DnA 6-3: Arclight's Update
Arclight's Update
Written 12-01-93
by Arclight
Welcome back to DnA magazine. This month their are some very killer articles, so please enjoy it thoroughly. Everyone seems to have liked our Tax-Expose last month, so we will follow it up with more great features. This month there are a couple of new things to report, so we'll get down to it.
Radio Shack Does it again
Radio Shaft has just come out with their brand new line of telephones for 1994. Of particular interest is their new Clamshell phone, just introduced. It is a standard telephone that folds in half, extended it is full size. It's dimensions are approximately 4x5x1.5 inches, just small enough to fit in the front pocket of a pair of Levi's. Can we say BEIGE BOX? We tested this unit, and found it to be an absolute hacker's dream beige-box. At $24.95 it is worthwhile. Ask for catalogue #43-830.
If you need any electronics related item (such as micro 6.500MhZ crystals for $1.67, part #X415,) Digi-Key is the place to go. With an outrageous selection of parts and supplies, such as DTMF chips, crystals, micro-speakers, and other such, Digi-Key is your one stop hacker super-store. Order their catalogue by calling 1-800-DIGI-KEY. I can't say enough about these people.
We have recently had some rather nasty experiences trying to buy crystals, DTMF chips, and other phone items from retail electronics stores. It would seem that AT&T has sent out some sort of notice to many sellers of electronics gear, advising that 6.5xx crystals are being used in the construction of Electronic Toll Fraud (ETF) devices. We have had and have seen others experience hassles ranging from interrogations about why they need these items, to the police being called and questioning one man over the telephone, after he bought a DTMF chip with a personal cheque. So be wary of large, privately owned electronics stores. This also makes it a bad idea to special order crystals and related items from Radio Shack.
HCI and other Gun-Control groups
With the "Brady Bill" and other anti-gun tripe being thrown around, we have all been inundated with surveys, requests for donations, and assorted propaganda from the Anti-Gun lobby. The next time you receive one of these pieces of junk mail requesting money for people who want to take your rights away, write "return to sender" on it so that they will at least have to pay for postage back to their HQ's. Or better yet, send them your contribution in the form of a large brick, wrapped up nicely and stamped with the Business Reply/Postage guaranteed card included. They will pay for postage to have your generous brick donation sent all the way back to Washington.
That's all for this month's update, as it's time to get to the real articles. Have fun, stay out of trouble, don't stick your index finger in a light socket, stay away from fattening foods, high your YaK, and floss daily.
{End update}