I bought my computer from System76. It is one of the last generation Gazelle Performance models. Here are the specs:
- 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 duo
- 2 x 1 GB DDR2 667 MHZ
- nVidia GeForce 7300 FX
- CD/DVD RW drive
- 80 GB @ 7200 rpm PATA
- 5.5 lbs
Special features include: power button, folding lid, and trackpad.
I am running Feisty Fawn (though looking forward to the upcoming Gusty release). I use the computer mainly for the big 5: music, movies, photos, internet, wordprocessing. I also do some light-weight web programming.
The system works really well for me, and I have done a small amount of tweaking. I'm no computer guru, but I enjoy learning and doing what little I can. I have installed cpu-freqency scaling, configured printers, and managed file sharing between our home network (includes a MacBook, and a future Mini Mac). I also feel that it was a good balance of price, performance, and weight.
Written by Nicola Cappellini