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Published in 
Full Circle Magazine
 · 1 year ago

I have to take some issue with the article in issue 3 about photography on Ubuntu. The author is a professional wedding photographer, and I understand that. It's an interesting article and I appreciate an in-depth look at how he works. However, he seems to be focusing on proprietary software packages, which is a little odd since Ubuntu is about the power and philosophy of Free/Open Source Software. He promotes Bibble for raw processing and MemoriesOnTV which are both proprietary. And MemoriesOnTV is a video program requiring WINE. Most video programs don't work well, if at all, in WINE, and if they do, they are extremely unstable and rather difficult to install and get working. He also writes about LightZone, which I'm quite familiar with, and while the Linux version is free, it's unsupported and proprietary, and the current Linux version is not up to the Windows version number. It is unfortunate that no mention whatsover is given to RawStudio or many other capableopen source photo and graphics programs. Gimp is an enormously powerful and an amazing application, yet he dismisses it (as do so many people who were raised on Photoshop) for, of all reasons, having poor text-layout abilities. One, I would take issue with that. Two, not really sure that text layout has much to do with photography. Three, maybe look into a vector illustrator program, which most graphic artists know are much better for complex layout with photos and text than a Photoshop/Gimp type bitmap program. Inkscape is a wonderful vector program.

Maybe a future article could take a more purely FOSS approach to the needs of a photographer such as Mr Stephens. A big problem is that people are so thoroughly attached to Photoshop that they're very unwilling to even sit down an get to know Gimp, when in reality Gimp is one of the most powerful and sophisticated photo apps there is, as well as one of the best FOSS programs.

Eric Peltzer

I have been using Ubuntu for a while now and it satisfies every need except for the games aspect of it. I recently tried running Regnum Online and I could not get it to run for the life of me. I was told it was a drivers Issue. ATI has drivers out for Linux, yet there seems to be an issue with Ubuntu using these drivers. I don't know what that Issue is, would it be possible you guys can clarify this for us Linux gamers?

I tried to install the proprietary ATI drivers and Ubuntu did not like that at all, so why not make Ubuntu use these drivers instead of messing with them if they are built for Linux based OS they should work right.

Rey Angeles

Editor: anyone out there want to make comment on this? Is Ubuntu missing drivers that gamers need?

First let me say that Full Circle is an excellent publication and is much needed to educate the masses about Ubuntu. My question pertains to your review of Ubuntu on the MacBook. You mention that the computer never heats up and its cooling system is adequate to keep the machine cool. When Ubuntu is installed on the MacBook Pro the machine becomes very hot. Did your reviewer compile his own kernel after installing or is there something that I should set to allow the computer to run cooler?

Dawud Sidote

Editor: I passed your email onto Luca who replied: In my review I analyzed a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, two very different beasts. Apple say that it is normal for a MacBook Pro to run hot, but i'm not convinced. To cool your MacBook Pro in OSX you'll want to try the program SMCfancontrol, but in Ubuntu you just have to set the minimum fan speed manually.

Our Mac fanboy (linuxgeekery) tells us that: the actual systems aren't all that different, but they do get quite hot. I set the temperature on mine using SMCfancontrol to about 2800RPM - great for normal use, and keeps my machine at around the 40°C mark.

Through reading full circle I have found some fabulous software, such as: GRAMPS and XChat although I haven't used IRC with XChat as yet.

I want to learn more about Linux and Ubuntu, so I will always read Full Circle.


Editor: You said in the introduction of your email that you're Chinese. The reason I mention this is that we've had several people leave comments on our blog asking for a Chinese edition of Full Circle. If anyone wants to form a Chinese Translation Team, feel free! All the details are on the Translation page on our wiki,

The pictures say it all, she was DE-LIGHTED!

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Editor: We love you too Ubuntu Grandma! See Issue #3 for Knightwise's story about having his grandma (above) use Ubuntu.

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