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NiNJA #8 - WEEK 24

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 Apr 2023

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| NiNJA #8 - WEEK 24 \/ |
: :
. A back-release of last weeks' stats, to show off our newfound dedication .
| and cos its just plain boring atm! For once, i'm actually looking forward |
| to next weeks issue. Enjoy! |
| |
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| weekly upload top |
. .
| spot courier points gbytes avg pos |
| - 1. crypton/AOD 396.5 8.33gb | 11/12 sites #1 |
| - 2. deez/AMN 360.0 5.89gb | 11/12 sites #3 |
| - 3. bac/AOD 360.0 6.09gb | 11/12 sites #3 |
| - 4. sweeper/TFA 358.5 6.02gb | 11/12 sites #3 |
| - 5. username/TFA 287.0 4.86gb | 11/12 sites #5 |
| - 6. turntablz/AMN 276.5 4.02gb | 11/12 sites #6 |
| - 7. junk/ZL 265.0 3.22gb | 10/12 sites #6 |
| - 8. hudson/AMN 247.5 2.90gb | 11/12 sites #8 |
| - 9. nok/TFA 231.5 2.57gb | 10/12 sites #7 |
| - 10. c4g3/TFA 208.5 2.28gb | 10/12 sites #8 |
| - 11. preacher/ZL 179.0 1.85gb | 10/12 sites #9 |
| - 12. some14u/ZL 171.0 1.57gb | 7/12 sites #5 |
| - 13. borndead/amn 161.5 1.51gb | 8/12 sites #7 |
| - 14. johs/AMN 138.5 1.37gb | 10/12 sites #11 |
| - 15. Satan/TFA 137.0 1.43gb | 11/12 sites #12 |
| - 16. badlad/AE 94.5 0.98gb | 10/12 sites #14 |
| - 17. kitt/AE 80.0 0.55gb | 5/12 sites #5 |
| - 18. NafeTs/TFA 61.0 0.59gb | 11/12 sites #16 |
| - 19. thedude/AE 50.5 0.58gb | 8/12 sites #11 |
| - 20. redbone/AOD 35.0 0.48gb | 6/12 sites #8 |
| - 21. gero/AE 28.0 0.41gb | 2/12 sites #2 |
| - 22. pazo/ZL 24.0 0.29gb | 5/12 sites #8 |
| - 23. forsaken/AOD 14.5 0.18gb | 8/12 sites #14 |
| - 24. prude/AMN 11.5 0.05gb | 4/12 sites #6 |
| - 25. GNoCK/AE 11.0 0.20gb | 9/12 sites #16 |
| |
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| _ ____\ weekly group upload top |
| |
| |
| 1. TFA (The Flaming Arrows) 401.0p 14.78gb |
| |
| ===== |
| #1 b*r a* f* v*r * a*s * 230.0p |
| #2 * n* * f* 171.0p |
| |
| ======== |
| #4 sweeper 358.5p 6.02gb 40.72% |
| #5 username 287.0p 4.86gb 32.89% |
| #9 nok 231.5p 2.57gb 17.36% |
| #10 c4g3 208.5p 2.28gb 15.43% |
| #15 Satan 137.0p 1.43gb 9.66% |
| #18 NafeTs 61.0p 0.59gb 3.98% |
| #26 rubyx 11.0p 0.23gb 1.55% |
| #30 ninjaf 5.0p 0.15gb 0.99% |
| #31 tohuk 4.0p 0.04gb 0.29% |
| |
| GROUP REVIEW: TFA, The Fairy Anus |
| |
| Yes they're back, or should I say they were back because I'm reviewing |
| these god damn things after the next week's display of nerdery was |
| released. I don't even know why, the editor in chief is running this mag |
| like a drunk driver behind the wheel and the groups/users are getting run |
| over. Sweeper, looks like you had something better to do on week 24, what |
| the hell happened on week 25 that caused you to friggin' double your |
| trading? |
| Not much to say about rest of the gang except there's four guys under the |
| one jiggerbit barrier, which is one less than on the next week. If they |
| keep up the good work, in a few weeks they'll be completely rehabbed from |
| trading. Maybe one or two of them will score then. Trust to asswiper in |
| bringing the group to shame, what were you thinking? |
| |
| the plusses and minuses of TFA |
| |
| + more guys giving up on next week |
| + sweeper was trading less than on week 25 |
| |
| |
| 2. AMN (AMNESiA) 390.5p 13.36gb |
| |
| ===== |
| #1 * n* * 160.0p |
| #2 b*r a* * 104.5p |
| #3 f* v*r a*s * f* 126.0p |
| |
| ======== |
| #2 deez 360.0p 5.89gb 44.06% |
| #6 turntablz 276.5p 4.02gb 30.10% |
| #8 hudson 247.5p 2.90gb 21.70% |
| #13 borndead 161.5p 1.51gb 11.33% |
| #14 johs 138.5p 1.37gb 10.26% |
| #24 prude 11.5p 0.05gb 0.36% |
| |
| GROUP REVIEW: AMN, Ah-My-Nipples |
| |
| DEEZNUTZ is showing some bad tendencies here and he must've angered the |
| great DOWNSYNDRMZ because next week the tables are turned. borndead, what |
| happened here? You were actually right in middle of the list here. I |
| started to like you but now I found a skeleton in your closet. I hope |
| you'll sort this shit out on week 26 and claim back your throne on the |
| real top position from prude. |
| |
| the plusses and minuses of AMN |
| |
| + dramatic fight between deez and turntablz |
| - borndead's dreadful past |
| |
| |
| 3. AOD (Angels On Drugs) 377.0p 12.21gb |
| |
| ===== |
| #1 f* 20.0p |
| #2 f* v*r a*s * 114.0p |
| #3 * b*r n* * a* * 243.0p |
| |
| ======== |
| #1 crypton 396.5p 8.33gb 68.24% |
| #3 bac 360.0p 6.09gb 49.88% |
| #20 redbone 35.0p 0.48gb 3.92% |
| #23 forsaken 14.5p 0.18gb 1.47% |
| #27 inka 11.0p 0.14gb 1.12% |
| #28 citizen 9.0p 0.17gb 1.40% |
| |
| GROUP REVIEW: AOD, Asstronomically Obscure Defecation (sounds like a |
| grindcore band) |
| |
| And the same thing happens here, crypton sounded like a cool guy but here |
| he is with his 8 jiggarwatz, which is actually more than asswiper/The |
| Fugly Asian managed to trade. Shit I should probably try to do some |
| background check on the past stats so I could actually write something |
| that made sense, but I think I'll follow the editor in chief in his |
| glorious ways. |
| |
| plusses and minuses of AOD |
| |
| + awesome effort by citizen, inka and forsaken. All three of them got |
| 0.1x. Crypton and 2bac fagur should follow these fine gentlemen's |
| example. |
| |
| |
| 4. ZL (Zip Lords) 331.5p 6.58gb |
| |
| ===== |
| #4 * b*r n* * a* f* v*r * a*s * 331.5p |
| |
| ======== |
| #7 junk 265.0p 3.22gb 48.94% |
| #11 preacher 179.0p 1.85gb 28.10% |
| #12 some14u 171.0p 1.57gb 23.88% |
| #22 pazo 24.0p 0.29gb 4.35% |
| |
| GROUP REVIEW: ZL, I don't even know. It sounds like some weird STD. I'd |
| be scared shitless if some chick called me and said |
| "hey... I think you should go checked up... I might be ZL |
| positive". That's the kind of people I hang out with. |
| |
| Pretty good job guys, maybe if you had all followed pazo's good example |
| you would've gotten the first place on week 24. You got some homework to |
| do by the week 26. |
| |
| plusses and minuses of ZL |
| |
| + it made me aware of how critical STDs can be |
| |
| |
| 5. AE (Alter Ego) 312.0p 2.62gb |
| |
| ===== |
| #5 * b*r n* * a* f* v*r * a*s * 312.0p |
| |
| ======== |
| #16 badlad 94.5p 0.98gb 37.32% |
| #17 kitt 80.0p 0.55gb 20.81% |
| #19 thedude 50.5p 0.58gb 22.23% |
| #21 gero 28.0p 0.41gb 15.52% |
| #25 GNoCK 11.0p 0.20gb 7.71% |
| #29 zipster 5.5p 0.15gb 5.61% |
| |
| GROUP REVIEW: AE, Amputee Enema |
| |
| Jesus fucking Christ you guys, you scored almost the perfect score this |
| week. Full blown 0.x here, this is how it should be done. Shitster and |
| CoCK are rocking out the top of the real chart. I can sense some dramatic |
| fight coming up with these guys, who rules the top group's top position |
| in the upcoming weeks? I can't wait to see what happens! |
| Badlad was the only one who was about to bring shame to the group, but it |
| was a close call. Personally, and without any clue, I'd like to think he |
| did this on purpose. It's like you get that feeling when you're pushing |
| out a fart that it might be a bit too solid, but you decide to live |
| dangerously and see what happens. This time Badlad was lucky and didn't |
| end up shitting himself. |
| |
| plusses and minuses of AE |
| |
| + GNoCK's and zipster's effort, are you guys running shit manually with |
| telnet or what? We need to set up a interview so you guys can shed |
| some light how to dominate the biz like this. |
| |
| |
| I can't believe they actually let me write a second review. Guess it shows |
| how meaningful these mags are when they get a lamer like me writing these |
| things. What's also hilarious as hell is that I got to draw the asciis for |
| the mag, and now I'm writing these things. Going wrong since the beginning, |
| that should be this mag's motto. |
| |
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| \_____:\________. .\\____________\_____\ |
| /_________/ all time top uploaders |
| |
. .
| 1) crypton/AOD 2553.5p 64.13gb |
| 2) turntablz/AMN 2536.5p 60.06gb |
| 3) sweeper/TFA 2440.0p 55.36gb |
| 4) deez/AMN 2423.0p 48.63gb |
| 5) bac/AOD 2401.0p 51.32gb |
| 6) username/TFA 2297.5p 46.67gb |
| 7) nok/TFA 1817.5p 26.09gb |
| 8) hudson/AMN 1781.0p 27.73gb |
| 9) some14u/ZL 1593.0p 27.87gb |
| 10) mariak/TFA 1408.0p 28.06gb |
| 11) hound/AE 1244.5p 27.43gb |
| 12) preacher/ZL 1157.0p 16.15gb |
| 13) thedude/AE 1019.5p 12.62gb |
| 14) NafeTs/TFA 953.5p 12.75gb |
| 15) junk/ZL 803.5p 10.81gb |
| 16) borndead/amn 794.0p 12.06gb |
| 17) c4g3/TFA 784.0p 8.85gb |
| 18) redbone/AOD 658.5p 13.05gb |
| 19) badlad/AE 652.5p 7.45gb |
| 20) Satan/TFA 611.0p 7.30gb |
| 21) rubyx/TFA 599.0p 8.46gb |
| 22) wast/AMN 510.5p 6.99gb |
| 23) forsaken/AOD 502.0p 6.36gb |
| 24) fuze/TFA 492.5p 5.84gb |
| 25) johs/AMN 483.0p 5.69gb |
|__ __|
. /_ Only a ninja can kill a ninja. Regular humans are useless. _\ .
+- /_______________________________________________________________________\ -+

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