Full Circle 5: Q&A
Written by Robert Clipsham
Are there any good racing games for Ubuntu?
There are lots of racing games for Ubuntu, both in the repos and on getdeb.net. My personal favorite is Super TuxKart (http://supertuxkart.berlios.de/) although more serious gamers may prefer VDrift (http://vdrift.net/) or Maniadrive (http://maniadrive.raydium.org/)
How can I dual boot Ubuntu and Kubuntu?
Doing this is as simple as going to a terminal and typing 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop'.When you reboot you will see the usual Gnome log-in screen, at which you can simply click Options > Sessions, and choose KDE.
You can switch back the same way.
Are there any good websites for customising the looks of Ubuntu?
Depending on the Desktop environment you use, you can go to http://www.gnome-look.org, http://www.kde-look.org or http://www.xfce-look.org for customising the way your PC looks. Those sites also link to others for customising other parts of your PC. A good site that is mainly for wallpapers is http://www.deviantart.com.
What are the best docks for Ubuntu?
The dock you use will purely be personal preference. For a truly over the top fancy graphical effects, you'll want kiba-dock (www.kiba-dock.org - A quick google will get you a video). It fully utilises the power of compiz fusion or your chosen composite manager to deliver outstanding physics effects! If you are looking for a more stable solution, Avant Window Navigator is a good choice (https://launchpad.net/awn - again google will get you a video). AWN gives a nice compromise between stability and graphical effects.