should find the paper or other information that can be useful for you.
You must know everything about the teacher that is working with the computers. What he/she likes what the teacher hate, what he think about the passwords such things. Once again your friend that is the teacher favourite student will help you for these things. Then you should create a wordlist with words you think your teacher will put as passwords on the computer. It's better and more usefull when you know many things about your teacher. Then you should just try the passwords. If you're good social engineer you'll make very good word list and you'll have the password.
Also learn about what kind of passwords your teacher prefers. Something like: letters with numbers or something else this is important and will help you a lot.
You teacher should know you as person that don't know anything about the computers so when you hack their computers and do other things he/she won't think it was you because you don't know anything about computers.
So now let's suppose you're in and you can do as you want. First of all you must check the disk for some tests and students marks. If you find any tests copy them and you have the answers to them hehe you'll be ready. If you find any students marks you can change them to what you want. But don't write the best mark to the most stupid student because they'll check and see it's not true.
If your school has a Linux OS and you're root create several users with root rights so when you want to get back just use them. Be sure to remove everythig connected with you from the log files.
But almost EVERY school is using Windows not Linux because the teachers are too lame to use it they just want to use Windows and nothing else.
I hope now you're in the school computers or you know some of their passwords.
6. Advertising
Our magazine need more advertising.We want more people to read it.
And of course EVERYONE can help. Just tell your friends so they can subscribe too or if you're webmaster somewhere put a link to our page and tell the other people about BlackCode Ravers Magazine.
You can also add the page to some search engines and of course try to find a mirror of the magazine. But please don't start spamming and sending messages to every e-mail you find. Just tell about the magazine to your friends and to people you know.
This will make our magazine popular but of course with your help. I hope you'll do some advertising and tell the other about us and our magazine.
This will help us a lot because we'll probably find some good writers for our magazine and you'll be able to see more texts.
7. Trojans Section
This is our new section. Many people want such section and that's why the section is up now. Don't think in this section I'll put links where you can download trojans because the trojans are everywhere.
Here you'll see information about the latest trojans, how to remove them, latest news connected with trojans, latest and the best anti-trojan software and many other things connected with trojans.
I just want to show you how dangerous the trojans are and that you may completely destroy yourself when you're using them.
In thie issue I'll tell you about the different kinds of the trojans and I'll also review one trojan.
by tHe mAnIaC
Remote Access Trojans
These trojans are the most popular trojans now.
Everyone wants to have such trojan because he or she want to have access to their victim's hard drive.
The RAT'S (remote access trojans) are very simple to use. Just make someone run the server and you get the victim's IP and you have FULL access to his or her computer. They you can almost everything it depends of the trojan you use.
But the RAT'S have the common remote access trojan functions like: keylogger, upload and download function, make a screenshot and so on. Some people use the trojans for malicious purposes.
They want just to delete and delete. This is lame. But a have a guide about the best way to use a trojan. You should read it. There are many programs out there that detects the most common trojans, but new trojans are coming every day and these programs are not the maximum defense.
The trojans do always the same things. If the trojan restart every time Windows is loaded that means it put something in the registry or in win.ini or in other system file so the trojan can restart.
Also the trojans create some file in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory. The file is always looking to be something that the victim will think is a normal WINDOWS executable. Most trojans hide from the Alt+Ctrl+Del menu. This is not good because there are people who use only this way to see which process are running. There are programs that will tell me you exactly the process and the file from where it comes. Yeah but some trojans as I told you use fake names and it's a little hard for some people to understand which process should they kill. The remote access trojans opens a port on your computer letting everyone to connect.
Some trojans has options like change the port and put a password so only the guy that infect you will be able to use the computer. The change port option is very good because I'm sure you don't want your victim to see that port 31337 is open on their computer. Remote access trojans are appearing every day and they will continue to appear.
For those that use such trojans: BE CAREFULL you can infect yourself and they the victim you wanted destroyed will revenge and you'll be sorry. If you don't know anything about trojans
Password Sending Trojans
The purpose of these trojans is to rip all cached passwords and send them to specified e-mail without letting the victim about the e-mail.
Most of these trojans don't restart every time Windows is loaded and most of them use port 25 to send the e-mail. There are such trojans that e-mail other information too like ICQ number computer info and so on. These trojans are dangerous if you have any passwords cached anywhere on your computer.
These trojans are very simple. The only one thing they do is to log the keys that the victim is pressing and then check for passwords in the log file.
In the most cases these trojans restart every time Windows is loaded. They have options like online and offline recording. In the online recording they know that the victim is online and they record everything. But in the offline recording everything written after Windows start is recorded and saved on the victims disk waiting for to be transferred.
The only one function of these trojans is to destroy and delete files. This makes them very simple and easy to use. They can automatically delete all your .dll or .ini or .exe files on your computer.
These are very dangerous trojans and once you're infected be sure if you don't disinfect your computer information will no longer exist.
FTP trojans
These trojans open port 21 on your computer letting EVERYONE that has a FTP client to connect to your computer without password and will full upload and download options.
These are the most common trojans. They all are dangerous and you should me carefull using them.
So now I'll review one trojan called Vampire 1.2
I think most of you know it but if you don't you'll now learn about it and how to remove it.
Vampire 1.2 is a remote access trojan that use port 1020 to connect.
It has a friendly and easy to use client. The trojan is dangerous one because it has a lot of functions some of them cal COMPLETELY destroy your computer data.
- HideTaskbar
- Send Message
- Format Drive
- Read A:\ Drive
- Shutdown
- Logged on User
- Log Off
- Ping
- Get Hard Drive - Get fixed hard drive(s)
- Server Path
- Show Mouse
- Hide Mouse
- Clear Recent Folder
- Open Control Panel
- Open Date/Time
- Reboot
- Delete File
- Delete Directory -
- ISP Account Info
- Open CD Door - Open victims CD doorClose
- CD Door - Close victims CD door
- Close Server
- Open Web Page -
- Run Program
- Get Windows Directory
- Get Local Time
- Get Temp Directory
- Set Computer Name
- Registry Kill
- Fill Hard Drive
- Get ICQ Number
- Close Windows
- Wacky CD-ROM
- hangup Modem
- Monitor Off
- Make Directory
- Enable Alt+Ctrl+Del
- Get Active Windows
- Crazy Mouse
- Stop Crazy Mouse
- Get Operating System
- Get System Owner
- Get Organisation
- Set Volume Label
- Find File
- Disk Space left
- Send Keys
- Get Disk Serial Number
- Kill Window
- Chat with Victim
- Screenshot
These are all the functions of the trojan.
The server's size is 53,248bytes .
You can remove the trojan when you:
delete c:\windows\system\Winboot.exe
and then in the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "WindowsBootFile"="c:\\windows\\system\\Winboot.exe"
That's it when you delete these things you're clean from the trojan.
You see what dangerous options it has so check if you're infected with it manualy :-)
That was everything for the trojan section in this issue.
I'm waiting for your ideas and suggestions at:
8. For the newbies
This is also a new section in our magazine. It's for people that just came on the net and want to know some things and of course to learn how to hack. So they started sending e-mails to everyone asking but in the most of the cases they don't receive reply. That's for what is this section.
To answer to your questions and help you to learn something.
Don't worry you're newbie and you want to know, you're not lamer that don't read because he/she "knows" everything :-)
The section will explain things only for newbies and will be only for them.
But who knows you may also learn something new from this section.
I hope this section will help to many people that don't know the basics and will teach them something. If you have any question and you want to see the answer here tell it to me I'm waiting for your suggestions about this new section.
About IP and how to get it
by tHe mAnIaC
In this issue I'll explain you everything you want to know about the IP addresses and how to get someones IP from IRC, ICQ, e-mail etc.
First I'll explain you what an IP is.
Every computer connected to the net has IP address.
This IP identifies the computer on the Internet.
The IP is where the data comes and goes out.
If you're using Dial Up every time when you connect your IP is different this is called dynamic IP.
Everyone need the IP address of someone to do something to the victim like nuking, flooding or if the victim is infected with trojan horse and you need the IP to connect to the computer.
The IP addresses can be get with these methods:
via e-mail-the IP is in the header.When you receive a message right click,then Save Message and then you'll see the IP there.
via IRC-if your victim is on IRC just type /dns <nick> and you'll see it via ICQ-ICQ is not so secure thing and in the most of the cases you'll see the IP in the info if not just find a ICQ patch that will show you the real IP of the victim.Most of these patches are on every page connected with h/c/p/a.
Also there are ICQ tools that will help you to get the IP of ICQ user.
I hope you understood what an IP is and how to get it from the people. But there are people that hide their IP so you just can't get it from everyone.
Advices to the newbies and for the people that want to know
by tHe mAnIaC
People STOP sending e-mails to everyone like "Learn me to hack", "How can I use a trojan", "if you're hacker can you hack hotmail account" and such things. This is lame and in the most of the cases you won't receive reply.
Or you'll receive something like "FUCK oFF laMer". Noone want to be called lamer.
Just learn what to ask and how to ask it. Ask BUT don't ask shit like these ones.
Read and of course practise. There are MANY texts on the net believe me just read some and understand what is the hacking about and learn something about the security on the net.
Many people ask where to read. Well you can read at and also on many other sites. Just check or and check some sites in their top lists. There you'll find many texts that will help you.
Many people think hacking is to nuke machines, to flood someone, to steal passwords from people that don't know what a trojan is, to send viruses and such shit. This is not hacking this is stupid thing and you should NEVER do it.
I hope now you'll start reading and learn the basic things and then start asking questions.
But I'm sure they won't be lame one :-)
And last thing: SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE with the other people. Teach and learn the other people the things you know and don't be shame to say that you don't know something.
9. Linux Section
This will be our Linux section full with texts about Linux security and other things connected with Linux.
In this issue I'll publish one text about Why you should use Linux instead of Windows because many people ask what's the big deal with Linux. I'll show you now.
Why people use Windows instead of Linux?
by tHe mAnIaC
In this text I'll explain you why almost EVERY man that is working with computers use Windows instead of other OS like Linux.
Everyone know Windows. In most of the cases when you buy a computer you have Windows on it. This show you once again how many people use it.
But why you may ask why are they using something that crashes every 5 minutes, that is so insecure on the net and that everyone can own your computer via the net. Because the people don't know about these things.
They just think if they learn how to use Windows they'll have computer knowledge. But they're normal users. They don't want to learn about security, they don't want to learn how the things work and what might happen to their machines when they're on the net. They just want to have an e-mail box and surf the net, that's everything they want. And when someone find that they're infected with trojan and inform them all the normal users says something like "are you crazy this is impossible".
They don't know about anything they just think that when all the people are using Windows they should use it too.
People take the easier part when they don't have to do anything instead of clicking on icons and working with Word. They don't care about security about making they're system more secure. That's what Windows is.
But how about Linux. Linux is for people that want to learn that want to know it's for the hackers.
You can COMPLETELY control your computer with Linux. You can see who is on your system why tried to brute-force passwords on your accounts and so on. You have full control and everything is FREE.
That's it that's what Linux is a system for the hacker for the person that want to learn and want to know, that want to make his/her own programs under Linux.
Windows uses all of your system resources for something and that's why it crashes. Linux completely uses the resources of your system and make it stable.
Every hacker that respect himself should use Linux instead of Windows.
Windows is FULL with security problems and you can be easily crashed and hacked over the net. Of course Linux has also security problems but you can remove them just get the latest patches for the bugs. Also if you know how to configure your Linux right you'll be secure for the lame people that has one exploit and think they're elite and they can hack everyone.
When you're using you'll learn much more about your hardware which is very good thing. You won't be stupid Windows user anymore. You'll be Linux user.
NOTE: Windows is good for offices and for graphic designers also for people that don't want to learn anything, that just want to surf BUT if you want to know and you respect yourself you should get Linux and learn how it works.
That's for now in our Linux Section. The next time you'll see here some security papers also with source code of some attacks.
If you're Linux expert and want to handle the section please e-mail me and tell me.
10. Interviews
This is again new section I think you'll like and have fun with.
In this section you'll see interviews with webmasters, hackers, security experts and many other one. I hope you'll like the section and also you'll learn many new things about the people that have been interviewed in our magazine.
I'm waiting for your ideas about this section and also your suggestions about it at:
In this issue you'll read interview with Melkor the webmaster and the founder of BlackCode Ravers.
The interview was made by me tHe mAnIaC.
tHe m4niac: When did you start BlackCode Ravers?
tHe m4niac: Why and how did you start the page?
tHe m4niac: What do you think about the page now?About it's stuff, visitors?
tHe m4niac: Do you think BlackCode is famous group with good reputation?
tHe m4niac: What do you think about the BlackCode's magazine?
tHe m4niac: What do you think about the people that use trojans and make fun with the other people?
tHe m4niac: What will you say to the webmasters of the other pages on the net?
tHe m4niac: Which is the best H/P/C/A site on the net by your opinion?
tHe m4niac: What do you think about the future of the net and BlackCode?
tHe m4niac: What are your plans for the future?
Well that's for now. I hope you like the interview and you've learned a lot of things about the webmaster of BlackCode Ravers. In the next issue here there will be again interview with someone. I'm waiting for your ideas about this section and also your suggestions about it.
11. Final Words
You're finally reading the final words. Well that was from us in this second issue.
It's was bigger the issue 1 and I think you'll like all the changes and the new sections added in the new issue.
Many new things as you see have been added, new sections and a lot of other things. Of course in the next issue there will be many new things and new sections too so for now just spread the word about our magazine and tell the other people about it.
This is our second issue and we've got so many readers and people that like the magazine I hope we'll get new readers every day.
We're still looking for mirrors of our magazine and of course your opinions and suggestions about our second issue. Also send texts and ideas about new sections. I'll be really happy if you can handle some section or help me with the magazine or write something for us. Of course you'll get FULL credit for everything you've written for the magazine.
Tell me what do you think about
the design. If you make better one please send it to me so I can see it.
Bye for now and I hope you've learned something new from our second issue.
Be ready for out third one and by then just keep telling people about our magazine and about BlackCode Ravers.
tHe mAnIaC |
Magazine Editor | |
Melkor |
Webmaster of BlackCode Ravers | |