The last click Issue 2
As hacking is not my thing, I prefered to let someone else fill this section, today it's a young hacker :) who will talk about Social Engineering.
This hacking section will disappear at the next release of the zine to leave place to a section which will talk about drugs.
Social Engineering
Hi, I'd like to introduce myself: RInTheEyes, you may not know me unless you're on aol, irc and sometimes icq, as I log in every night. I'm new to the hacking scene (yes, yes, I did say new, I'm a girl hacker, amazing? ) A little word before I start, I just want to say hello to Veins, Kurama, Rhyl, Morphe, Drim, Zeus, Baal, Ecom, Boss, Zeus, Gazzz, Sb, Lise (my sister) and all the others that I know well but that I did not mention.
Well, for my first article, I will speak about the method which seems to me the easiest to have confidential information on a person (n° of bank card, password, login, ect...), it is about the Social Engineering. The technique is to get in touch with the victim and ask for information by pretending to be a bank, Fuck Telecom, the cops or any other organization of this style;
Extract from one of my phone calls:
Yes hello, I am Mr. Kivatepiéger (invent a fake name because the fact of having given him your name will put the person more in confidence) of the bank Vatefèreniké (in this case, if the person was not a customer of this bank, excuse yourself, hang up and call another person)
We have recently had major computer problems due to a virus in our central file computer, so we are forced to call all our customers to ask them for some small information again.
Yes, which ones?
I need your exact address please
Yes, 6 impasse de l'ignorance in Conville.
I would also need to know the number of children you have as well as their respective ages and sexes.
1 girl of 13 years old and a boy of 8 years old (please understand that all these questions are only to put the victim's suspicion to sleep)
Well, and I need your credit card number.
Uh...but why?
I need to see if the information you gave me matches your credit card number.
Uh...yeah, so XXXX XXXX XXXX
All right, it's registered again, have a nice day, goodbye.
IMPORTANT: Never start by asking the victim for their credit card number because they will hang up without hesitation.
Once you have the credit card number, you can use it as you wish but avoid spending too much money on this account because the victim could notice it especially if she goes through her bank statements like my mother :))
The safest thing to do is to buy by mail order and so that there is no risk that the cops pick you up when the package arrives, give an address (not yours, you assholes =) ) but accessible so that you can get the package without any problem.
(While you're at it, think of moua, my birthday is November 20th!)
Well, I know my article is short (it was not planned, but I'll do another one about trashing with Shin's agreement, I should normally talk about trashing in this article but there...........arf!)
A last word, if you know hackers who need to translate texts in English, e-mail me: RInTheEyes@aol.com because I love English and it will be a service to people who are bored to translate texts in English on hacking recovered on the ouaibe; and if you have questions, comments... RInTheEyes@aol.com