Trip within UK: Edimburg Fringe Festival
Today I am in Edinburgh. I took the bus yesterday night in London and arrived today morning in the center of the city.
It took about 10 hours driving.
In the morning I have saw many street artists exhibiting.
A man playing in the street. He is very good!
ZIGGY McNEILL playing the guitar (here the official website
another man playing the guitar
and another one
there was also a mime, all dressed in gold
an artist, who painted using spray cans
another one
an assistant clown
two girls with a trained hawk
and also a man whirling sticks with fiery ends in the air !
Note that many buskers have, next to them, a blue sign with the text "scan to tip". Technology :P
This is due to provide them tips for the free show on the street
Next is a characteristic glimpse of the city
I went to the theater
and to the jazz bar
Later night, I took the bus back to London.
I arrived my apartment in London about 8:30 Sunday morning.
It defintly worth the effort :)