DnA 8-2: Sixth Column Update for Issue #8 of DnA Magazine
By: Lestat De Lioncourt column@liberty.com
This will be the first time since DnA Systems went down that any articles have been released. I have been extremely busy outside of the Column and am very VERY close to setting up a BBS of my own. The information must flow.
I know that the sudden departure of DnA Systems probably caused a few rumors for those of you who were researching sovereign citizenship/income tax information, but nothing sinister occurred.
I have -=ALL=- the files on my system that were on DnA Systems and have been adding several hundred in the interim. I have been keeping the information on Waco up to date as well. (Explained Later)
Some matters of a personal nature have slowed my time frame down a bit, but I feel an urgency to get a system up as soon as possible. I intend to put back ColumNet and retrieve those systems that were on it as well.
Configuration of the BBS software is being done as you read this. If you remember the "online ordering system" from previous articles, i'm configuring that concept before the system is open to the public.
I've been getting a lot of support Email and reviews of the Column. I'm glad some people found the information of interest and have helped to distribute it. There will be more, I just need a little time.
Email me if you want questions answered or if you would like to request particular files ahead of time. I'll try to answer as many as i can.
Special Thanks -- All the people on the Internet and Usenet who keep the information flowing. To A.J. Teel for the best information i've seen in a while! To the jury members who refused to give the government the murder charges against the eleven survivors of the Davidian massacre.
Special Thought -- Janet Reno, if you did that "for the children", i'd hate to see what you give your children for Christmas. If there is a higher source of justice in this universe, I hope you and all the ilk concerned burn in hell for a long time.
Lestat De Lioncourt column@liberty.com
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