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The Discordant Opposition Journal Issue 10 - File 3


this text is a continuation of my text in issue #9 of the discordant opposition journal, which detailed ircx servers (mainly microsoft's crappy effort) and some of the features. this issue, i've decided we'll take it one step further, and examine common flaws and problems with the ircx protocol.

as always, it's not just enough for me to know that something works. i have to know how it works as well. so, we'll explain these flaws in such a way that you will know exactly what's going on behind the scenes, bringing you slightly above script kiddie level.

this text is not intended as an introduction to irc/ircx warfare. i don't believe in these things at all. it's just interesting to know how these things work (and can be quite entertaining when you explain to a script kiddie how something works heh). i don't believe there is sufficient information in this text for anyone to start irc warfare who wasn't already sufficiently lame anyways...

the problem with ip masking

i'm not certain which ircx daemons include this bug, but i am certain that it is present in microsoft's exchange chat service. because that's the ircx server that i commonly use, that's what this text will mainly be centered around :) anyway....

last issue we detailed how ircx servers mask your ip address to prevent script kiddies from nuking or using denial of service. well, there is a way to "unmask" the ip address (and this is commonly known amongst ircx script kiddies, trust me).

fwaggle (~fwaggle@123.456.789.XXX) has joined #hacking

see how the ip address is masked? well, ircx also includes support for the ircu WHO command, which allows users to search for other users via ip address, as shown below (assuming fwaggle's ip was 123.456.789.123)

/WHO 123?456?789?123 
#hacking ~fwaggle 208.25.54.XXX irc1 fwaggle G@ :0 fwaggle
123?456?789?123 End of /WHO list.

as you can see, the value returned is similar to a whois command, only not quite so user friendly to read. as you can see, the ip address shows up in a /who command, which allows brute force guessing of the ip address.

for example, if the ip address was still unknown, we would go /WHO 123?456?789?1*. this would return the user fwaggle if the first digit of the ip address was a 1. it is, so we keep going. we try 123?456?789?10*, 123?456?789?11*, and 123?456?789?12*, before we finally get another result.

finally, we test for 123?456?789?120, 123?456?789?121, 123?456?789?122, and we get an aswer at 123?456?789?123. congratulations, replace the question marks with period and we have the victims ip address. depending on your script configuration it can take anywhere between 5-7 seconds (i LiKe CoWs unmasker), and 1-3 minutes (older ircx unmaskers).

so, this would be quite easily patched if in microsoft's case, that /WHO commands only returned masked ip addresses if you were a host or similar.

channel cloning and it's problems

microsoft chat service (and some other irc/ircx servers) support a technique known as channel "cloning". this means that when a channel reaches a set limit (set with the +l mode) where the channel founder has deemed the channel to be unmanagable, any subsequent joins to that channel will be redirected to a child channel.

for example, if you set mode d (cloneable channel) and a limit of 2, then two people can join #channel. when the third person tries to join #channel, they go to #channel2.. and so ond.. #channel2 will be created with the same modes, properties, etc, as #channel, except it will have mode +e instead of mode +d. mode +e indicates a clone child.

the problem with this is that channels which end in a number are overridden or "collided" by the clone's children. therefore, any channel which ends in a number, such as #fwagglechat97 or #teenchat2 is at risk at any time.

let's take for example #teenchat2. it's being run quite peacefully by little johnny (everyone loves little johnny stories)... now billy the script kiddie comes along and sees this nice neat channel.. he notices that #teenchat has long since died out.

he creates (using the /CREATE channel, which allows you to create a channel and set modes for it, necessary for channel modes such as clonable, and auditoriums) the channel #teenchat, and sets a limit of 1.. finally, he fires up a few clones, and they all join the channel... overrunning the limit, and spilling into the next clone, which just happens to be johnny's #teenchat2. all the users in #teenchat2 get collided out.... billy repeats as necessary...

as far as i know, this doesn't work any more (with up to date versions of chat service), as you have to have ircop privileges to create cloneable channels.

how many clones ya got?

the auto-kline function of microsoft chat service (automatically inserts temporary klines on an IP address for repeated clone violation), which i believe is included in the sdk or someplace (don't use nt any more, can't verify) serves an incredibly important purpose. you see, chat service's clone detection system is poorly designed and built.

chat service checks for the number of clones when the user logs in, not when the tcp connection is established. therefore, if one is able to login multiple clients at a time, one can defeat the clone detection process (to a point).

for example, if there is no auto-kline for clone detection, the average 56k modem user can get around 15 clones on a chat service server, from opening up 50 sockets and simultaneously attempting to log them in.

this can be used for any number of purposes. it doesn't take much imagination.

also on the subject of clones, you may want to keep network splits to an absolute minimum. well. that stands to reason, but check this shit out...

when a microsoft chat service starts, it begins to accept connections before it has finished initializing. in fact, on slow servers there can be a substantial opening before the connection classes are enforced and plugins are initialized. this means that when a server restarts, by bombarding it with connections as shown above, one can get a substantial number of clones on the server without getting klined. this includes WHEN the auto-kline function is active.

it's risky though, you risk getting klined yourself....

"hexxing" - no it's not curses

something else that's interesting about ircx and microsoft chat service is it's ability to use unicode for nicknames. ie, you can include all sorts of characters, as well as spaces (represented by \b) in nicknames.

how's this work? well, the nickname begins with a single-quote character ' and a caret ^, which tells it that it's a unicode nickname. next, the hex values of each character are used to represent the nickname.

for example, '^66776167676C65 is the "hex" version of the nickname fwaggle. as you can see, it's just alphanumeric characters, a single-quote and a caret. but things which would normally violate irc protocol can now be included in nicknames such as @ signs and such.

however, some clients don't correctly handle hex nicks. i'm not exactly sure of the reasons why, but they seem to get hexxed nicks and regular nicks messed up. i'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that unless you're in ircx mode, the single quote doesn't show up, or something.

anyway, say i'm in a channel with the nickname fwaggle, and i bring in a clone with the hex nickname of fwaggle, which is '^66776167676C65. now, i have ops, but i'm not in ircx mode. i right click on the hex nick, and click kick. for some reason, my client gets confused, and thinks i meant "kick fwaggle", when i actually meant "kick 'fwaggle". i end up kicking myself.

this has been exploited a million ways on different ircx networks, but it's not so bad now that more and more people's clients better support ircx. however, there was an interesting case which i actually found myself (although a select few knew it before me, and i told a little punk bitch who told everyone under the sun and actually wrote a mirc script to exploit it using someone else's ripped socket bot script and then claimed he found it but we wont talk about that little punk ass mother fucker), in which microsoft's sysop helper bots were actually vulnerable to this.

this exploit utilized the fact that the bots searched the network periodically for usernames with bad words in them. such as "sex". so, if you set your username as sex, and your nickname as the hex of the target, the sysop bots will detect your illegal nickname... they weren't fully ircx compatible, so they would /KILL your target instead of your bot.

games to play with temporary splits

temporary splits can be incredibly useful to the budding script kiddie. for example, if one manages to find (by means of bending over for an irc administrator, or probing over a period of time with splits) the lowest server id, and sit on that server... during netsplits, if you find yourself alone and without ops, you can cycle, recreate the channel, and get ops.

all well and good you might think. but the thing is, with ms chat service, it's not like ircd. when two channels collide, you don't both keep ops. person with the lowest server id wins. period. so, if you're on the server with the lowest server id, when the network rejoins, you collide them out of the channel (the server kicks them all out and they must rejoin).

the end

that's about all i feel like writing right now. i guess you could say this is my script kiddie release until i get off my ass and write a new version of my irc script "i LiKe CoWs". you might have seen it lurking around someplace (over 4000 downloads, that i know of).

until next time, talk to me on or (same thing, but the second address may not be working when you read this), in #bored or #hacking or something... why you would want to talk to me, i have no idea. but anyway. and if you ask me to teach you how to hack irc, i'll tear your fingernails out with a pair of pointy-nose pliers.


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