Questionario di Valentina
Ciao a tutti,
Se lo yoga fa parte della vostra routine o conoscete qualcuno che pratica yoga costantemente da almeno 6 mesi, continua te a leggere questo post.
Una mia amica sta scrivendo la sua tesi di laurea universitaria in dietologia e la pratica dello Yoga.
Stiamo cercando volontari che praticano yoga da almeno 6 mesi e che siano disposti a compilare un questionario online in soli pochi minuti e comodamente dal vostro cellulare.
Se poteste aiutarci a raccogliere questi dati per la ricerca, Ve ne saremo infinitamente grati.
Grazie infinite per il supporto,
Vi auguro un buonissimo giornata.
Dear Yogis,
My name is Valentina Borgognoni, and I am a postgraduate student from the School of Health Sciences at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. As part of my degree course, I am undertaking a research project for my Honours dissertation. This study will investigate the prevalence and factors influencing dietary patterns in Yoga practitioners.
I am looking for volunteers to participate in the project. If you are aged >18, and you have been practising Yoga at least once a week in most of the past six months, consider spending 10-15 minutes of your time completing the survey below:
Participants will remain anonymous, and you can withdraw at any point without the need to justify.
I appreciate your time if you complete this survey. It will allow me to conduct this research, which could help to further information if there is a link between Yoga Practice and dietary habits (there are only 4 published papers in the field)!