How to downsample SFD file (MPEG-1 + ADX)
Create a folder name Downsample in c:\selfboot
Start the Mpeg-VCR V3.00
In Mpeg-VCR V3.00 Menu, select Tool/MPEG DeMultiplexer
Check the following options accordingly: For Example: Game Silver, File Intro.sfd
Input File Stream: C:Selfboot\Data\Moive\Intro.sfd
Output File Video: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.M1V
Output File Audio: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.ADX
Click save to start the Recording Processed
After that you'll got the Intro.M1V & Intro.ADX files in your HD, Close Mpeg-VCR V3.00, it's times to next step
Start CinePack
Click File menu / Open
Select Intro.ADX (which locate in c:\selfboot\Downsample\)
Click File menu / Convert
Click save then You'll see a pop up window Pass 1/1:(ADX->WAV)
Wait until the convert completed and close the CinePack
After that,you'll got the Intro.WAV files in your HD ,
it's times to next step
Start DCMovieCreator
Check the following options accordingly:
Material Files, Video: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.M1V
Material Files, Audio: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\Intro.wav
Output File, File Name: C:\Selfboot\Data\Moive\Intro.sfd
Type: Sofdec Data (sfd)
Video: 2100 kbits/sec
Audio: 22050 Hz, Monaural (L+R)
Click the Batch Processing...
You are done!
Note: reduce the num in box kbits/sec = reduce the output sfd moive resolution & file size
Notice: It's seems DC Moive Creator hv extension conflict on some OS, If you can't select the Video: kbits/sec & Audio: Hz, Monaural (L+R), try use ".MPV" extension instead as ".M1V"
How to downsample ADX file
Create a folder name Downsample in c:\selfboot
Start CinePack
Click File menu / Open
Select ADX file which you want to downsampling
Click File menu / Convert
Click save then You'll see a pop up window Pass 1/1:(ADX->WAV)
Wait until the convert completed and close the CinePack
After that, you'll got the WAV files in your HD ,
it's times to next step
Start DCMovieCreator
Check the following options accordingly:
Material Files, Audio: C:\SelfBoot\Downsample\???.WAV
Output File, File Name: C:\Selfboot\Whatever name you want.ADX
Type: Sofdec Audio (sfa)
Audio: 22050 Hz, Monaural(L+R )
Click the Batch Processing...
You are done!
Note: '.sfa' file is pretty much the same as an '.adx' file.
How to downsample .AFS files
Check out different way to downsample .AFS files.
Software Requirements:
- Afs_extract
- Adx2wav
- CoolEdit2k
- Wav2adx
- Afslnk
Make a directory on your hard disk, C:\Selfboot\Downsample
Place Afs_extract ,Adx2wav ,Wav2adx & Afslnk to that directory.
Extract .AFS file which you want to downsample with ISOBuster to directory c:\Selfboot\Downsample
eg. Bgm.afs(109mb) "DynamtieC*p2 -US"
Please verify that you have all of these files before proceeding.
Extract .AFS to each .ADX files
To do this, Open up a DOS Window and type in the following commands:
cd c:\selfboot\downsample
Afs_extract Bgm.afs
After executing these commands, Afs_extract should have converted .AFS file to each .ADX files and extension eg. "Bgm_00.adx => Bgm_29.adx"
Del *.AFS
Convert .ADX to .WAV files
To do this, Open up a DOS Window and type in the following commands:
cd c:\selfboot\downsample
Adx2wav *.adx
After executing these commands, Adx2wav should have converted .ADX files to .WAV files and extension eg. "Bgm_00.wav => Bgm_29.wav"
Del *.ADX
Downsample .WAV files
There are several freeware programs available on the Net to do this.
eg. CoolEdit2k
Start CoolEdit2K
CoolEdit2K Menu, File/Open, select the .WAV file,
CoolEdit2K Menu, Select Edit/Convert Sample Type...
Choose 22050hz, Channel Mono, 16bit, Click OK
CoolEdit2K Menu, Select File/Save.
Repeat until you convert all .WAV files
Convert .WAV to .ADX files
To do this, Open up a DOS Window and type in the following commands:
cd c:\selfboot\downsample
Wav2adx *.wav
After executing these commands, Wav2adx should have converted .WAV files back to .ADX files and extension. "ADX file Non-Loop at the end"
Del *.WAV
Note: If you have program Adxencd.exe ,
type in the following commands from DOS Window:
cd c:\selfboot\downsample
Adxencd *.wav -lpe
these commands should have converted .WAV files to .ADX files "loop at the end"
Combine each .ADX to a single .AFS file
To do this, Open up a DOS Window and type in the following commands:
cd c:\selfboot\downsample
dir /b /o /s *.adx > ADXTXT.TXT
Afslnk ADXTXT.txt Bgm.afs
After executing these commands, Afslnk should have combined .ADX files to a single .AFS file and extension. eg. "Bgm.afs"
Del *.WAV
Del ADXTXT.txt
That all ,have fun :)