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Capital Gainz
 · 1 year ago

Chapter 15 - Reports

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All Capital Gainz reports are available from the Report Menu, except the Open Information for Shares Sold Report, described in Chapter 7. Reports may also be available from associated tables.

Function keys at the bottom of the screen are:

  • Enter:Select - select the highlighted report.
  • Esc:Exit - quit the Report Menu, and return to the Main Menu.
  • F9:Set Report Parameters - assign various report printing settings.
  • F10:GoTo DOS - suspend Capital Gainz and invoke the DOS Shell.

Reports use the following user settings: Append Report, Lines Per Page, Line Draw Chars, Strip CRs, Brief Formats, and Show Subtotals. These are described in Chapter 16.

The Report Menu is divided into three sections:

  • Reports for all portfolios.
  • Reports for the current portfolio or for all portfolios.
  • Reports for the current portfolio.

Options for each section and for each report are described below.

After specifying options and selecting a report, a progress message is displayed while the report is generated. As this message indicates, you can abort printing by hitting the Esc key. When generation is complete, the report is displayed on the screen, and you can use the Print function to send the report to the printer or a DOS file.

An End-of-Report marker is added to the end of each report, and all reports end with a formfeed. In the examples, reports are truncated, with missing information signified by ellipsis (...). Make sure you line up your paper before printing, as Capital Gainz does not output an initial formfeed.

15.1 Set Report Parameters

When printing a report from the Report Menu, the Set Report Parameters key brings up the Report Settings Form so you can change various report-related settings. The Report Settings Form is described in Chapter 16.

When printing a report from a table or from, a popup menu lets you either print the report with the current settings or change the settings and then print it.
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15.2 View the Report

After you select the report, it is generated and displayed in a scrollable window on the screen. The online help facility also uses this file viewer to display relevant parts of the documentation. The functions available are:

  • Ctrl-F1:Function List - popup a list of functions to choose from.
  • Up Arrow:Up 1 Line - move the highlight bar up one line, scrolling from the top line.
  • Down Arrow:Down 1 Line - move the highlight bar down one line, scrolling from the bottom line.
  • PgUp:Up 1 Screen - scroll the screen up one full screen.
  • PgDn:Down 1 Screen - scroll the screen down one full screen.
  • Ctrl-PgUp:Top - go to the beginning of the report.
  • Ctrl-PgDn:Bottom - go to the end of the report.
  • Ctrl-F:Find String - search for the first occurrence of a text string from the current location.
  • Ctrl-G:Go To Page - go to a specific a page number.
  • Ctrl-N:Next String - search for the next occurrence of the previously entered text string.
  • Ctrl-P:Print - send the report to a printer or file.
  • Ctrl-X:Help Index - if viewing a help file, bring up the index of all help topics.
  • Enter:Highlight On/Off - toggle the line highlight.
  • Esc:Exit - return to the Report Menu.

The internal Capital Gainz file viewer is sufficient for most users. However, you can specify an external file viewer in the User Settings Form.

15.2.1 Print

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===>>> Use Ctrl-P to send the report to the printer or a file. Highlight your choice and hit Enter, or just hit the key matching the first character in your selection. Print to a File

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If you print to a file, enter the name of the DOS file to print to in the File Form. The Append Report global setting determines if the report is appended to the file or overwrites the file. Print to the Printer

When you print to the printer, Capital Gainz directs the output to the default printer port, usually your computer's first parallel printer port. If your printer is connected to a different port, use the DOS MODE command to redirect printer output. Or, you can send reports to a DOS file and print them later.

15.2.2 Find String

The Find String function prompts for a string to search for. Capital Gainz searches for the string, and displays the page where it's found.

15.2.3 Go To Page

The Go To Page function prompts for a page number. Capital Gainz searches for the page number, and displays the top of the specified page if it's found.

15.2.4 Help Index

If you are viewing help, then the Help Index function key pops up a list of help topics. After choosing a topic, the relevant part of the users manual is displayed.

15.3 Reports For All Portfolios

The first section in the Report Menu contains reports that cover all portfolios. Each report is discussed below.

15.3.1 Portfolio Summary Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

The Portfolio Summary Report lists portfolios in numeric order by portfolio ID, and for each portfolio shows:

  • The Portfolio ID and name.
  • The portfolio description.
  • The current Value of all holdings in the portfolio.
  • The current unrealized Gain/Loss of all holdings in the portfolio.

At the end of the report, the following totals are shown:

  • The Total Value of all portfolios.
  • The Total Gain/Loss of all portfolios.

15.3.2 Broker/Investment Company Report

The Broker/Investment Company Report subtotals all commissions and fees over a specified period if the Show Subtotals user setting is YES. Without Subtotals (Show Subtotals=NO)

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

Without subtotalling, the Broker/Investment Company Report lists brokers/investment companies in alphabetical order by name, and shows:

  • The Name of the broker/investment company.
  • The Phone number of the broker/investment company.
  • The Address of the broker/investment company.
  • The City, State, and Zip code of the broker/investment company. With Subtotals (Show Subtotals=YES)

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

If you choose to subtotal the commissions and fees in the Broker/Investment Company Report, the specified date range is used. This report includes the same values as the report without subtotals. But, for each portfolio holding a local security with a given broker/investment company, it adds:

  • The Portfolio ID and name.
  • The portfolio's Total Commissions and Fees paid over the period.

For each local security in the portfolio, you're shown:

  • The Account Number for the local security.
  • The local Security symbol and name.
  • The buy and sell Commissions over the period.
  • The Fees paid over the period.

15.3.3 Global Security Report

The Global Security Report lists local securities linked to each global security if the Brief Formats user setting is NO. Without Local Securities (Brief Formats=YES)

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Without listing associated local securities, the Global Security Report lists securities in alphabetical order by symbol, and for each security this report shows:

  • The global security Symbol and Name.
  • The security Type.
  • The last recorded Price.
  • The current Yield. With Local Securities (Brief Formats=NO)

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If you requested to list local securities linked to each global security, this report includes the same values as the report without local securities. But, for each portfolio containing local securities linked to the global security, it adds:

  • The Portfolio ID and name.
  • The symbols of all local securities in the portfolio that are linked to the global security, 10 per line.

15.3.4 User Settings Report

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The User Settings Report shows the current User Settings and colors.

15.3.5 Security Type Report

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The Security Type Report shows security types, divided into several different sections by class. Shown for each security type are:

  • Type code.
  • Description.
  • Class, such as STOCK or STOCK FUND.
  • Whether a global security with this type will default to Dividends or Interest (DIV/INT).
  • Whether or not dividend or interest distributions by a security of this type are taxable.
  • Where Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) distributions by a security of this type are reported on the tax forms.
  • Where Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) distributions by a security of this type are reported on the tax forms.
  • Whether or not to group Sales of a security of this type on Schedule D.
  • Where return of Principal distributions by a security of this type are reported on the tax forms.

The abbreviations used are:

  • OMIT - omit the value from the tax forms.
  • TAX - the value is included as taxable on Schedule B.
  • NOTAX - the value is included as non-taxable on Schedule B.
  • B SCH - include the value on Schedule B.
  • D SCH - include the value on Schedule D.
  • D<-B - include the value on Schedule B, but subtract it out for Schedule D.
  • EACH - each purchase for a given sale is listed separately.
  • GROUP - lump each sale's purchases into long and short term groups.

15.3.6 Total Return Report

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The Total Return Report shows the total return of each global security for the specified period. This report shows how a single share of each security fared, using the beginning price, ending price, and distributions per share from the Price History File. If you requested all dates, the first and last dates found in the Price History File are used as the date range. Included are:

  • The beginning and ending dates.
  • Begin Price - the price found with the first date within the specified period in the Price History File for this global security.
  • End Price - the price found with the last date within the specified period in the Price History File for this global security.
  • Distr/Share - the distributions per share found in the Price History File for this global security, summed over the specified period.
  • Shares Bought - each distribution per share found in the Price History File, divided by the next share price found, and summed over the period.
  • Total Return - the total return of a single share, if held from the beginning date to the ending date. Reinvestment of distributions is assumed.
  • Rate - the simple yearly compounded rate of return for the security, based on the dates shown. Reinvestment of distributions is assumed.

15.4 Reports For Current/All Portfolios

The reports in the second section cover an entire portfolio, and can be printed for just the current portfolio or for all portfolios. The function key that applies to this section is:

  • F3:Toggle All/Current Portfolio - toggles the selection of current or all portfolios, as shown on the top line of this section.

15.4.1 Portfolio Detail Report

The Portfolio Detail Report will subtotal by broker/investment company if the Show Subtotals user setting is YES. Also, if the Brief Formats user setting is YES, then only a single line per local security is printed. The normal, long format prints four lines per security. Without Subtotals (Show Subtotals=NO)

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Without subtotalling by broker/investment company, the Portfolio Detail Report is similar to the Local Securities Table. In this example, the long format was chosen (Brief Formats = NO). The portfolio and portfolio ID are printed at the top of each page. For each portfolio requested, local securities are listed in alphabetical order by symbol, and for each security this report shows:

  • The Local Symbol, and the associated global security's name, plus (IRA) if you specified that the security was held in an IRA or other tax deferred program.
  • The last recorded Price and date.
  • The local security's Account Number.
  • The current number of open Shares.
  • The current Yield.
  • The Average Price paid.
  • The Cost of the current open shares.
  • The Value of the current open shares, based on the last recorded price.
  • The unrealized Gain or Loss on the current open shares.

The following totals are calculated and listed at the end of each portfolio:

  • The Total Current Value of all local securities in the portfolio.
  • The Total Unrealized Gain or Loss of all local securities in the portfolio. With Subtotals (Show Subtotals=YES)

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This example shows the brief format (Brief Formats = YES), and subtotals by broker/investment company. The portfolio and portfolio ID are printed at the top of each page. For each portfolio requested, and for each broker/investment company with holdings in the portfolio, local securities are listed in alphabetical order by local security symbol. For each security this report includes the same values as the report without subtotals. But, local securities are grouped by broker/investment company, and subtotals are calculated and listed at the end of each group:

  • The Total Current Value of all local securities associated with the broker/investment company.
  • The Total Unrealized Gain or Loss of all local securities associated with the broker/investment company.

15.4.2 Portfolio Allocation Report

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The Portfolio Allocation Report gives you a percentage breakdown by security, security type, and security class for each portfolio. The portfolio ID and name are printed at the top of the page, and then for each portfolio the report shows:

  • The current Value of the holdings in the portfolio for each security, security type, and security class.
  • The Percentage of the holdings in each security, security type, and security class, based on the total value of the portfolio.
  • The Total Value of the portfolio.

15.4.3 Schedule B & D-1 Reports

The default treatment of individual securities can be altered by modifying the security's type, as described in Chapter 14. Additional reports are added to the end of the Schedule B report, listing any fees paid for the year, and to the Schedule D-1 report, listing potential wash sales.
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You can specify several options:

  • The Year for the tax report. The default displayed is the previous year.
  • Whether to Round values to the nearest dollar. For Schedule B, the total interest and dividend amounts for each security are rounded. For Schedule D, each purchase and sale amount is rounded. The default is to round values.
  • Whether or not to Group Sales of every security. This means that a given sale only lists a single short term and a single long term entry. Multiple purchases are grouped, and the date shown is VARIOUS. See Chapter 21 for details on group sales. The default is not to group sales.
  • Whether to generate a TurboTax import file for Schedules B and D.

===>>> The tax forms generated may not be identical to the actual tax forms. Thus, they are not legal substitutes for the actual forms. However, they do provide data easily transferrable to the actual Schedule B and Schedule D Forms, and you can even generate an import file for TurboTax.

Any securities that you said were tax exempt are skipped completely. Thus, only securities held in retirement plans, like IRAs, should be made tax exempt. Schedule B Report

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The Schedule B Report correctly segregates dividends received from securities classified as tax-free security types. Tax-free dividends and capital gains distributions are noted next to the security. For each portfolio, the Schedule B Report includes:

  • Part I Interest Income - interest recorded for local securities.
  • Part II Dividend Income - dividends, capital gain distributions, and return of principal for local securities. Fee Report

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===>>> The Fee Report is not a tax form, but reports investment fees that may be tax-deductible. Also, any purchase discounts, noted by a negative open commission, are listed since this amount should be treated as income. This report shows the following for each fee or discount in the specified year:

  • The local Security symbol and name.
  • The Type, either a FEE or a DISC (discount).
  • The Date the fee was paid or discount was received.
  • The Amount of the fee or discount.
  • Any Notes recorded with the fee or discount. Schedule D-1 Report

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Since Capital Gainz does not contain non-security information requested in Schedule D, it generates the Schedule D-1 Report instead. In this report, purchase and selling commissions are added to the purchase basis. Short sales that have not been covered are not included in this report. For each portfolio, the Schedule D-1 Report includes:

  • Part I Short-term Capital Gains and Losses - short term realized gains and losses.
  • Part II Long-term Capital Gains and Losses - long term realized gains and losses.

Each sale shows the local security symbol and the number of shares involved.

If you grouped sales, Schedule D would look something like this:
[[Report not in online version of documentation.]] Wash Sale Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

===>>> The Wash Sale Report is not a tax form, but reports potential wash sales. Wash sales occur when you sell shares of a security at a loss, and have similar purchases within 30 days prior to or after the sale. The loss should be eliminated by adjusting the basis of the shares sold. This excess basis should then be applied back to the open shares. Capital Gainz can not automatically adjust for wash sales. For more information on wash sales, see Chapter 21.

For each possible wash sale, you're shown:

  • The local Security name and symbol.
  • The Sell Date.
  • The Date and number of Shares for any purchase of the same security made within 30 days of the sale.

A given sale may have more than one purchase listed. TurboTax Import File

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If you choose the TurboTax import file option, then instead of Schedule B and D-1 reports, a file containing TurboTax import codes is generated so you can easily transfer your tax-related data to TurboTax. Currently, TurboTax only supports one Schedule B, one Schedule D, and one Schedule D-1. Any excess data is assigned an invalid import code. You may need to group sales if you have too many. Since there are no applicable codes, you'll need to manually transfer capital gain and tax-free amounts from the Schedule B report.

Only the current portfolio is used to create the import file.

To export data to TurboTax:

  • Generate a TurboTax import file for the desired tax year. Round to dollars, since TurboTax rounds anyway. You can choose to group or not group sales.
  • From the displayed output, use Ctrl-P to print to a file, such as TTAX.IMP.
  • Exit from Capital Gainz.
  • Start up TurboTax.
  • From the TurboTax Files menu, select Import Data.
  • Set the Import Directory and Import File values from the TurboTax Import Data menu. For instance, the directory may be \CAPGNZ and the import file TTAX.IMP.
  • Choose Go To Import from the TurboTax Import Data menu.
  • When the TurboTax Import program starts, hit Enter to initiate the import.
  • When you return to TurboTax, Schedule B and Schedule D/Schedule D-1 will be filled in with values from Capital Gainz.

15.5 Reports for Current Portfolios

The reports in the third section cover the current portfolio only, and they can be printed for all or selected securities and for all or a range of dates. The function keys that apply to this section are:

  • F2:Select Date Range - limit the report to a range of dates.
  • F4:Select Securities - select local securities to include in the report. This function is described below.

15.5.1 Select Securities

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The Select Local Securities Table allows you to tag securities for which information will be printed. Functions keys at the bottom of the table are:

  • Enter:Toggle Select - toggle the tag on the highlighted security. The local security is tagged or cleared, and the next security is highlighted.
  • F2:Select All - tag all local securities.
  • F3:Clear All - clear all tags, such that no local securities are tagged.
  • Esc:Done - exit the table.

Leaving the table with no local securities tagged is the same as leaving it with all of them tagged.

15.5.2 Activity Summary Report

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Divided into three sections, the Activity Summary Report report requires an entire page for each security. By setting the Brief Formats user setting to YES, only the last section is printed, and three securities are printed on each page. If you requested all dates, then the first date is the date of the first purchase, and the last date is the date of the last price history entry. The first section shows:

  • Open Activity Summary - total and short term totals are shown for shares purchased during the specified period, and not sold as of the current date. This mirrors the totals at the end of the Open Shares Detail Report.
  • Closed Activity Summary - total and short term totals are shown for shares sold during the specified period. This mirrors the totals at the end of the Closed Shares Detail Report.
  • Distribution Activity Summary - total and short term totals are shown for distributions during the specified period. This mirrors the totals at the end of the Distribution Detail Report.

The second section of the Activity Summary Report shows the total return of the global security over the period. This section shows how a single share of the security fared, using the beginning price, ending price, and distributions per share from the Price History File. These figures are identical to those in the Total Return Report, described above.

The third section evaluates your specific performance over the period. This is the only section printed if you choose the Brief report option:

  • Start - shows the earliest date found in the Price History File for the specified range, and the corresponding price. Open totals are shown for shares owned at that time, even if you sold them later.
  • Buy Activity Over Period - shows the total purchases made during the period, even if you sold them later.
  • Distributions Over Period - shows the total distributions during the period.
  • Sell Activity Over Period - shows the total selling activity during the period. Only the gain/loss attributable to the specified period is calculated.
  • End - shows the latest date found in the Price History File for the specified range, and the corresponding price. Open totals are shown for shares owned at that time, even if you sold them later.

The following figures are used to calculate your performance:

  • The date range specified.
  • End Value - the value of shares open at the end of the period.
  • Sell Amount - Sell Commission - the amount received from sales during the period, less selling commission.
  • Distributions - Fees - distributions over the period, less fees paid.
  • Initial Value + Buy Amount + Buy Commission - the value of open shares at the start of the period, plus the amount of purchases and purchase commissions over the period.

===>>> The final figure shows the total ending value, plus the sale proceeds received, plus distributions received, less purchases and the initial value. This is your return over the period. The percentages are over the date range shown. Purchases held for partial periods are annualized, so the return percentage is calculated by dividing the return amount by the initial value plus the purchase amount less an adjustment. The result is used to arrive at an equivalent yearly rate. If a purchase is recorded on the same date as a distribution, the distribution is assumed to be reinvested.

If you specified more than one local security, the Activity Summary Report also generates grand totals. For more information on calculations used by Capital Gainz, see Chapter 20.

15.5.3 Price History Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

The Price History Report shows the price history associated with a global security. At the top of the page:

  • The global security Symbol and name.
  • Today's date if no date range was chosen, otherwise the entered date range.

Price history records are interleaved with distributions and stock splits, sorted in descending date order. For price history records, the report shows:

  • The Date of the price.
  • The Price.

For distribution records, the report shows:

  • The type of distribution.
  • The distribution amount per share, Distribution/share.

For stock splits, the report shows:

  • The Date of the split.
  • The split ratio.

At the end of each security are the following values:

  • The High price and date and Low price and date found within the date range.
  • The Monthly Average price.
  • The total Distributions per share.

The distribution per share amounts explain price drops due to dividend or capital gain payouts. The highest price for the period is flagged with an H, and the lowest price for the period is flagged with an L. If the highest and lowest prices are the same, it is flagged with an *.

15.5.4 Activity Detail Report

The Activity Detail Report lists all buy, sell, and distribution transactions. There are several variations for this report. [[Screen not in online version of documentation.]]

  • ALL buy, sell, and distribution logs.
  • Just the OPEN logs.
  • Just the CLOSED logs.
  • Just the DISTRIBUTION logs.
  • Buy, sell, and distribution activity MIXED together.
  • Listing grouped by LOGTYPE: all buy logs, all sell logs, and all distribution logs, or grouped by SECURITY: the buy/sell/distribution logs for security 1, the buy/sell/distribution logs for security 2,...

If the Brief Formats user setting is set to YES, then only a single line per record is printed. The long formats, used in the examples, print 2-3 lines per record. Open Shares Detail Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

The Open Shares Detail Report is similar to the Open Shares Log. The records of shares bought over the period and still held as of the current date are sorted in ascending order by date. At the top of the page is:

  • The local security Symbol and name.
  • The security's Current Price.
  • The local security's Account Number.
  • Today's date if no date range was chosen, or else the selected date range.

For each open shares record, you are shown:

  • The purchase Date.
  • The number of Shares purchased.
  • The Open Price (basis price), which is the same as the purchase price if the average method is not being used.
  • The Open Amount (basis amount), which is the same as the purchase amount if the average method is not being used.
  • The Open Commission or load. A negative commission signifies a purchase discount.
  • Any Notes recorded for the purchase. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The current unrealized Gain/Loss.
  • The Short Term or Long term status of the open shares, based on the current date. (Not in the brief format.)

Totals for each security include:

  • Total and Short Term Shares bought during the period, and still open as of the current date.
  • Total and Short Term Open Amount (basis amount).
  • Total and Short Term Weighted Average Purchase Price.
  • Total and Short Term Open Commission or load.
  • Total and Short Term Current Value, using the last recorded price.
  • Total and Short Term Gain/Loss Amount and Percentage, using the last recorded price. Closed Shares Detail Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

The Closed Shares Detail Report is similar to the Closed Shares Log. The records of shares sold over the period are sorted in ascending order, first by sell date then by buy date. At the top of the page is:

  • The local security Symbol and name.
  • Today's date if no date range was chosen, or else the selected date range.

For each closed shares record, you are shown:

  • The selling Date.
  • The number of Shares sold.
  • The Sell Price.
  • The Sell Amount.
  • The Sell Commission or load.
  • Any Notes specified for the sale. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The Open Date of the shares sold. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The Open Price (basis price) of the shares sold, which is the same as the purchase price if the average method was not used. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The Open Amount (basis amount) of the shares sold, which is the same as the purchase amount if the average method was not used. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The Open Commission or load of the shares sold. (Not in the brief format.)
  • The realized Gain/Loss amount and percentage for the sale.
  • The Short Term or Long Term status of the sale. (Not in the brief format.)

For uncovered short sales, the current position is shown.

If a particular sale resulted in the creation of multiple closed shares records, a subtotal is given for the sale date. Subtotals and totals for each security include:

  • Total and Short Term Shares sold.
  • Total and Short Term Weighted Average Sell Price.
  • Total and Short Term Sell Commission or load.
  • Total and Short Term Sell Amount.
  • Total and Short Term Open Commission or load for the shares sold.
  • Total and Short Term Open Amount (basis amount) for the shares sold.
  • Total and Short Term Gain/Loss amount and percentage. Distribution Detail Report

[[Report not in online version of documentation.]]

The Distribution Detail Report is similar to the Distribution Log. The records of distributions and fees over the period are sorted in ascending order by date. At the top of the page is:

  • The local security Symbol and name.
  • Today's date if no date range was chosen, or else the selected date range.

For each distribution record, you are shown:

  • The Date of the distribution.
  • The Type of the distribution.
  • The Amount of the distribution.
  • The distribution Per Share (not for fees).
  • Any Notes specified for the distribution. (Not in the brief format.)

Totals for each security include:

  • Total Amount of Dividend or Interest distributions.
  • Total Per Share for Dividend or Interest distributions.
  • Total and Short Term Amounts for Capital Gain distributions.
  • Total and Short Term Per Share for Capital Gain distributions.
  • Total Amount of Fees. Mixed Detail Report

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===>>> The Mixed Detail Report resembles statements you receive from mutual fund companies. It shows all buy, sell, and distribution activity over the period, in chronological order. Realized gains and losses for sales, and unrealized gains and losses for purchases, are not shown. At the top of the page is:

  • The local security Symbol and name.
  • The security's Current Price.
  • The local security's Account Number.
  • Today's date if no date range was chosen, or else the selected date range.

All purchases during the period, even if you sold the shares later, show:

  • The purchase Date.
  • The number of Shares bought.
  • The actual purchase Price, even if the security uses the averaging method.
  • The actual purchase Amount, even if the security uses the averaging method.
  • The purchase Commission or load.
  • If you sold the shares during the period, a line below the purchase information shows the date you SOLD them.

All sales during the period show:

  • The selling Date.
  • The number of Shares sold.
  • The selling Price.
  • The selling Amount.
  • The selling Commission or load.

For each distribution, you are shown:

  • The Date of the distribution.
  • The Amount of the distribution.
  • The distribution per share.

At the end of each security, the following totals are calculated:

  • The total number of shares Bought during the period, even if you sold some later.
  • The weighted Average price of the shares purchased.
  • The total purchase amount.
  • The total purchase Commission or load.
  • The total number of shares Sold during the period.
  • The weighted Average selling price of the shares sold.
  • The total sale proceeds.
  • The total selling Commission or load.
  • The total Dividends or Interest received over the period.
  • The total dividends or interest per share.
  • The total Short Term Capital Gain distributions.
  • The total short term capital gain distributions per share.
  • The total Long Term Capital Gain distributions.
  • The total long term capital gain distributions per share.
  • The total Fees paid.

Finally, your current open position is shown for the security:

  • The number of open Shares as of the current date.
  • The Value of the open shares based on the last recorded price.

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